
Bad Experience with Loose Grown Diamond

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Honestly, it's a shame that it's so far off from what I wanted and approved. While the side stones aren't quite as perfect in cut as the center stone, they're still performing quite nicely, and the whole thing is very much the super-sparkly wall o' bling across my whole finger. ( It's also incredibly low-set - which is one of the reasons I picked it - like, more low-set than I would have thought even possible for a center stone of 1.27ct, which makes it seriously comfy to wear in that respect.) I've seen a lot of folks here and on other forums design their three-stones to have pretty much exactly these proportions, and I think many who are more comfortable and confident being blinged out would absolutely love it. It's just that I've never been one to be so blinged out, at all.

Seriously - other than my inspiration CZ ring, which I've never, ever worn outside the house, I've never worn a center stone of any type that was more than about 0.9, and that is a beautifully-cut H&A moissy set in a plainest-of-the-plain 2mm solitaire setting that it took me FOREVER to get used to seeing on my hand. I spent a couple years putting it on, wearing it around the house a little, staring at it, and then sighing and putting it back to grab something smaller because it was just.too.much. I've only just gotten to the point where I can wear it all day and not feel ridiculously self-conscious. The only three-stones I've ever liked on me before had centers of 0.5ct-0.7ct at the absolute most. After ordering this ring in what was supposed to be something MUCH daintier, I kept panicking with regret and telling DH over and over, "Why did I do that? Whyyyyyy?? It's gonna be way too much! I'll have to send it back....I'm just gonna sell it as soon as it comes......<etc. etc. etc.>" (much to his bemusement). Well, the universe is having a laugh at me for sure now!

I did just try a combination of bands with it that have resulted in my looking at it on my hand for the very first time since it arrived and thinking, "Huh! That's not bad! Maybe that's kinda nice?"'s still so much!

So......wizards of convince me, if I do keep this thing, that it's really, reeeeaaaallly OK that this old lady who lives in yoga pants and tees or jeans and flannel shirts, and works with her hands a bunch, and works with her own dogs and foster dogs a ton, is walking around wearing something so unashamedly big and bold. Help a girl out!

im so sad for you it is not what you wanted
the CZ inspirtaion ring is really beautiful

if we worked side by side i would have you rocking those big rocks on a daily basis
but only if you love the ring


Feb 23, 2014
I know a lot of people on PS get DSS, and I sure love looking at mega bling. I honestly do not think that is too big for your hand, or your style. But I 1000% understand the comfort level of wearing bling and when it becomes "too much" for me, it just isn't fun anymore and makes me squirmy. I'd rather love a smaller mind-comfy ring that fits with my style, than a mega sparkly that doesn't make me comfy when I leave the house. So only you really know if you could possibly feel comfortable rocking it all the time, and just go with that :)
Shame they didn't just give you what you expressed that you wanted twice!


Mar 22, 2017
Thank you, everyone, for your support and input - it's really appreciated! It's nice to hear that, even though the proportions are not what I intended, it still works on my hand. That matters to me a lot, especially coming from people that I know have discriminating eyes. It's also reassuring to hear that y'all don't hesitate to wear the bling that you want regardless of lifestyle and dress. I wonder where I got such rigid ideas in my head about what is "proper" - this isn't the only arena in life in which I struggle with that, but it's ridiculous that, at almost 60 years old, I don't feel "freer" to live as I please as long as I don't hurt anyone else. Clearly something I need to challenge.

I received an email from LGD today in response to my complaint with a rather casual-sounding apology for my "inconvenience," and asking for pictures of the ring to forward to their crafting department. I sent pictures, including of my CZ "reference" ring, just to reinforce the difference in scale between what I got vs. what I was supposed to get (and what they have on their website) and with a detailed explanation of the situation, including references to the dates of the various communications back and forth. They responded that they would forward the info to crafting and get back to me when they heard back, probably on Friday (in addition to again apologizing rather casually for my "inconvenience"). We'll see what happens. I was polite but firm and clearly NOT happy, including the liberal use of "egregious."

@togal, it certainly seems that they are capable of doing top-notch work - your ring is absolutely gorgeous. Halos seem to be a real test of bench skills, and yours is so well-executed. If I send it back and give them another shot, I'll definitely take your suggestions under good advisement. I agree with you that the depth of the band is on me - looking at the CADs again, it clearly showed the band to be narrow but quite deep, and I didn't catch it to change it. I've honestly never had to evaluate CADs before, and was utterly focused on the big goof around the side stones.

I have to say, my feelings about the ring are undergoing a strangely rapid evolution. I've been wearing it and staring at it a lot as I've calmed down, and watching the evening news reminded that this is very much a privileged, "first world" problem! I needed to let go of hating it because it wasn't what I planned it to be so that I could look at it honestly for what it IS, and when I do that, it's really growing on me. I'm not going to make a final decision until I hear more from LGD, but at this point, I'm leaning toward keeping it.

