
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

RT, invest in a bella band ASAP. It will make everything much more comfortable in the coming weeks.
Hudson_Hawk said:
RT, invest in a bella band ASAP. It will make everything much more comfortable in the coming weeks.

Noted, I wish you could see my face, it sort of looked like this~~~> :confused: Then I googled bella band and NOW I understand :)
Hi all! I literally found out a little over 24 hours ago... I will be going to the doctor this week to see how far along I am. It's weird, yesterday I wasn't unhappy, but I wasn't super excited either. But the more I talk about it and get used to it, the more excited I get!
28 weeks

:wavey: greetings from southern California! we're on the first day of our babymoon. no one gave me any trouble on the flight or that I was sitting in an emergency seat, though my belly's so big! LO was extremely active during the flight. had midwife appointment yesterday (to pick up my approval letter to fly) and she said all is measuring well and there is no such thing as an overactive baby. we can now see bulges coming out and rippling from side to side.

now just trying to stay awake to watch SNL so we don't fall asleep too early (jet lag).

hope everyone else is doing well.
Welcome Tuckins!!

Have a nice babymoon Noelwr :)
Congrats Tuckins! Welcome!!
Thanks Random and Tiffany!! :wavey:
Tuckins1 said:
Hi all! I literally found out a little over 24 hours ago... I will be going to the doctor this week to see how far along I am. It's weird, yesterday I wasn't unhappy, but I wasn't super excited either. But the more I talk about it and get used to it, the more excited I get!

Welcome Tuckins. Do you know when was your last AF?
Laila619 said:
Tuckins1 said:
Hi all! I literally found out a little over 24 hours ago... I will be going to the doctor this week to see how far along I am. It's weird, yesterday I wasn't unhappy, but I wasn't super excited either. But the more I talk about it and get used to it, the more excited I get!

Welcome Tuckins. Do you know when was your last AF?

Please forgive my ignorance, but what is AF? Period? :confused: Sorry, this is all so new to me!!
Yep. AF = period.

Do you have regular cycles? If you do, and you know what date your last AF was, your due date will be approximately 40 weeks from that date.
Hi Tuckins! Yes, AF is "Aunt Flo", slang for your period. You will learn all the lingo in no time! Welcome and congratulations!
ETA: I see Laila beat me to it. You can also google "due date calculator" and all kinds of sites will pop up to help you figure out when your LO(little one) will make his/her debut into the world!

So I am a regular PS'er, peeking into this thread under a new account name because I have friends IRL that know I am on here and we don't want to tell anyone yet, but I just found out I am pregnant!!!! Last period started on August 18th, so due date is estimated about May 25th right now. Have not been to the doc yet, it's still very early. Which is also why we don't want to tell anyone. DH and I would like to keep it our little secret for a while, especially until we are a little more secure that this little one is going to stick around for a while .

But I couldn't wait to tell you guys! And I actually really want you to know who I am, so this will just be for a little while. Here's a little hint though, PS-style ;)) : we are BIG jerkstores for the second time! I actually thought we had maybe missed the window, but apparently not! I am really excited to go through this with all of you- some of you for the second time!

So please, if you figure me out, DO NOT say on here (or on the "other" site if we are friends there, too!)
Laila619 said:
Yep. AF = period.

Do you have regular cycles? If you do, and you know what date your last AF was, your due date will be approximately 40 weeks from that date.

Got it... I keep track of my cycle on an app on my phone (i'm such a nerd :rodent: ) Going on the date of my last period and the possible conception dates, i'm due anywhere from May 20-June 4.
congrats Secretagent!
secretagent- congrats! I am dying to know who you are and do not think I have it figured out yet.

noelwr- You are quite the preggo traveler! Totally jealous of your Socal trip. The closest thing we're having to a babymoon is a trip home to see the fam and have the baby shower, in good old upstate NY. I don't think it counts :cheeky:

Tuckins- Congratulations and welcome! You'll have all of the baby lingo down in no time.

HMG- Baby jumper totally does the weird slither thing too. I ask him multiple times per day what he is doing in there! Crazy baby. Congrats on your bumbleride! is sooooo annoying about code use, but you definitely still got a good deal. Yay, looking at the stroller makes me happy.

CatLuver- Tiny girl, stop worrying about your weight gain. It is not excessive at ALL and you look fabulous. Stop that, now! (Though I know the feeling hehe.) It's hard not to stress about it, but you really are doing great.

