
Baby Nurseries!

Curly, your little girl's nursery looks SO beautiful! I love it!!! :bigsmile: I simply can't wait for my M21 results to get in so I can start planning our nursery too. :love:
It's really beautiful, CurlySue!! I love that butterfly mobile!
Thanks, ladies. I have to say... I had a blast picking everything out, and I just love sitting in there!
curly- I love your nursery!! It was obvious you had good taste when I saw the gorgeous mobile and crib :wink2: . I love the dresser and hutch and I really love the curtain in front of the closet. Your closet is so organized and cute!

mia- Your nursery is beautiful! I love your paper mobile and the colors. Was it hard to make the hair clip holder? I wish I had something cute to show off headbands.

pilsnpinkysmom- thank you!

tammy- I am still so excited for you! Can't wait to see your nursery for your little one!
mia1181|1362329233|3395168 said:
I always loved looking at the gorgeous PS nurseries here so I thought I would post ours. We only have a small room in our house and everything was DIY and on a budget. I had a lot of fun throwing it all together!

Mia, I LOVE your nursery!! It is perfect and similar to an idea I saw on pintrest that I really want to try! We're not even ttc yet, but this is on my nursery radar!!! :love:
Oops, I just realised I never posted pics of Oscar's nursery! Well he's only 4 months old, better late than never :wink2: Sorry they are just cruddy iPhone pics. We had to go gender neutral as we didn't know if we were having a boy or girl so I went fairly plain but with bright colours and lots of animaly stuff. Of course I threw in a recent pic of the little monkey, taken yesterday on our walk :bigsmile:

mia and curly, your nurseries are divine! You have such lucky bubbas!! :love:



DandiAndi- Your nursery is so cute, just like Oscar! I especially love the little wale on the wall.
Thanks for the compliments on our nursery. We have white walls and a black and white picture hanging over our bed and in the mornings when we take her in bed with us she LOVES staring at the picture! Seriously, if we turn her away she turns her whole head to keep the picture in sight. I always say to her "I made a beautiful colorful room for you and this is what you like to look at!" I'm sure she'll appreciate my work eventually!

CurlySue I love your girl's nursery it's so sweet! What does the "My first year" frame say? It looks cute.

Dandi O's nursery is so cute. Where did you get his bedding? Before we were forced to find out the sex I was looking for gender neutral bedding but couldn't find anything with bright colors, only pastels or primary colors.

Indecisive I'm not sure if you were asking about headband holder or the clip holder but both were SUPER easy! Here are the link to the tutorials I used. The hardest part was finding a cheap wide candle holder for the headbands and a cheap frame for the clips.
Thanks indecisive and mia! The bedding is from Cocalo, I bought it at a store but they do have an online store too, plus there's often a fair bit of their stuff on eBay. This design is called Alphabet Soup. Their designs are really gorgeous and fun!
Dandi! I never thought of pulling the changing table out lengthwise. Great idea! I'm going to try that in our baby's room this week and see how it looks. We thought we had such a big room until we stared putting things in it. Haha.

Lovely rooms, everyone!
Mia - I swear I read somewhere that newborns are better able to see black and white than they are able to see colors, so I think it makes sense that she loves the picture in your room. With that said, I *love* the color you picked for the walls in her nursery. Bright and fun, but still very calming.

My DH picked out the "My First Year" poster. He loves info-graphics, and early on during our pregnancy he somehow stumbled across a blog post about the poster, so we got it. It's basically something we can fill out to track milestones and other little factoids - when she rolls over, sits, etc.; how many visitors she has, what helps her get to sleep. I have a baby book, too, but I feel like this will be easier to keep up with. We framed it but didn't get a glass pane over it, so we can write things in as we go alone. There are close-up pictures of it here:

