
Baby Nurseries!

the nursery looks great HH! what a beautiful, bright room - i love the large windows :)
SS, I''m not sure how I missed your nursery but it looks great. I love the color and the butterflies. I''m sure Lily is going to love it too!

HH, wow! It looks great. What a bright space! I can''t believe you made a lot of that stuff yourself! Pregnancy has definitely made my DIY motivation take a nose dive.
Puppmom, I love your nursery! I had to come over here to check for it after seeing your beautiful maternity photos! Wow, you have great taste! Very stylish crib and bedding and well that decal is just awesome!!!

HH, Love your nursery photos too! I LOVE that big window with the view of the trees. Room seems nice and big too, as does that dresser!

Anyone else working on their nurseries? Photos, please. :bigsmile: This is one of my favorite threads. It definitely provides a lot of inspiration.

I'm just letting time pass until we find out gender. Another 2.5 weeks. Yeesh! And, then we will start making some nursery decisions. Our nursery will be in the au pair suite (no au pair though!) It has an attached bathroom, which happens to be a lovely shade of powder blue, which I gather was popular in the 70's. Haha. If I'm growing a little baby boy, then the bathroom will be perfect! (The room is also currently painted a light blue -- is it a sign? Haha.)

There's also a ton of furniture in there right now. I will never be able to decide which dressers to keep in there and which to re-located to another bedroom. How will I ever select a crib color? I like them all, but am equally drawn to dark woods and to white. I am tempted to just get the Ikea Gulliver and paint some existing dressers white, and then use one of them as a changing table too. I think the main reason I like the darker wood cribs is because a lot of my dressers are darker wood, so it would work. Don't know, really. 2.5 more weeks . . . .
LV, this, along with the last two weeks of your pregnancy will be the longest. :naughty: Finding out the gender is SO worth the wait! It makes everything feel so real. It was a greating bonding experience for DH and me too.

I had the same dilemma about the crib color as you. We originally wanted dark wood but it was so hard to find the RIGHT dark wood. I didn't really love the red undertones in the cherry cribs and we had a hard time finding something that was more *chocolate* or *coffee* colored. The, it would have annoyed me if our dresser didn't match exactly. That's why we ended up with white. I'm glad we went with white in the end because our room is really too small for dark colored furniture. I LOVE the gulliver! If DH and I hadn't gotten such a deal on ours, I definitely would have gone for that.
I can't wait to see the new nurseries!!! I love baby nurseries.

(PS post pictures of your LO's burgeoning closets. That is where the REAL fun develops! hee.)
Mara, our *closet*, if you can call it that, is already full and is only 26 inches wide and 29 inches deep. This is going to be interesting!!
PP, Claire's room doesn't have a closet, and we've been fine so far. When she needs to hang up little dresses and coats, we'll either put them in the guest room closet or get her a little armoire or something. But her room is only 7 x 10 so it wouldn't have to be a really little armoire . . .
We're currently storing the stroller and the extraneous baby shower gifts that have no place right now in the closet. Honestly, I see it staying this way. Aidan's dresser is huge and right now he has very few "outfits", just rompers, sleepers and onesies. Once he's a bit older and we need storage for toys and such we'll consider putting in an org system, but for now I think it will stay.

So our nursery is basically complete. We still have a wall decal to put up (came in the mail yesterday) and the slip cover for the glider is being shipped today. So hopefully we'll have it totally finished by next week some time! And then we wait....
pp... J's closet is not that big so I tend to just hang up what he won't wear and put what he IS wearing into his dressers. And then I 'shop' in his closet like once every 2 weeks. So the closet is getting smaller BUT I also add new things to it so it's always kind of big!! And then I store old and small clothes in a big container that I fill every month that goes into the garage.
It is amazing how much a dresser will hold when your clothes are so tiny! DH did put shelves in the closet as we don't anticipate really needing to hang anything up for a while.
Do any of you remember which PS mom suggested diaper supply storage on a shelf above the changing table? We are looking for something similar to use above our changing table for supplies and I know someone on here suggested it, but I'd love to know where they got the shelf. Any help would be appreciated!
Was it J Crow? I remember her saying something about a Pottery Barn Kids shelf.
Tacori I think has that shelf.

And I think it is the PB one --Catalina Shelf maybe? I was looking at it for our room and I think she suggested it for that use. Or maybe that is the one that she keeps medicines and stuff for the baby in?

