
Birth control & your libido (sex drive)... FYI

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Date: 12/3/2008 4:13:07 PM
Author: musey
I went off my pill (generic alesse) this month to see what happens. I''m on week one (13 days since my last pill). I''m really hoping that my monthly gift continues to come regularly
we''ll see...

I''ve been feeling more depressed/distraught than usual over the past 3 or 4 days. I''m wondering if it''s some sort of hormonal withdrawal or something??

Musey, I just took my last pill November 20 (generic ortho tricyclen), so i''m right there with you. I was actually just about to post about this exact issue today!

I''ve been more emotional, but happier overall. I was feeling depressed on the pill, now I''m more up and down (poor FF).

Also, really bad headaches and DIZZY like you wouldn''t believe. No skin breakouts yet, though.

I''ve been googling "stopping the pill" all day and haven''t found much doctor-inspired information, just other message boards.
Hi Ladies,

Great thread. I've been following it for about a week now and this past Saturday DH and I officially decided to get off the pill. I never wanted to be on it anyway (Mom was always highly against it when I was growing up so I guess she had an influence). But I knew I didn't want to take a risk of getting pregnant so on I went. However, the very idea of it has freaked me out the entire 4 years I was on it so after reading this thread I was finally scared crapless and went off LOL. I figure since I'm married now, who cares if I get pregnant. Sure I'd rather wait a couple more years, but man.

Anyhoo, I decided to comment because I noticed Circe mention Alesse. That was the first pill I was prescribed and it is EVIL! I am a skinny gal, always have been. I'm about 5'4" and was 110lbs for a decade (and before that I weighed less because I was younger/shorter). My doctor consistently told me I was under weight but it didn't matter, I ate like a pig and nothing changed. Until Alesse. I was actually looking fwd to some weight gain since I had tried to gain all my life, but I jumped from 110lbs to 140lbs!! WTF!?!??! I had absolutely no idea what to do with the new body I was given. Exercise didn't even help.

Well my doctor ran out of Alesse and switched me to Mircette. Within a few months I dropped to 120lbs. Doctors like to tell you the pill doesn't cause weight gain but they are LYING. How else does someone that could never gain weight suddenly put on 30lbs? So yeah, Circe stay far away from it!!!

ETA: I neglected to mention, I went off on Saturday which was only a week after my last period, woke up this morning to a brand new one! Yay...UGH, I hate it. Two periods in two weeks. Not fun!!
Date: 12/3/2008 4:19:34 PM
Author: MoonWater
Hi Ladies,

Great thread. I''ve been following it for about a week now and this past Saturday DH and I officially decided to get off the pill. I never wanted to be on it anyway (Mom was always highly against it when I was growing up so I guess she had an influence). But I knew I didn''t want to take a risk of getting pregnant so on I went. However, the very idea of it has freaked me out the entire 4 years I was on it so after reading this thread I was finally scared crapless and went off LOL. I figure since I''m married now, who cares if I get pregnant. Sure I''d rather wait a couple more years, but man.

Anyhoo, I decided to comment because I noticed Circe mention Alesse. That was the first pill I was prescribed and it is EVIL! I am a skinny gal, always have been. I''m about 5''4'' and was 110lbs for a decade (and before that I weighed less because I was younger/shorter). My doctor consistently told me I was under weight but it didn''t matter, I ate like a pig and nothing changed. Until Alesse. I was actually looking fwd to some weight gain since I had tried to gain all my life, but I jumped from 110lbs to 140lbs!! WTF!?!??! I had absolutely no idea what to do with the new body I was given. Exercise didn''t even help.

Well my doctor ran out of Alesse and switched me to Mircette. Within a few months I dropped to 120lbs. Doctors like to tell you the pill doesn''t cause weight gain but they are LYING. How else does someone that could never gain weight suddenly put on 30lbs? So yeah, Circe stay far away from it!!!

ETA: I neglected to mention, I went off on Saturday which was only a week after my last period, woke up this morning to a brand new one! Yay...UGH, I hate it. Two periods in two weeks. Not fun!!

I hate to give doctors a bad rep, but it seems like a lot of side effects are not mentioned to women when it comes to birth control, or they are denied or dismissed as silly.

So many women suffer weight gain, depression, anxiety, loss of libido (HUGE!) and other things that doctors swear arent a possible to reaction to birth control.

