
Best Gift You''ve Purchased This Holiday Season

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Date: 12/17/2007 10:39:09 AM
Author: starryeyed

Date: 12/17/2007 10:33:54 AM
Author: Lorelei

Hehehe! Ellen, Skippers, plus some other contributers have a whole 12 page thread devoted to them! We scout around and post cute ones in the thread, then Skippers takes over and puts them on one page for ease of use!

Sorry for the threadjack Kimmie!!

Thanks! Here''s one for you all!
Awww...thanks Starry!
Lorelei''s being modest, she contributed many emoties to that thread too.
Date: 12/17/2007 10:48:02 AM
Author: Ellen
Lorelei''s being modest, she contributed many emoties to that thread too.
for us it''s the digital picture frames that our families are getting, especially greg''s family members who are in other states. i loaded them with photos last nite and am shipping them today, they just have to plug them in and whala! in the future we can just send them 1gb memory cards to stick into the frames to get updated photos.
The gifts I buy always seem to pale in comparison to the response to the homemade Party Mix and Magic Cookie Bars. I always ship the mix and sweets to the out of town family and friends in addition to their gifts. One year I left out the food stuff and you would have thought I''d comitted a crime

Just last night my girlfriends were hinting around about the Magic Cookie Bars. They honesly could care less about the actual gift in the bag as long as the SWEETS are there
lol libster isn''t that funny? i had an vendor at my old company who would make bags of those butter spritz cookies for all her clients and literally every year people would be like ''when is sheri bringing the cookies by?''...and one year she didn''t do them and there was pandemonium!!!! it is a ton of work for her as she makes like 20 bags of about 50 cookies each but she likes to do it. and it''s nice to know that people really do appreciate it!
what a fun thread, everyone has some great ideas! ang3199, i love your gift! my mom always gets my dad stuff from cabela''s and he loves it.

i''m doing the digital frame for my dad as well. he''s been into photography since he was a teenager so i''ll upload some of his pictures as well as some of the family. but the gift i am most excited about this year is personalized stamps! i made some with a picture of my family on them for my grandmothers, and for my dad i used two of his shots, a lighthouse and a fall nature scene. he''ll get to feel famous in a way, and my grandmothers will have a photo of us without having to find another spot to put it - plus they save some money!
I think my most creative gift this year was for the bf--one of his stocking stuffers is a gift certificate to get an old fashioned hot towel straight razor shave. He always complains about how shaving irritates his skin, but he can''t get a close shave with an electric razor, so I thought he''d really enjoy being pampered for an hour while still feeling manly.

I''m just happy because I finished all my Christmas shopping early, so now I just have to get everything wrapped and under the tree!
Rainydaze: We had originally said no gifts for each other, but I couldn''t pass it up.

Kaleigh: I think he will, at least I hope! He loves things that make his life more convenient! (don''t we all!)

KimberlyH: Thank you! At first I wasn''t sure about it....but I think he will be so happy!

SDL and Ellen: I usually have a hard time getting ''original'' gifts (not socks, pjs, and underpants..haha) So I''m happy with this one!

Merry HoHo! (that''s what we used to say when we were kids!)
I only buy for 4 people (mom, dad, sister, husband) and I bought every one of them exactly what was on their list :) I''m a crappy present buyer so I just stick to lists. My mother really likes piece of red, carry-on, rolling luggage she picked for herself though - my family already celebrated Christmas. That''s probably the best this year.
I think the best gift I have purchased this year is for my Mom. I got her a bottle of Ice Wine (dessert wine) that we had at a restaurant (she wouldn''t stop talking about it!).
I know it will be a surprise since we all exchanged lists and this was not on her list (since we had it after we made the Christmas lists).
Wow, I love the responses from so many of you about how you can''t wait to see the expression of the receiver''s face and how much you loved getting that gift for that person. It just does go to show that the joy really is in the giving and not the receiving.
I''ve enjoyed reading thru everyone''s heartfelt descriptions of their ''specially selected gifts. They are wonderful!

This year, I found a book for my DH who is interested in history. It''s 141 years old and a first edition. Was standing by the mailbox when the mailman arrived with it today
I got my FI Bruins tickets, and since he loves hockey, I know he''ll love his gift. I got my sister a necklace for her Christmas gift and as a gift for being my MOH. Actually I bought two necklaces because I can''t decide which one to give her, but one will eventually be returned (that is, if I don''t keep it). I know I should probably do the MOH gift separately from her Christmas gift but I think it''s okay to have it do double duty, right?

I was going to get my mom tickets to see Celtic Woman but my dad just told me he already had. I''m glad he mentioned it before I bought tickets myself.

