
Breaking up is hard to do #2


Feb 16, 2010
Hi Ladies (and Gents),

I hate to start another thread on this topic, but like advicepls, seems I'm going through some major problems, and I need an outlet/feedback to know I'm really not losing my mind :(sad

Here's the short version: I've been together with my bf/finance for 6 years (at the end of the month), and have been engaged for roughly 3 months. He's 8 1/2 years older than me, but very immature in certain areas. One of those areas being $$$$ - and I resent him for it. We both entered the relationship being HUGE spenders, but, as I've grown, I see the "big picture", and now, with very, very hard work and lots of effort, I'm starting to be a saver. Here's the problem: he refuses to grow up and become a responsible adult when it comes to finances. And so I've decided to move out for religious reasons (and financial too), and we're taking a "break". There are other problems, but this is the BIG one. So right now, seems our plans to go to the chapel to get married are on hold.

Long version: Like I mentioned, there are other problems going on in our relationship. He's a great guy, he really is. He's got great values, which I will forever love him for, he's a family man, he's a hard worker when he wants to be, is honest as can be, he's my resident comedian, and just a wonderful guy, and I love him. We've been together for 6 years, and when I first met him, he was living with his parents. His parents bought a house, and left him with the apartment we shared (his mother owns the building), and pays minimum rent. From the start, we always spent money on eating out, movies, going to clubs, an expensive (and our only) vacation, buying each other expensive gifts, you name it ...we always found a way how to spend money. He took out credit cards left and right, and we spent, spent, spent without giving it any or much thought. There were many, many, times I would get my paycheck on Friday, and by Sunday I was broke. Looking back at it now, I wish I would have saved my money.

Anyway, I always encouraged him to leave his dead end job and get something better. He was working at a small company for 8 years, no health benefits, no sick/vacation days, nada. So after much convincing, he got another job in sales. He hated it. He worked hard and busted his butt, but didn't like it. So he left with promises of getting his old job back. It backfired. He ended up being unemployed for 9 months. During those nine months, I helped him out. I paid his credit cards, I paid his bills, I would buy him groceries; I sometimes even paid his rent. I didn't know it then, but I became his "mom". He was looking for work here and there, but wasn't really looking hard to get back to work. He was comfortable. So after 9 months, his cousin told him about a job, and he got it. Again, it was a small company, low paying job, no sick/vacation days, but had health benefits. He’s been there about a year and a half and has always said he has intentions of getting a better job, of doing this, doing that, but hasn’t done anything. He was given the opportunity (which only comes ONCE a year) to apply for a Union Job. Those jobs are like striking GOLD. He has many connections in the Union (5 of his close friends work there), so the chances of him getting picked were strong. He had the application for 3 weeks, and on the day of the deadline was scrambling to get the documents together, but it was too much for him to handle so he gave up and didn’t even try to apply for the job. It’s gotten to the point that I don’t believe a word he says when he goes on saying I’m going to do this or I’m going to do that, because I know he’s too lazy to actually do it!

To top it all off, he’s in MAJOR credit card debt. Yea, WE ALL have credit card debt, but there’s a big difference here – he isn’t paying them back. When he got unemployed, he informed the credit card companies he wasn’t working, and they backed off. But since he’s been working, he impulsively spends, to the point it causes extreme financial stress on him which then causes me stress because he looks to me as the relief when he has no money. And he forgets about the credit cards. He’s basically doing the ostrich move and digging his head in the sand hoping it will all go away. I guess he’s waiting to hit the lottery or something, who knows, but I’ve asked him to take care of his debt and it’s all been in vain. Guy hasn’t done a thing.

Plus, this guy is a SPENDER. He sees something that he wants, and he’ll do anything to get it. He’ll beg and plead with me to get him this, or get him that. Usually, I’ve given in. I’ve bought him lots of “stuff” that wasn’t cheap. I’m talking big ticket items here. And most of this “stuff” has only been things he can use. If I don’t budge he goes to his mom, will borrow her credit card to buy his “stuff”, and then when she comes collecting and he doesn’t have the money, he turns to me.

