
Blue sapphire question

AGL can test for diffusion (heat, as far as I know, can be determined with standard gemologist equipment). I’ve sent a sapphire there and they had to utilize an LA-ICP-MS to test it. I would imagine SSEF has complete ability to test for diffusion as well. These four labs are the most highly regarded labs in the world (SSEF, AGL, AGL and GRS).

The gemologist whom is has recently retired, and a trained and certified GIA gemologist of several decades said that he was not aware of any labs other than the main GIA or main GRS labs having the multi-million dollar equipment to test for heat treatment (but I will check with the AGL to confirm so I know where to send customers, although, again, we just assume heat treatment). Gemologists can see evidence of heat vs non heat treatment, but they cannot make that determination unequivocally. Hence we wrote this blog:
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AGL has access to the LA-ICP-MS, but I don’t think they own it. Thank you for the blog. Chris Smith of AGL was able to determine heat treatment on two of my sapphires, but he had to use the Mass Spectrometer on one of them to rule out diffusion. He could rule out diffusion in the other sapphire with standard equipment.
@T L
Does the color of this one remind you of your blue pear? How would you call it in terms of tone/saturation?
I wonder when away from the ideal lighting, would it be kind of gray? Could you kind of guess? TIA

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@T L
Does the color of this one remind you of your blue pear? How would you call it in terms of tone/saturation?
I wonder when away from the ideal lighting, would it be kind of gray? Could you kind of guess? TIA

I think my sapphire is darker in tone, but similar saturation. I would call it medium
light tone and slightly grayish blue saturation. The window ruins what is otherwise a pretty stone here.
Is this more ideal for a saturated medium? Looks almost unreal. Less gray? The cut looks nice.
Is this more ideal for a saturated medium? Looks almost unreal. Less gray? The cut looks nice.

This one? Yes it’s more saturated and I would say medium tone.
Wouldn't you think the blue would go darker without studio lights, but maybe still very pleasant?
Wouldn't you think the blue would go darker without studio lights, but maybe still very pleasant?

It’s not an overly dark stone, so even if it got darker in some lighting, it would still be lively.

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