I think the best gift is either the pair of hockey tickets or the necklace.
Without a doubt, the Sugar Bowl tickets. If there is one thing that I hate, it is football. However, Nate played for Georgia and he just LOVES it, so I got tickets.
Penn, the Sugarbowl Tickets are a great sacrafice for a non-football-lover. So sweet of you.

Zoe, I think the necklace can serve double duty. Perhaps a nice card, on the day of your wedding, thanking your MOH for all she''s done would be a great, inexpensive way to recognize her.

Mara, the picture frames are a great idea. How fun!

Thanks for the continued sharing, all! I love hearing about what people do for their loved ones. Giving always far outweighs recieving in my world.
Wow, Penn...I would have been wife of the year had I scored some Sugar Bowl husband and I were born and raised in GA and he is a huge fan. That is an awesome gift, especially since you couldn''t care less about thoughtful:)
I''m a little embarassed to say that I am most excited for DD to get the Barbie Townhouse from Santa. I love Barbie and so does she. We play all the time. She will freak when she sees it.
Date: 12/17/2007 11:55:22 PM
Author: Miranda
I'm a little embarassed to say that I am most excited for DD to get the Barbie Townhouse from Santa. I love Barbie and so does she. We play all the time. She will freak when she sees it.
Miranda, that is so sweet! Hubby and I had a blast at FAO Schwarts in LV; I loved all the beautiful barbies! They are so cool because some are dressed from all over the world; my sister and I loved barbies as kids. It makes me wish I had a niece I could buy them for.
What a sweet mom you are
I''m really excited about the Digital Arts & Crafts Studio we got for our kindergartner. He does a lot of art work on the Paint program and has done some pretty cool stuff. He knows more about it than I do, so when we saw this we thought it was the perfect gift. I hope it''s as cool as it looks!
Date: 12/18/2007 12:02:53 AM
Author: Skippy123

Date: 12/17/2007 11:55:22 PM
Author: Miranda
I''m a little embarassed to say that I am most excited for DD to get the Barbie Townhouse from Santa. I love Barbie and so does she. We play all the time. She will freak when she sees it.
Miranda, that is so sweet! Hubby and I had a blast at FAO Schwarts in LV; I loved all the beautiful barbies! They are so cool because some are dressed from all over the world; my sister and I loved barbies as kids. It makes me wish I had a niece I could buy them for.
What a sweet mom you are
Thanks Skippy! Do you have all nephews? DD is the only girl in DH''s family so she has lots of girly stuff. I love the FAO in LV. We had one at South Coast Plaza, but, it''s been gone for a while. It has the most unique toys. Did you see the nursery? DH thought it was so creepy. I want to take DD there to pick out her own special baby.
I think it may be my mother's gift, which is weird because it is a donation to charity. it is her christmas and birthday because it is a lot of money for me (150) to the Heifer Project International, helping to buy yaks for a project in Tibet to help build and maintain the cultural community.

She loves the Tibetan community in exile in Northern India and spends a lot of time there when she can, so it works as a gift. (she's also Tibetan Buhddhist)
Date: 12/17/2007 11:55:22 PM
Author: Miranda
I''m a little embarassed to say that I am most excited for DD to get the Barbie Townhouse from Santa. I love Barbie and so does she. We play all the time. She will freak when she sees it.
Aw, don''t be! I can just imagine her excitement, and that really IS the best part of giving a gift.

I envy you and your girly stuff! Having all boys, I didn''t get to indulge in that. And while I loved giving them gifts I know they wanted, I somehow think watching a young one opening a Barbie Townhouse would be a bit more fun than Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle figurines....

Kowabunga dude.
Date: 12/17/2007 11:04:52 AM
Author: Libster
The gifts I buy always seem to pale in comparison to the response to the homemade Party Mix and Magic Cookie Bars. I always ship the mix and sweets to the out of town family and friends in addition to their gifts. One year I left out the food stuff and you would have thought I''d comitted a crime

Just last night my girlfriends were hinting around about the Magic Cookie Bars. They honesly could care less about the actual gift in the bag as long as the SWEETS are there

Heeeheee, that''s the trouble. If you start something like that you have to be prepared to keep doing it. But isn''t it wonderful that they look forward to those treats -- you know they really appreciate them and at least your efforts are well received!
Date: 12/19/2007 8:42:10 AM
Author: Ellen

Date: 12/17/2007 11:55:22 PM
Author: Miranda
I''m a little embarassed to say that I am most excited for DD to get the Barbie Townhouse from Santa. I love Barbie and so does she. We play all the time. She will freak when she sees it.
Aw, don''t be! I can just imagine her excitement, and that really IS the best part of giving a gift.

