
BWW Weight Loss Thread: 2/8-2/14

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Date: 2/10/2009 7:49:46 PM
Author: meresal
Date: 2/10/2009 11:11:26 AM

Author: Clairitek

I WILL go to the gym on my way home though. Hold me to it!

Just finished my first workout since Thursday... you better be at the gym!!

Ok, so I''ve been doing the 30day shred for a week now. 4 days last week, and just finished my fifth day (fist of this week). Yes I can feel that my endurance is getting better, but I noticed tonight while stretching afterwards, that I am getting a LOT of my flexibility back!! Today was my first day with 3lb weights, and I did pretty well. The anterior raises are always something I have had problems with, so it was difficult to keep form in those the whole time. I''m going to see how my arms feel tomorrow, and if they aren''t bad, then I''m going to move up the Level 2.

ps: Thanks to whoever mentioned the tip on using Comcast, I don''t have to stand by the tv pressing FFWD to get to the actual workout anymore. The dvd has a ton of lead-ins.

Bia: I love working out in the mornings. It really feels like I start the day on a better foot. I also used to notice that if I''ve had a hard day at work, I try to fit a second session in afterwards just to work off some steam. Bonus! I''m going to try really hard to do my 30-day Shred in the mornings.


I didn''t make it to the gym.

I stopped by the Target anyways and bought 3 lb weights AND the 30 Day Shred DVD. But before I unwrapped it I checked my OnDemand and the first two levels are there!

We shall see how I feel tomorrow.
Date: 2/10/2009 10:02:20 AM
Author: Missy0483
mayachel - I can''t say that I enjoyed it...because I thought I was gonna die the whole time but I kept pushing through because I kept repeating ''wedding dress, wedding dress, wedding dress'' in my head!! I''m telling you it works! The eliptical feels really awkward for me...maybe because I''m short and it just feels so overwelming when the lil pole things you hold on to feel like they''re taller than I am! Or maybe I''m making an excuse? I do better on the treadmill so I''ll probably stick to that. I want to be able to run longer without getting out of breath. That''s my goal for now. I haven''t lost any weight yet

Hahaha! I love your mantra. I can just imagine us all puffing away, "I must confess, I''m doing it for my dress!"

Don''t worry Missy0483 first comes muscle, than comes the weight loss. I can see how if the eliptical isn''t the right proportions it can be difficult. The poles shouldn''t be taller than you. Do what works for you.

Meanwhile, I invested. I bought a 10 class card for the dance studio I want to be going to. I have 12 weeks. So that means I have to get there at least once a week. I got there tonight, of which I am very proud of myself. While the class was a bit over my head, I physically kept up better than I would have expected.
Thanks guys! I''m very excited that all my healthy lifestyle changes are working... Now if I can just get brave enough to do that 30 day shred that''s in my dvd player.
redfaerythinker - Congrats on the new pants!! That''s part of my "30 days until the dress fitting" goal. I want to be able to either buy a new pair of smaller pants or fit into some of my old pants that I can''t wear anymore by the time I go back for the fitting.

I remember hearing/reading its about 10 lbs for a dress/pants size, so that''s great work!

I just finished day 4 of the 30 day shred. Definitely easier than days 1 and 2. I find it also helps that I know exactly what the routine is now. I am aware of what''s coming up next, so if I get tired I just think "only one more set of x and then its abs" or whatever I''m on at the moment.

30 DS: Level 1 Day 4
Well I don''t feel sore at all this morning. Which is sort of weird. Maybe my form was bad? Oh well, I''ll do Day 2 later on today and see how it goes.

Does anyone else find the fact that the girl in the green on the video has stomach fat at all? I''ve never seen abdominals like that one a woman before. Then again, its not often I see a woman exercising with just a sports bra on.
Date: 2/11/2009 9:08:57 AM
Author: Clairitek
Well I don''t feel sore at all this morning. Which is sort of weird. Maybe my form was bad? Oh well, I''ll do Day 2 later on today and see how it goes.

Does anyone else find the fact that the girl in the green on the video has stomach fat at all? I''ve never seen abdominals like that one a woman before. Then again, its not often I see a woman exercising with just a sports bra on.
No, that is definitely not normal for a woman''s body. Insane!
I have a friend that does fitness competitions, and she gets abs like that. I think it comes with the genes though, becuase she is 5-1 and has never weighed more than 100 lbs. She just has a naturally tiny figure, so when she''s in shape she withers away to almost nothing.

