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Part of what colors my reaction to the Bristol Palin pregnancy is the knowledge how Obama''s family would have been destroyed by the Republican right-wing nutcases had the pregnancy of his teenage daughter been revealed during the campaign. Quite simply, the election of the nation''s first African-American president would not have happened without his beautiful, traditional, straight-and-narrow nuclear family surrounding him. While I feel for Bristol and did not and do not enjoy the watching her pilloried in the press or dragged through the mud, I will admit that the situation gave me great joy in watching certain hypocritical talking heads have to defend it. In particular, the Daily Show put together this great montage where Bill O''Reilly went on a rant about how Jamie Lynn Spears'' pregnancy was completely her parents'' fault and represented the breakdown of moral values in our society but in contrast the Bristol pregnancy... was a completely different story.Date: 3/12/2009 2:40:46 PM
Author: steph72276
It sounds like most here empathize with her situation, although I have to wonder for those that seem to get some kind of pleasure out of seeing this happen, would you feel the same way if say this happened to one of Obama''s daughters in a few years? I suspect those people would be more empathetic and have less of a gleeful and told-you-so attitude if it happened to someone else. I think those people are just feeling this way because they don''t like her mother....where else would you see people trashing a 17-year-old that just had a child and realized she will have to raise it without a husband? I''m not the biggest Obama fan, but would feel for his daughter if she was in the situation (years from now of course).
That''s every politician. Obama''s nothing special.Date: 3/12/2009 8:38:19 PM
Author: cara
Part of what colors my reaction to the Bristol Palin pregnancy is the knowledge how Obama''s family would have been destroyed by the Republican right-wing nutcases had the pregnancy of his teenage daughter been revealed during the campaign. Quite simply, the election of the nation''s first African-American president would not have happened without his beautiful, traditional, straight-and-narrow nuclear family surrounding him. While I feel for Bristol and did not and do not enjoy the watching her pilloried in the press or dragged through the mud, I will admit that the situation gave me great joy in watching certain hypocritical talking heads have to defend it. In particular, the Daily Show put together this great montage where Bill O''Reilly went on a rant about how Jamie Lynn Spears'' pregnancy was completely her parents'' fault and represented the breakdown of moral values in our society but in contrast the Bristol pregnancy... was a completely different story.
Ha, I saw that, it was hilarious!Date: 3/12/2009 8:38:19 PM
Author: cara
Part of what colors my reaction to the Bristol Palin pregnancy is the knowledge how Obama''s family would have been destroyed by the Republican right-wing nutcases had the pregnancy of his teenage daughter been revealed during the campaign. Quite simply, the election of the nation''s first African-American president would not have happened without his beautiful, traditional, straight-and-narrow nuclear family surrounding him. While I feel for Bristol and did not and do not enjoy the watching her pilloried in the press or dragged through the mud, I will admit that the situation gave me great joy in watching certain hypocritical talking heads have to defend it. In particular, the Daily Show put together this great montage where Bill O''Reilly went on a rant about how Jamie Lynn Spears'' pregnancy was completely her parents'' fault and represented the breakdown of moral values in our society but in contrast the Bristol pregnancy... was a completely different story.Date: 3/12/2009 2:40:46 PM
Author: steph72276
It sounds like most here empathize with her situation, although I have to wonder for those that seem to get some kind of pleasure out of seeing this happen, would you feel the same way if say this happened to one of Obama''s daughters in a few years? I suspect those people would be more empathetic and have less of a gleeful and told-you-so attitude if it happened to someone else. I think those people are just feeling this way because they don''t like her mother....where else would you see people trashing a 17-year-old that just had a child and realized she will have to raise it without a husband? I''m not the biggest Obama fan, but would feel for his daughter if she was in the situation (years from now of course).
Not talking about all Repubs here, just that particular variant that has been so prevalent screeching about family values and enjoys dictating how other Americans should live their lives.
I also feel that discussion of Bristol''s pregnancy and how it relates to her mother''s stated positions on abstinence education and other family topics was completely legitimate.