This past week, I sat down with him and I crunched our numbers. Turns out, with me moving out, he can only save 5.5% of his part for the wedding. And when I made suggestions of possibly moving back in with his folks to save money, and getting a part-time job to make extra money, cutting the cable and cell phone bills, he said that doing all of that was NOT a possibility. That was my breaking point. I saw a self-centered, immature and selfish boy. And my heart sank. I guess he thought I was going to build our future all on my own.

So needless to say, I’ve reached the end of my rope. Our future together is uncertain, especially since he has such bad money habits. My gut is telling me to move on, and I’m ready to, but I’m hopeful he will change. I’m hoping and praying that by some miracle he will get on the same page as me, but if he doesn’t, it’s over. I feel like this relationship has run its course and there’s nothing else I can do at this point. But I’m hurt, angry, upset, disappointed, confused, and heartbroken. Sometimes I feel like I’m making a mistake if I marry him but part of me still wants to, and other times I feel like I need to let him go once and for all.

If you made it this far, thanks for taking the time to read this, I know it was a lot, but you’re thoughts and advice is appreciated <3

-Confused DolceJo :((
If more women trusted their gut instincts, there would be less divorces. That's all I'm going to say.

(((BIG HUG!)))
Something else to think about...once you're married, his debt is YOUR debt. As in, if you marry him, realize he'll continue his spending/not paying off his debts, and try to divorce later on, you're going to be tied to his debts legally.

Good luck dealing with this, I know it must be difficult.
You really don't want to be responsible for somebody else's debt.

It sounds like you grew up over the course of the relationship and he did not. Sometimes people grow apart and it sucks, but its better to realize it before you get married.

His debt and spending habits will be a huge issue if you ever want to buy a house or rent from a landlord that does credit checks. A responsible lender will tell you to reduce the credit card debt before applying for a mortgage. He'll be appended to all of your applications after you're married so it will continue to come up.

And not everyone has credit card debt! We used to, but we managed to get it cleared away and it feels wonderful. It required a lot of sacrifice, but in the process we realized that we don't need cable, super fast fiberoptic internet, or new clothes every month. Now its easier to save for things we want, plus we qualify for a VIP bank account and fancy travel credit card at preferred rates. When I met DH he had a lot of debt, but by the time we were married he had payed off two thirds and now that we have been married 6 months its all payed off. Its totally worth it.

Maybe talk to your fiance about your concerns and see if he makes a real effort?

Could it possibly be an anxiety dissorder or depression? Not applying for the Union job is really strange if it was something he actually wanted to do. Maybe there's something holding him back?
Oh, this sucks... hugely. :| I think a lot of people are uncomfortable with money management. It's a pet hobby of mine, so I'm always reading personal finance books, crunching numbers in spreadsheets 'for fun,' and my DH and I work on our budget and debt together. Money is one of the top things that breaks up couples, and for good reason--it demonstrates values. You say he is a family man, but is he saving now for a future family with you? It doesn't sound like it. He honestly does not sound interested in fixing his finances, and it may be because he has no idea how to do that. What about setting up an appointment with a Financial Planner to go over all your/his statements to get him to see the big picture? Or attending Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University classes together? Once you're married, it's not his money and her money, but YOUR money, even if you keep separate accounts. And, I hate to say it, but if he goes bankrupt, creditors can collect from YOU as his wife. I know someone that dealt with this very situation... husband's company went bust in the recession and one day, her checking account was at $0 because someone had shown up at the bank with the necessary documents to collect. :knockout:

ETA: DH and I have *no credit card debt* and never had. Even bought a new-to-us car last year in cash. Only debt is student loans... and those will be gone pretty quickly if all goes according to plan. Living without debt is possible! :$$):
I know it sucks to hear but you're making the right decision. You've out grown and matured past this man. I married a man 10.5 years older then me and I of course at first thought it was bc I was mature for my age that we were together. In some respects I was mature for my age...but he was immature in many ways as well. It probably worked well for as long as it did bc you were on the same level for a long time. But people grow and mature and change. It sounds like you've put on your big girl pants and thought bc he was older that he would too. If he hasn't yet...he won't. Or he will when he can't fall any further and frankly you shouldn't have to pick up the pieces of a mess he's created and hasn't tried to change or improve.

Some people are ok with living a life that has no growth or change but unless your with a person who has zero drive as well it's not going to work. You'll always feel like you're trying to bring him up...and that's not your responsibility.