I feel like the workouts are really good about building minimum strength and endurance without overworking muscles, which allows you to do it everyday, or most days.
I''m not very sore this morning either, so I''m debating whether or not to go up to level 2, or do one more day at level 1 with the 3 lb weights.

Are you going to try and do it everyday, or work it in with your time at the gym?
Date: 2/11/2009 12:42:44 AM
Author: mjso
redfaerythinker - Congrats on the new pants!! That''s part of my ''30 days until the dress fitting'' goal. I want to be able to either buy a new pair of smaller pants or fit into some of my old pants that I can''t wear anymore by the time I go back for the fitting.

I remember hearing/reading its about 10 lbs for a dress/pants size, so that''s great work!

I just finished day 4 of the 30 day shred. Definitely easier than days 1 and 2. I find it also helps that I know exactly what the routine is now. I am aware of what''s coming up next, so if I get tired I just think ''only one more set of x and then its abs'' or whatever I''m on at the moment.

30 DS: Level 1 Day 4
I agree, and I think it makes me push harder, knowing that something isn''t going to surprise me.
I did Turbo Jams last night. So many plies, I think my legs are gonna fall off tomorrow (tomorrow because the burn hasn''t kicked in yet, boo)! I also have a dance class tonight and the teacher always pushes me to the max. Which is great because I know I can do it, but it really kicks my butt.
My motivation is starting to go up to workout though so that''s good because I''m failing at my goal for 4 times a week!
Date: 2/11/2009 9:51:55 AM
Author: meresal
Date: 2/11/2009 9:08:57 AM

Author: Clairitek

Well I don''t feel sore at all this morning. Which is sort of weird. Maybe my form was bad? Oh well, I''ll do Day 2 later on today and see how it goes.

Does anyone else find the fact that the girl in the green on the video has stomach fat at all a little strange? I''ve never seen abdominals like that one a woman before. Then again, its not often I see a woman exercising with just a sports bra on.
No, that is definitely not normal for a woman''s body. Insane!
I have a friend that does fitness competitions, and she gets abs like that. I think it comes with the genes though, becuase she is 5-1 and has never weighed more than 100 lbs. She just has a naturally tiny figure, so when she''s in shape she withers away to almost nothing.

I feel like the workouts are really good about building minimum strength and endurance without overworking muscles, which allows you to do it everyday, or most days.

I''m not very sore this morning either, so I''m debating whether or not to go up to level 2, or do one more day at level 1 with the 3 lb weights.

Are you going to try and do it everyday, or work it in with your time at the gym?

I am actually about to do Day 2 right now before my TV shows come on. Now that my paper is going through my advisers I can finally take a night off from writing.

I did a tasting at my first choice venue tonight and the food was delicious! We are going to move forward with them. So my stomach is nicely filled with pork, chicken, and lamb! Makes up for my total lack of protein the last two days.

To answer your question- I plan on doing tis when I can''t make it to the gym so maybe I will get at least a little exercise every day. I am wondering if it will be enough for me because I normally do 30 mins cardio and then 100 reps of some sort of abs and lifting. We will see if I notice any difference in my body by adding this in. I bet I will since I will pretty much have no excuse not to work out!
Day 2 is done! As I said this morning I didn''t feel the effects of yesterday''s workout but when I got into Day 2 I did feel it.

I measured my waist last night so I will have a starting point. I am going to do my darndest to do this OR the gym every day. We''ll see if it has any effect on my measurements!
Ok, I feel like such a wimp!! Day1 was two days ago and I''m still sore!! Like having trouble walking sore. I took last night off, but going right now, for Day 2 I guess
Wish me luck...I hope I can walk tomorrow!
Day 5 complete! I still suck at pushups, but I was amazed at how fast the workout was compared to day 1 when I thought I was going to die!

I know its only been five days, and while I can tell my endurance is better, I see no difference in weight or how my clothes fit
I'm going to stay motivated though and keep doing it, hoping that it wil change eventually!

Shimmer - I was really sore after day 1 too, but I just forced myself to keep going and now the soreness is pretty much gone. I wouldn't necessarily recommend this if you think you will hurt yourself, but it worked for me.

Question - the jump rope REALLY hurts my calves/shins. Jumping jacks don't hurt at all... Which seems odd to me. Do you think its okay if I sub jumping jacks for the jump rope? My shins are killing me right now. I'm also doing the workout barefooted, maybe I should wear my running shoes to help absorb the shock?

