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Jan 10, 2004
Has anybody used ? They appear to have very competitive prices. My budget is about $5500. click here
Ah, a new diamond site that I can add to my collection.
Its like collecting stamps
. I look forward to hearing reviews a 'search' on that url and see if you find anything in 'subject'.

What are your parameters for searching with your $5500...what are you looking for? That is a healthy budget, depending on what you want.

Would caution that for any online purchase to be sure to get Sarin results as well as IdealScope or scope images in order to gauge the cut of the stone with numbers AND the light return images. Just a GIA report IMO is not enough when making an online purchase. Also that site only appears to have samples of reports, not even a report of the actual stone. Be sure to get this before the purchase as well as the Sarin & Scope results.

There are too many stones out there online that have more information at competitive prices to settle for one that does not.

Good luck!
I would have to disagree with mara again ,she is making a diamond purchse so compicated,she is not in the business and doesnot understand it ,she is steering you away from the question,His question was about the company and the competitive prices not about sarin and all the nonsense she is writing about.She and I are not seeing things eye to eye,so I would not listen to her comments when it comes to my site or my comments. and she knows exactly what I mean.
As far as her comment about the sample of certificates,well it would be impossible to scan close to 40,000 stones and show every certificate,that is why we created the sample certificates,so that you can get a feel of what it would look like.
If you need the copy of the original certs.I can fax/email it to you.
Oh by the way mara please don't comment back to me I am not interested in your opinions.

Well its nice to know what you think of consumers.
Getting information and making an informed decision is "making a diamond purchse so compicated"???
Telling someone to ask for a scan of an actual report is bad advice??
It sounds like a good idea to me.

Mara dont need anyone to defend herself and yea she gets on my nerves at times just like most people do but lets put her track record of helping people here on this forum select awesome diamonds that they love against your record.

Naw you wouldnt want to do that beause it would make you look bad.

Its really really really really really really really really nice that you want customers to just throw money your way and take whatever crap you want sell them.

Dealers like you make me sick.
I would give that same advice to anyone else asking about stones, and I often do. Get as much information as possible and don't settle for less when there are others out there that do more.

It's not surprising that the owner of BuyDiamondDirect chimes in to discredit what I suggested, which is for the consumer to BUY INFORMED. In the end, it's the original poster who makes the decision on who to work with.

An original GIA Cert does not have Crown and Pavillion angles on it. There is no viable way for a consumer to SCREEN a GIA Certed diamond prior to purchase without Sarin or OGI information.

With Crown and Pavillion angles, us humble consumers can use the Cut Adviser to SCREEN a diamond's probable performance. If the diamond scores well, we can ask for further information, pics, magnified pics of the inclusions, and otherwise pester the Pee out of a Vendor such as yourself.


I am not personally familiar with Buy a Diamond Direct. Follow Mara's advise. And, get as much info on the Vendor as possible. Look for feedback from other satisfied customers. You will also want to check out any Vendor's return, refund, and life-time upgrade policies.

While there are many reputable Internet Diamond Vendors, there are folks out there sitting in front of their computer screens in pj's hawking diamonds that don't exist. Make sure you are dealing with reputable people before you give them a dime.
Wow, what a revealing statement. I know where NOT to buy my diamonds online in the future.

Mara, I know many people have told you this time and time again, but I REALLY appreciate your suggestions. I trust your intent because I know you are a consumer like myself and have no financial motivation to have anyone buy their stones from one vendor as opposed to another.

This is an educational forum intended to disseminate accurate, helfpful information about diamonds that consumers can use to make educated decisions about their diamond purchases. The vendors here that I respect are more than happy to supply their customers and would-be customers with all the info that they ask for so that they can make the best decision for themselves and not dismiss grading reports and a customer's request for them as "nonsense."

Whenever I hear a salesperson tell me that I don't need to know something makes me believe that they've got something to hide.
It is not easy to find any thread on Pricescope where sellers and customers disagree... this maybe one (Mara is not a diamond seller, DM is). Why would that be

Regardless, "competitive prices" are is not equivalent with "low" prices. If ne does not get what he is paying for at a shop, then either he is paying too much or getting too little, otherwise that store is a charity, NOT a business. Wether you are hunting for the last detail of cut parameters (something Mara might) or a good "deal" regardless, one should knoe what he's getting. If the info on GIA certs is enough for you (as is for many buyers out there) than this thread is shooting the moon. Is there more to say about a diamond than GIA certs do? Sure.
Will you have to pay for the extra info and more strict parameters? Of course.
Is it worth it? Well, only you, the buyer, knows that

Does cut quality matter to you?
Gee DM you have a thick skin.

Perhaps you are actually not who you say you are - perhaps you really are a competitor of the firm you say you own. Your real mission in life is to discredit who you say you are!!!!