I wouldn't count on him changing or hold your breath for it. Do what's best for you and if someday down the road he's changed and can prove it to you and he can win you back, great! But I wouldn't count on that at all.
You know where you want to be and you understand that changes need to me made in order for you to get there. Continue to make those changes and someday you'll find a guy that has ALL the qualities you love without the piss poor finical burden.

I'm so sorry your going through this. I'm happy it's happening now and that you were wiser then myself...I ended up doing it after a marriage and is much more difficult then. I'm sorry your man doesn't want to grow up and be responsible but you've enabled him long enough and it's time to stop.

Go buy a box of tissues, get your favorite ice cream and watch a bunch of chick flicks and begin the healing process. Get to where you want to be finically (as best you can) and be upfront ASAP in any future relationships about how you want to handle money in future relationships. Money is a top contender for divorce and if ones trying to be responsible and the other isn't...well it's not going to work. Ones hinder goals that the other is trying to attain and instead of working together it tears couples apart.

Hugs hun! You are a bright and beautiful woman and when the time comes and you're ready you'll find a guy who will be a partner with you in life and in goals. Not someone who BEGS like a child and runs to mommy when the gf won't buy them something, ESP that they can't afford or don't need.
The honest truth is this man is not marriage material. Not now — not when you first met — and not anytime in the near future. He's much older than you, in more debt, irresponsible with money, still relying on you and his mother for cheap rent, and has some employment issues. The great personality, family man, comic relief, etc. won't cut it when you are resenting a life time of debt and immature choices.

Moving out is a very good decision, calling off the wedding would be wise, too. Sorry for your situation but I have a feeling you will find happiness soon because you are ready and know what you want out of life.
First off, I'm so very sorry that you have to deal with this. You're engaged and should be looking forward to a happy life together- not dreading what could come. Bravo for having the guts to be honest about your concerns and wanting to address them.

With that said- there are a few things that pop out at me.

1. If you love him and want to move forward with getting married, you absolutely need to address this with him, not as something you don't like and would like him to fix, but as something that could potentially end your engagement and relationship. Being with someone who has issues with money is torture and it doesn't get better if the person in the relationship who knows better allows the other to bring them both down out of love. If you don't love him or feel like the love is dwindling. Move on (run!!).

2. (Please don't take this the wrong way)... It sounds like you have picked yourself up out of debt and grown to become more monetarily responsible- that's wonderful- but where was he while all this was happening? Were you an example to him as a future wife figure (someone he could look up to as a peer) or were you the "annoying mom" figure (look at me, take my example, you could do this, this would be a good move for you too...). What I mean is, when you were saving yourself from debt, did you make a point to explain to him that this wasn't just for your piece of mind but for the future of the both of you. Also, at one point you focus on what he's not saving for the wedding and what he could be saving if he cut back and his apprehension- I can't imagine this is what will encourage him to lower the debt. (I feel like I'm not being clear and if so, I'm sorry) Ultimately, what I'm trying to say is, the conversation about money needs to be about changing himself permanently with a focus on the distant future and yours and his financial health as a unit and not on saving as much as he can for the wedding ( or other short term things) and then going back to being completely irresponsible. My fear is that since you mentioned he sees you as a mother, that he isn't taking your advice seriously enough. I don't assume that's what you meant, and like I said earlier, if you don't love him- move on, but if you do and you want a healthy future and long marriage, this needs to be addressed.

Again, I'm so sorry you're going through this. It seems like you need to have a tough talk with him and possibly make some tough but honest decisions with yourself. Good luck!! (HUGS!!)
Hugs!!!! Money is a huge dividing issue - unless he does a 180, I don't think this will work out long term.

I hope things get better!
@Winks_Elf, funny you should mention that, because when we had our talk, I told him I rather deal with this issue now than be getting a divorce. Thanks for the hugs <3

@jenmarie, to think I used to have him on my bank account for “emergencies” (aka when he was too broke to pay for lunch), but I took him off because I knew the risk of having him on my accounts and having a lien placed on my account was SUPER HIGH. Thanks for your words <3

@chemgirl, when we crunched numbers this last week we had that “talk”. I was crying my eyes out because I knew this was a red flag I ignored hoping he would “mature”, but realized he would never grow out of this. I’ve voice my concerns to him, over the years, and little has changed. And he does suffer anxiety, but when I moved out on Saturday, I brought up the union job, and his response was “You know what my problem is? I don’t like to struggle. I never have and never will.” He’s holding himself back and I refuse to be dragged down.