30 Day Shred - Level 1 Day 5
Hi Ladies - mind if I join in the weight loss??

I am another big fan of 30 day shred. I did it pretty religiously in November while gearing up for a vacation and results were great! Then I stopped for a while and I''m back in on Day 3
getting ready for the summer/October wedding. I hoping to lose ~10 lbs and really tone up (want jillian arms for my wedding dress LOL).

How much weight do you guys use for 30Day? I either use 3lb or 5lb depending on how brave I''m feeling. And how often are you planning on doing the video? I''m also training for a 1/2 marathon and need to fit in some running too - doing both in one day is not fun!!
Congrats to everyone! Especially, redfaery on the new pants
It sounds like you are all doing great.

I have been doing the 30-Day Shred with 3 pound weights. I am a bit embarrassed at how out of shape I have gotten, but I made it though it. I have also been really walking when I go to school and am going around campus instead of loafing around at a 12-minute mile pace like I had been doing. I had minor surgery two weeks ago, and will be able to go to the gym this weekend. I am looking forward to it! I also have a friend who teaches a pole class and she hooked me up with some free sessions. I was really hesitant, because I am definitely not coordinated or a dancer, but after seeing the arms of all the women in her expert class, I was sold!
Date: 2/12/2009 12:05:12 AM
Author: mjso
Question - the jump rope REALLY hurts my calves/shins. Jumping jacks don''t hurt at all... Which seems odd to me. Do you think its okay if I sub jumping jacks for the jump rope? My shins are killing me right now. I''m also doing the workout barefooted, maybe I should wear my running shoes to help absorb the shock?

The jump rope stuff bothers me too and I do it in running shoes. I am thinking about subbing in double-time jumping jacks or maybe we both need to develop our calf and lower leg muscles better?
Don''t worry though, you''re not alone!

I have to clean my house tonight so that combined with Day 3 I should be in good shape workout wise. I find that I am actually looking forward to it! Thats a good sign.
Date: 2/12/2009 10:16:57 AM
Author: katamari
Congrats to everyone! Especially, redfaery on the new pants
It sounds like you are all doing great.

I have been doing the 30-Day Shred with 3 pound weights. I am a bit embarrassed at how out of shape I have gotten, but I made it though it. I have also been really walking when I go to school and am going around campus instead of loafing around at a 12-minute mile pace like I had been doing. I had minor surgery two weeks ago, and will be able to go to the gym this weekend. I am looking forward to it! I also have a friend who teaches a pole class and she hooked me up with some free sessions. I was really hesitant, because I am definitely not coordinated or a dancer, but after seeing the arms of all the women in her expert class, I was sold!

Pole... dancing??

I''ve thought about watching the Carmen Elektra striptease workout video OnDemand but I feel slightly silly doing it. But if you''re over there doing pole dancing classes maybe I will give it a shot. Perhaps even look into a pole dancing class of my own because I definitely need better upper body strength! I would love to be able to do just one proper chin-up.
I did the workout last night and I feel so much better! A little sore, but far less than before--I think working out again actually helped it.

I hear you ladies on the jump rope thing, I used to skip rope for cardio and the first week I was very sore but then my muscles adapted and I was fine after that. Good shoes are very important though!

I''m not using any weight (ok, last night I used the Wii remotes!) because I just moved and can not find my workout gear box
When I do I will start with 3lb, then 5 the next week and 8 after two weeks of 5 (I find the jump from 5 to 8 to be quite significant).

Great job everyone, keep up the good work
Date: 2/12/2009 10:30:30 AM
Author: Clairitek
Date: 2/12/2009 10:16:57 AM

Author: katamari

Congrats to everyone! Especially, redfaery on the new pants
It sounds like you are all doing great.

I have been doing the 30-Day Shred with 3 pound weights. I am a bit embarrassed at how out of shape I have gotten, but I made it though it. I have also been really walking when I go to school and am going around campus instead of loafing around at a 12-minute mile pace like I had been doing. I had minor surgery two weeks ago, and will be able to go to the gym this weekend. I am looking forward to it! I also have a friend who teaches a pole class and she hooked me up with some free sessions. I was really hesitant, because I am definitely not coordinated or a dancer, but after seeing the arms of all the women in her expert class, I was sold!

Pole... dancing??

I''ve thought about watching the Carmen Elektra striptease workout video OnDemand but I feel slightly silly doing it. But if you''re over there doing pole dancing classes maybe I will give it a shot. Perhaps even look into a pole dancing class of my own because I definitely need better upper body strength! I would love to be able to do just one proper chin-up.

