
Big Green Bling


Aug 6, 2010
Hi all, I posted this over at Rocky Talky but suggested to put here.

About 30 years ago my great uncle gave my Grandmother a stone from his travels to either South America or South Africa (not sure which). He'd purchased a different shaped stone for each of his three sisters in the same color, hers was round. She gave it to me about 20 years ago and I had it set in YG and wear it occasionally.

Stone edge to edge is about 11 mm. I have no idea what it is. I remember about 15 years ago asking a jewler about it who offered to buy it but said it wasn't worth anything (hmmmmm....).

Thought I'd share it here. My ring size is about a 10.

Any ideas what it is?


Two more


I wish I could help! all i can say is its beautiful, im sure some of the experts will chime in soon :twirl:
My total and complete guess would be tourmaline first and then aqua next. Seems to have a little bit of a grey mask but not too bad. I like it!
brandy_z28 said:
My total and complete guess would be tourmaline first and then aqua next.

would be my guess also. i like the size of it!

My initial thought was a tourmaline first too (because it is green), then aquamarine in the next picture (looks bluish), but the thing that stumped me is the side view. It seems like the colour is chopped off halfway down the stone unless your camera is playing tricks in your picture.
i'm going to guess natural, unheated aquamarine. just a WAG on my part since we don't know origin and we're only basing it on color - i think it's pretty though.
It looks like tourmaline, or maybe even a green amethyste to me.
Chrono said:
My initial thought was a tourmaline first too (because it is green), then aquamarine in the next picture (looks bluish), but the thing that stumped me is the side view. It seems like the colour is chopped off halfway down the stone unless your camera is playing tricks in your picture.

My green diamond does that too.
Maybe it's a diamond. :naughty:

Picture 5.png
How is the luster, is it glassy, waxy, or more shiny in appearance? Does it have any dispersion (breaks up the light in in different colors). Do you see through the stone if viewing it on an angle. I highly doubt this is a diamond just by looking at it. The luster and refraction, even in photos of diamonds, is easy to spot.

At this point, it could be a number of things, aqua, tourmaline, synthetic quartz, coated topaz, apatite, but to be absolutely sure, you should take it to a gemologist who is very familiar with colored gems. If it were a tourmaline, it would be more valuable than the other gems on the short list I made above.
Thanks all.

I would not say it has dispersion but the luster is good. I am attaching two more photos, one with light showing on it and one with text. I read somewhere this morning about a newspaper test that if you put a diamond on it you should not be able to read through it.


Whatever it is, it's beautiful Anne! The yellow gold seems to really flatter it, as well. I hope you get the stone tested-- I'd love to know what it is.
yes I really like the color...I would be curious to know what it really is! it is beautiful!
Tourmaline would be my guess to based on the color
My guess is fluorite. Fluorite comes in a lot of colors, one of them being this exact green. There are large deposits of it in Kenya.

Was the direct light that you used a fluorescent bulb by chance? Under a fluorescent light it should throw off a different color, like yellow or blue. Try that and let us know how it goes.

If it is fluorite, be careful; it is very soft. Easy to chip.

Whatever it is, it's pretty.
I guessed Tourmaline.
We can all guess, but no one can definitively tell you what it is from a photo. I highly recommend you see a gemologist that specializes in colored gems. :))
True, TL...but it is fun guessing...

If it was flourite it would have microchips at least or facet abrasion. I guess tourmaline as well.
The condition of the stone looks really good if it’s fluorite, especially since it’s in a ring which is why I’m doubtful it is, but who knows. We are all guessing anyway since there’s no way to test it for anything without the stone in hand.
Not sure what it is, but it's a gorgeous color!
I am not sure what stone it is, but it sure is pretty and huge!
Fluorite would be abraded all over, since it's softer than dust, would never last.

Here's what you do.. Go into a room with a single light source. Hold the table right up to your eyelashes and look at the far light. Report back how many circles/points of the light you can see around the circumference of the table. Also look a little farther to the edge and note the spectrums out at the far edge. Are they paired?

It's the technique described in this post: faq1/visual-optics-special-weapons-tactics-for-guerilla-gemology-t10635.html and you'll be able to tell us the Refractive index by the number of circles you can see.

Please report back.
I am in the Tourmaline or aquamarine camp, and I think it is a lovely, and unusual stone for either of those varieties. My third guess would be a grossular garnet of some sort. Roger Derry recently had some neonish yet pastel green grossulars that were utter marvels.
I do hope we get to find out for sure what your stone is, but no matter what you have a lovely there. Maybe it could stand a new setting, something wonderful, yet simple
Thank you all for your feedback, opinions and kind words.

Now I am off to find a gemologist in Atlanta to look at it. If anyone has someone they can recommend, please post here.
I'm going to guess tourmaline. Very pretty.
Not to be a downer, but I would guess a synthetic of some sort. The colour is just great, though.
What was it? <curious cat>
not sure yet but I have an appointment next week for a gemologist to take a look.
I'll let all of you know when I hear! :)
It could also be synthetic spinel. Looking forward to hearing what the gemologist says. Keeping my fingers crossed that it is a natural gem of some sort.

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