@rubybeth, I’m a numbers person to it’s so funny you mention Dave Ramsey, I’m actually reading his book, Financial Peace which someone gave to him to read, but he found it to “boring”. It’s a great book and has opened my eyes to see how not only am I a spender, so is he. And I’ve decided I need to get out of debt, but it’s also made me see what I’ve chosen to ignore all these years, and that is that he is an immature adult and I have no future with him.

@vintagelover, that’s exactly what I’ve done! Nice way of putting it :) I’ve put on my big girl pants, and he’s still crawling. I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired of waiting for him to do something about his situation. Moving out just has made the decision to move on easier. Thanks for your kind words <3

@swingirl, you’re 100% right, and the more I think about it, the more I know I’m avoiding making a big mistake. Honestly, I feel like giving him once last chance, hence why we’re taking a “break”, but I’m not too hopeful. Thanks for your advice <3

@confusedaisy, honestly, at first I was excited about our future, but I feel like I was in a fog/haze until I snapped out of it, and saw the reality and severity of the situation. And I did address, and have been voicing my concerns to him. Seems the more I speak up about it, the more he has nothing to say and the less he wants to “do something” about it. Right now, the love is there, but it sure is dwindling. Honestly, I’m not sure how I’ve come across to him. At time he’s said that he feels like I’m scolding him, so yea, he probably does take any “advice” I give him as motherly nagging. And he knows, at least I think he does, that it’s not just about a “wedding affair” that I’m concerned about. I told him how he dare ask me to marry him knowing full well he had no intentions of building our future together. Then he said why don’t we go to city hall and get married? I told him absolutely not and how dare you even ask! Because I always used to tell him, let’s go to city hall, and he would refuse saying, no, let me do the right thing, get you a ring, have a wedding, house, etc. So I told him, now, all of a sudden you want to cop out?? NO WAY. I’ve waited 6 years for this and YOU KNOW I deserve better than what you’re offering. I’m still mad as hell that he said that. Thanks for the (((hugs)))

@hopedream, in order for him to do a 180 it would take a miracle, and thank you <3

((((hugs)))) to all of you!
BRAVO to you for making the right decision and moving out.

If he wants to fix his issues to 'get you back', believe me, he will find a way.

If not, thank your lucky stars that this happened before you got married.

Being fun and funny and happy-go-lucky-light-hearted man will only be OK if all the necessities are taken care of and you are together on a stable foundation.
Sorry you're having a hard time. I think maybe you should try to do David Ramsey's "Total Money Makeover" together and have him understand the effort needs to be real and his initiative if you are going to last. Sometimes when the debt is so mounting we just sweep it under the rug but you must pay the fiddler eventually. Give the book a shot...there are lots of couples' stories in it who are now financially very well off who were once in your shoes and having serious relationship problems caused by spending and financial irresponsibility. Also he needs to address the source of his insecurity which makes him want all these things. Things are not what make people happy. Relationships are supposed to make people happy.
DolceJo, I think you know what needs to be done.

My FI and I have both grown together financially. I started a bit earlier than him, but he's stepped up to the plate. Just to give you a little more push - we bought our first place together before the engagement, and I can't tell you how proud we both were that we had the credit rating and savings to pull it altogether. For me personally, once I saw the financial stability light, I knew I had to have someone on the same page. We're now working together for a stable future - and I think you're feeling like your FI's going to take you down.

I've seen the big spender married to saver marriages. For the savers that confide in me, it's a non-stop, "thrill" ride that you don't want to be on. You'll be paying back his debts from now til forever, AND he'll still be buying stupid "stuff". It is a burden - a very heavy one that you have to shoulder on your own. Also, it's one that allows him to have some fun, and leaves you to be stressed out for both of you cause he's ignoring all those piled up bills.