Yep. Pole Dancing
. I will totally be the most awkward in class. I am a fumbling nerd (and not in the geek chic way, either, lol). But it should be fun. It doesn''t start until the 26th, but I will give a full report!
OMG I''ve been dying to take a pole dancing class for years. I just haven''t had the courage to go to a place that teaches it and do it. It doesn''t help that I live in LA and most of the people in the pole dancing classes will be tiny and fit models, which well...isn''t me

So glad to hear I''m not the only one with shin pain!! I wore my running shoes today while I did the workout and I think it helped. It really is more of actual pain than just soreness in my muscles, so I think it was partially the impact. I also tried to use more of my whole foot rather than just bouncing on the balls of my feet, which I think helped too.

Day 6 is complete! I''m actually pretty proud of myself for doing this for 6 days straight. 20% of the way done. Seems so doable when I think of it that way!

Still on level 1, I feel like I might be able to move to level 2, but I''m going to do the full 10 days at level 1 first, since I''ve never done the 30DS before.

30 day shred - day 6 Level 1
Well I have fallen off the wagon a bit....

Grad school is just consuming me and before I knew it today is Friday! While most people would be happy I sit here wondering where my week has gone. I have been eating well all week. But staying on my 30 Day Shred has been the challenge. Maybe I can squeeze it in before my Stepdad''s birthday dinner. But definitely plan to over the weekend, Sat. & Sun.

Wish me luck!
Date: 2/12/2009 9:26:44 PM
Author: mjso
OMG I''ve been dying to take a pole dancing class for years. I just haven''t had the courage to go to a place that teaches it and do it. It doesn''t help that I live in LA and most of the people in the pole dancing classes will be tiny and fit models, which well...isn''t me

So glad to hear I''m not the only one with shin pain!! I wore my running shoes today while I did the workout and I think it helped. It really is more of actual pain than just soreness in my muscles, so I think it was partially the impact. I also tried to use more of my whole foot rather than just bouncing on the balls of my feet, which I think helped too.

Day 6 is complete! I''m actually pretty proud of myself for doing this for 6 days straight. 20% of the way done. Seems so doable when I think of it that way!

Still on level 1, I feel like I might be able to move to level 2, but I''m going to do the full 10 days at level 1 first, since I''ve never done the 30DS before.

30 day shred - day 6 Level 1
You are my 30-day shred idol!! Thanks for sharing. You have gotten my butt back in gear. No more taking any days off.
Hey all!! Congrats on all the hard work!

As I''ve said before, I''m doing a 60 day fitness challenge at my gym, though I plan on staying a member permanently. We had our midpoint testing last night, and I''m doing pretty damn well!!!

I have lost 8 pounds of fat and gained 3 in muscle in 4 weeks, reduced my body fat percentage by 2.5%, and I am measurably stronger and considerably more fit than I was 4 weeks ago!!

So the number on the scale jumped down 5 pounds, which is not quite as much as I would like but is pretty darn good! I can totally see the results in my arms and how toned they look - now I just have to keep concentrating on strengthening my core, so that as the fat continues to burn, I can get that toned midsection I so crave!!!

This all makes me so much more excited to get even better results in the second half!! :)
Date: 2/13/2009 6:49:34 AM
Author: jkil0313
Well I have fallen off the wagon a bit....

Grad school is just consuming me
and before I knew it today is Friday! While most people would be happy I sit here wondering where my week has gone. I have been eating well all week. But staying on my 30 Day Shred has been the challenge. Maybe I can squeeze it in before my Stepdad''s birthday dinner. But definitely plan to over the weekend, Sat. & Sun.

Wish me luck!

I feel you on that! I am in grad school too and I totally skipped last night''s work out because I was busy cleaning my house. At least I went up and down the stairs a lot!

I am going to the real gym today on my way home so I can get a good work out in before my mother and pseudo-sister arrive.
I did day 2 of 30-Day last night with FI. Level 1 and we were both dead!

He kept saying, "This b*$%! is craaaazzzzyyy!"

So I feel good today, not as sore this time.

