
Bad email

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I''m so very sorry, Elegant. That''s really terrible.

Do you have an idea yet what you''re going to do next?
I hope you manage to pull through this and find a job where you are appreciated and respected.

For the record, the principal sounds like a real cow.
Date: 5/14/2009 12:47:53 AM
Author: Dannielle
I hope you manage to pull through this and find a job where you are appreciated and respected.

For the record, the principal sounds like a real cow.
Ditto, on all of this.

I''m so sorry El. As cliche as it may sound, just look at it as everything happens for a reason. And hopefully you will end up where you are respected and appreciated. {{{hugs}}}
I''m really sorry to hear what happened. I''m hoping that you will find something far better for next year.
You know what, Elegant, some people just suck at life...and lack the basic decency to be kind to someone. You boss sounds like a real witch...and the ending of your contract is probably the best thing that could happen to you, seriously. She did, in manys, do you a favor. You''ll now be able to move on, more experienced, to a better job with people who will appreciate you. So please, don''t feel''re going to land on your feet, and be better off for having been through this.
I''m really sad this happened to you.
I hope it doesn''t deter you from continuing with your teaching career. Our system is badly broken and we need teachers like you--those doing it for the right reasons.

Best wishes to you sweetheart. And BIG ((((HUGS)))))
I''m so sorry you''re in this situation! I always knew that teaching was a very political/gossipy career, but I never realized how dirty some people are. I hope you find yourself in a much better place for the next school year!
I''m so sorry Elegant. I always thought teaching was a hard job but I always thought it was because of the kids
(not the catty principle/teachers). Well, I''m hoping this non-renewal is a blessing in disguise that you can get
out of that district and go somewhere they respect people.
I''m so sorry Elegant. Seriously though...imagine having to stick it out there with those witches? The injustice of it is making my blood boil, but as always, good will come of it.
I just read your thread and I am so sorry you`re in this situation. I can''t even imagine how you must be feeling. I never thought teaching is a career with such dirty backstabbing involved. As bad as it is, it`ll make you stronger.

Best of luck finding a much better working environment for next school year.
I''m so sorry Elegant! I am sure you will be able to find a much better work environment to teach in.

I''ve been wondering what happened to you, thank you for sharing Elegant. They did you a favor indeed. Can you imaging how hellish it would be to wake up every morning for another year (or worse more) of their nonsense. Your life is worth more than your livelihood. Good luck with your job hunt for next year. You are a better woman than that weasel of an administrator. My best wishes go out to you.
I''m really sorry I missed your original post. I really hate to hear things like this, but I totally know it happens. I am in a good situation with a good principal who I had to make a conscious effort to win over when she was new. This is something I would recommend to any new teacher...get on the principal''s good side. Otherwise, look for another job. My daughter is in her second year of teaching in a school with many behavior problem kids and zero discipline coming from the principal. Needless to say, she is holding her breath trying to finish out the year so she can quit. She is planning to try something outside of education that will have lower pay, but she thinks she''ll enjoy it much more. And you know what? I wouldn''t want her to spend one more minute in that situation she is in. Kids are rude and disrespectful to her and I have observed it. I feel sad that she is in what should be the happiest time in her life relationship-wise but she has to go to a high stress job all day. It''s not worth it in that case. And it''s not in yours, either. So I hope you find a much better school for next year!
I am also new to your thread but I am so sorry that you went through what you did. At the end of the day, a lot of people suck in the world and some of them, unfortunately for us, turn out to be principals and bosses. All the jerks and b*** that you went to school with? They don't disappear....they're somewhere torturing people to make themselves feel better.

When I went to school for administration, my professor told us to be sure not to choose a school just because...not for a short commute or any other convenience. Teaching is a hard enough job without having unsupportive administration and/or staff. I know that there is a school for you. A school where you know you feel at home and you love your job. It is so easy to get burnt out in please this time around try to find a school that fits you and your philosophy and that speaks to you. I don't know your financial situation so I don't know how feasible my suggestion is but this is what I really want for every educator.