I don't want to be harsh, but in your case, I would say, RUN. Both you and his mother are enabling him to live a care and "struggle"-free life. He needs to truly struggle before anything may change, and there's a real possibility that he still won't change. At the very least, the engagement and marriage need to be put on hold indefinitely. Both you and his mother (if possible) should cut him off financially as well. Personally and I think you'd agree, I wouldn't marry this man unless I saw, over the long run, true financial sense and sensibility. I don't believe people can do a 180, unless they want to (and even then, it's tough). In his case, I don't think your FI wants or needs to - so I would go.
First of all I want to send you huge ((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))

Second, I think you are completely brave and totally doing the right thing to take a step back, move out, and think all of this through. It takes a very strong woman to walk away from a long relationship, especially an engagement. If you do decide to leave for good, know that it is NOT a mistake. I firmly believe in the phrase "everything happens for a reason". Take some time to think through everything. I also completely recommend that you read Dave Ramsey's books like so many here have already recommended. I have never read them, but I know many who have and they cannot stop raving about them.

Third, when I place myself in your shoes, and think about what life would be like if my BF was a spender, I know that I would ultimately not be happy in a relationship with him. Yes, I love him and want nothing more than to spend my life with him, but if he was impulsive and irresponsible with his money, I know I would harbor a huge amount of resentment toward him and it would eventually destroy our relationship.

I am a huge saver and always have been. BF hasn't always been like this, but has grown up over the past few years and now is also a huge saver. When BF and I first met, we were young and BF didn't make much. Even when he started making more, his paychecks were always gone by the time the new one came around. This always bugged me, since I was always a saver, but I tried my hardest not to nag him since it was *his* money. However, once we started talking marriage, moving in together, furniture and all the expenses that come with a wedding, a new place to live, and basically our future, BF really started changing his ways and saving more and more money. It was gradual and he still isn't as much of a saver as I am. He still occasionally splurges on himself and buys something that I consider "frivolous". But, I splurge on things he thinks are "frivolous" and we both have the means to do so. We never splurge on something and put it on credit unless we have the money in the bank to pay it off immediately. We only put purchases on credit to help slowly build our credit and credit cards are paid in full each month. The only debt that we have right now is on our cars, which will also both be paid off before the original timeline of the loan.

My point with all of this is: you sound a lot like me in terms of financial personality. I love saving money and hate spending it. I splurge occasionally, but it is always within my means. Because of my financial personality, I know that I would not have a happy, equal partnership with someone who was an irresponsible spender, which sounds like your FI. Maybe it would be different if he seemed to be making an effort to actually make money, and then to set a reasonable limit on what he could or could not spend. But, from your post, he reminds me of a child who sees a new toy and just has to have it at that very moment whether he has the money or not. I know with my financial personality, I could not handle BF being this kind of spender. I would constantly resent him and I don't want to live a life like that.

Sorry this was long, I hope it helped you in some way. Remember that we are always here for you! :)
DolceJo - I absolutely understand where you are coming from. Me and BF's biggest problem is probably money. He is a HUGE spender nearly always spending WAY more than he earns and I have to bail him out, every.single.time. I'm sick of forgoing my goals for saving because he can't get himself together. It's hard, I know how you feel. We aren't engaged, but have been together nearly 6 years and living together for most of it. I just want someone who is more responsible and proactive with saving and planning a future. Kids was our other issue (big one). I don't know if kids are something you want, but when I'm completely honest with myself, I *want* to have a baby. I want to be a mom. But I DO NOT want to have one with BF. He is so selfish already that he rarely puts me before his hobbies, how could he have a child? If you want children (like I know deep down that I do), marrying a spender will lead to serious resentment and (mostly likely) divorce. I'm proud of you for standing up and saying this isn't what you want. I know it's hard to do, but (mine's not even over yet) I already feel a huge burden lifted off my shoulders. We can get through it, just as others from the past LIW have. Hang in there sweetie, do what's right for you.
I am so sorry you are going through this.
It's hard when someone has a lot of good aspects to bring to the table (family man, humorous, loving...) but that the one bad thing is very bad. You want them to change. You want to believe that you're worth the change, but I think you've given it a long enough ride. It's time to take care of yourself.

I'm in the middle of the assessment period myself. My SO even gave me a promise ring, citing the will to change... I believe he has the intention. I'm not 100% sure if he has the follow through. I worry that it might be all talk. I know it takes time and I will give him that time, but there's a part of me that's being practical. He's made some progress but less than I expected. If he can't clean up his act within the promised period and be good with his word and get out of debt, etc...I walk. I used to think I was selfish for feeling that way, but ultimately you have to be committed to yourself first. Otherwise, you become resentful.