I continue to be amazed that Sarah Palin loves to use the word ''choice'' in regard to pregnancy decisions. It was her daughter''s choice to have the baby, and she supports that choice, etc.That is as it should be - I support the right of Bristol to make that difficult choice too. And I think that Bristol *should* have a choice, just like any woman should have a legal choice, in matters pertaining to her own body. But if placed in a position to do so, Sarah Palin would remove the legal and safe means of making a meaningful choice from her daughter and from other women. Scary.
Just for the record, I''m glad Levi and Bristol didn''t actually get married. No point making things more difficult than they already are. Best of luck to them raising their son...
I don''t know about that. I think this country is still not 100% colorblind, and where another politician might have been able to weather a family incident like a pregnant teenage daughter or, say, a drug-using son, I''m not sure that Obama''s political skills would have been sufficient to overcome a family incident that is emblematic of negative stereotypes of African Americans. You may disagree, but that''s my read.Date: 3/12/2009 8:47:59 PM
Author: luckystar112
Date: 3/12/2009 8:38:19 PM
Author: cara
Part of what colors my reaction to the Bristol Palin pregnancy is the knowledge how Obama''s family would have been destroyed by the Republican right-wing nutcases had the pregnancy of his teenage daughter been revealed during the campaign. Quite simply, the election of the nation''s first African-American president would not have happened without his beautiful, traditional, straight-and-narrow nuclear family surrounding him. While I feel for Bristol and did not and do not enjoy the watching her pilloried in the press or dragged through the mud, I will admit that the situation gave me great joy in watching certain hypocritical talking heads have to defend it. In particular, the Daily Show put together this great montage where Bill O''Reilly went on a rant about how Jamie Lynn Spears'' pregnancy was completely her parents'' fault and represented the breakdown of moral values in our society but in contrast the Bristol pregnancy... was a completely different story.
That''s every politician. Obama''s nothing special.
Date: 3/12/2009 8:38:19 PM
Author: cara
In particular, the Daily Show put together this great montage where Bill O'Reilly went on a rant about how Jamie Lynn Spears' pregnancy was completely her parents' fault and represented the breakdown of moral values in our society but in contrast the Bristol pregnancy... was a completely different story.
Date: 3/12/2009 8:38:19 PM
Author: cara
Part of what colors my reaction to the Bristol Palin pregnancy is the knowledge how Obama''s family would have been destroyed by the Republican right-wing nutcases had the pregnancy of his teenage daughter been revealed during the campaign. Quite simply, the election of the nation''s first African-American president would not have happened without his beautiful, traditional, straight-and-narrow nuclear family surrounding him. While I feel for Bristol and did not and do not enjoy the watching her pilloried in the press or dragged through the mud, I will admit that the situation gave me great joy in watching certain hypocritical talking heads have to defend it. In particular, the Daily Show put together this great montage where Bill O''Reilly went on a rant about how Jamie Lynn Spears'' pregnancy was completely her parents'' fault and represented the breakdown of moral values in our society but in contrast the Bristol pregnancy... was a completely different story.Date: 3/12/2009 2:40:46 PM
Author: steph72276
It sounds like most here empathize with her situation, although I have to wonder for those that seem to get some kind of pleasure out of seeing this happen, would you feel the same way if say this happened to one of Obama''s daughters in a few years? I suspect those people would be more empathetic and have less of a gleeful and told-you-so attitude if it happened to someone else. I think those people are just feeling this way because they don''t like her mother....where else would you see people trashing a 17-year-old that just had a child and realized she will have to raise it without a husband? I''m not the biggest Obama fan, but would feel for his daughter if she was in the situation (years from now of course).
Not talking about all Repubs here, just that particular variant that has been so prevalent screeching about family values and enjoys dictating how other Americans should live their lives.
I also feel that discussion of Bristol''s pregnancy and how it relates to her mother''s stated positions on abstinence education and other family topics was completely legitimate.