I actually have another shot at what I originally intended, with the daintier side stones. I basically had two rings that I wanted made to "finish off" my bling wardrobe - the intended three-stone with the dainty side stones, in modern brilliant lab stones, and then a 1.0ct lab OEC or transitional that was originally going to be in a solitaire with a solid, slightly wider 3mm - 3.5mm shank, where the center stone would be the "star." However, I do have a pair of earrings that I bought from another Pricescoper many years ago that are set with sparkly, lovely little natural OECs that are about 0.12ct each, and just over 3mm. I actually bought them to use as side stones in a three-stone, but then moved away from that idea a while back, and was going to sell them instead (as I already have plenty of studs). I could use them as side stones with the lab OEC - they should be matching color and clarity - to make the daintier version of the three-stone (so very similar to what you have, @YadaYadaYada). I've started to look through the Stuller catalogue to find a setting I like so I can just have it set locally if I go that route. I just have to decide which I would rather have - the dainty three-stone or the solitaire. First-world problems again for sure!


Mar 22, 2017
I know a lot of people on PS get DSS, and I sure love looking at mega bling. I honestly do not think that is too big for your hand, or your style. But I 1000% understand the comfort level of wearing bling and when it becomes "too much" for me, it just isn't fun anymore and makes me squirmy. I'd rather love a smaller mind-comfy ring that fits with my style, than a mega sparkly that doesn't make me comfy when I leave the house. So only you really know if you could possibly feel comfortable rocking it all the time, and just go with that :)
Shame they didn't just give you what you expressed that you wanted twice!

Yes, I think this is really the crux of it at this point. Once I got over hating it for what it isn't, I began appreciating it for what it is, and I do like it. The only real issue is whether I can be comfortable with is. I'm just like you on the preference for what I know I'll be comfortable with, rather than "pushing the envelope" there. I do wish I had more than seven days to decide, especially with all the back-and-forth with the company. It's good to hear more positive feedback that it's not "too much" to others' eyes - thank you!


Feb 2, 2016
I love that you have a one carat OEC and studs you could use to create your dream ring. That may be the best idea since this ring seems to be growing on you even though it wasn’t your original vision. That way you could have the best of both worlds.


Feb 20, 2006
'egregious'...that's a strong word! lol... Well, since you're starting to like the look of the larger side stones, I would suggest that you use their mistake of using the unapproved CAD as a bargaining tool. I'd suggest to them that you're willing to keep the setting 'as made' with the condition that they replace the two side-stones with ones of better cut quality, etc. which are more in line with the quality of the centre stone. If it were me, I'd say that I'm willing to compromise and give them a good review under these conditions. I would lay money on the table that they would agree to this. This way, you have assurance of knowing that you have the quality that, over the long-term', you'll be satisfied with. Why compromise on something that you commissioned to have made? At the end of the day, it's you that has to live with and enjoy the ring, and you have this window of opportunity to have their mistake corrected to your satisfaction. My thoughts. :)


Nov 4, 2018
@OboeGal If you do decide to have the ring remade with smaller sides, insist that they note the size of the stones (both center and sides) on the CAD. I notice they weren't noted on the drafts you shared, and that would have (theoretically) made all of this a lot more clear for the bench.

That being said, how are you feeling about the actual setting at this point - size of the side stones aside? You mentioned in your original post the thickness of the shank was bothering you. The stones themselves seem to be growing on you (thanks, DSS), but how about the setting itself? Also, do you have calipers? You may want to take measurements of a setting you enjoy to see what the thickness is you want for the band. The CAD says the shank is 1.8mm wide x 1.9mm thick at the bottom, which means up near the stones it's considerably thicker (which they also don't note). So ultimately, their lack of transparency created this issue, and it's theirs to remedy to your satisfaction, whatever that looks like!



May 15, 2014
One point you should make with them if you decide to send the ring back for a remake is that your return period starts when you get the newly made ring. Get that in writing from them. You don't want them saying that your return period has been ticking away while they are correcting their mistake.


Feb 20, 2006
One point you should make with them if you decide to send the ring back for a remake is that your return period starts when you get the newly made ring. Get that in writing from them. You don't want them saying that your return period has been ticking away while they are correcting their mistake.

I believe that would be assumed, that a new 7 day period begins when the new ring is delivered. They may not be completely transparent, but in my dealings with them, they seem to be reasonable. That said, I agree that it should be stated in writing. I learned to be very specific with them, and never made assumptions without putting everything in writing. They do seem to have a cavalier approach for, what are, high ticket items. The customer needs to be on-the-ball. I feel fortunate that my ring turned out the way it did....but admittedly, I was a bit of a 'Karen' throughout the :D


May 15, 2014
I believe that would be assumed, that a new 7 day period begins when the new ring is delivered.

