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Thanks for all the parenting advice, but I already did my research and made the decision to have her ears pierced.

On a happier note, we went to jewelers row today and picked out a beautiful pair of .30ctw, G, SI1, studs

However, the danhov setting that I saw was not what I expected

I will try to post a picture today, i will need my husband to help with downloading the pics.
Hello Diamond*Dana, I am hoping that the screw backs keep her from taking the earrings out once she is a little older.
Yeah, they daughter gets into everything, so I am not surprised. She is way more ''adventurous'' than my boys''.
Date: 3/2/2007 5:57:31 PM
Author: Lucyh
Thanks for all the parenting advice, but I already did my research and made the decision to have her ears pierced.
yeah, we should probably not get into choices too much LOL this particular topic always leads to the boy snip snip topic IME and its best not to even go there on a forum about diamonds LOL

If it is any comfort to you, Lucy, I had my daughter''s ears done at 4 months and she is almost 13 and has thanked me many times for doing it before she could remember.

We never once had an infection and she didn''t start losing earrings until she was like 5 or 6. And didn''t REALLY start losing them until she was 8 or 9 LOL

I did keep her in her starter earrings for WAY longer than the 1 month they recommended though. I think it was 6-8 months. I did have the points filed down but I put them back in. I liked how tightly the backs fit on. She never even knew they were there... and when she was old enough to know they were there they were like second skin - a non-issue.

I''ve heard that if you don''t do a child''s ears before they''re 8 mos old you shouldn''t do it until they''re 8 years old. I probably wouldn''t do a child that was 2, 3, 4 years old.

Have fun and best of luck! :)
Cehrabehra, thanks for the positive feedback. I know each child is different, and I am hoping that my baby girl will not try to play with her ears when she gets a little older. I am going to try to post some pictures soon, hope it works.
My parents had my ears pierced when I was a baby. Italian thing. My grandma would always bring me new earrings from Italy. I have always thanked my parents for having it done before I could remember!
one of my girls was 4 and the other almost 3 when i had their ears pierced. neither of them messed with them at all. my youngest won''t let anyone even touch them and I had to clean them after she fell asleep. My 4 year old will touch the fronts just to make sure they are there. I did find that my youngest had one side lower than the other so I removed the earring and will re-pierce when she''s ready. I didn''t want her coming to me at 13 wondering why I let her keep the uneven holes. I''m sure each kid is different and you''ll want to keep and eye on her when she''s a toddler but you will be anyway b/c she''ll be trying to put everything in her mouth. I think little babies look so cute with earrings. you''ll have to post earshots of her once you change them out...
FireGoddess, I was young when I had mine pierced as well. My mother said all went well with the piercing and she does not recall any problems. Hopefully I will have the same experience with my little girl.

mrssalvo, I read your thread about your daughters earpiercing situation. I would have taken them out as well. YOu must have been upset. I will definetly keep a close eye on her ears.

I tried to post the pictures of my baby girls new studs, but the files are too big. My husband will have to take a look at it, but I am afraid it will not be till tommorw.

Thank you all
I had my ears pierced when I was just a day or two old. My earrings were very, very tiny (special infant size) and had a gold ball on both sides like these pictured here and fit snug against my earlobe. My mom says she had me in this type of earring until I was about 2 years old, then switched me to tiny baby hoops which were also snug against my earlobe. She says that as far as she can recall I never really fussed with the earrings at all and certainly never pulled them out or got them caught on anything.

I had a second hole pierced in one of my ears as an adult. I was such a wuss! I hurt like the Dickens when it was done and I took it out for good after just a few months because it was always getting infected and hurt all the time. Like I said, I was a real wuss.

Well, my mom didn''t remember very accurately. I found a baby picture at 8 months and I''m wearing... hoops!
Even at that tender age, I liked my bling, notice my gold earrings and matching pendant. My mom says I wore a matching bracelet too!!

Date: 3/2/2007 9:56:27 PM
Author: SuzyQZ
Well, my mom didn''t remember very accurately. I found a baby picture at 8 months and I''m wearing... hoops!
Even at that tender age, I liked my bling, notice my gold earrings and matching pendant. My mom says I wore a matching bracelet too!!
OMG...that is just the cutest picture ever! I love the hoops and the necklace!
Date: 3/2/2007 11:36:11 PM
Author: Diamond*Dana

Date: 3/2/2007 9:56:27 PM
Author: SuzyQZ
Well, my mom didn''t remember very accurately. I found a baby picture at 8 months and I''m wearing... hoops!
Even at that tender age, I liked my bling, notice my gold earrings and matching pendant. My mom says I wore a matching bracelet too!!
OMG...that is just the cutest picture ever! I love the hoops and the necklace!
You know, as far back as I can remember I''ve always had jewelry. I was always very careful with it, even as a toddler/child, and have never lost even one piece!! I remember having emerald rings and earrings that my grandmother would bring me from Colombia when I was 7 and 8 years old. I tell my mother "It''s all your fault, that I''m so ''bling'' obsessed!" She never put anything on me that wasn''t "real", gold was usually 18K or more, real gems (diamonds and emeralds were my mom''s favorites) so I''ve got a "taste" that is in my blood! So what''s a girl to do???? I come to PS to share my diamond love!!!
I agree that post length and sturdiness of the backing is vital. I have earrings where the post is a bit long and it pokes my neck. So irritating. I would think earrings made for small kids are made shorter and with backs that must be squeezed to get them on and off so they cannot come off accidentally!
Picture of the posts

NEW 088.jpg
These are the studs. They actually look a lot smaller in person. The total weight is .30 and they are just slightly larger then the starter studs.