I don''t get it. Are they trying to hide it, or really are unaware of the effects on the individual user?
Date: 12/1/2008 8:22:51 PM
Author: princesss
Thank you thank you thank you!

I have been having terrible issues with this, to the point where last night BF had to reassure me that he would still love me no matter how long this lasted. I was sobbing, freaking out that something''s wrong with me. BCP doesn''t work well for me for a number of reasons, so I''m making an appointment with a gyno tomorrow (it''ll be a few months before I can probably get an appointment for Mirena, but oh well). Honestly? I threw out what I had left. I''ve been on it for years with out medical supervision (I know, I know, it''s terrible, but it''s not available in the country I live in and it did work wonders for me). So it''s gone. Just...gone. BF said he''s comfortable with the extra risk, I''m comfortable with the extra risk, so it''s gone. And I haven''t been able to stop smiling.

If nothing else, this is getting me set up with a gyno and I''ll actually have medical supervision, which is a good thing.

I''m a little scared, though, because my friend that has it said it really really hurt to get put in, and that the doctor commented that she was the first person not to scream.

I so feel you on the frustration. How sweet of your BF to be so understanding. Chin up, I bet you start to feel more "like yourself" soon. It was crazy how much of a night/day difference it is. You are scaring me about the Mirena tho! Mine is approved and waiting at my gyn office for my period to show up (apparently it is less painful then), which should be this week or next (I do miss that about the pill!!) and I will report back.
elle, I have no idea. I don''t even feel like there was a real discussion about it. I asked for them and they gave them too me. Since they didn''t say anything, I didn''t think it was anything to be said. Lesson learned, next time research the heck out of things before visiting the doctor.
Date: 12/3/2008 4:17:23 PM
Author: elledizzy5
Date: 12/3/2008 4:13:07 PM

Author: musey

I went off my pill (generic alesse) this month to see what happens. I''m on week one (13 days since my last pill). I''m really hoping that my monthly gift continues to come regularly
we''ll see...

I''ve been feeling more depressed/distraught than usual over the past 3 or 4 days. I''m wondering if it''s some sort of hormonal withdrawal or something??

Musey, I just took my last pill November 20 (generic ortho tricyclen), so i''m right there with you. I was actually just about to post about this exact issue today!

I''ve been more emotional, but happier overall. I was feeling depressed on the pill, now I''m more up and down (poor FF).

Also, really bad headaches and DIZZY like you wouldn''t believe. No skin breakouts yet, though.

I''ve been googling ''stopping the pill'' all day and haven''t found much doctor-inspired information, just other message boards.

Handy that there are 4 of us all going off at the same time - we can compare notes!

Moonwater, I just had the delightful surprise of an early period (luckily on a day when I''m working from home - I guess I should have expected it, but the regularity of being on the pill is something that I''m going to miss). I''m hoping my mystery weight gain will follow the pattern of yours - I''m happy to work out, but there are limits to how much "give" I can find in my schedule! Adding insult to injury, I gained the weight just when I''d started to work out regularly for the first time in years.

Like Musey and Elle, I''m feeling a little moodier (though I hadn''t made the connection until I read that), and just kind of ... weird. Tight around the temples, and almost feverish, though with no fever - I''d been chalking it up to an incipient cold, but now I wonder. What I wouldn''t give for a reliable study/article on this!
+1 on the moodiness which I originally attributed to the stress of finals. But last night I was crying like a baby, woke up with a period and was like...OH! I felt better after that, but then crappy again when I realized, oh yeah, ANOTHER period. I swear, it sucks being a woman sometimes.

also +1 on headaches, that started a few hours ago. In general I feel crappy. Had I known all this was going to happen I probably wouldn't have stopped until after finals were done!!!!
great thread - i, too, have been affected by this. something else that i have never found addressed is latex condoms & the ring (made of latex) and latex allergies. if you are allergic to latex you may experience a strange and uncomfortable reaction to condoms and the ring. my understanding of the latex allergy is that it is cummulative - the more you are exposed the more your reaction ''grows''. (many bandaids are made from latex as well, fyi).
Oh goodness.

