
Buying Moissanite from Tianyu Gems

That is GORGEOUS. Where did you get it?
The 11x10 was cut by Starsgem which is also in China. There is a similar thread to the Tianyu one also on pricescope. I had this specifically cut in a ‘squarer’ shape but still kept the long, thin culet. The Tianyu version has the pin hole culet with petals so it is a different look. This version looks like a bunch of tiny mirrors and looks very natural in all lighting situations. I had an 11x9 cut as well but I think the 11x10 ending up looking even better.

Here is the 11x9 so it is slightly more elongated. The picture makes it look more yellow than it is but it was taken in January when it was dark and rainy outside. The color is actually as white as the other one but I found the precision better on the 11x10. They are both currently being set.

The modern & fancy cuts are better in colorless than the antique cuts although I still prefer near colorless in most. The antique cuts look a bit unnatural in the icy/blue white but if that is what you like. This is my 11x10 antique cushion which looks completely white. No obvious body color like I did see a bit in the oval and emerald cut.

That stone is amazing!!!!
I received pictures and a video of my girlfriend's ring back from Ella at Tianyu, and I can't quite tell how it turned out. The pave stones seem dull and lifeless. Tianyu's pictures have never seemed very high quality, and the lighting probably factors in as well. Should I be concerned or have them make any changes, or is this normal for their rings and it will look different in person?the ring  (3).jpg the ring  (2).jpg the ring  (1).jpg
It’s so hard to tell from the pictures how the pave will look in real life.

I am having a 7.75mm solitaire in white gold made and Ella sent me pictures and videos today. (I’ll try to figure out how to upload video later.) So hard to tell! Which stone do you guys recommend I choose?
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Here are the videos - which should I choose??
Here are the videos - which should I choose??

Are they both the same color? The one on the left looks more steely and the one on the right appears to have more body color.
Ella said they are both DEF. But I agree, I see a lot of gray on the left and yellow on the right.
Are they both the same color? The one on the left looks more steely and the one on the right appears to have more body color.
Agreed. The left looks almost greyish, especially when looking at it upside-down. And the right looks better but not colorless.
Ella said they are both DEF. But I agree, I see a lot of gray on the left and yellow on the right.
I would pick the one on the right over the left one. These videos can be really hard to tell sometimes because they can pick up reflections from the phone case or room. If you want one completely colorless, tell her that you don’t want to see any yellow or grey tones in the stone and since she is looking at them in person, to find the best one for you.
I received pictures and a video of my girlfriend's ring back from Ella at Tianyu, and I can't quite tell how it turned out. The pave stones seem dull and lifeless. Tianyu's pictures have never seemed very high quality, and the lighting probably factors in as well. Should I be concerned or have them make any changes, or is this normal for their rings and it will look different in person?the ring  (3).jpg the ring  (2).jpg the ring  (1).jpg
I have no doubt that the center stone will sparkle but the pictures do make it hard to tell on the pave. Can you upload a video link from vimeo or imgur. Does the video look better than the pictures?
The focus is a little soft in this picture, but the ring looks lovely to me! Hope to see more pics when you get it!
IMG_7828.JPG I finally got a reply from Emily, with photos of my ring and a video. She said she was at the Hong Kong jewelry fair, hence the slow communication. Anyhow, the pictures she sent are pretty bad (ie. not in good focus) but the video looks nice. I'm excited to see it in person, hopefully soon!
This is the video she sent

I'm a novice and wouldn't be confident to give you advice on your ring, however I *can* tell you that the camera captures a decent amount less of the sparkles than the human eye can. So what sparkle you see on camera, there will be more in real life.
Best of luck!
Anyone else experiencing delays with Tianyu? It’s been almost 3 weeks since I approved my CAD and 2 weeks since I got the video of my center stone. I emailed Ella last week, but no response. I thought perhaps it might be owing to the jewelry fair, but it seems like some people are still receiving regular communications.
Anyone else experiencing delays with Tianyu? It’s been almost 3 weeks since I approved my CAD and 2 weeks since I got the video of my center stone. I emailed Ella last week, but no response. I thought perhaps it might be owing to the jewelry fair, but it seems like some people are still receiving regular communications.
I haven't noticed a delay at all. I paid on 02/25, got my CAD 03/01, revised CAD and approval given 03/02, video and pictures of the final product 03/09, and I should receive a shipping confirmation tonight.
Oh boy, thank you! Sounds like I need to check in again.
I haven't noticed a delay at all. I paid on 02/25, got my CAD 03/01, revised CAD and approval given 03/02, video and pictures of the final product 03/09, and I should receive a shipping confirmation tonight.
@bbk0885 you’re not having luck with these Chinese companies. I hope the products you receive will be worth the trouble!
Anyone else experiencing delays with Tianyu? It’s been almost 3 weeks since I approved my CAD and 2 weeks since I got the video of my center stone. I emailed Ella last week, but no response. I thought perhaps it might be owing to the jewelry fair, but it seems like some people are still receiving regular communications.
Yes! Communication with Emily has been very slow. Feb 19 I paid in full, Feb 28 she emailed me that my ring was in production, and mar 7 I got photos of my ring. I emailed her to confirm my address on mar 8, but haven't heard anything since :( I'm not in a rush, but I would really like to get my ring, now that I've seen pics of it!
Haha, I am not! I hope so, too. Also, I should never have ordered right before Chinese New Year—it makes it seem like everything is taking extra forever!!
@bbk0885 you’re not having luck with these Chinese companies. I hope the products you receive will be worth the trouble!
Oh, I’m sorry! I understand why that would make you a bit antsy! I’d want to hear that it had been shipped, too!
Yes! Communication with Emily has been very slow. Feb 19 I paid in full, Feb 28 she emailed me that my ring was in production, and mar 7 I got photos of my ring. I emailed her to confirm my address on mar 8, but haven't heard anything since :( I'm not in a rush, but I would really like to get my ring, now that I've seen pics of it!