Bliss- UGH, you poor thing! I had a very extended run of nausea/feeling yucky too. I think it finally went away almost completely around 24 weeks, though I still feel it now and again.

A loooooong overdue update from me at 30+ weeks :o I seriously got killed at work over the past month, waking up at 4 AM and getting home on average around 7 or 8 PM, and probably sitting for an average 2 hours total during that LONG day. That is some serious business for someone who is 7.5 months pregnant. There were definitely moments with plentiful contractions, but no preterm labor so yay for that.

To put the cherry on top, I had a kidney stone on Friday (which was my last day of this crazy rotation.) Umm, OWW. And being all doctor heal thyself, I decided that the ER was way too much effort and the OB's office was closed. So I went home, drank a gallon of water, had a horrifically painful night medicated only by Tylenol and passed the darn stone. The joys of pregnancy?! Though I am glad that it was really something that only affected me and not my little man. I hope there are not anymore in there where the first one came from :errrr:

Photos soon of our nursery! Aside from the fact that we are still undecided on a crib mattress, the room is pretty much complete. I love it... and I think it would have been hubby's dream room when he was a baby hehe.
Secret agent- Congrats to you!! I hope you can reveal your true identity soon! :wavey:

well, I didn't manage to stay up for SNL last night... crashed around 8pm. it is really hot in California! got super swollen ankles but bought some comfy shoes.

icekid - I can hardly stay on my feet shopping for 2 hours... don't know how you do those crazy shifts. I had a kidney stone once, too. it was incredibly painful and uncomfortable, and I was taking the ferry from England to Holland and had tears rolling down my face the whole time, but I was determined to get home. once home, it had passed. go figure.
Fyi: I'm not secret agent :)
I've already gained 4 pounds and I'm only on week 5. I also was overweight to begin with when we got pregnant (although I have to say I had lost about 15 lbs prior to getting preggers so I was working on it, just got a little surprise!). From what I've read online, I should only gain somewhere around 15 pounds (??) but of course I won't go by that until my doctor tells me for sure. What I'm wondering is what is some healthy food that helps satisfy your food cravings? Lately I've been drinking a LOT of orange juice...and by a lot, I mean a LOT. I think it is maybe time to scale back and try and drink more water. I go through about 90 oz. or so a day monday through friday but it seems I lack on it on the weekends. What are you ladies craving? Anyone else start out pregnant overweight?
random_thought- I really have not been eating too differently from my normal diet. Supposedly you need an extra 300 calories per day, which is really not all that much. However, cravings have not been a real problem for me, which helps. Rather I had tons of food aversions at the beginning! Load up on lots of filling fruits and veggies. And WOW, that is a lot of juice! How about actual oranges instead of juice? Also, bloating is pretty common at the beginning, so it is probably not 4 lbs of fat, but still it would be best to back way off on the juice.

noelwr- I am just glad it is over! It was definitely a one day at a time kind of thing. Literally, everyday when I got home I would cross off the day on the calendar and crash into bed :bigsmile: And sorry to hear that you have felt my kidney stone pain! Seriously awful..
charbie said:
Fyi: I'm not secret agent :)

OMG Charbie, if that was you, you must have some seriously sneaky little eggies, LOL. Or, is it you and you are just being sly... :confused:

If it is you, please do come back to the TTC thread and share the good news with all the ladies, we could use some more BFP's around there :wink2:

If it's not you, could it be CDN or someone else I can't think of right now? Oh, the suspense is killing me ;))
RT: Definitely lay off the juice. Especially if you have diabetes in your family (Not sure if you do or not)...I had to meet with a Dietician last pregnancy due to having to take the three hour glucola (I passed but barely) and she said to avoid juice.

Speaking of the 3 hour glucola ladies...I can't remember how long it took to get the results last time around but it's been about a week and 1 day (3 if you count yesterday and today) and I still haven't heard anything.....I'm hoping this means I passed!
RT-I started out about 15 lbs heavier (155) than I wanted to be and I put on about 36 during my 38 weeks. I'm not going to lie, a LOT of that I gained in the first and early second trimester, but once the hormones regulated in the second trimester things got better. I was so hungry all the time in the first trimester and while I was eating healthy stuff, I was eating a lot of it. My office is also candy central, so I was constantly snacking from the various candy jars. The only time my doc commented on my weight was in reference to a comment I made first. I broke 180 and mentioned that it was a hard number to swallow. She said I might want to watch my ice cream intake. At no time did she say I should gain XX number of pounds and I was technically overweight for my height when I got pregnant.