Dandi - Oscar is *ridiculously* cute. He looks like such a happy boy! Love the bright pops of color on the walls of his nursery!
Aww thanks Curly! Oscar loves the wall hangings, he stares at them when I put him down for a sleep and nods off still staring at them, with his mouth wide open. So cute :love:

fisher I originally had the change table lengthways along the wall, but I just couldn't get the configuration right! Also it's handy if O has a poo explosion in his cot I can just pink him up and swing 180 degrees to plop him down to change him :bigsmile: I think I rearranged the room 20 times before settling, I didn't think it was possible to get 20 configurations from 4 pieces of furniture, but there ya go! :cheeky: I can't believe how close you are now, squeeeeeee!!!!! :appl:

Mandarine|1252917258|2191697 said:
Their little bookshelf!
Well done, Mandarine!i like the little bookshelf.It can place the fun and cute stuffs that the baby likes :love:
I'm sure there are plenty of new nurseries that can be added! I won't be TTC until December but I'm already stashing away ideas for a gender neutral nursery, please ladies, post away!
Boy did I have to dig and dig to find this thread!

We are expecting a boy in a couple of weeks and decided to use our walk-in closet as his nursery. Our only other bedroom is downstairs (two story townhouse) and we have long distance parents so we wanted to leave it available for guests. The dimensions of the space we used are 75" wide by 65" deep. For those keeping track at home that's about 34 square feet.

To make the small space work for us we removed the door and installed a light-blocking roller blind and a sheer curtain in the doorway to allow varying amounts of light into the room in the case that the baby is light sensitive while sleeping. We also focused on finding a nursery chair that could fit well into the corner of the room, which meant finding something with a rounded back so we could angle it out and not have it take up every available inch of space.

I used IKEA carboard boxes and some baskets for storage on the shelves. Anything heavy or liable to possibly even come off in an earthquake is on the shelf that isn't on top of the crib.

The paint is from Behr. The light color is called Ice Cube and the dark color is Balmy Seas. I taped off the stripes after putting the base color down and painted the darker color on. It's not perfect but I love the overall effect. The color in the photos looks more green than it is in real life due to the color of the overhead light. It's much more of an aqua color than green-blue. The rug is from Urban Outfitters and the chair is from IKEA. I really just wanted a chair to sit in while DH is asleep in the middle of the night for feeding. Otherwise I plan to feed out in the living room (or wherever, really).




Wow, well done, Clairitek! I love it! I'm sure you will be happy to have baby so close by. I love that rug . . . going to look that up myself!
Thanks LV! The rug is actually even too big for the space so it's folded up underneath the crib. I love it so much and I know it will be used once we move out of this place so I figured I could justify it for such a tiny space. There's actually wall to wall carpeting underneath the rug but I wanted something better looking and to protect the existing carpeting from baby related stains (this is a rental).

In case you haven't ventured over to UO already here's the link to the rug.
It looks great, Claritek! Love how you used the space!
Clairitek|1407427067|3727911 said:
Thanks LV! The rug is actually even too big for the space so it's folded up underneath the crib. I love it so much and I know it will be used once we move out of this place so I figured I could justify it for such a tiny space. There's actually wall to wall carpeting underneath the rug but I wanted something better looking and to protect the existing carpeting from baby related stains (this is a rental).

In case you haven't ventured over to UO already here's the link to the rug.

I love seeing your nursery! My DH and I are renting a duplex so the room we have for a nursery is also small, only 6x8 feet. We also have covered the floor with an area rug that is a little too big but I think I will cut the rug and re-bind it when we have to.
Bumping! Who's working on new nurseries or updating?

We're rearranging our whole house, but making great progress! Nursery is cleared, walls painted; floor is being painted this week and my ikea order is all set to go in next week when I can go pick it up.

We went with blues and whites, with our natural wood trim, and I'll be decorating with a light dragons theme. Specifically, the original concept art for the How to Train Your Dragon movies.

I still have two pieces of furniture to paint and all the install, some baskets or storage boxes to find, window coverings to figure out, and the art to frame and hang. Plus or minus three months to go!