You are doing a great job
How can you guys ask for close to 40,000 stones be scanned??
besides the fact that I am already in am sending the consumer every detail of information such as cr.angles pavilion angles etc..,which by the way is a regular everyday thing that we do.
Mara has always tried to discredit me and my site, why?
maybe she is upset that we work on a very low margin of profit? I wonder why? and that we sell millions of $$ to very satisfied customers. ask her to show me how many other companies out there that are working on the same margin of profit that we do.Oh by the way most of us have practically
the same stones,Please check around.
I don't appreciate saying anything about my site or me ,As she knows what I think about that.Please don't comment back it's not intersting.

Sorry reedsc,as this thread was stolen from your original question.

I am outta here. over and out
Here's the bottom line, as far as I'm concerned:

I wouldn't buy from this guy because he sounds like a real jerk.

When buying a diamond, you generally have to spend a fairly significant chunk of time talking with your jeweler, and I prefer to talk to non-jerks.

You're also giving a good chunk of change to the dealer from whom you purchase a diamond, and I prefer to give my money to nice people rather than jerks.

There are plenty of dealers out there who will sell you a competitively priced diamond. From what I've heard, there are also many dealers who can take constructive criticism of their web sites and respond with politeness and general concern for their customers rather than with defensiveness. In other words, they're not jerks.

Just my 2 cents.

By the way, diamondsman, if you do have personal issues with Mara and the content of her posts, may I suggest that you direct these concerns to here via email or private message? I think it would probably be better for you bottom line in the long run, as your current strategy of insulting other consumers seems to be driving away potential customers.
Please......are we really at this AGAIN?

This has been discussed to death previously, and there will be no consensus here. DM feels as though the customer should "buy blind" with no information, and several of us consumers disagree.

Several of the consumers on this site will suggest that consumers educate themselves and will recommend that they deal with vendors who are forthcoming with information. DM, on the other hand, feels like the customer doesn't need information to make a sound purchase.

Reed.......I'd concur with Mara's suggestion. When I first came here, my goal was to learn about diamonds so that we wouldn't get taken to the cleaners when my fiance and I shopped for my ring.

The advice offered about getting more information is RIGHT ON. You wouldn't purchase a car without knowing all the details about it. You wouldn't purchase a house without getting a home inspection to find out all the details about it. You wouldn't likely consent to a medical procedure without first gathering information about it.

Smart shoppers learn about their purchase, and as such, they rarely regret their purchases. Work with a reputable vendor who can provide you with pictures, ACTUAL grading reports, Sarin information and any other documentation you think will be helpful in building confidence in your purchase.
Well, it's too bad that you have overreacted a bit, Diamondsman. I agree with part of your perspective, and after a few posts, you have explained that you have too many stones to scan each one's report (like Blue Nile, for instance).

You also did explain that you do send crown & pavilion angles to prospective buyers - to anyone who was not already rolling their eys about the fray. May I suggest that you not try to attack a long time poster next time, since many people will be rushing to defend Mara. I don't always agree with her or Aljdewey, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't try to respond back in a more courteous manner.
so far nobody answered this guys original question,and no one answered any of my the way the people that are using foul language like jerk,or you make me sick, my clients are much classier than that ,and I would not want customers like you.(made an very honorable ,honest and fair business in my 30 years of being in business)
I never used any foul langauage in any of my comments.
Discreting you and your site? As Garry noted, you do that all on your don't need ANY help from me. All I said was that the site seemed to only have samples of certs up there. Personally, I don't care WHY you only have samples of certs. That is not really my problem, but as a consumer...I wouldn't even take a 2nd look. Your prices aren't THAT good.

And if you are so rich off the 'millions' of dollars that you make...why are you even bothering to hang out here? We are here to HELP consumers, not perpetuate mis-information and when you say that I know why you don't like me...YES I do. Because you know I would never refer someone to your site and I don't like your tactics of promoting your site and PM'ing people to sell them stones. That will never change, even if you pipe in and cry about me not liking you which is pretty unprofessional as a member of the trade, by the way. I'm not a fan of Barry at SuperbCert, but I still point people to his stones if I find one...because they look pretty darn amazing.

Please take your own advice and be over and out. As someone who loves to tout how they make millions of dollars off consumers, surely a few minutes on Pricescope doesn't have the type of ROI that you are looking for.

