
Calling all Henri Daussi owners! Please post your rings!

I actually really love my HD ring, but it doesn't get a lot of wear time due to it needing to be sized down. Your thread made me want to take my HD ring out of storage and get it resized for summer :) I know they are not everyone's cup of tea, but I love the cut on mine(not too shallow or any issues with windowing) and the :love: The cushion is light pink and the melee is also pink.
dollyanjuli|1369359979|3452813 said:
Thank you 04diamond! The center stone is a J VS2- but because Daussi is EGL USA, I am planning on sending it out. Clarity looks fairly accurate, I can't see a thing exen at 10x- but the color seems fishy. I know cushions hold color more than well cut rounds, but this also literally seems like color change sometimes! As I type right now i am sitting in low natural light, and even against the super white halo it looks almost colorless. Then it's yellow!

Size- it's only a 1.7, but like all HD rings it is just cut HUGE- it's the size of most 2.5 stones! And of course the halo helps =)

I have to say, that I absolutely love the way your ring looks!!! I love the cut and color of your centerstone and I love the contrast with the white melee stones in the halo. I would leave it as is. But if you just can't stand it (since it is your ring), then a pink diamond halo would look stunning!
I agree, I think the contrast of the colors is stunning! And kitty is lovely :)
also, though it is shallow- there are very rarely bowties or that kind of naked window look. I fell in love with this stone because it is so unbelievably lively. The fact that it looks ginormous for being such a low carat weight is a bonus =) I don't care about numbers, i just care that when I wear it I feel like a celeb ;-)

Also please note my darling kitty Sebastian, who loves my new ring- he keep coming up to be petted, i think because he wants to see what his mama has that is so sparkly =)
Only 6 years after your post, I love that cat. And your beautiful hands and ring.