I continue to be amazed that Sarah Palin loves to use the word ''choice'' in regard to pregnancy decisions. It was her daughter''s choice to have the baby, and she supports that choice, etc.That is as it should be - I support the right of Bristol to make that difficult choice too. And I think that Bristol *should* have a choice, just like any woman should have a legal choice, in matters pertaining to her own body. But if placed in a position to do so, Sarah Palin would remove the legal and safe means of making a meaningful choice from her daughter and from other women. Scary.
Just for the record, I''m glad Levi and Bristol didn''t actually get married. No point making things more difficult than they already are. Best of luck to them raising their son...
Date: 3/13/2009 12:05:57 AM
Author: beebrisk
As for Jamie Lynn/Bill O'Reilly: Bristol's parents haven't pimped their girls out to Hollywood. I don't recall seeing Bristol writhing on stage in a nude body suit and a snake. Britney and Jamie's father manages their careers' and apparently thinks putting out a record called 'If U Seek Amy' is a good idea. Nice. So, is anyone SURPRISED that train-wreck Britney's little sis got pregnant?? At the time of conception, Bristol was an unknown living in Wasilla. Despite what appears to be a pretty average family, she made a bad choice. Sorry, but BO's 'family values' argument is entirely valid.
Date: 3/13/2009 1:44:15 AM
Author: Lynny0780
just because she didnt marry the guy does not mean she doesnt have family values. Her family supported her even tho it may have not been the right thing, they at least stuck together and im sure she has learned a lot from it. you cant judge a person (sarah palin) by their kids, they have a mind of their own no matter how hard you try to teach them your ways.
I think Obama''s candicacy was special. If he had had the same history as McCain - cheating on disfigured first wife, leaving their family after he adopted her children, marrying a much younger woman who then became addicted to drugs - I don''t think there is any way on earth Obama would have been elected.Date: 3/12/2009 9:17:31 PM
Author: cara
I don''t know about that. I think this country is still not 100% colorblind, and where another politician might have been able to weather a family incident like a pregnant teenage daughter or, say, a drug-using son, I''m not sure that Obama''s political skills would have been sufficient to overcome a family incident that is emblematic of negative stereotypes of African Americans. You may disagree, but that''s my read.Date: 3/12/2009 8:47:59 PM
Author: luckystar112
Date: 3/12/2009 8:38:19 PM
Author: cara
Part of what colors my reaction to the Bristol Palin pregnancy is the knowledge how Obama''s family would have been destroyed by the Republican right-wing nutcases had the pregnancy of his teenage daughter been revealed during the campaign. Quite simply, the election of the nation''s first African-American president would not have happened without his beautiful, traditional, straight-and-narrow nuclear family surrounding him. While I feel for Bristol and did not and do not enjoy the watching her pilloried in the press or dragged through the mud, I will admit that the situation gave me great joy in watching certain hypocritical talking heads have to defend it. In particular, the Daily Show put together this great montage where Bill O''Reilly went on a rant about how Jamie Lynn Spears'' pregnancy was completely her parents'' fault and represented the breakdown of moral values in our society but in contrast the Bristol pregnancy... was a completely different story.
That''s every politician. Obama''s nothing special.
Date: 3/13/2009 10:09:52 AM
Author: Guilty Pleasure
I don''t watch Bill O''Reiley or any other entertainer posing as a news source, so I can''t join the discussion about the media''s treatment of these teens.
I will say that I do see a difference between a teenager who is actively seeking the spotlight through record deals and a show on Nickelodean and another teenager who happens to be the daughter of a public figure. I do think Jamie Lynn is more open to scrutiny than Palin''s daughter.
That being said, I applauded Jamie Lynn for not taking the easy way out and getting an abortion when her scandal came out. It would have been much more ''simple'' for her to sweep her problem under the rug and go on being the squeaky clean Spears girl - the ''good daughter''. I am glad that both she and Bristol Palin realized that personal values are more important than image. In my opinion, making a mistake (or committing a sin depending on your beliefs) does not make someone a hypocrit; it makes that person human. Covering up a sin with another sin would have been the easier way out for these girls, but they chose ''family values'' and a child''s life over their own comfort. GOOD FOR THEM. I can only hope that I would have had the same courage as a teenager.
