
Baby Nurseries!

Wow, what great deals! We''re not done yet - still need the chair and the crib mattress. I''m also considering rearranging the photos over the dresser. Any suggestions? I LOVE how the decal turned out. My girlfriend and her daughter did it. It took them two hours and it looked painstaking!

and here''s the dresser. this is pretty much it unless you want to see the empty corner that will house the chair. the room is so small that i had a hard time backing up far enough to get a pick of the whole wall!

great pics pupp! i love the art over the dresser. i also love our tree decal, it's so fun -- J always stares at it (zones out really) and i like that it's removable so that the room doesn't have to be all babied out if we move.

HH i would def try to get something for the top window at some point, because we really try to keep all light out of J's room in the evening and early morning or else he will think it's time to get up. and right now when it doesn't get dark til late, even a little bit of light makes him want to stay up. you COULD put he drape rod up above the specialty window so that it's either all open or closed, but it would make the room look really tall. love the hemnes dresser!

i totally wish J's room was bigger, there's so many other things i want to do but there's just no space!
pupp - i could not love all of the owls more - great room!!!!

hh - got to love the hemnes
that thing provides so much great storage!! aiden''s room is looking great.
Date: 6/10/2010 9:59:40 PM
Author: puppmom
Wow, what great deals! We''re not done yet - still need the chair and the crib mattress. I''m also considering rearranging the photos over the dresser. Any suggestions? I LOVE how the decal turned out. My girlfriend and her daughter did it. It took them two hours and it looked painstaking!

Hey Pupp where is your crib and bedding from? I love both. My husband would like an all white crib!
Pupp, ditto. I LOVE your bedding, and I love the wall color. Very soothing yet mod. It looks great.

So my cousin had a fantastic idea last night, my grandfather was a pilot in WWII and apparently there are pictures of him with some of his planes. I''m going to try to wrangle one from an aunt and make a print to include in the room.
Thanks, guys! The decal made it feel like everything came together.

Allie, the bedding is "Skip Hop Mod Dot" - I think it''s discontinued (I could be wrong about this) so it was out of stock most places but I think they still carry it at Land of Nod. They call it "On the Dot" at LON. That was the most expensive retailer but not by a lot and I found a coupon code for free shipping. If you google the name, you''ll get a bunch of results. The crib is the Dutailier Zoom 630 Crib - we got a *deal* - it was $299. Online it''s like $800 but I''m not sure why because it really is a regular crib - not even convertible. I tried to talk DH into the Ikea Gulliver or the Falls Village collection but he''s anti-online ordering for furniture.

HH, what a great idea! Definitely try to get your hands on some of those pics! Did you have a hard time putting the dresser together? DH and I aren''t so handy so we struggle with putting together furniture - especially Ikea since we need dummy instructions.

Mara, I hope our guy likes the tree...we weren''t planning on getting a mobile or anything so we tried to put up stuff that might have visual interest to him. We also but a white noise machine that has a projector.

Lovelylulu, did you make your pennant banner? I saw one on Etsy I love but it was like $45! I thought that was a little steep but I REALLY don''t feel like making one - not at this point anyway. I''m running out of steam.
Date: 6/11/2010 9:21:45 AM
Author: puppmom
Thanks, guys! The decal made it feel like everything came together.

Allie, the bedding is ''Skip Hop Mod Dot'' - I think it''s discontinued (I could be wrong about this) so it was out of stock most places but I think they still carry it at Land of Nod. They call it ''On the Dot'' at LON. That was the most expensive retailer but not by a lot and I found a coupon code for free shipping. If you google the name, you''ll get a bunch of results. The crib is the Dutailier Zoom 630 Crib - we got a *deal* - it was $299. Online it''s like $800 but I''m not sure why because it really is a regular crib - not even convertible. I tried to talk DH into the Ikea Gulliver or the Falls Village collection but he''s anti-online ordering for furniture.

HH, what a great idea! Definitely try to get your hands on some of those pics! Did you have a hard time putting the dresser together? DH and I aren''t so handy so we struggle with putting together furniture - especially Ikea since we need dummy instructions.

Mara, I hope our guy likes the tree...we weren''t planning on getting a mobile or anything so we tried to put up stuff that might have visual interest to him. We also but a white noise machine that has a projector.

Lovelylulu, did you make your pennant banner? I saw one on Etsy I love but it was like $45! I thought that was a little steep but I REALLY don''t feel like making one - not at this point anyway. I''m running out of steam.
Pupp...I think I might snag that bedding, $220 seems a little steep for a bedding set but it is just too cute. We definitely can''t spend $800 on a crib but we are going to go with the BabyMod Olivia crib from Walmart I think. DH was put off by the fact that is has wooden legs but I think it adds to the charm.
Allie, if the wood feet really bug DH this one is really similar but is all white.
Yes I just love the look of all white. Personally, I am not really bothered by the wood legs but Paul is.

This is the crib I am talking about

I wish we could find a deal like yours :) did you find it on craigslist?
HH -- very cute! Can''t wait to see the finished product.

puppmomm -- I swear...we are the same with the vision of the nursery. LOVE your owls and LOVE your decal. Very cute!!!
Allie, there was a local baby shop that DH convinced me to go in. I thought it would be pricey (and it was!) but, for some reason, this particular crib was marked down from $800 to $299. Maybe it''s discontinued?