NEW 087.jpg

My niece just had her ears done a few weeks ago at 6 months old, and she could not be cuter! I dont know anything about the earings she has though
But I think they are diamond studs. Im about to get engaged myself, do any of you ladies have any idea where I should begin looking?? I am new to this process and stumbled on the website.....Im thinking of spending 15k - 20k, and I need a good payment plan
Hi, I am not giving parenting advice, just want to point out concerns to note in case they haven''t been thought of. I am aware that you have already pierced your daughter''s ears and have provided the link so that you can take note that there may be possible metal allergy and if so, choose 14kt gold or surgical steel post. Since you have already done your research, I am sure good thinking rules in the aftercare and the choice of earrings.

I hope you do not consider pointing out the concerns as negative. For those who are reading this forum and are deciding on baby earrings as well may not have sought the same advice or done their research as you have. And for those who are deciding on piercing their baby ears, I read on the same parenting website that piercing with the "gun" has a chance of leading to hepatitis A infection as the gun is not sterilised, so it is best to get the piercing done by a needle at the PD.
Date: 3/2/2007 5:57:31 PM
Author: Lucyh
Thanks for all the parenting advice, but I already did my research and made the decision to have her ears pierced.

On a happier note, we went to jewelers row today and picked out a beautiful pair of .30ctw, G, SI1, studs

However, the danhov setting that I saw was not what I expected

I will try to post a picture today, i will need my husband to help with downloading the pics.
I meant to quote this on my earlier post..
Date: 3/3/2007 9:56:51 AM
Author: Confused guy
Im about to get engaged myself, do any of you ladies have any idea where I should begin looking?? I am new to this process and stumbled on the website.....Im thinking of spending 15k - 20k, and I need a good payment plan

confused guy,

welcome to PS.. you probably want to start your old thread where folks can help you. You''ve got a great budget and you''ve come to the right place..
Date: 2/28/2007 2:50:00 PM
Author: Cehrabehra

Date: 2/28/2007 2:44:43 PM
Author: mrssalvo
my girls are 4 and 3 and both have their ears piered. we just bought my 4 year old a pair of children's studs at a local jeweler. they were around $40. Both of my girls kept losing earrings randomly, the backs would fall off or whatever so I won't be buying diamonds until they are a lot older. my daughter has studs in several colors and they are maybe 10 points each, they measure 3mm set and that is plenty big on her for her age. I did buy a tiny pair to start and they almost pushed through my daughters hole so think 3mm is a perfect size.
my mil got my dd some diamond studs (tiny ones) and of course she lost one.... my inlaws are mexican and I pretty much used that as an excuse to pierce my daughter's ears even though my dh wasn't into it haha... I was thinking, if you do a search in spanish for diamond baby earrings you might have better luck LOL

I think .20tw for a 4 year old is probably fine.... I could just see a blinged out baby with caratsin each ear.... you know somewhere someone has done this LOL
i would be concerned that the babysitter or someone would steal them.
professional athletes and rap stars might put big bling in the ears!!! I had to be 16 before I could pierce mine!
Date: 3/3/2007 4:25:32 PM
Author: simplysplendid
Hi, I am not giving parenting advice, just want to point out concerns to note in case they haven''t been thought of. I am aware that you have already pierced your daughter''s ears and have provided the link so that you can take note that there may be possible metal allergy and if so, choose 14kt gold or surgical steel post. Since you have already done your research, I am sure good thinking rules in the aftercare and the choice of earrings.

I hope you do not consider pointing out the concerns as negative. For those who are reading this forum and are deciding on baby earrings as well may not have sought the same advice or done their research as you have. And for those who are deciding on piercing their baby ears, I read on the same parenting website that piercing with the ''gun'' has a chance of leading to hepatitis A infection as the gun is not sterilised, so it is best to get the piercing done by a needle at the PD.
they don''t use the gun anymore they use a "one time use" stapler thingie.
Date: 2/28/2007 2:06:00 PM
Author: widget

Author: Gypsy
These ones from Tiffany are just wonderful IMO... you can get .10 total carat, .16 total carat or .29 total carat.
How darling!

What do you think is a good size for ''starter studs''? (Thinking ahead to when my DIL finally allows my granddaughter to pierce her ears. She''ll probably be 10 to 12.)

Nothing like starting out with a Blue Box!! LOL

i would get starter studs from mlopros (diamond delights) on ebay . 100 bucks. that way you won''t cry if they get lost.
Date: 2/28/2007 2:15:44 PM
Author: Cehrabehra

Date: 2/28/2007 2:12:26 PM
Author: Gypsy
I don't have kids, just nieces.

I think it depends on the child. When I was that age my grandmother bought me a Cartier puzzle ring. Loved that ring. Lost that ring. Never should have had the ring at that age, IMO.

Oh the other hand, another person I grew up with still has EVERY LITTLE TINY BIT OF BLING she's EVER been given. In mint condition.

My nieces are all different. I've given them jewelry most of them managed to keep it, but one of them lost the ring I gave her.

If the child is responsible... I'd go with either the .29 or the .6... depending on her school, and what the other girls have and what you feel comfortable spending.

I agree about the Blue Box to set things off right. I still remember the awe I felt looking at that cartier box.
it's not all a money thing - sure it sucks to throw money away, but its a SIZE thing. They just don't look right.
0.6.... too big for a child. heck, 0.6 ctw is what I have at age 43!
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