
Black & White

Thanks for the visual of how the clasps work!

Pkinnew -- is that what you are planning on doing?
I love the asymmetrical design and the colors of the pearls!!! Another absolutely gorgeous piece!!! :love: :love: :love: :appl: :appl: :appl:
I have received the strand and bracelet and they are just gorgeous in person! Big, chunky pearls with enough "baroqueness" to make them fun. I just can't take a picture of them! Inside, outside, anywhere! Maybe it's because of the difference in pearl color or more likely my poor camera skills. Any ideas? I promise to keep trying!!!
Ok ignore my prior post. When I was trying to take pictures before I was wearing different colored turtlenecks to provide a simple yet colorful backdrop. I will continue to try and do that but this afternoon I said what the heck, let's try them with this tuxedo shirt on. Well it worked! Here are a bunch of pictures of these pearls, different lengths plus lariat. Kinda weird with this shirt but at least I can share now! Enjoy!



More neck shots...





very nice, Pkinnew,must add to my wish list. White or black are always great choices. I think fuschia will look good or even one of the lighter tahitian colour/overtone in that strand. When I first saw this strand, for some reason I thought of this picture. Just imagine the polka dot scarf as your strand. A crisp green would make it stand out even more.



Okay, you are officially killing me. That is a wonderful necklace!!! I just adore it.

Can you do me a favor? Is it possible for you to weigh it? I've been wanting a dark/light necklace for a long time now (Lit Geek's wowed me, then Kay's and now yours...!) but I fear the weight will be too much. Mine would be significantly shorter -- but I'm trying to keep pieces below 3.25 ounces for me.

Enjoy this wonderful new piece and wear in health! If you were near me, I would be going gaga over this piece!!!

(Every time I push to post, more pictures show up and I am more and more and more and more in awe and in love!!! The longest look leaves me absolutely speechless!!!)
Beautiful necklace, pkinnew. I think the white shirt functions like a white box as far as bringing out the overtones of the pearls.

Having seen Kay's black and white pearl necklace, first in photos, and then in person, I have no doubt that this piece is even more stunning in person. :appl:
Lariat - maybe not with this blouse!

Bracelet too!



And finally - doubled!


What an absolutely stunning and versatile strand!!! :love: :love: :love: I love it SO much! Now I want a longer B&W strand too!!! Congrats and enjoy!

It's fantastic!!! I love everything about it, and I think you made a good call with getting the the bracelet, as it looks fantastic long with the bracelet added in for extra length. The clasps make it so versatile too!
Oohhhhhh beautiful, pkinnew! Enjoy and wear it in health.
Very classy indeed. What a great strand to go from day into evening with style.
Very beautiful, Pkinnew ... and so smartly versatile with the bracelet to add length ... fabulous!
bsomlo - It weighs about 4 oz on the postal meter but it is 26" long. A shorter one would be fabulous!!
That is superb news! So a 17" version should be fine for me!
I really like the bracelet n necklace combo! Enjoy your new beauty! :appl:
Beautiful necklace, pkinnew! I love the "longer" photo. Gorgeous.

Have you tried the lariat fastened lower?
Thanks everyone for the reviews - they are so versatile!!! ennui - I haven't tried the lariat lower yet but I will, hopefully on a plainer background!
Love how this turned out!!
Lovely new treasure, Pkkinew!