I completely second what everyone is going through. I can't believe how common this, it's so nice to know that I'm not the only one. I almost lost my SO over this and it's brought more sadness than I even care to mention. I've heard rumors thrown around about the decrease in libido, but never seen any scientific data about this. It blows my mind that so many women are having trouble without having ever been warned about this. I mean come on, I even mentioned my libido to my OB/GYN during my last visit AND to my Pharmacist and NEITHER one brought up my BC as a possible culprit.

So Frustrated.
Date: 12/3/2008 4:17:23 PM
Author: elledizzy5
Date: 12/3/2008 4:13:07 PM
Author: musey
I went off my pill (generic alesse) this month to see what happens. I''m on week one (13 days since my last pill). I''m really hoping that my monthly gift continues to come regularly
we''ll see...

I''ve been feeling more depressed/distraught than usual over the past 3 or 4 days. I''m wondering if it''s some sort of hormonal withdrawal or something??
Musey, I just took my last pill November 20 (generic ortho tricyclen), so i''m right there with you. I was actually just about to post about this exact issue today!

I''ve been more emotional, but happier overall. I was feeling depressed on the pill, now I''m more up and down (poor FF).

Also, really bad headaches and DIZZY like you wouldn''t believe. No skin breakouts yet, though.

I''ve been googling ''stopping the pill'' all day and haven''t found much doctor-inspired information, just other message boards.
I''ve been googling it too! And also, when I was running today I got period-like cramps (my last P ended last Thursday) and dizziness. Had to cut it short because I was worried about passing out or something.

I''m glad I''m not the only one!

The only semi-useful info I found today (forget where, boo) was that the adjustment period back to your normal hormonal balance is normally 1-3 months. But there were some message board posts out there suggesting that it can take longer (up to a year or even more) to get back to your normal cycles.
Date: 12/3/2008 4:19:34 PM
Author: MoonWater
Anyhoo, I decided to comment because I noticed Circe mention Alesse. That was the first pill I was prescribed and it is EVIL! I am a skinny gal, always have been. I''m about 5''4'' and was 110lbs for a decade (and before that I weighed less because I was younger/shorter). My doctor consistently told me I was under weight but it didn''t matter, I ate like a pig and nothing changed. Until Alesse. I was actually looking fwd to some weight gain since I had tried to gain all my life, but I jumped from 110lbs to 140lbs!! WTF!?!??! I had absolutely no idea what to do with the new body I was given. Exercise didn''t even help.

Well my doctor ran out of Alesse and switched me to Mircette. Within a few months I dropped to 120lbs. Doctors like to tell you the pill doesn''t cause weight gain but they are LYING. How else does someone that could never gain weight suddenly put on 30lbs? So yeah, Circe stay far away from it!!!
EW!!!! That''s awful. I did not have any noticeable weight gain with Alesse (I did gain, but I''m pretty sure it was a coincidence). It''s so crazy how different pills affect different people in different ways.

Glad you switched off!!
Man oh man... Add another one (me) to the list.

I just turned 27 and started taking ortho tri-cyclen lo a little over 3 years ago, a while before I met my DH. When we first met, he could just look at me and I was done for. Over the last 2 years, my libido has just...died. Now, I''ve been in long-term relationships before, sans pill, and based on those experiences I''ve known in my heart for some time that this is NOT just me losing my attraction to him or the lovebirds stage ending. I can look at him and think "man do I love him", consider how attractive I think he is, and yet have ZILCH interest in sex. DH understands that I can''t help it, and that I love him, but at the same time he wants nothing more than to feel like he has the same affect on me that I do on him. The longer we go without ''playing'', the more he starts to push/encourage the idea. Meanwhile, I''m feeling guilty that I can''t seem to respond to him, and the more he pushes the more I just resent the entire concept of sex. I''d say 99% of our spats/disagreements/arguments/hurt feelings have stemmed directly from our clashing libidos. We even bought a book on the topic - "When Your Sex Drives Don''t Match: Discover Your Libido Types to Create a Mutually Satisfying Sex Life".

So, now knowing that there''s a really good chance it''s the pill doing this to me, we''re completely torn on what to do. DH has always been REALLY scared of an unplanned pregnancy, and we have always used pill + condom to stretch the odds in our favor. Sure, we''re married and really really want kids someday, but we''re both PhD candidates with 1-2+ years left if all goes well. We get good health insurance which covers a family if need be, but we couldn''t very easily support a child on our salaries. Also, my research requires that I work with a known teratogen (a substance known to cause severe birth defects/fetal death). So, if I got pregnant, I would likely have to drop out of school temporarily and try and find work to cover the bills.