I think taking a break is a good idea and you are doing the right thing by not living in the same space. Your absence might make him rethink his ways. You deserve to be treated better though.
((Big Hugs)) to you! My first husband was a financial disaster and still is at age 63. I remarried a man who is very responsible, and it is so nice to have the security of knowing he won't put me in the poor house. Most men that are good with money, have been so most of their lives, so having a talk with your fiance about doing a financial shape up, most likely won't do much good. After a certain age, bad money managing is a way of life. Making the decision to leave someone you love is never easy. I wish you strength in your decision. My heart goes out to you! Guys that are nice AND financially responsible are out there, you just have to find them.
Thanks for all the well wishes ladies ((((hugs))))

Small update: It's officially over. A LOT has happened since I moved out, and things got real ugly... in short, our anniversary (6 years) was this past Friday, and he didn't do anything, no card, no flowers, bc he didn't like one of my facebook status updates (he doesn't even have facebook) and said that because of that I didn't "deserve" to get anything... It got uglier from there.... he demanded the laptop he gave me back, and the ring too... I gave it all back, along with a letter I wrote Friday night ending it all. Right now I'm too torn to even think straight, but please, just say a prayer for me, please... and thanks again for all the support. I'll be back, when I'm level headed to explain things further, I know I did the right thing, I just need time.

Aww man what an asshat. Im so sorry for your troubles DolceJo. Huge hugs to you. Stay strong, you are doing the right thing.
I am so very sorry JoJo that you have to go through this, but you know what? You deserve better! I'm glad you walked.

His true colors are coming out with this split up and I think ultimately that helps with your decision.

I commend you for being a strong woman! Many good things will come your way now that you have shed yourself of his bad energy. You will no longer have to deal with the stress of his immaturity. Things may be ugly now, but they will only get better from here on out.

I'm so sorry that you're going though this and that he's being a jerk (I used another word but decided against it). I know it's hard to feel it right now but when you look back and see the immature way he acted and treated someone he claimed he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you'll see the bullet you dodged.

How HORRIBLE for him to treat you that way! If he really cared about you he'd understand WHY you had concerns (they were valid and about your future even) and he still got his panties all up in a bunch and had to throw a poor me fit instead of trying to figure out what he could do to make it more smooth on you both. I'm so sorry hun, but you deserve so much better with a man who will treat you like you should be and be on the same path as you are. We are here when ever you need us. HUGS.
Some boys don't know how to end things without it getting really ugly. He sounds so selfish and a bit narcissistic. I'm so sorry you are going through this. Seems like lots of breakups lately, and I can totally empathize. I know words mean nothing to you right now, but take care of yourself and I'll keep you in my prayers.
Hugs and prayers sent. xxxx
Lots and lots of hugs and prayers are coming your way. I am so sorry that things had to end in such an ugly way. I'm very glad that you already know you did the right thing as that is a huge step in getting over a break up.
Saying a prayer for you.
Lots of Hugs!!! This really shows me how immature he was and how obvious it was that it was probably time to move on. Wishing you hope and strength!
I know you are hurting right now, and need time to mourn the end of the relationship, but honey you dodged a HUGE bullet! Once you've gone through the healing process, you'll be free and ready to find the right partner. Some day you'll look back on this period of time and think, "why the hell did I wait so long?!?!?"
You are so strong. You should be very proud of yourself and accept that sense of relief that comes with losing all of that financial and emotional burden. I know that the next few months will be very difficult, but you were strong enough to get out of this mess-- I'm 100% sure that you're strong enough to stay out and build up a new life for yourself! :appl: Kudos, and best of luck. *hugs*
Thank you all very much (((hugs))), it means so much <3

And please ignore some of my ramblings to come, I need an outlet/support. But right now I feel like I went through Kind-da-Ka 20 million times, up and down, up and down. And I'm fighting myself. I want to call him, take him back, beg and plead to work things out SO BAD!! But I know it's just not worth it, because this pain is so raw yet so surreal. I hate this internal tug-of-war.
Stay strong, DolceJo! I barely know you, but I know you're amazing. You can do this. :*