
Baby Nurseries!

Mara, I just checked and it would be super easy to move. It "hangs" on a few screws so you would have to patch some holes but moving it would not do any damage to the shelf. Just to warn you PBK''s white is not a pure white. It is creamy white.
Design dilemma. Out nautical bedding was sold out and we just found the coolest prints at Target (see below for similar art) and I was thinking about this bedding from PBK but I''m not really sure they go together.

The colors go but I''m not sure how the overall look will go. I was thinking about going with solid color window coverings and the room is khaki colored, so the only instance of the bedding pattern would be the bedding. Similarly, we''d only have three prints similar to those above. I love the auto theme but I don''t want it cartoonish or super kiddish.

Date: 4/25/2010 6:16:45 PM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
Design dilemma. Out nautical bedding was sold out and we just found the coolest prints at Target (see below for similar art) and I was thinking about this bedding from PBK but I''m not really sure they go together.

The colors go but I''m not sure how the overall look will go. I was thinking about going with solid color window coverings and the room is khaki colored, so the only instance of the bedding pattern would be the bedding. Similarly, we''d only have three prints similar to those above. I love the auto theme but I don''t want it cartoonish or super kiddish.


I think they''ll go together great! Cute theme!
HH, hmmm I''m not sure if they really go together or not. The bedding kind of screams out beach/nautical theme to me instead of cars, so I probably would try to find some prints that went with that better. But who knows, maybe when you get them in the room together it work...are they returable so you can try it out?
They''re on sale so I''m not sure if they''re returnable...
I agree with CDT. I think it is really cute. Put together, but not super theme-y. If that makes sense.
HH, I just looked at the bedding again and I didn''t realize that it does have cars on the print, so I change my vote and say it will look good together. I really love that bedding!
Does it really? I didn''t even see them! YAY!
Yeah, if you look at the pic of the comforter, it shows a red car. I also see it on the sheet, and it probably has it on the bumper too but my eyes are too bad to tell from the pic. You should look at etsy too for cute, inexpensive prints although I will warn you that whenever I get on there, it sucks me in for hours!

ETA: Oops, I was looking at the wrong one the whole time! I thought it was this one: . Sorry! And yes, I think it still goes together!
With a bit over two weeks until my due date, we've been trying to finish up the nursery. We've still got a few things to sort out - like finding a rug, but I thought I'd post some of the little details.

We opted to take the closet doors off - they were old and ugly - and are using curtains. My husband also installed a closet organizer thing from ikea and it's made a huge amount of much more useful space . . .

one of the closet - this kid''s got clothes to spare.

Looks great Lulu!
lulu, your nursery looks awesome! Love the chandelier. And yes, girl''s closets are always PACKED with clothes! It''s just too hard to resist all those cute outfits!
LL - I love your nursery
It came out great! And I just love your pics, they are so artistic!
Lulu - I love your nursery!! It''s so lovely. You''ve got great style, and your photographs are beautiful!

Mind if I ask where your sheets are from? The chandelier? I picked one up super-cheap from Ikea (not necessarily for the nursery, most likely for the guest room), but am not in love.
Thanks ladies
- Can''t wait to actually put that room to use!

LV - the bedding I found at a store in savannah (online) that was having a massive clearance. The company that makes the sheets is called plover organic and they are far too pricey, but somehow I stumbled upon a final, blowout sale and swooped them up . . .

The chandelier is from home depot. I am not very girly and completely surprised myself when I became smitten with the idea of this kind of a light. I liked this particular one because it is rather small - just felt right in the room. I intended to spray paint it a fun color, but the white worked better.
lovelylulu, gorgeous nursery! I absolutely love it!!
Hi Ladies - love, love, love all the nurseries!!!

We are in the process of renovating our 2nd bedroom to meet the needs of the twins. I had heard that babies need special lighting (my friend who has a 1-year old was telling me this). Have any of you heard this before and if so, what type of lighting did you use? Do you have to use a special type of lightbulb? A dimmer? We have a white modern ceiling fan which we'll use, but not sure what bulb to put inside.
uh...they do?