I would focus on eating healthy first and foremost but don't beat yourself up about it. Also, you CAN still work out, just scale it back a notch. P90X isn't the workout for you right now, but long walks would be good and you can lift weights as long as they're under 15-20 lbs. Check the working out thing with your doc first, but there's no real reason to give it up.

Also, it's OK to give in to cravings, but right now is the time to practice moderation. OJ is great for you, but has WAY too much sugar in it to be drinking in large quantities. Maybe scale back to one small glass a day so you get your taste and then move on to water. For me ice cold water (and ice cubes) did the trick. I was so thirsty all the time that I didn't even notice the amount I was drinking. I constantly had a glass/bottle of water with me. You can also add fruit slices or crystal light or something similar to change up the taste. Be careful of the CL as it's got artificial sweeter in it. I'm not sure if you're cutting that out, some pregnant women do, although I didn't.

I think has a pregnancy calorie counter. I'm not usually an advocate of calorie counting, and certainly not when you're pregnant, but if you're curious to see how much you're taking in, then give it a shot.
Wow thank you ladies all so much for your thought out answers. I guess that is stuff I never really thought of before but I think I will have to pick up some regular oranges at the grocery store. Does anyone know if it's ok to drink more orange juice if you get a juicer and drink it straight from the fruit? If so, I know what I'm asking santa for for Christmas lol!

Thanks again taovandel, HH, and icekid!!
It would probably be better to have fresh orange juice instead of juice in a bottle (Extra sugar added in). I've been avoiding fruit until 12:00 in the afternoon based on what I remember from my dietician meeting...apparently preggos have a harder time breaking down fruit and sugars before 12:00 p.m.
re: weight... I'll chime in and say again that it's hard to take the weight off afterwards and while it's easier to think 'I'll deal with it later'... just try to eat healthy and fresh, and if you eat a good way today keep that style of eating and just add an extra piece of fruit and yogurt or something similar to give yourself fuel. You really only need something like 200-300 extra cals per day to feed the baby and I think it's actually 100 extra in the first tri and doesn't up to 200-300 til later. But it's definitely not like eating for two or even 1.5! ::)

Being preg and eating healthy can make it hard with all the nausea, cravings, hormones going crazy--I didn't want meat til almost 20 weeks and I typically love meat. And water made me nauseated and all I typically drink is water--so I had to drink 'flavored' things like juices which I got to like, it was really hard to stop again...!! can gain 4-5lbs in bloating OR gain no weight at all and still bloat!! All the above said, don't worry too much about 'gain' as long as you aren't eating too crazily--and just try to stay active--even walking is good.
damn PS ate my post!

random - I agree with Mara. the 300 extra calories per day (which you get out of one bagel) doesn't kick in until 2nd trimester. how about grapefruit juice? I could tell you what you should be doing, but I'd be a hypocrite because in 1st trimester I just ate to keep morning sickness down and now I just eat because I'm hungry and I don't really make healthy choices. :loopy: I'm going to have a tough time getting back into shape and it's all my fault.

- - -

as I didn't post a belly pic on Friday, here I am today at Fashion Island Mall in Newport Beach, "enjoying" 100 F weather.

Just a quick fly-by to say Congratulations to Tuckins and SecretAgent!!!!!!!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:

RT: Ditto everyone on the bloat. It's awful in the beginning. Also, if you're constipated, that can definitely add a pound or two!

Noel: Enjoy your babymoon! You look great!

Icekid: 30 weeks!!!!! :appl: :appl: My, how time flies!! I'd say 'take it easy', but sometimes it's just not possible! So I'll cross my fingers for an easier month in October!

AFM - 28 weeks yesterday, and I think there's finally no mistaking I'm pregnant. :bigsmile: I'll be posting nursery pics soon, too!
Pretty sure I've been fired because I'm pregnant. My boss found out and told me he needs me to find another less stressful job because he doesn't think I can handle it anymore. I was then asked to turn in a letter of resignation. It's too bad I can't afford a lawyer :(

On the plus side, dh just got another promotion and is the bookkeeper now of the store he works at. He no longer will have to work night hours, 5am-1pm now :) I also have had about 3 emails for interviews already as well.
If you do really think it was because you're pregnant, a friend of mine says that you can get representation through Colorado Legal Aid if your household annual income is less than about $18k.