Also, don''t worry about falling off the wagon. It happens, just try and get back on
I know, I know, easier said...
Date: 2/13/2009 9:20:55 AM
Author: meresal

Date: 2/12/2009 9:26:44 PM
Author: mjso
OMG I''ve been dying to take a pole dancing class for years. I just haven''t had the courage to go to a place that teaches it and do it. It doesn''t help that I live in LA and most of the people in the pole dancing classes will be tiny and fit models, which well...isn''t me

So glad to hear I''m not the only one with shin pain!! I wore my running shoes today while I did the workout and I think it helped. It really is more of actual pain than just soreness in my muscles, so I think it was partially the impact. I also tried to use more of my whole foot rather than just bouncing on the balls of my feet, which I think helped too.

Day 6 is complete! I''m actually pretty proud of myself for doing this for 6 days straight. 20% of the way done. Seems so doable when I think of it that way!

Still on level 1, I feel like I might be able to move to level 2, but I''m going to do the full 10 days at level 1 first, since I''ve never done the 30DS before.

30 day shred - day 6 Level 1
You are my 30-day shred idol!! Thanks for sharing. You have gotten my butt back in gear. No more taking any days off.
Yay! Thanks for this comment

I got home from work really laaaate - because I had to pick up FI from work since it is raining in LA (for anyone who knows LA, he works in Santa Monica, I work in Hollywood and we live in Glendale!!!), so he can''t ride his motorcycle to work. I was really tired and unmotivated since I got some strange news at work today that could have weird implications - nothing too drastic, but definitely things to think about, so the last thing I wanted to do was the 30 day shred. I was thinking "I''ll just do it twice tomorrow..."

But then I saw your comment, meresal, and I knew I had to do it today!

So I just finished day 7 of the 30 day shred
It was definitely easier today than in the past, which is good because I feel like I am getting results.

Tomorrow is the big day when I am going to weigh myself on my Wii Fit to see if I''ve actually lost anything (which I''m not expecting a loss, so I won''t be too disappointed if I don''t see movement.

30 Day Shred - Day 7 Level 1
This should be called the "30 day shred thread"

I''ve gotta say-- I didn''t HATE it, but I didn''t love it. Maybe I need to "up" the weights, or try workout #2? I didn''t feel anything after doing workout #1. Now-- her Cardio workout DVD... That''s another story!! The one AWESOME thing about the Jillian videos is that she forces you to push through, even if you''re tired, even if you''re sore, even if you REALLY want to stop and get some water. I feel guilty if I take a break because she''s always saying, "DO NOT STOP! KEEP GOING! IF YOU DON''T PUSH THROUGH THIS YOU WON''T SEE RESULTS!" Man-oh-man.

This week went well-enough. I did my 4 workouts, and walked up a billion stairs at the law school. I second what all the other grad students have said-- It''s SUPER hard to get motivated after a day of classes, studying, homework, and household duties. I sometimes envy FI, who works 8-12 hours an then has no other responsibilities. What a dream life that''ll be...

I''ve lost a little weight, though I''m 100% certain it''s ALL FROM MY BOOBS! Which were small to begin with. I swear I''m on the verge of becoming an "almost A" cup. FI even said, "Your chest is shrinking. Stop working out so much!"
Flat chest and flat booty. I DO have hips, though... don''t know how that happened. If it weren''t for my hips, I''d look like a boy.

Side note to the ladies who have gotten a bit off track this week: DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED!! And also, don''t be discouraged if you aren''t seeing results on the scale right away. It''s a slow, long process... but if you keep at it, pick up where you left off, and don''t get down on yourself for the occasional slip-up, you''ll eventually succeed. It''s about a lifestyle change

I read a great article in Prevention the other day, about a lady who lost a bit of weight (50lbs, maybe?)... Over 2.5 years, or something. She tried to be active, and during the week she ate healthy... but during the weekends she could have what she wanted. I mean, she didn''t go crazy and binge like a mad-woman, but if she wanted 5 cookies and two slices of pizza, she''d eat it. I''m sure it slowed down her weight loss, but she never felt deprived. Whenever she had a craving during the week she''d say, "Just hold out for three more days, and on Saturday, you can have as much of this as you want." And often, but the time Sat. rolled around, she had no desire to eat the thing she was once craving.
Date: 2/14/2009 3:39:41 AM
Author: PilsnPinkysMom
This should be called the ''30 day shred thread''

I''ve gotta say-- I didn''t HATE it, but I didn''t love it. Maybe I need to ''up'' the weights, or try workout #2? I didn''t feel anything after doing workout #1. Now-- her Cardio workout DVD... That''s another story!! The one AWESOME thing about the Jillian videos is that she forces you to push through, even if you''re tired, even if you''re sore, even if you REALLY want to stop and get some water. I feel guilty if I take a break because she''s always saying, ''DO NOT STOP! KEEP GOING! IF YOU DON''T PUSH THROUGH THIS YOU WON''T SEE RESULTS!'' Man-oh-man.