Honestly, I think DH would almost be willing to give up intercourse if it meant I got my interest back. However, I don''t really want to go back to my teenage years, ya know? I''m really curious to hear if any of you ladies switching to Mirena see improvements in your libido. I know the hormones are similar, but you never know, right?
ladyciel I feel like I could have written your post myself! I''m really confused on what to use for BC. I''ve been on the pill for 10 years!!!! I was on Mircette for a long time and finally asked my Gyno if that could be contributing to my complete lack of sex drive. She changed my Rx to Lybrel (a lower dose, but continuous hormonal pill). I really haven''t noticed a difference and I''ve been on it for 9 months. We have a daughter and we''re 99.9% sure that we don''t want any more children. But until we''re sure, I want a dependable method of BC.

I have a couple of friends that are on Mirena. One just got it removed because of weight gain, decrease in libido and depression. So for those of you that either have this or are thinking about getting it, google it and read some forums of women''s experience with it. From what I''ve read, they''re experiencing the very same things we''ve all been with the Pill.

I despise condoms, so that''s out! Does anyone use a diaphragm anymore? The only other thing I''m considering is a Coppper IUD since it doesn''t have any hormones. Does anyone have any experience with that?
I actually have a question for you ladies, prompted by luvmyhalo''s last post, but referencing something a lot of us have said ... do y''all really hate condoms? I know my husband really hates condoms. As a result, I''ve sort of internalized that notion - caught myself saying it to a friend earlier tonight. But, in all honestly, they don''t make a bit of difference to me *physically* - they just affect my knowledge of his experience. Does that trump my experience with the skin and the weight and the libido? Well ... no. So I''m going to be arguing for them as an addition to anything else that we do for BC, since I know that most non-hormonal methods have a greater element of risk to them. Pure curiosity here (and maybe more appropriate to another thread), but do condoms make a difference to anyone?

P.S. - This is aside from and outside of Rainydaze''s point about latex allergies, which can be incredibly serious - I have a friend with a severe latex allergy that developed gradually, and is now literally life-threatening under conditions that most people consider wholly innocuous. I''m asking on the level of sensation/preference.
Date: 12/4/2008 2:26:25 AM
Author: Circe
I actually have a question for you ladies, prompted by luvmyhalo''s last post, but referencing something a lot of us have said ... do y''all really hate condoms? I know my husband really hates condoms. As a result, I''ve sort of internalized that notion - caught myself saying it to a friend earlier tonight. But, in all honestly, they don''t make a bit of difference to me *physically* - they just affect my knowledge of his experience. Does that trump my experience with the skin and the weight and the libido? Well ... no. So I''m going to be arguing for them as an addition to anything else that we do for BC, since I know that most non-hormonal methods have a greater element of risk to them. Pure curiosity here (and maybe more appropriate to another thread), but do condoms make a difference to anyone?

P.S. - This is aside from and outside of Rainydaze''s point about latex allergies, which can be incredibly serious - I have a friend with a severe latex allergy that developed gradually, and is now literally life-threatening under conditions that most people consider wholly innocuous. I''m asking on the level of sensation/preference.

Ugh. Circe, I do. I hate the way they smell, I hate the way they feel, and they impact my SO too. Add that to the fact that they''re only 88% effective when used in normal situations and it''s a mess.

Although balance that with the side effects of the pill and it''s a more even playing field.
OK so I am completely disheartened. I did a google search on Mirena experience...and it wasn''t good. I haven''t gotten mine in yet, and I seriously feel like crying. Many women see the same side effects as the pill. Weight gain, mood swings, anxiety, and lack of sex drive. I JUST got rid of these problems and the thought of facing them again is so depressing. My BF and I have a really "healthy" sex life and I know that ALL of those side effects, not just the libido, would harm it.

I do not want to have kids ANYTIME soon. I don''t like or trust condoms, and the pill made me crazy.

Sometimes, I feel like as a woman I am constantly battling my body.
The problem with reading reviews online for Mirena is that the people who start googling message boards to write about them are the people who hated them. It''s hard to gauge an accurate response. Also, because everyone reacts differently, what works for one doesn''t work for another. The only way to know how it will affect you is to do it yourself.