We''re planning on installing a dimmer switch in the room to make things a little easier, but that''s more for our benefit. I''ve heard it''s best to train your kids to sleep in variable lighting conditions so they can sleep anywhere. So for us we''re not setting the room up to be completely dark in the afternoon, there will be some diffused light. At night time the like with be off, but we''ll have a night light and the dimmer switch to assist with midnight visits.

As for light bulbs, I really like the full spectrum white bulbs because they''re more like natural sunlight. Halogen can be dangerous because they get really hot. But neither of these are the nice energy efficient kind.
Here is our ceiling fan

Ceiling Fan.jpg
lulu your nursery is beautiful!!

i just adore seeing the pics of the baby nurseries!! i love spending time in J's nursery and i hope he does too... it makes me so happy in there. i couldn't really tell you WHY.

i just finished the wall next to his crib about 3 weeks ago--i was hemming and hawing forever on what to do but wanted something not permanent. i did wall decals to give him something fun to look at and put 2 of his small newborn pis in the middle. i can switch out the middle pics for other pics as we go or put one big pic etc. i used those 3m wall stick things instead of holes.

here's a pic, it's a little can see the big pile of clothes that i never have time to put away either, i just fish through there for stuff for him to wear! and my circle of decals was not quite properly spaced but i like it. oh and you can see our ugly breathable bumper...i can't wait til we can put back the PBK one.

ETA...special lighting for babies? SAY whaaa?? we don't use any special lighting. his room gets great daytime light so we never put a light on except at night for him and we use a PB hanging pendant lamp in the corner kept on extremely low for his 'night light'. but really the video monitor light that shines down on him in the crib is all the 'night light' he needs. that thing is TOO friggin bright, i had to put paper and tape over it and it still illuminates his crib.

ETA#2...if you use a dimmer make sure it's a dimmer set into the wall rather than a switch you just put on top of your existing switch--we have the latter and it hums and it's sooo annoying..i hated it and we never use it. if we fix it we'll have an electrician come put it into the wall--it won't hum that way.

jnursery in use 0610.jpg
Love it Mara! The decals are a really creative touch. I''m nowhere near that creative.

I ordered my swivel glider slip covers today. Should have them in 3 weeks or so. We''re going from a tan micro suede to a navy canvas.

And this is the bedding we decided on and actually our crib is the one in the picture, but in white. I need to take a before picture of the nursery before I really get going with the decorating.

Ohh I love the new pictures! HH that bedding is so cool!
thanks ladies! I kind of love that room and can''t wait until there''s someone to occupy it

blushing - i''ve never heard of baby-specific lighting. However, last weekend my husband did install a dimmer switch for the chandalier . . .

HH - great bedding!!

mara - I love j''s space - those decals are excellent
The of my friends told me years ago when London was little that regular night lights hurt babies eyes. I don''t know if it''s true or not. I didn''t research it or ask an eye doctor or anything. She mentioned a specific type of light but I don''t remember anything about it really. My mom has little plug in night lights in the hallway that cast a green light-it''s real easy on the eyes when you''re bumbling around in the middle of the night to the bathroom, and lights the way with out being bright or harsh. Maybe that''s what it is?
I finally got around to taking before pics of the nursery. See attached.

The swivel glider is currently the color of the walls but I''m having a slipcover made in navy. It''s going to go in the corner where the stroller is with a white hemnes night stand next to it and vintage airplane toys hanging above the chair from the ceiling. And of course I have to put up the wall art. I also plan to change the window coverings. Obv I have an old school roman shade on one window, so that''s gotta go and I''m not crazy about the beige on beige with the curtains on the big window. I''m thinking I''ll do navy curtains with a pull down shade behind for light blocking purposes. I''m debating getting a shade for the top window, it would have to be a specialty shade and I''m not sure I want to spend a ton on it.

HH nursery 1.JPG
Another angle

HH nursery 3.JPG
Last one for now

HH nursery 2.JPG
HH, is that the Falls Village furniture collection? I love it! I wanted it but DH wouldn''t go for it because we would have to order it online. He has to SEE everything with his own eyes first.
Nope! It''s a $135 graco lauren crib from Walmart and a $300 Hemnes dresser from Ikea. The stroller was 50% off at the outlet so we snagged that for about $250, the bedding was $40 at Homegoods and the swivel glider was $60 on Craigslist! I''m all about doing this nursery on a budget.