
Calling all Dog Experts!

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Yeah, regarding the wookie noise, it''s probably won''t go away. My male has a deep warning bark; but, when he gets excited his inner "Casper" comes out. Casper was his grandfather & perpetuated through genes this horrible high pitched howlly bark. We use the command "casper go away". He gets the idea - but will continue to have indescretions.
Date: 6/4/2005 12:36:01 PM
Author: fire&ice
We use the command 'casper go away'. He gets the idea - but will continue to have indescretions.

this is too funny...hehee...

re: marketing and neutering, we have also heard that if a male dog is not neutered right away and is very into the marketing thing (and humping) then even if you neuter him, it may be too late to change that behavior. aka my friend's jack was neutered at 1 year and he humps all the time and does tons of marking. when we see dogs in the park with this same problem, usually they were neutered well after ~6 months. so he may be a marker, but at least hopefully he can learn to not mark the house...hehe.
They are sleeping!!! How nice to see Chelsea relaxed and asleep right under my feet and Dasani across the way stretched out!! Shhhhhhh Fire & Ice, don't remind me that this is the Honemoon period
I know it is, as he just decided that he did not want his little "male panty" on after we came back in from "potty time". He quickly nibbled at my hand and then a second firm bite!! Well my Alpha came right out, as I'm having none of that biting.

My husband was surprised to see that response from him and thinks maybe he is just a little sore from his shots and I know he is just worn out from all the excitement. Needless to say the "male panty" is on and will stay on for awhile!

I talked to the vet about the marking and he said best case after neutering, within 1 month his hormones should be decreasing enough to stop the urge and if not, we can discuss hormone treatment options. Anyone heard of this? He also said that males will just mark, that on some days there will be a dog that has an accident in the waiting room and they just leave the mop out for the rest of the day because all the males will sign their name, whether they are neutered or not. It's just instinct.

I haven't seen any "humping" tendency in him.....yet.....and hope that never comes up.
I'm off to take a nap, too
congrats on the newest member of your family! it sounds like everything is going well so far

i can''t wait to see some pictures!
I just lit up inside reading the good news. Pics!
I''m shocked as I write this, but Chelsea is actually enjoying having Dasani around. She has allowed him to come up to her face and greet her, with no snarls or growls, and if she acts in any way like she is going to snarl, he goes the other way. She realizes he knows she is boss and that has made her a very happy girl! I''m with everyone who said it''s best to have two, so they can have one of their own around.

He is very enamored with her and gets as close as he feels is safe and just wants to lay down near with her. If I''m not mistaken he is already starting to follow her lead

YESSSSSS as I type this, he just got in his kennel all by himself, no prompting and is laying down!!! I''m just waiting for the other shoe to drop..........I''m sure tomorrow will be a whole other story.....hopefully not

I love dogs, they are just such fun!!!

PS. The digital''s batteries were dead, so I''m charging them and hope to have pics soon
That''s great to hear. Can''t wait to see the pics of Chelsea and Dasani together!!!
Hooray!!! Libster, so glad it''s working out. I''m late to this thread, but I was going to suggest belly bands (the velcro contraptions)...and then I read on and saw that you already had them. Great!! Sounds like your new pack is off to a wonderful start and Miss Chelsea is secretly loving being the queen bee with her new subject-playmate.
First of 3 pics. Here is Chelsea. This is the first time in many months that I've seen her this interested in life
It's a really great thing to watch!

2 of 3
This is the new addition, Dasani, sitting with his dada

3 of 3
Here is one of the succesful playtimes! Fun has been had by all

yay!! what a happy family!

Congrats and love the pictures!

Before you know it, they will be best buddies!

Date: 6/4/2005 11:43:57 PM
Author: Libster
First of 3 pics. Here is Chelsea. This is the first time in many months that I''ve seen her this interested in life
It''s a really great thing to watch!

Libster, that is so cute...maybe having the new dog around makes Chelsea feel young at heart!
They are too cute!!!! How fun for Chelsea, I bet she is really going to have fun with Dasani. He is just adorable. It must be so much fun to watch them play together. Thanks for the pics!!!
Noticed you changed your avatar! So, the little fella seems to be endearing himself on your family? How''s it going?
Date: 6/4/2005 11:43:57 PM
Author: Libster
First of 3 pics. Here is Chelsea. This is the first time in many months that I've seen her this interested in life. It's a really great thing to watch!

Congratulations, Libster! You went beyond the wildest expectations of this group! Not only did you integrate your new guy (Dasani) into your household, but you actually seemed to have made Chelsea's life *happier*!!! Maybe *she* was lonely after having been part of a two-dog household for years!!!


PS-fire&ice was right about the doggie point of view being that a pack is natural. Or at least she and Chelsea, who had lived with another dog, were on the same wavelength about having two dogs in a house!
Fire & Ice and Deb,
Thanks for asking!!

I feel like I''m living in a wonderful dream. Dasani is such a great dog and it''s hard to imagine that he really was as unmanageable as his previous owners explained. He has had his shots and yesterday his "surgery" and is home and doing fine. Chelsea has surprised us all!!!! She loves him like she did Dieter, already.

Dasani is a blessing in disguise as my husband just lost his job yesterday and will really be needing a happy home right now
Date: 6/9/2005 12:59:26 PM
Author: Libster
Dasani is a blessing in disguise as my husband just lost his job yesterday and will really be needing a happy home right now

Oh, Libster, I am *SO* sorry! We have been through that twice (so far). The first time, at least I was working (although we were in the process of trying to adopt a baby, and that caused a few waves in the adoption process). The second time I wasn't working since I was home with a child...and my husband was older. It is very, very hard to live through a job loss. If I can be of any help, please let me know by e-mail or PM. Where do you live and what is his field?

Oh Libster,
I am so sorry to hear that. I am hoping he will find another job soon, seems to be happening a lot lately. Glad the doggies are so happy together. Dasani is just too cute for words.
Date: 6/9/2005 5:57:18 PM
Author: AGBF

Date: 6/9/2005 12:59:26 PM
Author: Libster
Dasani is a blessing in disguise as my husband just lost his job yesterday and will really be needing a happy home right now

Oh, Libster, I am *SO* sorry! We have been through that twice (so far). The first time, at least I was working (although we were in the process of trying to adopt a baby, and that caused a few waves in the adoption process). The second time I wasn''t working since I was home with a child...and my husband was older. It is very, very hard to live through a job loss. If I can be of any help, please let me know by e-mail or PM. Where do you live and what is his field?

Wow, sounds like you''ve had some experience with this! I can''t imagine if I didn''t have a job and this happened, my stress would be through the roof. I posted a thread detailing a bit more in this Forum. We are so lucky that we have never faced this before. He is devastated and it''s very hard to watch him deal with this and I can''t do anything to make it better. I keep reminding him how lucky he is to be only 43, as he could be closer to retirement age and this happen, making it much harder to find a job. Thank you for listening
Date: 6/9/2005 7:34:38 PM
Author: kaleigh
Oh Libster,
I am so sorry to hear that. I am hoping he will find another job soon, seems to be happening a lot lately. Glad the doggies are so happy together. Dasani is just too cute for words.
Dasani is just the most wonderful surprise!!
We are really enjoying him.....especially Chelsea!!

Thanks for the kind words regarding my husbands job loss. We knew one of us would probably face this during our careers. I''m just thankful that I''m employeed and he has a great skill set and will be an asset to a on to finding where that is!!
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