I''ve decided to eliminate the entire hormone variable and go with the Paragard IUD. If it''s unbearable after 3 months, FF and I will talk again. We could then try Mirena or go to condoms.

All I know is that I can''t handle the hormones of the pill, so I''m not going to try a hormonal IUD. I can deal with heavy periods and cramps if the other 3 weeks a month I''m actually IN THE MOOD again. Man do I miss it.
I just have to say that after a couple of years of lurking and not posting, it took this thread to make me post again! LOL!
It''s just too coincidental that I''m having trouble in the libido department too and it could be the BC pills (been on them since I was 21, I''m now 32. Problems started at around 27). Going off them seem to be the easiest solution now. However, i would like to add that there can be other things that may cause this. E.g. medical conditions such as diabetes, thyroid issues. Also lots of other medications can cause this too so make sure you guys get checked out by your GP before going off your pills.
I totally agree that the doctors have been of no help. I''ve been switched from 1 pill to another (I''ve tried Triphasil, Alesse=bad acne, Loestrin 1.5/30, Desogen, Ortho-Novum). Recently, my newest doctor gave me estrogen vaginal tablets to help with vaginal dryness.......I got them but too scared to try so they''re still sitting around.
Thanks for all the good info!
Date: 12/4/2008 9:27:22 AM
Author: Brynn

Ugh. Circe, I do. I hate the way they smell, I hate the way they feel, and they impact my SO too. Add that to the fact that they''re only 88% effective when used in normal situations and it''s a mess.

Although balance that with the side effects of the pill and it''s a more even playing field.
DITTO! I hate condoms, they feel terrible to me.
Currently we rely solely on my BCPs, but during times when I have been on antibiotics we have used condoms as a backup method since the antibiotics can interfere with BCPs. I HATED it!

Regarding the low libido, I just dont know what to do. I do not want children right now and I want a method of BC that is as effective as possible while still allowing me to enjoy the act... seems that might not exist...
I've been following this thread with interest, since I have the same issues. Until recently, I've been too scared of getting pregnant to really care -- but I want my libido back! I think I'm going to stay on my BC (Nuvaring) for a few more months, until it's close enough to the wedding that I wouldn't be showing if an "oops" happened. Then, temping and checking other bodily signals, and using barriers until I've gotten the hang of it (and during "danger zones"). We aren't exactly fans of condoms, but can tolerate them when necessary, so it should hopefully work for us. I'd prefer to wait about 2 years after we get married to have our first child, but FI would have them now if I was ready, and once we're married I wouldn't mind so much if we got pregnant before the optimal time.

It's really frightening how many women are affected this way. It may be awful, but until recently I was less concerned about the effect hormonal BC had on my body than the effect an unplanned pregnancy would have on my perspective has changed tremendously in the last year or so. This thread has really confirmed it for me, though. I'm really antsy now for it to be summer so I can toss my BC...
I too an seriously considering tossing the BC pills.

But what to do as an alternative.. I''m not really open to any other types of hormonal methods.

And condoms, well..
1) I really don''t like them
2) It just doesn''t seem like enough

I REALLY do not want to get pregnant.. and 85% effectiveness just is NOT enough.

What a dilema..
Stay on the pills with no sex drive and be extra safe (but then what''s the point to stay on them if you''re never doing it cause youre not in the mood..?)
or get off the pills and end up with a healthy sex drive that turns out to be more risky for chance of pregnancy..

oh the cruel cruel irony..
can''t mess with nature, i guess...
Ok, what's this about condoms only being 85% effective? I think it was mentioned more than once in this thread and I don't recall the risk being that high. Is this factoring in non perfect use, i.e. people that do not consistently use or know how to properly use condoms?

Ok, so I went to google and this is what I found:

Pregnancy Prevention
Studies have shown that condoms are one of the most reliable methods for preventing unwanted pregnancy. In addition to being effective, condoms are also inexpensive and are available without a prescription.

Facts in Brief

* Condoms are 98 percent effective in preventing pregnancy when used consistently and correctly.

* The first-year effectiveness rate in preventing pregnancy among typical condom users on average is 86 percent. This includes pregnancies resulting from errors in condom use.

from: click on the link if you want to read about alternatives to latex condoms. Perhaps the others will be better for improve sensitivity for those that don't typically like them.
I was always told condoms were 85% effective... I suppose there''s a chance that could be off.

