
Bad Experience with Loose Grown Diamond


Mar 22, 2017
Well, live and learn I guess.

So.....I just received the ring that I ordered from Loose Grown Diamond with a center 1.27ct diamond selected from their inventory. I chose their Jemima setting in 14k yellow gold, which is a dainty three-stone setting with a total side-stone weight listed as 0.30ct. (I was modeling this after a CZ ring that I've had for years and years and years, and been saving for that long for a diamond version of, and it has side stones that are 3mm in diameter. That was the dainty aesthetic I was after, and with sidestones of 0.15ct each, that would have been close enough at around 3.3mm.) I figured this should be straightforward - center stone from their inventory and stock setting that I liked just as it is.

Well, a couple days after I ordered, I got an email with CADs to approve. This was a little weird to me, considering it was a stock setting. When I looked at the CADs, the side stones were much bigger than either the picture on their website of the Jemima setting showed or the total carat weight they listed. In fact, the side stones looked to be more like 0.30ct EACH, rather than 0.15 each for a total of 0.30ct. I replied on May 29th, explaining that I chose the setting because of the dainty size of the side stones, that what was in the CAD was way too large, and that I wanted 0.15ct each for a TOTAL carat weight of 0.30ct, just like what they showed for the Jemima setting on their site. They replied with new CADs that showed smaller sidestones, similar to the picture of the setting on their website (albeit without specific diameters for the sidestones shown), so I approved those and it went into production. I was updated regularly with the status of the order, but I was kind of surprised to never receive pictures/videos of the ring for approval before it was shipped to me, considering all the hoopla around the CADs and all.

The ring arrived an hour ago, and it is just like the first CAD that I rejected, with sidestones that are 0.30 EACH and over 4mm diameter. The sides of the shank of the ring are also way, way too deep - they stick way out and poke into the sides of my finger in a way I've never experienced with any knife-edge solitaire or eternity ring I've ever had. It doesn't look right with any of my bands for that reason - it sticks out way more than even my diamond bands and my 3mm gold bands that are extra heavy. It's totally wrong, utterly the wrong aesthetic on my finger.......I'm kind of crushed. This was an enormous amount of money for us and something that I've waited years to do. I've emailed them, but frankly, I don't have any trust in them whatsoever to get it right. At this point, I can only recommend them for buying a stone at a good price, but definitely NOT for a jewelry item.

ETA: The side stones are also not that well cut. The center stone is lovely (as expected, considering I had the help of lovely folks here in selecting it), and while the clarity and color of the side stones are a match, the cut quality isn't.
can you post photos of what you asked for and what you received?
can you post photos of what you asked for and what you received?

OK, I'll try - word of warning, I do NOT have the photography skills or lovely hands of my fellow Pricescopers!

Here is a link to the setting I selected:

Here are the first CADs I got:


After I rejected these CADs and explained exactly why, referring to their pictures and listed side stone weight and with exact carat weights and dimensions, I received and approved these:

CAD .jpg

Aaaaaand......this is what I received (with apologies for dry old-lady hands and crappy phone photography):


Frankly, seeing all the images laid out here, I think they put in side stones that are slightly BIGGER than in the rejected first CADs. I measured them at over 4mm with my calipers. Just to give a sense of the aesthetic I was going for, here is the CZ ring that was the inspiration. I didn't want the pave down the band, and I did feel that the 3mm side stones in this ring were a pinch small, so I thought that LGD's setting, with side stones of 0.30ct total weight, meaning 0.15ct each and a diameter around 3.3mm, would be perfect.



Am I crazy here? Those side stones look just HUGE to me, and not at all what was in the CADs I approved, in their own picture, or fitting their listing of 0.30ct total weight. It looks bulky and WAY "too much" on my little old hands, compared to my inspiration.
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the link to the setting you selected isn't working for me, but I can see that what you got doesn't match the CAD you approved. Can you just keep the center stone and return the setting (which was supposed to be stock)? Or just return the whole ring and get a complete refund and work with another vendor? Seems like they didn't have the size and quality of side stones that you wanted so they just used what they could and sent the ring.
the link to the setting you selected isn't working for me, but I can see that what you got doesn't match the CAD you approved. Can you just keep the center stone and return the setting (which was supposed to be stock)? Or just return the whole ring and get a complete refund and work with another vendor? Seems like they didn't have the size and quality of side stones that you wanted so they just used what they could and sent the ring.