You will find the school for you and you will know because you and your students will be content (most of the time anyway).

Good luck and I will keep you in my thoughts for sure.
I''m so sorry this happened to you

I wish you lots of luck finding a job that you love with a much better working environment.
I am so sorry this has happened to you. I teach in a private school, and I have a good support system from the director, the board of trustees, and the parents.
It is a huge tradeoff in that I do not get all the benefits as a public sector teacher, and the pay is lower. The positive outweighs that because I love going to work every day, and I have been at the same school for five years.
I hope you are able to teach in a pleasant environment if you return to the field, even if you have to take a pay cut.
Date: 5/14/2009 12:47:53 AM
Author: Dannielle
I hope you manage to pull through this and find a job where you are appreciated and respected.

For the record, the principal sounds like a real cow.

Thanks so much for all of your words of encouragement! It means a lot, it really does.

Well, I've been told by my union rep to resign my position. If I choose to keep the "non-re-election" letter in my file, it is looked upon as a termination letter. So if I resign, I will say it is for personal reasons, that way it is just a resignation (not that that is a good thing, but less bad). Then I can look for another job in another district.

I'm telling you - for someone who honestly works so hard I am appalled and shocked that this happened to me. I guess I'm naive or something. I hate being a victim, but I think I am one. I think this is pure retaliation and I am dumbfounded that she can get away with this. I've been coming to work and leaving work on time and not staying any later. I've checked out... My bf said that there is power in what I am doing - not allowing myself to work overtime for free.

I totally believe in karma - but at this point I am too anxiously awaiting it...

I think I will have to go back to my old school district in SoCal. I wanted to make a new life for myself here, but I guess it didn't work out? I luv it here...
Date: 3/28/2009 6:39:05 PM
Author: Elegant
I already got a pink slip, and she knows it, so she is really trying to make sure I don't get hired back.

Hi Elegant, I've read all your posts in this thread. I'm sorry that you're going through this. How horrible.

Can you explain to me why you got a pink slip and the "election to non-rehire" (I'm sorry, what term it is exactly). Was this because of a budget cut?

Again, I'm sorry that you're going through this. Something similar happened to my mother but she and her union rep beat the false charges, but it makes me angry that anyone would be put through this.
Elegant, that sucks!! I''ve heard of this happening to other new teachers... it really is a horrible position to be in. You may want to do right by the kids at your *job* but the adults are the ones that make it difficult and give you no credit.

About resigning your position, just be aware that it may affect your ability to collect unemployment if that is something you may be needing. You can''t normally collect unemployment if you quit.
I missed this first time round and have just read through the entire thread and dissappointed again at senior management doing what they want and getting away with it.

At the end of the day, sadly they have orchestrated a way to get you out for whatever reason - none by the sounds of it, they''re just witches - and unfortunatley you''ve been the target. Its been done in a very slick way and would suggest that its not the first nor the last time it will be done.

Sometimes cards aren''t dealt in our favour, so do what is recommended and resign.......get the hell out of there for your own sanity, life is too short to be around poisonous people and don''t let this episode put you off your lifetime career. This is short-lived, being a teacher is long-term I''m sure.
Something similar happened to a teacher friend of mine in her first year at a new school. The principle forced her out of the job. She went to another school district the next year and has now been there for three years. I can''t understand why it happens, but it doesn''t appear to be that uncommon. I hope that you are able to find a school district and principal who can appreciate you and work with you in the way you deserve.
Date: 5/17/2009 2:23:28 AM
Author: Elegant

Date: 5/14/2009 12:47:53 AM
Author: Dannielle
I hope you manage to pull through this and find a job where you are appreciated and respected.

For the record, the principal sounds like a real cow.

Thanks so much for all of your words of encouragement! It means a lot, it really does.