I envy you and your girly stuff! Having all boys, I didn''t get to indulge in that. And while I loved giving them gifts I know they wanted, I somehow think watching a young one opening a Barbie Townhouse would be a bit more fun than Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle figurines....

Kowabunga dude.

Me too, Ellen. And I''m bummed I didn''t get to buy a lot of the super cute girlie clothes. I really could have gotten into that!

Miranda, it''s so wonderful you play Barbies with your DD. She will grow up and remember that her whole life.
Date: 12/19/2007 2:03:04 AM
Author: rainbowtrout
I think it may be my mother''s gift, which is weird because it is a donation to charity. it is her christmas and birthday because it is a lot of money for me (150) to the Heifer Project International, helping to buy yaks for a project in Tibet to help build and maintain the cultural community.

She loves the Tibetan community in exile in Northern India and spends a lot of time there when she can, so it works as a gift. (she''s also Tibetan Buhddhist)

How interesting. I''ll bet she has a lot of fascinating stories to tell.
Date: 12/19/2007 10:51:41 AM
Author: lumpkin

Date: 12/19/2007 8:42:10 AM
Author: Ellen

Date: 12/17/2007 11:55:22 PM
Author: Miranda
I''m a little embarassed to say that I am most excited for DD to get the Barbie Townhouse from Santa. I love Barbie and so does she. We play all the time. She will freak when she sees it.
Aw, don''t be! I can just imagine her excitement, and that really IS the best part of giving a gift.

I envy you and your girly stuff! Having all boys, I didn''t get to indulge in that. And while I loved giving them gifts I know they wanted, I somehow think watching a young one opening a Barbie Townhouse would be a bit more fun than Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle figurines....

Kowabunga dude.

Me too, Ellen. And I''m bummed I didn''t get to buy a lot of the super cute girlie clothes. I really could have gotten into that!

Miranda, it''s so wonderful you play Barbies with your DD. She will grow up and remember that her whole life.
Oh, I know!!
Date: 12/19/2007 2:03:04 AM
Author: rainbowtrout
I think it may be my mother''s gift, which is weird because it is a donation to charity. it is her christmas and birthday because it is a lot of money for me (150) to the Heifer Project International, helping to buy yaks for a project in Tibet to help build and maintain the cultural community.

She loves the Tibetan community in exile in Northern India and spends a lot of time there when she can, so it works as a gift. (she''s also Tibetan Buhddhist)
Such a thoughtful gift, rt. Love it.
Ok, I found something hubby is going to LOVE!!! You have NO idea how hard that is to do. It''s going to take him down memory lane, to a carefree time in our lives. It''s a book on the Mississippi River Festivals. They were concerts held in a natural ampitheatre on the grounds at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville They ran from 1960-1980. Lack of funding/financial troubles and unrest among younger people, combined with the drug and alcohol abuse brought it to an end. But oh my, were those some fun days. Only a couple bucks to get in, and you could bring in coolers, put your blanket out and listen to some greats....

Some of the many bands that played there, and some of the best concerts I ever went to.

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica]During its heyday in the era of the military draft and the unpopular war in Vietnam, the student revolution, Watergate, and the rise of the counter-culture the MRF brought remarkable entertainment to SIUE. It is doubtful that any other campus in America was visited by more of the legendary performers of popular music between 1969 and 1980. Among the famous artists who appeared at the MRF were Joan Baez; The Band and Bob Dylan; the Beach Boys; Blood, Sweat, and Tears; Jackson Browne; the Butterfield Blues Band; Harry Chapin; Chicago; Judy Collins; Rita Coolidge; Jim Croce; David Crosby and Graham Nash; John Denver; the Eagles; Emerson, Lake, and Palmer; the Fifth Dimension; Dan Fogelberg; the Grateful Dead; the Guess Who; Arlo Guthrie; Iron Butterfly; Jefferson Starship; Janis Joplin; B. B. King; Kris Kristofferson; Gordon Lightfoot; Loggins and Messina; Dave Mason; Don McLean; Bette Midler; Joni Mitchell; the Pointer Sisters; Rare Earth; Helen Reddy; REO Speedwagon; Kenny Rogers; Linda Ronstadt; Todd Rundgren; Seals and Crofts; Rod Stewart; Stephen Stills; James Taylor; the Marshall Tucker Band; and Ike and Tina Turner.[/FONT]
What an incredible list and I know Hubs will love the book! I found a book for my Hubs too which I know he will love, he is so darned hard to buy for....
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