Oooops, sorry about the link. Is this better?

It's the Jemima setting. Especially if you look at the picture where they show it on a hand, you can see that the side stones are supposed to be fairly dainty compared to the center stone.

They haven't emailed back, so I don't know yet what options they'll consider. I would like to keep the center stone, as it's quite lovely, thanks to @Kim N and @DejaWiz and other good folks here. I honestly have zero faith at this point in their ability to construct the setting I actually wanted, so the best outcome is that I keep the center stone and send the rest back while they refund me everything but the cost of the center stone, and I'll figure out what I want to do from there, whether it's try for a dainty three-stone setting from someone else or just pop it into a solitaire and be done with it.
honestly, the photo on the hand doesn't even look like the photos of the ring, at least not to me.
honestly, the photo on the hand doesn't even look like the photos of the ring, at least not to me.

Exactly! That's one of the reasons I made a point of checking out the carat weight of the side stones - they looked VERY dainty in the picture on the hand - almost too small - and bigger, but not big, in the other photos. I wanted to be sure, and since they listed the carat weight, I thought it would be fine.

Honestly, I knew by getting the setting from them that I wouldn't be getting a "Pricescope quality" setting, but it was what I could afford and I figured it would be decent and in the ballpark. I sure didn't expect this, though......
That is terrible. I say send the whole thing back and start again with a better company.
Exactly! That's one of the reasons I made a point of checking out the carat weight of the side stones - they looked VERY dainty in the picture on the hand - almost too small - and bigger, but not big, in the other photos. I wanted to be sure, and since they listed the carat weight, I thought it would be fine.

Honestly, I knew by getting the setting from them that I wouldn't be getting a "Pricescope quality" setting, but it was what I could afford and I figured it would be decent and in the ballpark. I sure didn't expect this, though......

I'm so sorry, as I can tell this was a large, long time in coming, purchase for you. Do they have a telephone number so that you can call if you don't get an email response? What does their website say about returns? I hope that they don't claim that this isn't returnable b/c it was "custom" even though you didn't order a custom ring. Please keep us posted. I'm hoping for the best outcome for you.

I see this at the top of their website.

I also see this so hold them to it. They say they are in NY, and I think NY has fairly good laws for consumers.....


Honestly, they give you a 7 day return window. I'd return it ASAP and not go back and forth with them about keeping the center or not. You don't have much time and clearly they can't perform. There must be another lab vendor out there who can work with. (and if it were me, I'd send it back via overnight shipping, even though it can be pricey. Delays here are not your friend.)
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Honestly, it's a shame that it's so far off from what I wanted and approved. While the side stones aren't quite as perfect in cut as the center stone, they're still performing quite nicely, and the whole thing is very much the super-sparkly wall o' bling across my whole finger. ( It's also incredibly low-set - which is one of the reasons I picked it - like, more low-set than I would have thought even possible for a center stone of 1.27ct, which makes it seriously comfy to wear in that respect.) I've seen a lot of folks here and on other forums design their three-stones to have pretty much exactly these proportions, and I think many who are more comfortable and confident being blinged out would absolutely love it. It's just that I've never been one to be so blinged out, at all.

Seriously - other than my inspiration CZ ring, which I've never, ever worn outside the house, I've never worn a center stone of any type that was more than about 0.9, and that is a beautifully-cut H&A moissy set in a plainest-of-the-plain 2mm solitaire setting that it took me FOREVER to get used to seeing on my hand. I spent a couple years putting it on, wearing it around the house a little, staring at it, and then sighing and putting it back to grab something smaller because it was just.too.much. I've only just gotten to the point where I can wear it all day and not feel ridiculously self-conscious. The only three-stones I've ever liked on me before had centers of 0.5ct-0.7ct at the absolute most. After ordering this ring in what was supposed to be something MUCH daintier, I kept panicking with regret and telling DH over and over, "Why did I do that? Whyyyyyy?? It's gonna be way too much! I'll have to send it back....I'm just gonna sell it as soon as it comes......<etc. etc. etc.>" (much to his bemusement). Well, the universe is having a laugh at me for sure now!