Edited to last two cents on this whole thing, because it's a waste of time to that we all may not agree on here as CaratG points out...we tend to disagree many times, that is the way of life. However, I don't think any one of us has ever been guilty of saying to the original poster to 'not listen' to someone because they are wrong. If we all did that, we'd negate our credibility right off. We're not in high school here. Disagree'ing is fine..but everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
adjeway ,why dont you go in and compare prices before you comment , on the same stones in different sites including mine.and post your reamrks,and I mean the same stones! both you and mara have not compared prices and post them here.make sure you compare at least 5 different sites,those stones are the same ones so that there would not be any questions to the validity of makes or cuts cr angles cr pavillion, the same stones, you pick them and post them here ."Or all you have to say is that my prices are not THAT great".
Please do that and prove your point.You probably going to sway away from answering that ,in your own special way of twisting words.go on I challange you.

oh by the way i did not say that I made millions off my customers, which if I did would be non of your jealous business,But I said that I sell millions. here you go again with twisting words your specialty.
Go ahead take my challenge.(I am sure you will not).
ok put up or shut up time diamondsman.

You claim you have the exact same diamonds as everyone else.
What is your price on the following diamonds not ones like them the exact same ones:




On 1/18/2004 3:06:40 PM diamondsman wrote:

adjeway ,why dont you go in and compare prices before you comment , on the same stones in different sites including mine.and post your reamrks,and I mean the same stones! both you and mara have not compared prices and post them here.make sure you compare at least 5 different sites,those stones are the same ones so that there would not be any questions to the validity of makes or cuts cr angles cr pavillion, the same stones, you pick them and post them here .'Or all you have to say is that my prices are not THAT great'.
Please do that and prove your point.You probably going to sway away from answering that ,in your own special way of twisting words.go on I challange you.

oh by the way i did not say that I made millions off my customers, which if I did would be non of your jealous business,But I said that I sell millions. here you go again with twisting words your specialty.
Go ahead take my challenge.(I am sure you will not).

Diamondsman.....there you go again, ranting with no logic!

Get this through your head, is NOT my job to go on a fishing expedition looking for the "same stones" on your site and five others to determine who's pricing is best. If you're so hell-bent on proving your competitiveness, YOU do the damn research!

I didn't say yours was competitive or not, and I did NOT say your prices aren't that great (as you claim). What I said is, you DON'T provide enough information about the make of the stone for ME to offer ANY opinion -- positive or negative -- about the competitiveness of your pricing.

If you're so hell-bent on focusing on "what the original poster asked"......I answered THOSE questions to the best of MY ability offering MY opinion. I was fair in my answers......and I refrained from saying what I REALLY felt....that I would never, EVER do business with someone who sported an attitude like yours.

To recap: have I done business with you? Would I EVER? NO......not even if your prices were 50% less than everyone else's! Can't make my feedback any clearer than that. That's my opinion, and it isn't subject to change.

here is one which is 1.04 cts. (sorry not 1.03)
price is less!!!
I did say to check at least 5 different sites, and check for the same stones.As many of us download from the same vendors.
I knew that neither you or mara would take the challenge, also she was the one who said that my prices are not THAT great, in my posting I commented towards her.Prove it.
Why anyone would want to buy so much as a paperclip from this rude, defensive, pushy, unpleasant little man is beyond me.

On 1/18/2004 9:01:25 PM glitterata wrote:

Why anyone would want to buy so much as a paperclip from this rude, defensive, pushy, unpleasant little man is beyond me.


Good one Spartan.

Actually on a $'s per carat wt the GOG stone is $4 cheaper - whoooo ho ho!!!

And that stone appears to have a slightly deep/steep proportion combination than the GOG stone - data that our friend has, but has not made available.
Glitterata - I agree w/ you. THere are soo many other vendors that are soo much more pleasant to work with who are more than willing to share all the information on a stone including the details in inclusions.. and I feel lucky to be working w/ one of them and I don't want to mention any names.. and am extremely glad that i'm not buying my stones from someone soo defensive and obnoxious.

On 1/19/2004 2:38:26 AM Cut Nut wrote:

Good one Spartan.

Actually on a $'s per carat wt the GOG stone is $4 cheaper - whoooo ho ho!!!

And that stone appears to have a slightly deep/steep proportion combination than the GOG stone - data that our friend has, but has not made available.
---------------- and see how quiet he'll get NOW on this thread.
(Actually on a $'s per carat wt the GOG stone is $4 cheaper - whoooo ho ho!!!)

can you show how you do the math?

1.00x 6426.00=6426.00
1.01x 6435.65=6500.00

The price per carat is more exspensive
both are ideal makes,
I asked for five different sites
nobody proved me wrong yet.

How was I rude, She is clearly trying to steer the customer away from my site read her remarks on the last line.
(Actually on a $'s per carat wt the GOG stone is $4 cheaper - whoooo ho ho!!!)

can you show how you do the math?

1.00x 6426.00=6426.00
1.01x 6435.65=6500.00

The price per carat is more exspensive
both are ideal makes,
I asked for five different sites
nobody proved me wrong yet.

How was I rude, She is clearly trying to steer the customer away from my site read her remarks on the last line.
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