Either way I don''t trust them..
I was always told it was 98% effective. It''s 85% if you do not use them every time or use them incorrectly. I guess the people that told you were being on the safe side.
This is really interesting because I have never heard that BC pills caused decreased sex drive either. But I''ll just have to say that I haven''t been on them for years because DH had a vasectomy after our second child, and I still have a very low sex drive. Honestly, I think some of it is just hormonal and the other part is simply fatigue! After kids and work, there is nothing I enjoyed more than laying my head on that pillow and relaxing until I drifted off to sleep! And to this day, I do still treasure sleep more! My poor hubby. Oh, and in the TMI category, probably because of my age, I do have dryness which doesn''t help the situation, and I just don''t like to deal with that.

I guess I am just mentioning this because I don''t think we can always blame it only on the pill. I think some women just naturally have a lower sex drive than others, and it shows up after the newness of the relationship wears off and the responsibilities and the busyness of life increases.
I just wanted to mention that I read this thread around 3 weeks ago and went off my pill immediately.

I have had such a low sex drive for this past year it has been horrible, for both myself and my fiance. I think we made love maybe three times max?

Well, this week I really started to feel some changes, I wasn''t feeling as emotional/moody, I had some motivation to go out and do things and we''ve had more sex this week then we have had all year (all which I initiated)

So there is hope!
Very interesting thread. I''ve now reached menopause, so we got to throw away the condoms a few years ago.
I used the pill for a couple of years in my 20s, but was so moody, and/or had breakthrough bleeding so we switched to the diaphram/spermicide combo until we decided to have our first child in my late 20s. I hated the diaphram, it was fine for the act, but you have to leave it in for hours afterwards, and that was very uncomfortable. My DH offered to use condoms, and, except for tossing them away to conceive our two very much planned for children, we used nothing but condoms for 20 years with a perfect success rate. We didn''t bother with the spermicide they recommended. I always had a very strong libido, and now I am very, very glad I was not on the pill for any longer than I was. It''s only here at menopause that I''m finding a significant drop in sex drive. Oh well, it was very, very fun in the meantime!
Date: 12/7/2008 10:20:23 PM
Author: Dannielle
I just wanted to mention that I read this thread around 3 weeks ago and went off my pill immediately.

I have had such a low sex drive for this past year it has been horrible, for both myself and my fiance. I think we made love maybe three times max?

Well, this week I really started to feel some changes, I wasn''t feeling as emotional/moody, I had some motivation to go out and do things and we''ve had more sex this week then we have had all year (all which I initiated)

So there is hope!
Oh man, I am so happy for you! Glad things are getting better for you, and I''m glad there''s hope for me! LOL

I''ve been off two weeks. Starting to feel a bit better, but not 100% there yet.
Date: 12/7/2008 10:20:23 PM
Author: Dannielle
I just wanted to mention that I read this thread around 3 weeks ago and went off my pill immediately.

I have had such a low sex drive for this past year it has been horrible, for both myself and my fiance. I think we made love maybe three times max?

Well, this week I really started to feel some changes, I wasn''t feeling as emotional/moody, I had some motivation to go out and do things and we''ve had more sex this week then we have had all year (all which I initiated)

So there is hope!
Dannielle...I did the exact same thing...almost at the same time you did and I feel FAB!!!

I''m not moody anymore, I''m not tired all the time, I actually initate intimacy with FF, and I actually think I physically look better...I was feeling like I was gaining a whole bunch of weight...which I think was water weight b/c I feel MUCH better about my appearance. My face has even cleared up!! I know BCP is supposed to help acne but it did the opposite for me...

Anyway if I feel this good and it''s only been 3 or so weeks...I can''t imagine how good I''ll feel in another month. I''m just soooo happy!!!

Thanks again Amanda for posting this...It seriously has changed everything about my lifestyle for the better!!!
well ladies, I had my Mirena placed today. Ouch!!! It basically felt at the time like your worst period cramp ever (and I have had some killers) mulitplied by 5. Now, a few hours later, it feels like multiplied by 2.

Anyway, I am still very hopeful about this method, after reading some more "balanced" experiences.
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