I did just try a combination of bands with it that have resulted in my looking at it on my hand for the very first time since it arrived and thinking, "Huh! That's not bad! Maybe that's kinda nice?"'s still so much!

So......wizards of convince me, if I do keep this thing, that it's really, reeeeaaaallly OK that this old lady who lives in yoga pants and tees or jeans and flannel shirts, and works with her hands a bunch, and works with her own dogs and foster dogs a ton, is walking around wearing something so unashamedly big and bold. Help a girl out!
I don't have the discerning eye of many on this forum but my immediate reaction to the ring you got was WTF???
I don't care for the sidestones, esp. against the quality of your center stone, and the ring looks nothing like the CZ ring you modeled it after. I am so sorry you're in this position.
Loose Grown Diamond has had a good run on this forum. If they don't make amends, it's about to end.
Speaking as an old lady who wears all sorts of ridiculous jewelry with jeans and t-shirts, I don't think it's too much at all. (You would probably be embarrassed for me if you saw me.)

But I think it's terrible that it's NOT WHAT YOU ORDERED, and you gave them all the info they needed to make exactly what you wanted.

You deserve the ring YOU WANT, the ring YOU PAID FOR, not the ring they lazily flung together because they couldn't be bothered to make the one you ordered.

They do not deserve your business.
If you are unsure just return it first, it’s not a hard to find cut or size. When I asked to return my loose stones they sent a prepaid fedex label and I received a full refund within a few days of sending the package back.
I don't have the discerning eye of many on this forum but my immediate reaction to the ring you got was WTF???
I don't care for the sidestones, esp. against the quality of your center stone, and the ring looks nothing like the CZ ring you modeled it after. I am so sorry you're in this position.
Loose Grown Diamond has had a good run on this forum. If they don't make amends, it's about to end.

Yeah, it was pretty shocking.

I will say that the sidestones look much, MUCH better to the eye than my pictures. In the pictures, they look like they don't match the center at all, but that's totally on my photography skills, or lack thereof. To my eye, they actually match perfectly in color and clarity, and are clearly an excellent cut, just not the perfect "Pricescope proportions" of the center stone. Honestly, if they weren't so egregiously the wrong dang size and spaced further from the center stone than in the example photos and CADs, I would be content with them. But the size and spacing just make a design that is so incredibly far from what I was aiming for and instructed them, and why I chose that setting......*sigh*

I will certainly keep everyone posted on their response. I don't know what I'm going to want to do exactly, or what they will offer, but I will keep folks informed. Regardless of how they respond, I will certainly never give them any business again other than maybe buying a stone, given their prices, but honestly, I have such a bad taste in my mouth, I don't know that I would do even that.
Speaking as an old lady who wears all sorts of ridiculous jewelry with jeans and t-shirts, I don't think it's too much at all. (You would probably be embarrassed for me if you saw me.)

But I think it's terrible that it's NOT WHAT YOU ORDERED, and you gave them all the info they needed to make exactly what you wanted.

You deserve the ring YOU WANT, the ring YOU PAID FOR, not the ring they lazily flung together because they couldn't be bothered to make the one you ordered.

They do not deserve your business.

Thank you for the reassurance! You're correct that I should have had what I clearly asked for, not this, and that they don't deserve my business.
The ring is not what you wanted but it seems to be growing on you. It's not too much for jeans and flannel IMHO. Three stone diamond rings look great with that type of attire.

Thanks for that reassurance! I need to keep telling myself that there are no rules as to what I wear other than making myself happy.
@OboeGal, They should have listened and shipped what you requested. It sounds like you communicated very clearly what you wanted. If it’s not what you want please return it and get exactly what you want.

You can wear diamonds with absolutely anything. The only rule is you have to look at your hand and love your ring.
Well, live and learn I guess.

So.....I just received the ring that I ordered from Loose Grown Diamond with a center 1.27ct diamond selected from their inventory. I chose their Jemima setting in 14k yellow gold, which is a dainty three-stone setting with a total side-stone weight listed as 0.30ct. (I was modeling this after a CZ ring that I've had for years and years and years, and been saving for that long for a diamond version of, and it has side stones that are 3mm in diameter. That was the dainty aesthetic I was after, and with sidestones of 0.15ct each, that would have been close enough at around 3.3mm.) I figured this should be straightforward - center stone from their inventory and stock setting that I liked just as it is.