This week went well-enough. I did my 4 workouts, and walked up a billion stairs at the law school. I second what all the other grad students have said-- It''s SUPER hard to get motivated after a day of classes, studying, homework, and household duties. I sometimes envy FI, who works 8-12 hours an then has no other responsibilities. What a dream life that''ll be...

I''ve lost a little weight, though I''m 100% certain it''s ALL FROM MY BOOBS! Which were small to begin with. I swear I''m on the verge of becoming an ''almost A'' cup. FI even said, ''Your chest is shrinking. Stop working out so much!''
Flat chest and flat booty. I DO have hips, though... don''t know how that happened. If it weren''t for my hips, I''d look like a boy.

Side note to the ladies who have gotten a bit off track this week: DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED!! And also, don''t be discouraged if you aren''t seeing results on the scale right away. It''s a slow, long process... but if you keep at it, pick up where you left off, and don''t get down on yourself for the occasional slip-up, you''ll eventually succeed. It''s about a lifestyle change

I read a great article in Prevention the other day, about a lady who lost a bit of weight (50lbs, maybe?)... Over 2.5 years, or something. She tried to be active, and during the week she ate healthy... but during the weekends she could have what she wanted. I mean, she didn''t go crazy and binge like a mad-woman, but if she wanted 5 cookies and two slices of pizza, she''d eat it. I''m sure it slowed down her weight loss, but she never felt deprived. Whenever she had a craving during the week she''d say, ''Just hold out for three more days, and on Saturday, you can have as much of this as you want.'' And often, but the time Sat. rolled around, she had no desire to eat the thing she was once craving.
I''ve read that the 30 Day Shred won''t necessarily be that great for you if you already do a lot of working out. Seeing that you''re already doing 4 workouts a week, maybe you should try doing Level 2 to start. When I started with Level 1 I hadn''t worked out in like 9 months!!! What size weights are you using? I''m using 3lbs and at first it killed me, but now I''m glad I decided to buy those rather than the 2lbers.

And I totally get the "losing weight from the boobs" thing. I''ve always been paranoid that if I work out I''ll only lose weight from my boobs and the rest of me will stay the same! So far I haven''t noticed a difference, thankfully! If only there was a way to lose weight exactly from the spots we wanted too

Well, the verdict is in...I weighed myself on the Wii Fit. I''m down 2lbs from my last weight on there which happens to be on the day before I started the 30 day shred! Which I''m really excited about, I hope it is really true weight loss and not just water weight or weighing myself at a different time, I can''t remember what time it was that I weighed myself on that day (I''m pretty sure the Wii Fit keeps track of it, so I''ll have to go back in and check) This combined with what I lost on the Wii Fit before brings me to 8lbs lost since the second week of January. But I feel like the first 5lbs were just me getting back to "normal" after spending two weeks at my mom''s house over the holidays. So I am only down about 3lbs, hence the not really noticing a difference in the way my clothes fit.

2lbs a week will put me just about on target for the 10lbs before my dress fitting. I''m trying to be dilligent about my food intake as well, but I''m sure the week before the fitting I''ll probably be much more motivated to be really strict.

Ideally, I''d like to lose another 10-15 lbs in the 7 weeks from my dress fitting until I fly home for the ceremony, but I''m concerned about the seamstress being able to alter my dress in a week. I''ll be flying back home on a Saturday, the seamstress doesn''t work on the weekends and then my wedding is friday. So if I go in for a fitting on Monday, will she be able to alter my dress in time for me to wear it Friday night?!?! As much as I don''t want that added stress the week leading up to my wedding, I''d rather look/feel my best and have the gown fitted, than just settle on the weight I''m able to lose in the next 3 weeks. Thoughts?
Just posting that day 8 is done! Only two more Level 1 workouts then I''m going to try out Level 2 eeeeeeeeeeeek!

30 Day Shred - Day 8 - Level 1
Date: 2/14/2009 9:25:44 PM
Author: mjso
Just posting that day 8 is done! Only two more Level 1 workouts then I''m going to try out Level 2 eeeeeeeeeeeek!

30 Day Shred - Day 8 - Level 1
You are seriously a machine!! Congrats on getting everything done this week!!

Off to start the new weekly thread...
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