ETA - I just read my response, and smirked at myself... looks like I took Scarlet Letter''s theme of hidden sin to heart when I was in high school!
Date: 3/13/2009 10:09:52 AM
Author: Guilty Pleasure
I will say that I do see a difference between a teenager who is actively seeking the spotlight through record deals and a show on Nickelodean and another teenager who happens to be the daughter of a public figure. I do think Jamie Lynn is more open to scrutiny than Palin''s daughter.
Date: 3/13/2009 9:53:30 AM
Author: beebrisk
Oh, ANYONE can be judged around here. Well, that is if they dare to be Conservative, Christian or heaven forbid! Republican.
This discussion wouldn''t exist if her mom had been on the other ticket.
Date: 3/13/2009 10:47:41 AM
Author: EBree
Date: 3/13/2009 9:53:30 AM
Author: beebrisk
Oh, ANYONE can be judged around here. Well, that is if they dare to be Conservative, Christian or heaven forbid! Republican.
This discussion wouldn't exist if her mom had been on the other ticket.
Date: 3/13/2009 11:02:10 AM
Author: beebrisk
Hmmmm...Didn''t see ya chiming in on the John Edwards love child thread, E.
You know, the one that lasted like one day and only 2 pages.
Date: 3/13/2009 11:07:44 AM
Author: EBree
Date: 3/13/2009 11:02:10 AM
Author: beebrisk
Hmmmm...Didn''t see ya chiming in on the John Edwards love child thread, E.
You know, the one that lasted like one day and only 2 pages.
I know he had an affair, but did they prove the child was his? I thought another man came forward.
Date: 3/13/2009 11:31:24 AM
Author: beebrisk
Yup, that nameless, faceless 'other man' who was conveniently left off the birth certificate. I guess he'll come forward around the same time Edward's paternity test results are revealed. (like never.)
Yup. If anything, a blip in his family would mean that he''s "more human".Date: 3/13/2009 12:05:57 AM
Author: beebrisk
Obama survived an anti-American, anti-Semitic pastor and a terrorist buddy. A less than squeaky-clean-family wouldn''t have hurt him a bit. Well, maybe for a nano-second before the media dumped the story altogether.
Date: 3/13/2009 11:40:34 AM
Author: EBree
Date: 3/13/2009 11:31:24 AM
Author: beebrisk
Yup, that nameless, faceless 'other man' who was conveniently left off the birth certificate. I guess he'll come forward around the same time Edward's paternity test results are revealed. (like never.)
I did a little digging (because I couldn't clearly remember the outcome) and It looks like the woman he had the affair with wouldn't allow a paternity test to be taken, which seems pretty fishy. Regardless, I lost a lot of respect for Edwards when he admitted he'd had an affair. I was a big Edwards fan, too.
As for his story not getting as much press as the Larry Craig scandal, just as swimmer said, it'd be like comparing apples and oranges. If Larry Craig had been caught in bed with another woman (or if you swapped Larry Craig with an openly homosexual man), it wouldn't have gotten nearly the attention it did. But when you've got a senator who considers homosexuality a mortal sin (and who helped enact the military's 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' policy) caught soliciting sex from another man in a bathroom, that's a story.
Though I struggle with it, I do feel for these conservative men who've recently been caught committing 'mortal sins.' It's a shame they fight so hard to deny LGBTs certain rights, but it's got to be an incredible struggle for them to live with their desires given their chosen paths (work, religious beliefs, etc.) as well.