Well, a couple days after I ordered, I got an email with CADs to approve. This was a little weird to me, considering it was a stock setting. When I looked at the CADs, the side stones were much bigger than either the picture on their website of the Jemima setting showed or the total carat weight they listed. In fact, the side stones looked to be more like 0.30ct EACH, rather than 0.15 each for a total of 0.30ct. I replied on May 29th, explaining that I chose the setting because of the dainty size of the side stones, that what was in the CAD was way too large, and that I wanted 0.15ct each for a TOTAL carat weight of 0.30ct, just like what they showed for the Jemima setting on their site. They replied with new CADs that showed smaller sidestones, similar to the picture of the setting on their website (albeit without specific diameters for the sidestones shown), so I approved those and it went into production. I was updated regularly with the status of the order, but I was kind of surprised to never receive pictures/videos of the ring for approval before it was shipped to me, considering all the hoopla around the CADs and all.

The ring arrived an hour ago, and it is just like the first CAD that I rejected, with sidestones that are 0.30 EACH and over 4mm diameter. The sides of the shank of the ring are also way, way too deep - they stick way out and poke into the sides of my finger in a way I've never experienced with any knife-edge solitaire or eternity ring I've ever had. It doesn't look right with any of my bands for that reason - it sticks out way more than even my diamond bands and my 3mm gold bands that are extra heavy. It's totally wrong, utterly the wrong aesthetic on my finger.......I'm kind of crushed. This was an enormous amount of money for us and something that I've waited years to do. I've emailed them, but frankly, I don't have any trust in them whatsoever to get it right. At this point, I can only recommend them for buying a stone at a good price, but definitely NOT for a jewelry item.

ETA: The side stones are also not that well cut. The center stone is lovely (as expected, considering I had the help of lovely folks here in selecting it), and while the clarity and color of the side stones are a match, the cut quality isn't.

Hey, you should check out this new site, It’s got this cool AI that scans for inclusions and weeds out the bad ones, so you only see the best diamonds with nice imperfections. Plus, there’s tons of info on there to help you out.
Hey, you should check out this new site, It’s got this cool AI that scans for inclusions and weeds out the bad ones, so you only see the best diamonds with nice imperfections. Plus, there’s tons of info on there to help you out.

This looks like spam @diamonds27...Oboegal's problem has nothing to do with inclusions and your post has nothing to do with
3 stone ring proportions.

Edit... oh yeh...0 threads posted by diamonds27. 58 posts all mentioning this site. Definitely spam.
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Speaking as an old lady who wears all sorts of ridiculous jewelry with jeans and t-shirts, I don't think it's too much at all. (You would probably be embarrassed for me if you saw me.)

But I think it's terrible that it's NOT WHAT YOU ORDERED, and you gave them all the info they needed to make exactly what you wanted.

You deserve the ring YOU WANT, the ring YOU PAID FOR, not the ring they lazily flung together because they couldn't be bothered to make the one you ordered.

They do not deserve your business.

Yeah, it was pretty shocking.

I will say that the sidestones look much, MUCH better to the eye than my pictures. In the pictures, they look like they don't match the center at all, but that's totally on my photography skills, or lack thereof. To my eye, they actually match perfectly in color and clarity, and are clearly an excellent cut, just not the perfect "Pricescope proportions" of the center stone. Honestly, if they weren't so egregiously the wrong dang size and spaced further from the center stone than in the example photos and CADs, I would be content with them. But the size and spacing just make a design that is so incredibly far from what I was aiming for and instructed them, and why I chose that setting......*sigh*

I will certainly keep everyone posted on their response. I don't know what I'm going to want to do exactly, or what they will offer, but I will keep folks informed. Regardless of how they respond, I will certainly never give them any business again other than maybe buying a stone, given their prices, but honestly, I have such a bad taste in my mouth, I don't know that I would do even that.