Lanie, can''t wait to see what you decide!
Pupp, I''m not the best with things like furniture assembly and I had NO problems putting the dresser together. Actually I own 3 hemnes dressers in total and two night stands so clearly it''s not an issue! Just give yourself time. Even knowing how to do it it took us over an hour to assemble the last one we bought.
We did the nursery this weekend. It's all DH wanted for Father's Day.

It's a very tiny room!!

We lost our "good" crib, dresser, etc in our recent basement flood so we had to purchase new everything on a budget. I got the dresser/changer and crib at Walmart, the chair at American. I picked up most of the art at Hobby Lobby and then spruced up some frames. The little side table was a "junk days" find and I haven't decided yet what color to paint it. I kind of want to paint it white so it matches the other furniture, although I think a bright purple would be really cute.

So, here is Lily's nursery....

eta...hmmmm. It shows the file was attached but I see nothing...
Trying again...

eta~ apparently not....
One more try...

eta~ There are little butterfly mirrors on the wall in case you were wondering.

well, they''re small, but they''re loading...

The last is the crib. The bedding is butterflies and flowers. It has pastels and brights of pink, purple and green. The skirt is pink gingham. The pic above the crib is the first thing I found for Lily''s room. It''s a flower fairy done in a pencil-like sketch. It''s small for over the crib, but I put it there for now. DH wants to do Lily''s name above the crib but I haven''t found any letters I like.

SS, BOO to basement floods! DH and I love basically all of his grandmother''s furniture we were storing in our basement this Spring when it flooded. First time in 100 years

The nursery looks GREAT! I love the butterflies, and while the space is small, you''ve done a great job at arranging the furniture so it doesn''t seem SO small. We also go our crib at Walmart. It''s a Graco, is good quality, a nice style, and isn''t on any of the recall lists. I guess you can''t ask for anything else for $130!

I''ve slowly but surely been collecting art for Aidan''s nursery. I think I''m about set, I just need to hang it all. We moved the swivel glider I bought off of CL into the room and the tan is just way way too close to the wall color. We planned to have a slip cover made for it anyway, but I''m so glad now that I can see how close it is. So yea, the slipcover is being made by a vendor on Etsy, My fingers are crossed that it fits, I''ve just sent her the dimensions and pictures, she''s got access to BRU to measure the flood model if she needs to.

Other than that we''re all set with furniture. I want to eventually put a bookshelf in there, but it''s not an immediate need.

And I think I''m nesting like I''m 8 months pregnant. Over the last month I''ve completely redecorated our loft, guest bedroom, master, and upstairs bathroom...The only room left to do in the house is the nursery.
HH~ Our crib is Graco too. It went together so easily! It seems sturdy and I like that you can just remove the front to make it into a toddler bed. JT''s crib actually needed converted with a separate piece to make it into a toddler bed. The basement flooding really affected our plans, but I''m happy with the way the nursery has turned out. Since I got white furniture (instead of the really dark furniture we originally intended) I think the bright colors pop a lot more.
SS-Sophia''s room is done in butterflies too
. I love your room and the color you chose!

I got everything for her room from Etsy
. And I''m still ordering stuff from there. Now I''m in search for a bow/clip holder
Fiery I bet you could make a bow/clip holder really easily.
Date: 6/22/2010 9:23:42 AM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
Fiery I bet you could make a bow/clip holder really easily.
I''m pretty terrible with anything that has to do with creativity/building/making/etc. I go on vacation next week. Maybe I''ll try making one. Should be, fun
I bet the ladies on the crafting board on you know where could give you some direction.
A little progress on the nursery decor. I went shopping for curtains today adn found some that I loved. Unfortunately the valences were $26/each and $15-$20/pair for panels (I need 3 valences and 2 sets of panels)-WAY out of my budget! So I went to Joann''s and bought fabric, stitch witch, and some trim and made my own for about $70!

I''m also just about done with the lamp shades.
And now pictures!

With exception of a few minor details like a slip cover for the chait, a decal above the crib and actually useable baby stuff(the decorative planes will be hung above the chair), the nursery is complete!


Detail on the lamp

Awesome! I LOVE the planes HH!

Fiery, I agree w/HH that you could make a bow holder yourself. I looked at them on Etsy b/c I bought some clips for London and just have them on a shelf-and I plan on going to Michaels/Hobby Lobby and getting stuff on my own to do it. We made a huge memory board for London on our own, and while it doesn''t look super perfect professional, and doesn''t hold the pictures *exactly* the way I''d hoped/planned, it''s still cute.

What I was going to do was paint a board and install hooks, like coat hooks, along the bottom, so she could hang necklaces/bracelets etc and then use the grosgrain (I think it''s called?) ribbon and run it e/w in 2 rows over the board to attach her clips. That way the ribbons wouldn''t hang down and entice Trapper. Or, turn it the other way and do a couple coat hooks on the sides, and run the ribbon n/s two rows in the middle spaced however far apart.

Or you could make a little memory board and be able to put pictures and clips on it both. That just now popped in my head-I could attach her clips to the memory board-the thing is 4 feet tall so there''s plenty of room.
What I''d do is buy a little wood plaque and paint it a cute background color and then stencil/paint Sophia''s name on it and then on the reverse side staple on long ribbons of grosgrain ribbon to hang the clips off of. You could use the same ribbon to make a hanger from. I''d use a staple gun vs a standard stapler for this.