Well, I''ve been told by my union rep to resign my position. If I choose to keep the ''non-re-election'' letter in my file, it is looked upon as a termination letter. So if I resign, I will say it is for personal reasons, that way it is just a resignation (not that that is a good thing, but less bad). Then I can look for another job in another district.

I''m telling you - for someone who honestly works so hard I am appalled and shocked that this happened to me. I guess I''m naive or something. I hate being a victim, but I think I am one. I think this is pure retaliation and I am dumbfounded that she can get away with this. I''ve been coming to work and leaving work on time and not staying any later. I''ve checked out... My bf said that there is power in what I am doing - not allowing myself to work overtime for free.

I totally believe in karma - but at this point I am too anxiously awaiting it...

I think I will have to go back to my old school district in SoCal. I wanted to make a new life for myself here, but I guess it didn''t work out? I luv it here...
Maybe you are like me. While I "know" women can be wicked, I''m a woman, and not at all like that. Therefore, I want to "think" other women are like me. Then you have one do something evil, and it slaps you back to reality. I think it''s hard for good people to naturally see the bad/assume the worst in others. Does that make sense?

Anyway, I''m glad you have found a way to deal with this for now. And it''s almost over. Just focus on the next good thing coming around the corner.
ooh, I''m so sorry you are going through this, I know it can make an uncomfortable working environment. I do hope you can find another school to teach at. How does that work? can you still find another school in the same district, or does that not usually happen?
Date: 5/17/2009 2:56:00 AM
Author: Imdanny
Date: 3/28/2009 6:39:05 PM

Author: Elegant

I already got a pink slip, and she knows it, so she is really trying to make sure I don''t get hired back.

Hi Elegant, I''ve read all your posts in this thread. I''m sorry that you''re going through this. How horrible.

Can you explain to me why you got a pink slip and the ''election to non-rehire'' (I''m sorry, what term it is exactly). Was this because of a budget cut?

Again, I''m sorry that you''re going through this. Something similar happened to my mother but she and her union rep beat the false charges, but it makes me angry that anyone would be put through this.
Hey there!
Well, I got a pink slip due to budget concerns. It is my first year in the district, therefore I am very low on the totem pole. The district has a right to terminate/non re-elect first year probationary people. This district has a two year probation, whereas my other district has a one year probation. I think the non re-election form was retaliatory because she thinks I was in cahoots with the parents that mailed the superintendent a complaint letter about her and how she is ignoring the program I teach. I teach at a magnet school. THe parents were unhappy with her interpretation of the program, wrote the superintendent two letters - one screwing her over, and the other one was a supportive letter about how much the parents of the classroom like me and how much they like how I teach the class. I was no longer her escape goat, therefore she made false accusations about me, wrote up a letter of reprimand, I filed a grievance, and she in turn, as a representative of the district (she HAD to put that in her little talk when she gave me the letter) they had chosen to not rehire me for no cause - not performance-based (BETTER NOT HAVE BEEN!), just because they felt like it. So my grievance and all of the stupid accusations and all of the meetings she had me sit through to "heal relationships" were basically set up. We had the meetings and everything I was accused of didn''t come up - completely false. So I guess she couldn''t get rid of me that way, so they decided to get rid of me because they felt like it...


Makes me sick to my stomach.

I took a leave of absence in my old district, I have seniority there, so I will probably have to go back over there for another year, hopefully live with my mom (my other sisters did, so now it''s my turn), help out around her house, pay for some bills, and try to come back up here to get a teaching job...while my bf lives up here with our two dogs in a three bedroom house we are renting! My sister is renting my house anyways, and I would feel horrible if I had to kick her and her 5 year old daughter out of the house! They''ve been living there since October of last year.

When one door closes, another one opens, right?

I''m also waiting for karma to rear its head any time soon...
That's rich! You were commended by the parents and the person who didn't do a good job is the politically minded jerk! Wow.

I think Po10472 and others gave you great advice and I'm sorry for your hardships. What doesn't kill you will make you stronger!

And I hope that person gets her due and I believe she will one day.
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