I wouldn't assume anything with them. She "assumed" her ring would turn out like the CAD, but it didn't. Having a guarantee of when the return period starts would be a must in my book after the experience that she has had.


Dec 16, 2007
I wonder where I got such rigid ideas in my head about what is "proper" - this isn't the only arena in life in which I struggle with that, but it's ridiculous that, at almost 60 years old, I don't feel "freer" to live as I please as long as I don't hurt anyone else. Clearly something I need to challenge.
Not necessarily related to this ring, but I love this for you. Growth!


Feb 20, 2006
BTW...with my latest contact with 'Susan' (today), I was able to ascertain that it's a male in New Delhi (whom I was dealing with in this particular exchange). This is why there's such a disconnect with communication...and off-hand, non-reactive, flat-line approach. Sadly... their prices are REALLY good...and if you can navigate through the quagmire of their bate-and-switch, you can potentially end-up with something lovely at an amazing I did (whewwwww!!!!).... Would I deal with them again?... Likely... I've learned that their approach is to 'try you on for size'...and when you resist, they a deck of cards. I know...this isn't the 'norm'...but I figured-out-the formula... Sparklies at deeeeep discounts come with a few headaches, to be sure... :roll2:=)2


Mar 11, 2002
They are known to be pretty bad at doing settings. I would return it and ask to have the stone sent back (if you love it) and have a setting made either locally or maybe David Klass. It will cost more but it will be exactly what you want and better quality too.


Dec 17, 2008
BTW...with my latest contact with 'Susan' (today), I was able to ascertain that it's a male in New Delhi (whom I was dealing with in this particular exchange). This is why there's such a disconnect with communication...and off-hand, non-reactive, flat-line approach. Sadly... their prices are REALLY good...and if you can navigate through the quagmire of their bate-and-switch, you can potentially end-up with something lovely at an amazing I did (whewwwww!!!!).... Would I deal with them again?... Likely... I've learned that their approach is to 'try you on for size'...and when you resist, they a deck of cards. I know...this isn't the 'norm'...but I figured-out-the formula... Sparklies at deeeeep discounts come with a few headaches, to be sure... :roll2:=)2

Laughing at "Susan" beings some guy in New Delhi and the folding like a stack of cards, cracking-the-code, etc. comments!:lol:


Feb 20, 2006
Laughing at "Susan" beings some guy in New Delhi and the folding like a stack of cards, cracking-the-code, etc. comments!:lol:

We have to find the humour in it, for sure... In this instance, I was told that, because I'm in Canada, they couldn't send me a pre-paid shipping label to return a loose diamond that I purchased and chose not to keep, thus utilizing their 7 day return policy -- But what they did offer me was a $50 USD rebate toward the return shipping costs. When I queried them regarding what form $50 credit would be given, 'Susan' responded that it would be a direct deposit to my PayPal account, which I was happy with.

After all was said and done, and they received the diamond back and credited me for the purchase price of the diamond, I asked about the $50 rebate on shipping, at which point they said that it would given to me as an online store credit toward another purchase. (I'm certain that if I hadn't inquired at that point, nothing would have happened regarding the shipping rebate). That's when my inner 'Karen' kicked-into high gear. Their tag line is always "Let me know." (meaning, 'would that be okay?'....because they're 'trying the customer on for size').. at which point I produced screencaps of the original agreed-upon deal, which swiftly resulted in a PayPal cash credit of $50 USD, complete with PayPal deposit receipt sent to my email, thus them 'folding like a deck of cards' Well, I guess you can't blame them for trying...(well, you can...but I digress...) This is where the consumer needs to be aware, vigilant, and otherwise on-their-toes in dealings with them. I'm sure that for every consumer who becomes hip to their tactics, there's another who falls prey.

All that said, I'm still thrilled with the ring that I purchased from them. Was going to go the route of purchasing a diamond and having the setting made locally...but I took a chance on the Reading Railroad, and it paid-off...

I still think that OboeGal has a good shot at getting the ring she loves for the price that's within her budget/comfort-zone through LGD... The one thing I do know is that they want 'good press'...meaning that they want to grow their business through positive internet reviews, as merchants that's the sticking point where the consumer has leverage. I let them know that I was a blabber mouth, as I was becoming increasingly concerned/nervous/frustrated with their communication during the ring-making process..and it worked-out in my favour.

If I was rich and could purchase at Cartier on 5th Avenue, I'd be getting the white-glove treatment...and still be getting ripped-off by relative/varying degrees...except in a more refined/gentile Gotta take it for what it is and make it work. ;)2=)2
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