
Bye bye my sweet baby cat

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Everyone feels it differently, but if having a new little one to love (not replace Chowder in any way, just to have and love too) will be a help to you, it might be worth it. Could you go and see how you feel when you are there? Sometimes, the distaction of loving a new pet helps ease the pain of losing one, because you are needed and can focus on that...
Sorry for your losses Amanda & Roppongi.........
Our furry loved ones give us unconditional love, as we give them.
Hi sorrow is relatively new, I put my Storm down on November 1st and I cannot think of replacing him, it is too soon. Like you, my heart aches. I wake up every morning and go to bed every night still crying and sobbing. Seriously. I still have his water and food bowl out, I haven''t taken his Cat Tree out of the house, he still has a water bowl by my tub. I am crying as I write this because the pain is that intense. I couldn''t imagine NOT going through this for him, he needs to know how much I miss him and how much I loved him. He was in my life for 13 years, will this sad, sad feelingl ever go away? The vet calld yesterday and his Ashes have been delivered....I will pick them up tomorrow and no doubt the tears will fall.

Everyone has a different way to mourn their loss, there is not a right or wrong''s what you feel best about. You and your fiance will figure it out toether.

I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I just recently went throught the loss of my kitty Seamus. His death was sudden and unexpected, I understand what you are going through. You will know when the time is right to adotp another love bug. There is a website that I am a member of and the people are so wonderful. CHeck it out, it is a great place to begin healing from you loss. My thoughts are with you and your fiance.

Oh honey. I''m so very sorry.
Date: 11/27/2006 11:34:36 PM
Author: roppongi
Oh My God AmandaPanda, I am so very, very sorry. I know what you are going through and the pain just doesn''t seem to want to go away. I put down my Storm on November 1st and I am still so raw. I cry every night...I miss him so much

You and your fiance are in my prayers.
Roppongi, honey I just saw this. I''m sorry for your loss too. So many hugs to you and Amanda.
AmandaPanda & roppongi: Sorry to hear about your kitties!
I know that time is coming for me (my babies are both 15 years old) and I DO NOT look forward to it. I wish I could make you both feel better, but I guess that's what time is for (other than making us all older.

Take care and don't try to rush the grieving process. It's natural to miss your babies and no one should make you feel differently.
...head bonks and purrs to you both.
Amanda, I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my 16-yr old cat a few years ago. I'm not saying this is the solution for everyone, but here's what I did:

I started a diary of sorts where I'd write down every memory of him that I could think of. He was a one-person cat, and it was a rollicking good 16 years together through tragedy and triumph. I swear I have never had as good a friend as that nice/mean SOB of a cat. He was strongly opposed to the man I eventually married, to say the least. Next time, I'll listen to my cat(s).

Then, I went to the animal shelter and adopted a 13-week-old male that made eye contact with me and it was love at first sight for both of us. While I was looking at him, another male in the cage behind me tapped me on the shoulder and I turned to see a huge very shy cat kneading his stainless cage with a pick-me pick-me look on his face. So he went home with me, too. They are great companions for each other, and they really helped console me.
I''m so sorry I''m late, but I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am for your loss.
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