OboeGirl, I hope your diffidence is not making you talk yourself into accepting a ring that is not what you want. Changing your mind is great, learning you enjoy blingier rings than you expected is great. But talking yourself into settling for something that you deep down do not want would be a sad outcome. Your ring should make you smile, not feel defeated and taken advantage of.
I’m going to tell you the opposite of what everyone else is saying. I love the ring. I really like the proportions as I love a wall of bling. . I live in yoga pants. I take care of two big dogs with an 5.5 carat ring and tennis necklace lol. I never think twice about my bling. Too bad you don’t have more time in the return window because you may get used to it. But ultimately you have to be happy. If you can visualize taking it off, returning it without any second thoughts then I suggest you do it and soon. Good luck.
I agree that it’s very bizarre that you did not get what you ordered! And thank you for posting about your experience because it will help many to know that rhey should be cautious about buying settings from this vendor.

At the same time, it does look very pretty in your hand. I don’t think it’s “too big” at all. The shank looks like the CAD to me, so other than the larger side stones, I think it looks like what you asked for. There seems to be a small voice inside you saying “yessssss, this bling suits me”. If you choose to listen to that voice I think it’s okay.
You can wear diamonds with absolutely anything. The only rule is you have to look at your hand and love your ring.

I wear diamonds all the time, some larger, some smaller. No matter what I am wearing or what I am doing. I am rarely dressed in anything that isn't casual, including leggings, tee shirts, sweatshirts, etc. So what you wear shouldn't determine if you keep this ring. If you decide you love it, then by all means keep it, but don't "settle". You didn't make the mistake, the vendor did. So don't feel bad about returning it if you do, so long as you don't regret that decision.
It does look very pretty on you but it is not the aesthetic you were aiming for so I don’t think you should keep it and hope it grows on you. I own a three stone like your original vision (mine is 1.10 with 10 point sides) and the much smaller side diamonds are part of the reason I picked the ring to start with, so I get it completely.

I’m sorry that this was a disappointing experience, I hope that they make it right and you get the ring of your dreams:
Sorry about your experience and your disappointment with your ring. What a drag. Now I remember why I was so nervous and skeptical.

Clearly, they used the wrong CADs to make the ring (the original one that you didn't approve). I believe the reason why they send CADs is that the each ring is calibrated to the centre stone that one chooses, as it was in my case with my halo.
My suggestion is to send the ring back and have them remake it. Insist on top quality side-stones and let them know that you will voice your opinion of their work on the various websites. TBH, I was getting frustrated (nervous) about the process and some odd communication. In, perhaps, not my best moment, warned them that if it didn't turn out 'beautiful', I'd be posting reviews publicly. I think that made them step-up their game.

That's a major screw-up....creating a ring out of the wrong CAD...and it's obvious that the side-stones aren't up to scratch, especially given their size in relation to your centre stone.

I'd give them a second chance, and let them know how unhappy you are. They obviously have access to side stones of equal cut quality to your centre stone. I'm surprised, actually, that the side stones come as part of a stock setting since the ring is calibrated for centre stones that are larger than what's shown in the photos on their website.

Sorry if I'm repeating what other PS members have already written. I'm writing this before reading the comments. Good luck with it. Life is full of disappointments, but I'm sure you'll end-up with your dream ring regardless of how it plays out... I have no doubt. Just have to be patient with the process... =)2

PS: Okay...I've read up on the comments. I don't think you should settle for something you don't love. Go back to the drawing board with them and insist that they get it right. Trust me when I say that they have the capacity to do good work... They're in the Diamond District in NYC (via they have access to all manner of good crafts-people, if they so choose. Allow them to step-up their game and see what happens. That's my suggestion.
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I have to add that in looking again, the original CAD was ridiculous. Nothing like the setting that's pictured on their website. Again, my suggestion is to send it back with their pre-paid shipping and have them remake it as per the second CAD that they sent, with similar quality side stones to your centre stone. I would also mention Reddit/Pricescope/Google/TrustPilot in your missive. I'll lay bets that the next one comes out perfect.

Go with the 'Diana' or 'Talia' setting. I agree that the knife-edge sticks out too much for a three-stone and looks uncomfortable, and doesn't blend with your wedding band. I love the style of your cubic ring. The two suggested settings that I mention cost a little bit more, but I think they look nicer, and the melee in my ring is very top quality -- really sparkles beautifully. They might even, if you ask, offer you a discount to make a different choice of setting since they screwed-up so badly (using the unapproved CAD). Make lemons out of lemonade!
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