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Has anyone any experience with Tianyus 16 hearts & arrows cut? It looks fascinating but I'm wondering how they perform. I imagine they'll sparkle even more under spotlighting but might have less brightness in diffuse daylight. The arrows become very thin so will the stone have a splintery look? I've tried googling the cut but can't seem to find anything about it. Does anyone know the purpose of double the hearts & arrows?

Just a general inquiry, I have no plans for it. If anyone did get it, show us how it's set!

Here's a link and a picture:

Has anyone had any experience with a moissanite falling out of any of Tianyu's rings. I got married a few weeks ago, and literally the day after my wedding, noticed a stone missing from the wedding band that was definitely there the night before.

My ring came. :) I'm pretty happy with it, the stone looks nice to me. What's more important is that my husband (who doesn't really care about jewelry lol) is thrilled. It's a little on the big side. Not entirely sure why, unless my fingers are shrinking a lot, so I may do some sizing beads or something. It's not bad, but I don't want to lose it. Thank you for this thread, I don't think I'd have felt confident in ordering something sight unseen without this one (and the one on Weddingbee).

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My ring came. :) I'm pretty happy with it, the stone looks nice to me. What's more important is that my husband (who doesn't really care about jewelry lol) is thrilled. It's a little on the big side. Not entirely sure why, unless my fingers are shrinking a lot, so I may do some sizing beads or something. It's not bad, but I don't want to lose it. Thank you for this thread, I don't think I'd have felt confident in ordering something sight unseen without this one (and the one on Weddingbee).

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Your ring is gorgeous! I can see why your hubby is thrilled!
Has anyone had any experience with a moissanite falling out of any of Tianyu's rings. I got married a few weeks ago, and literally the day after my wedding, noticed a stone missing from the wedding band that was definitely there the night before.

I’m sorry this happened to you! Did you contact them? They can possibly ship you another stone and you can have it set locally..
My ring came. :) I'm pretty happy with it, the stone looks nice to me. What's more important is that my husband (who doesn't really care about jewelry lol) is thrilled. It's a little on the big side. Not entirely sure why, unless my fingers are shrinking a lot, so I may do some sizing beads or something. It's not bad, but I don't want to lose it. Thank you for this thread, I don't think I'd have felt confident in ordering something sight unseen without this one (and the one on Weddingbee).

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That looks really beautiful! What do you think about the lab sapphires? They look pretty good in the picture. Tianyu seems to size slightly bigger than the stated CAD size. It might be worth confirming in MM as well for future people. If you wear it with a band, that might help anchor it in place.
My ring came. :) I'm pretty happy with it, the stone looks nice to me. What's more important is that my husband (who doesn't really care about jewelry lol) is thrilled. It's a little on the big side. Not entirely sure why, unless my fingers are shrinking a lot, so I may do some sizing beads or something. It's not bad, but I don't want to lose it. Thank you for this thread, I don't think I'd have felt confident in ordering something sight unseen without this one (and the one on Weddingbee).

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This is really gorgeous! They did an amazing job!
The local jewelry store confirmed my ring is the correct size and the prongs look great. For now I've got a snuggie on it to cinch it down. I think my fingers will swell up some during the summer so I'll see.

I think the sapphires look really nice The only thing I'd possibly have changed in hindsight would be possibly to have the moissanite sit lower, but it certainly has presence to it. ♥️
The local jewelry store confirmed my ring is the correct size and the prongs look great. For now I've got a snuggie on it to cinch it down. I think my fingers will swell up some during the summer so I'll see.

I think the sapphires look really nice The only thing I'd possibly have changed in hindsight would be possibly to have the moissanite sit lower, but it certainly has presence to it. ♥️
Oh, wow, those are lab sapphires??? :love: I thought they were blue colored moissanites! In any case, Tianyu did a terrific job!