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~~I agree valeria. My parents already think I''m crazy beacuse I love reading about celebrity engagement rings and weddings and stuff. At least here on P-scope, I can come and talk about it freely without feeling like someone would think that I''m shallow or something. Personally, diamond size doesn''t even matter to me. As long as it''s coming from someone that I love and care about, and who loves me in return, it doesn''t matter what it is. Hell, I could get a Ring Pop as an e-ring, and it would mean the same to me as if it were a honkin 24 ct. diamond (lol)!! For some reason, I would feel really weird calling my best friend on the phone and saying "Hey, did you see Paris Hilton''s new engagement ring?" and then talking about all the specs and stuff!!
That is why I really enjoy my time here on pricescope. I can come and talk openly about the things that I like (i.e: diamonds) and not feel bad about it. I also don''t think that anyone on here really brags about anything. I mean, who doesn''t love a great diamond, or sapphire, or ruby, or whatever? Pricescope gives me (and everyone else) the opportunity to come and complement other people on their rings, weddings, or whatever else is going on. I don''t really take anything that people say about diamonds too seriously because we''re here to read about (and see maaaaarvelous pics of) jewelry among other things, and I see p-scope as just a place where I can come and feel welcome, and share my thoughts and opinions with other people. I love my p-scope people!!!!
I am thrilled to have Pricescope. I have two sets of femalse that I see on a regular basis, sorority sisters/friends from other houses and friends who are not. The greeks are doing their level best to live up the sterotypes and sporting massive rings, and the others seem to think diamonds about three steps past boring. Oh well.
I found PS while trying to learn what makes a diamond sparkle, CUT, but was quiclly drawn into reading all about everything. After a short time as a lurker I began to post. I love that no one here thinks I am crazy for caring more about cut then colorles. I adore looking at others pictures and reading happy stories.
PS is a place to take a break from the things in my real life that stress me so. I am so grateful to Leniod and Irina for keeping it up. What a blessing for those of us who love to learn and admire diamonds.

1. No matter what people are always polite. They are so helpful too and take the time to help each other.I have never read anything that I felt was written in spite or to embarrass a fellow member. Well, until now that is....
2. No matter what size your e-ring (or any piece of jewelry) is I only see positive responses. I have seen the same responses for a
1/2 ct e-ring as a 5 ct. I strongly believe the men and women on here just LOVE ALL JEWELRY no matter what size, color or clarity (just maybe critical when it comes to cut but that is b/c they know what a good cut is). They are always encouraging and request pictures b/c they share in your excitement and that is GREAT!
3. This is a jewelry forum. The ladies at The Knot LOVE to talk about center pieces and place cards b/c it is a WEDDING WEBSITE. This forum does have wedding related forums but you are under "Show Me the RIng" meant for women or men to post and feel good about their jewelry.
4. We are all at different stanges of our lives. I am 25, newly engaged, and have a different budget (small :)) than other people on here who like a previous poster said is older and has more money to spend on their jewelry. That doesn''t bother me. I am happy for them and hope that one day I will be comfortable enough in my life (money wise of course) to buy more nice jewelry if I want to.
5. People here seem to really care about each other. Go on the "who''s who" board and read some of their comments. It is beautiful and I have never found anything thing that kind and sincere at The Knot.
6. IT''S JUST PLAIN FUN! I love it. I love seeing sparkly things. It doesn''t affect MY relationships with people in real life. I don''t tell my FI that he should have gotten me...fill in the blank....Our relationship is just not that fragile to let something like an internet site have a negative result on us.
7. Basically Price Scope is my ****. It makes me sad that you feel like people here are just "bragging". What is wrong with being proud of what your or your FI''s hard earned money bought you. Do I think anyone should demand a certain size diamond, OF COURSE NOT! That is just crazy. But people always say "I wish I had a BMW" or "I wish I had a nicer/bigger house" so what is wrong to wish for nicer jewelry?

That is why I love Pricescope and its members....
Wow, this is really a very touchy subject in real life. I don''t come here much and I usually just lurk but I had to comment on this. I took the original post on this thread as a light hearted joke. I didn''t think she meant it literally, at least not seriously. But I know what you meant when you responded to it.

There is something about diamonds that can really inspire jealousy and competition with SOME women. When I first got engaged many years ago I was just so happy to get an engagement ring and to be engaged. Then a few months later two of the girls I worked with got engaged and made comments like, "Well, my fiance said he''d never get ME anything under a carat." And my whole set, including the wedding band, was a total of, like half a carat. I had never given it much thought but I think the comments were definitely said just loud enough for me to hear and to show off a bit. I started noticing that most of the people I knew had larger diamonds than I did and I wondered if I "sold myself short" so to speak. And that actually was not the only time someone said something like that. One person actually said, "Your ring would be so pretty if the diamond were just a little bigger." From then on, in the back of my mind, I always wanted a larger diamond. And while I knew it was a really vain, silly thing to want, I still did.

