
Bristol Palin and fiance split

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THAT we most certainly can agree on!
::stomps feet::

No she''s not!!!!!!!

Sorry, I have to defend her. I <3 her.


Date: 3/13/2009 12:42:27 PM
Author: EBree
THAT we most certainly can agree on!
Will wonders never cease?
Britney Spears'' father has stepped up in a big way. He was iced out of her "camp" when his relationship w/her Mom went poop ... and she was nearly an adult by then anyway ... but when the chips were down, WHO came to the rescue? The Dad. I think she''s rushing back to work awfully soon -- but its difficult to control an ADULT. I get the feeling he''s doing the best he can. Don''t get a $$$-grubbing, sleazy vibe from him (unlike, say, Sir Simpson).

As to Mr. Edwards -- he''s a scumbag & has always been a scumbag. I''ve never supported him for *anything* despite being a registered Dem. Recent tabloid headlines have been : "Edwards confesses love child to dying wife!" Blah blah. Obvs its his kid. What a tool.

I have no qualms about admitting the faults of those I find fault WITH. I think Mr. Treasury Sec. should have paid his taxes too -- but if the President wants him for that job because he thinks he''s the ONLY one to do it then I''ll support the decision.

As to the Bristol & Levi debacle ... relieved they''re not compounding their idiocy. Put still pretty sure Ms. Palin forced their "engagement" hand to help tie a bow on that stinky pile of hooey. They never seemed so "in love" and many of their friends have been saying they barely knew/liked each other. Sham engagement. IMHO.
Date: 3/13/2009 1:41:52 PM
Author: decodelighted
Britney Spears'' father has stepped up in a big way. He was iced out of her ''camp'' when his relationship w/her Mom went poop ... and she was nearly an adult by then anyway ... but when the chips were down, WHO came to the rescue? The Dad. I think she''s rushing back to work awfully soon -- but its difficult to control an ADULT. I get the feeling he''s doing the best he can. Don''t get a $$$-grubbing, sleazy vibe from him (unlike, say, Sir Simpson).

As to the Bristol & Levi debacle ... relieved they''re not compounding their idiocy. Put still pretty sure Ms. Palin forced their ''engagement'' hand to help tie a bow on that stinky pile of hooey. They never seemed so ''in love'' and many of their friends have been saying they barely knew/liked each other. Sham engagement. IMHO.
Ditto. Especially on Mr. Spears. You start comparing Mr. Spears and Mr. Simpson--
. Britney''s dad looks like a saint.
Bleck...I don''t think you can call either a saint. They both are the same....they use their daughters as their personal cash cows. Maybe Britney''s dad is making an attempt now, but it is too little, too late.
Date: 3/13/2009 1:06:05 PM
Author: luckystar112
::stomps feet::

No she''s not!!!!!!!

Sorry, I have to defend her. I <3 her.


Obama is nothing special but Britney is? Hmmm.......
Date: 3/13/2009 2:00:07 PM
Author: steph72276
Bleck...I don''t think you can call either a saint. They both are the same....they use their daughters as their personal cash cows. Maybe Britney''s dad is making an attempt now, but it is too little, too late.

Personally I find them both creepy. From Mr. Simpson commenting on his daughters big boobs, to Mr. Spears exploiting Britney''s sexuality.

Don''t forget Spears is managing his daughter''s career right now. Heard her latest hit? I''ve mentioned it before. It''s called "If U Seek Amy". For those that don''t know about it, it''s a "play" on words. Say it a few times fast and you''ll get it''s "meaning".

So meantime, this record is getting HEAVY radio play and I can''t help but think of the zillions of 12 and 13 year old girls running around their houses singing "All of the boys and all of the girls are begging to IF U Seek Amy".

And so we expect our poor kids to do the right thing? Make the right choices? Even kids like Bristol who are raised in conservative homes are exposed to this mess.

Proof once again that "progressive" thinking has taken our culture and dumped it firmly in the toilet.
Date: 3/13/2009 3:49:44 PM
Author: akmiss
Date: 3/13/2009 1:06:05 PM

Author: luckystar112

::stomps feet::

No she''s not!!!!!!!

Sorry, I have to defend her. I <3 her.


Obama is nothing special but Britney is? Hmmm.......

Ummm. Joke. Tongue in Cheek.

(However, I will contend one thing, Obama IS nothing special...)
Date: 3/13/2009 3:49:44 PM
Author: akmiss

Date: 3/13/2009 1:06:05 PM
Author: luckystar112
::stomps feet::

No she's not!!!!!!!

Sorry, I have to defend her. I <3 her.


Obama is nothing special but Britney is? Hmmm.......
I'm not following your logic. I disagreed with Cara about Obama not being elected if he had a pregnant teen or some other family secret, making the point that the perfect "nuclear" family seems to important to politics no matter what side you're on.

I later disagreed that Britney is a train wreck.

And these two declarations are related how?

But yes, of the two, Britney is my preferred celebrity.
Date: 3/11/2009 7:26:41 PM
Wow, didn''t see that one coming. So much for Republican family values ...

The liberal media and tabloids did it. I am just happy that they made the right decision for themselves and did not feel pressured to tie the knot just to conform to "traditional family values".
Date: 3/13/2009 7:45:54 PM
Author: rob09

Date: 3/11/2009 7:26:41 PM
Wow, didn't see that one coming. So much for Republican family values ...

The liberal media and tabloids did it. I am just happy that they made the right decision for themselves and did not feel pressured to tie the knot just to conform to 'traditional family values'.
The Palin family put together that "dog and pony show.!" Instead of leaving Bristol and Levi alone to make their own decisions, they were paraded in front of the country as the happy couple. DH and I have been calling this break up since the GOP lost the election. I'm glad that Bristol is making her own choices now. She should have been permitted to do so from the beginning. I have no idea how the blame falls on the the liberal media
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