I'd LOVE to see what you all are up to in your spaces!
Me! I'm a long term planner and I like to have time to make decisions, aka I work slowly, lol. We have a VERY small nursery, about 6'x8' so we started planning early. We painted the walls and ceiling the same off white slightly creamy color and put down a yellow and cream patterned rug. We put in cream colored cordless blinds and a grey curtain on one window, the other window will have the crib in front so no curtain. So far we have put in a floor to ceiling skinny dresser to maximize space. The crib will be a grey crib changer combo which will pretty much fit the width of the room perfectly. Obviously going for gender neutral even though we will find out what we are having. We'll be doing more work at the end of summer since I'll be off for a few weeks :)
Our space in small, too, and long and skinny. We have about 6x11 and no closet. It's really kinda a hallway/alcove type space off our bedroom. I've gotten lots of great idea off Pinterest for small spaces, and of course, that's ikea's specialty!

I have a crib, obviously, and the vanity/dresser thing that will provide some drawer space and be the changing table, but those are the only two pieces of actual furniture going in. The rest is going to be shelving and wall storage.

I would just order everything straight from the ikea website except that the rugs I want are only available in store, figures! So I'll have to make the hour drive down there to pick it all up in a few weeks. Oh well! The rugs are perfect and only 10$ each so it's worth it! :D

Remind me when you are due? Seems like you've got a great head start! What are your plans for room darkening without a curtain on the window by your crib? I've only got one window, but I'm looking for a solution to keeping the light out for naps and early bedtimes...
I'm not due till January but end of summer is the only time I'll have off before maternity leave so I want to have all of the big stuff done by then. The window by the crib doesn't ever face the sun thankfully, we just put a cordless cellular blind shade and that does fairly well. Baby will have to be up early everyday anyway because DH and I both leave for work around 6am, so we're not terribly worried about the light. The other window faces the sunrise so we put the cordless cellular shade and a light blocking curtain in addition. For the shades I measured and went to Lowe's where they can custom cut the right size on site. We don't have a closet either, but there is all hall closet right outside the room that we are dedicating for baby.

Quick pic attached. Crib will go on the back wall. Gotta love apartment living lol. Sorry about the sideways pic.

I love your rug! You'd think they would have fixed the sideways pic thing by now! We've all gotten so good at turning our heads!


Here's our space just after painting. The stairs come up at the far left corner and our bedroom is where I took the photo from. It's an old house, 1840's, so the spaces don't make much modern sense, but we love it! The floor will be navy.
Nice aviastar! I'll be sure to post more pics as we make progress!
oh, rug woes! I hate you rugs!

Made the trek to Ikea yesterday and the rugs I picked out that were only available in store, of course, that I specifically checked on to see if they were in stock a few days ago- yup, out of stock. Not coming back for months. Sooooo mad. I have found a few other rugs I love- for like 10x the price as the ikea ones. I hate rugs and I refuse to spend more on one rug than I am spending on the whole nursery!

Here's the ikea rug I'd picked out and now cannot have:

Anyone have any offbeat sources for funky reasonably priced floorwares?

And I am on the hunt for storage for my shelving- baskets, boxes, bins, mostly for clothes. My shelves are 10+ inches deep and I am running into lots of 12x12 cubes that won't fit. I found this style that I am :love: over- soft, textural, pretty, not cheap looking. Annnnnnd not cheap to buy either :lol:

I want them in white or blue and these are 100% wool felt; so I am heading to the fabric store this weekend to see if the wool blend felt they have is sturdy enough and if it is I think I'll attempt to make one myself before purchasing. I like to add a contrasting blanket stitch to the edges if I do it myself. But if the fabric works out I can make these for 4-6$ each instead of $20-30.

How's your room coming along AHL?
I'm not sure if they have it where you are but in NY we have Home Goods, always a good place to look for rugs in particular. I've used plenty of the closetmaid system for cubes, they have tons of colorful soft bins.
We ordered a nice cushy LaZboy today! It will go in the living room and replace a love seat that we have currently. I actually found that I preferred the rockers to the gliders. Ours is a rocker recliner and soooooooo comfy! It should be here in 6-8 weeks, possibly sooner, I can't wait!
Some progress! We finally got a light fixture up and cleaned it out a bit more. Next step is thoroughly cleaning the carpet and getting the heater cover made. I can't wait!