A lot of the mud slung at Obama didn''t stick because, well, it didn''t match the impression the guy made. He didn''t come off as a ex-hippee Bill Ayers terrorist so the terrorist chant towards the end of the campaign didn''t have much effect. And by then the economy was tanking and McCain missteped and people were done with the GOP. However, the brilliant Brittany Spears/Paris Hilton ad that McCain ran over the summer ridiculing Obama for being a celebrity DID work, because Obama was getting rock star crowds and he does have a taste for the theatrical, sometimes to his detriment. So the ad matched his impression. If you remember, McCain pulled even going into the conventions. I think that the angry black pastor didn''t kill Obama''s chances, but it certainly hurt him and did have legs, despite whatever you recall about the nanosecond of coverage. Obama didn''t *seem* like the angry black man, but yet he''d gone to church all those years... McCain made a decision not to play the race card on this issue (and instead play the terrorist card) - maybe good for the country, bad for his chances on the presidency.Date: 3/13/2009 12:05:57 AM
Author: beebrisk
Obama survived an anti-American, anti-Semitic pastor and a terrorist buddy. A less than squeaky-clean-family wouldn''t have hurt him a bit. Well, maybe for a nano-second before the media dumped the story altogether.
Date: 3/13/2009 11:48:30 AM
Author: cara
Oh, Edwards is slimebag scum and that baby is might be his but its all really besides the point. He had lost the nomination months before the scandal broke, doesn''t hold elected office and is nowmunlikely to hold elected office again. He might have gotten weeks of coverage in a slow news time of year, but during the peak of the election? Not a fair criticism.
Date: 3/13/2009 11:54:45 AM
Author: beebrisk
When you are a SERIOUS candidate for the presidency and you portray yourself as a loving, family man who stands stoically by your cancer-stricken wife, that I must say, is a ''story'' too.
Date: 3/13/2009 11:54:45 AM
Author: beebrisk
You see, different standards apply depending on your political platform.
Date: 3/13/2009 11:48:30 AM
Author: cara
And this idea that the Palin coverage was all because she was despised by the left was hooey. Some of the most interesting and critical commentary came from the right... In particular, there is a lot of Palin love for her family walking the walk on abortion and life issues, but a lot of doubt and questioning of Sarah Palin''s choice to run and not devote more of her time to her husband, 5 children, including special needs infant and pregnant teenage daughter. And this was from people who should have been her base (more conservative, religious family values voters) or at least friendly to her (Republican soccer mom types).
Date: 3/13/2009 12:20:34 PM
Author: beebrisk
But the difference here is that her CHILD has been attacked and ridiculed and the subject of really ugly invectives by the LEFT who clearly feels the need for her to pay for the 'sins' of her Republican mother.
Date: 3/13/2009 12:05:57 AM
Author: beebrisk
As for Jamie Lynn/Bill O'Reilly: Bristol's parents haven't pimped their girls out to Hollywood. I don't recall seeing Bristol writhing on stage in a nude body suit and a snake. Britney and Jamie's father manages their careers' and apparently thinks putting out a record called 'If U Seek Amy' is a good idea. Nice. So, is anyone SURPRISED that train-wreck Britney's little sis got pregnant?? At the time of conception, Bristol was an unknown living in Wasilla. Despite what appears to be a pretty average family, she made a bad choice. Sorry, but BO's 'family values' argument is entirely valid.
Date: 3/13/2009 12:28:26 PM
Author: EBree
Date: 3/13/2009 12:20:34 PM
Author: beebrisk
But the difference here is that her CHILD has been attacked and ridiculed and the subject of really ugly invectives by the LEFT who clearly feels the need for her to pay for the ''sins'' of her Republican mother.
To be fair...
Date: 3/13/2009 12:05:57 AM
Author: beebrisk
As for Jamie Lynn/Bill O''Reilly: Bristol''s parents haven''t pimped their girls out to Hollywood. I don''t recall seeing Bristol writhing on stage in a nude body suit and a snake. Britney and Jamie''s father manages their careers'' and apparently thinks putting out a record called ''If U Seek Amy'' is a good idea. Nice. So, is anyone SURPRISED that train-wreck Britney''s little sis got pregnant?? At the time of conception, Bristol was an unknown living in Wasilla. Despite what appears to be a pretty average family, she made a bad choice. Sorry, but BO''s ''family values'' argument is entirely valid.