If it's not that one, PBK does have like 2-3 two to three foot shelves that would be useful for this purpose. We didn't keep our changing table in the baby's room so we never went that route.
I thought it was Tacori and searched through all the nursery threads, but couldn't find it - must have missed it. I'll try PBKs and see if they have something similar. Thanks all! :wavey:
AllieLuv83 said:

I do have this shelf! I have the large size and a wipes container fits into it which is cool. I have an empty wipe container that I keep her medicine in. Also there is room for hair stuff and all the random stuff I could never find before. I have baskets in the table for diapers but you could stick some in the shelf.

I also have the catalina magazine rack for books (can you tell I like wall storage ;) ) Love it. I have one in her playroom and one in her nursery (found it at the outlet).

ETA: we are moving her changing table out after I found her SLEEPING on it :errrr: but the great thing is that shelf can be reused. I think I may put it next to her glider for her fav. books. I know online they show it next to a kid's bed for that purpose.
Thanks Allie and Tacori! I just order two of those shelves last night. Also, I order 4 baskets from PBKs too! I had my baby shower on Saturday so, I have a ton of stuff which I need to organize. ::)
Here is our nursery in progress. We still need curtains, and a small bookshelf or nightstand. Plus we need to finish moving the boxes to storage and put in the futon frame. Sorry about the sideways shots. I guess we can only upload landscape view pictures.




It's adorable, Allie. I love your bedding, especially those cute ties on the bumper. I think I've said that before, haha. And, love, love, love the little birdies! Too cute!
Thanks LV. We picked up the bedding (bumper and crib skirt), the C on the wall, the changing pad cover, the stuffed monkey and the stuff for the bathroom all on clearance at Restoration Hardware. I really love how plush the bumper is!!! We didn't bother getting a set because we would only use have the stuff. The bumper ended up being like $20 and the skirt was $16.99. The wall art was originally $69 and we picked it up for $5.99 and they still had a ton of letters.
Here are some pictures of the stuffies. I will take them out once the baby is in the crib. I especially love Paul's Alvin from when he was a little boy. His mom kept it all this time...24 years!



REALLY!? Wow! Looks like I need to make my way to a Restoration Hardware! That is actually very, very funny, too, because I just discovered that RH has baby stuff, on-line, last week. I noticed those bumper ties, and then saw your bedding. I guess I'm very consistent in what I like, though I still can't make any decisions!!! I noticed the changing pad cover too. It looks so comfy. I want, I want. Maybe I will make my way to RH this weekend. :appl: You got some really great deals! You're my kind of shopper!!

ETA: Alvin is very sweet!
LV you should really check out the online clearance section.
The bumper, changing pad cover, crib skirt, monkey, wall art, two lamp shades, four towels, two small bath mats, a shower curtain, and a little kimono outfit, the total came to $150 and that included shipping!
Ahh, I thought you found everything in the store! Gotcha, and Thank You! I sort of dismissed the site after I saw their cribs and pricing. Some beautiful cribs though. OK, I will definitely check it out!
Allie: I am in love with those little birdies :love: . The whole room looks great; you did a wonderful job.
Allie I love the nursery! It looks fantastic :appl:
Allie, it looks great!
Do any of you have any ideas of something cool and quirky to hang from the ceiling in my baby son's nursery? I love the chandelier look, or the paper butterflies "crawling" up the wall, etc. Or that mobile swirly thing from Young House Love. But I think that might be a little too girly. I want my nursery to look modern and not any of you have ideas?
Allie, the nursery looks great!!! The sleep sheep was our lifesaver in those first few months--now it does duty at Mom's house for J's naps and we have the Baby Crack Machine here at home. I love the bird decals and we also have the Poang chair, it's great.

Lanie...check out Etsy for paper mobiles. I bookmarked a few but I don't remember where I put the links. The one that YHL did is what inspired me to look around out there but there are a lot of diff types of patterns that are not too crafty. I think one I bookmarked was all diff types/sizes of colored paper circles anchored on was pretty modern looking and you can have them customize it to your 'room colors' if you want it to match. I was going to get a moravian star one but then I ended up doing some wall decals on an adjoining wall, and felt like a mobile would add too much of a busy element to the room given that I already had the tree decal on the other wall.
Hi Lanie,

I was thinking of getting paper cranes;order=&;includes[0]=tags&;includes[1]=title and then fashioning my own mobile.

They also sell them pre-made, so it might make more sense for me to go that way, if I do decide to go with cranes. Lots of different options on etsy. Here's a simple one:;order=&;includes[0]=tags&;includes[1]=title

And, a less simple one:;order=&;includes[0]=tags&;includes[1]=title

Oh, and this is probably not what you are after at all (very cutesy), but well, it is just so cute that I have to post it. So, so, so cute! But, I would never spend $110 on a mobile, personally.

ETA: Sorry for the links! I have no idea why they didn't work . . .