Now I have one, and I love it, but getting it didn''t suddenly make me 10 years younger, five inches taller, many pounds thinner, nor smarter, nor more popular. It didn''t make my family happier nor my marriage more secure. In fact, I''ve actually gotten some pretty uncomfortable complements on my upgrade diamond. Seems there will always be people who comment in ways that make you uncomfortable, no matter what size your diamond is. Some people are really overly conscious of whatever they think diamonds mean and very aware of the things that other people posesss, always comparing to what they themselves have.

Still, I sure do love to look at my diamond. I like to look at EVERYONE''s. I guess I, too, have a full blown sparklie fettish. I was at the garden center and the lady helping me had a GORGEOUS vintage ring. The diamond was actually pretty small, but it was so pretty and obviously well made, and I imagined how excited she must have been, 30 years ago or so, to get that ring and show the world that her sweetie wanted to marry her. Isn''t that what it''s really about? To be truthful, I get just as big of a charge out of some of my other jewelry that isn''t nearly as expensive or "high status." Some of my favorite jewelry actually is fake.

I have also learned that you can''t judge people''s wealth, status, marriage, or anything else by their jewelry, nor where they live, nor what church they go to, nor appearances in ANY form.

I like to come and browse here to drool, and I don''t mind if someone brags at all. Brag SHAMELESSLY, it''s all in fun. Not meant to lord it over anyone else (and if there is one or a few people who you think do mean to, just ignore them and enjoy their jewelry anyway). Where else do you really get to get a good look at other people''s jewelry without it being out and out weird! Shoot, you can''t even go browse at the jewelry stores very often, they''d think you had issues, LOL!
I love looking at my ring! I admit it! I''ve never purposefully flaunted it in anyone''s face, though. I do quite the opposite, actually. But whenever I know I''m going to be in the bathroom for a long time, like after I eat ice cream even though I have a problem with lactose or after sloppy joes, I always bring my ring and my loupe in there with me. It helps pass the time.
If I had a laptop, I could bring it in there with me and check out pricescope.
Date: 8/26/2005 9:02:27 PM
Author: mrs jam
If I had a laptop, I could bring it in there with me and check out pricescope.
That is too funny!
Date: 8/26/2005 9:02:27 PM
Author: mrs jam
If I had a laptop, I could bring it in there with me and check out pricescope.
LOL!!! Ya know, somewhere out there is a 12 step program for ps''ers that just can''t kick the habit.

"hello, my name is ______________ and I''m addicted to diamonds and the diamond website Pricescope."

HEHE too funny
This site gives us anonymity, more or less, so that we can show our jewelry to others who are interested. I am like others who posted here in that I don''t ever purposely flaunt my ring. In fact, I make a point to hold my hand down at places like jewelry stores so others can''t see my ring. I am an introverted person and don''t want attention drawn to me unnecessarily. I like diamonds and gemstones in their own right, and not because they may impress others. My sister and others (like my husband) feel my diamond fetish is unnatural. So I come on this site because everyone else loves jewelry and diamonds. I don''t think it''s bragging since no one knows who we are. I loved posting pictures of my jewelry because I know I love to look at others'' jewelry, so I''m sure they would also love to look at mine.

I liked the discussion about how people show their priorities by what they buy. Diamonds are, unfortunately, somewhat of an expensive hobby. That''s what I think jewelry represents for me is a hobby. I have a job where I help a lot of people. I also like to do things like adopt animals. Everyone has a lot of aspects to their personality. Liking or wanting diamonds does not make us shallow. It is just an interest of ours, like any other interest we have.
I have my wireless network and my G4 - I''m posting from my bathroom right now. Teehee.

Oh, and about the topic, I love PS, and all of the wonderfully positive people who post here. That is all.
"...or even be worth 3/4 of what you paid for it five minutes after purchasing it. "

Yes, it are an investment and the price will go up. It''s not like buying a used car.

Also, I enjoy looking at all the different settings and appreciate these beautiful gems.

Sorry you had such a bad experience, but I love looking at picture after picture of these fantastic rings!
Unless you''re Liz Taylor or the Queen of England, someone will always have something bigger. It''s nothing to get hung up about - brag about your goodies and enjoy! I love looking at everybody''s collections and new acquisitions. (If I had a digital camera or a scanner, I would be posting my collection, too.)
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