
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Just poppin in to say that DH is getting another promotion around the Christmas holidays! Horray!
Also, yesterday my sister brought us my nephew's old playpen. It looks like brand new and is adorable!

I hope everyone is enjoying their leftovers!!! :)
noelwr|1290777218|2779613 said:
I decided I'm not going to breastfeed. I could out of one boob, but I think that will just be very confusing for DD as she will have to have supplement formula as well. rather there just be one source of food so she doesn't refuse one over the other.

anyone else not going to breastfeed (or maybe mothers who already had babies and didn't bf), and what are you going to do the first few days to keep the colostrum/milk suppression down? tight bra and cold compresses?

Noel: I am so glad to hear that your surgery went well and that you are now recovering :appl:

I was unable to bf my son, who was born nearly a month early. He went straight to the NICU and I didn't get to actually hold him for more than 24 hours after his birth due to my complications. I know that the hospital gave him formula even though I had specified that I wanted to bf when I was admitted. In any event, I had very little colostrum and only managed to pump 1.5 ozs of milk with a hospital grade pump. DS also had no real interest in the breast. When he was hungry I'd put him up there, manhandle my boob into his tiny mouth, and he'd try to suck but never got anything and would just scream and scream so I'd give him a bit of formula and then try again to no avail. After a few days at home I gave up completely and don't feel bad about it at all. I only had one day that I was totally engorged and was in a lot of pain. I took a hot shower and then put ice packs in my bra to help. I also took some percocet to help with the pain. I had very little leakage so I used some toilet paper in my bra when I went out.

I'm not planning on bf'ing my daughter, either. I will only be able to take 8 weeks off max from work and I'm scared to establish bf'ing only to have to switch to a bottle in such a short period of time. I will probably not be able to pump at work, regardless of what the laws are surrounding it :(( I may try to give her some breast milk right away (in the hospital) but nobody can predict if I'll have any milk or how much I'll produce.

I had such a wonderful Thanksgiving with my family this year. DH and I decided to start alternating families starting this year and it was so much better. In the past we would have dinner and dessert with my folks and his and would go home at the end of the day over-stuffed and too tired to do anything. This year we had dinner with my family and dessert with his; next year we will do the opposite. It was a leisurely (spelling?) day and for once we didn't feel like we were rushing around or eating too much. :))
Noel you should do whatever you feel is best for you regarding breastfeeding, and know that that is also best for your daughter, but if you want to try to feed with one side it's worth a shot. You might be one of those women that could breastfeed twins (one boob per baby) or you daughter might be one of those babies happy to switch between bottle and breast. My baby eats great from both. If it might give you some pleasure and pride then you should try it even if you have to supplement some. If your daughter prefers the boob but you don't make enough milk, she'll take the bottle when she's hungry. If she prefers the bottle you could always put breastmilk in it or deal with drying up your milk then.

If it's just stressful for you to think about trying then it's fine to skip it too, but I wouldn't let fear of nipple confusion keep you from trying.

Best of luck icekid!

thanks all for the tips! I read a lot about cold cabbage leaves in the bras, but didn't think that they might stink! cold compresses it is. I think I'll speak to the gynaecologist/midwife about pills you can take to suppress lactation. I decided not to try bfing with one breast, as I don't know how quickly I'd have to stop to start chemo and any tests they might need to do which could be painful on a bfing boob.

I went to the hospital yesterday and they had the pathology restults from my operation. the good news is that the surrounding tissue they removed with the tumor does not contain cancerous cells, so they are confident they removed all the bad stuff and for now we don't have to look at another breast operation. the bad news is that they did find some cancerous cells in the lymph node and I have to undergo another operation to remove all the lymph nodes underneath my left armpit. that will just have to wait until the baby is born because I am not going through the emotional stress again of surgery during pregnancy. I have more appointments on Monday so I will bring up the possibility of induction if she isn't born by her due date. I hate thinking that another operation is going to be make me be away from my newly born daughter for a few days, but you ladies who have had to leave their babies at the hospital all have been through the same, so if you can do it, then so can I. not that there's really a choice, anyway.
Noel, your strength is admirable. Your daughter is a lucky child to have you for a mother. My best to you.
Noel -- my thoughts are with you and your family. You're strength is amazing. I'm sending the very best thoughts I have your way.
Noel: I'm thinking about you, I'm so sorry you have to deal with all of this now and wish you nothing but positive thoughts.
Noel-I am thinking of you and praying for you and wishing all the best for you and your little princess. Your strength and courage are incredible and I admire you so much for already being such a wonderful mama!
Noel I thought about it more after posting last night and I think you are making good decisions... You and your daughter will have your husband's support through your surgery and she'll be fine. It will be hard for you to be away from her I'm sure, but you getting healthy is the best thing for her long term. Good luck and improving health to you...

Happy Thanksgiving, American moms-to-be!
Noel - you are so incredibly strong. I will keep you in my thoughts.
Noel - great news that they got clear margins on the growth that was removed. I think you are making good choices, especially about waiting til you are post partum to do the lymph dissection. Perhaps before that surgery you can have an MRI so there is a clearer understanding of the whole picture. I would also read up on lymphedema, a potential side effect of lymph node removal. Often doctors are cavalier about this and do not explain how to avoid the problem. There is a lot on the web about this subject. You might also request the the hormone status of the tumor as well as the oncotype before you are back in the OR. You'll get a picture of how aggressive the cancer is this way and can make better decisions.

Sorry you are going throught this and I really admire your clearheadedness. Hoping all goes well for you and your little one on the way!!

PS: I know several women who were right in your shoes and they came out fine, so hang in there :wavey:
Just wanted to share that Old Navy has some maternity shirts for only $5 but it's for today only! So if anyone lives close to one or wants to order online, do it before they close :)
Noel, glad to hear your margins were good!! I'm sorry about the positive node, and the fact that you'll have to have the lymph node dissection, but if that's what it takes to keep you healthy for your daughter, then so be it. I continue to admire your strength. :bigsmile: My mom's breast cancer was similar to yours - she was only 39 at diagnosis (I was 9), had a lumpectomy, then positive nodes. The tumor was estrogen receptor positive and pretty aggressive. She subsequently had radiation and chemo, and has now been cancer free and doing great for 19 years!!

I wonder if IceKid is still pregnant?!!? Induction scheduled for Tuesday, right?
Noel - I also wanted to send my thoughts and prayers to you as you continue down your very hard road. You continue to show such grace and dignity through this situation. I hope that your little girl comes along soon and that your health will improve soon. Lots of dust!
Noel--I'm glad to hear the surgery went well. I am hoping that you have a speedy recovery.

AFM--Apparently lightening can strike twice in the same spot. Or at least cars can/will hit the same person twice in 6 months.

DH got hit by another car yesterday. Some of you may remember he got hit back in May at the high school he works at (car vs. pedistrian). Yesterday, a minivan ran him over when we were out to lunch. He just had level 2 spinal fusion on 10/25, so he was in his brace. It was actually our 4th time out of the house since his surgery since he is pretty immobile.

The impact knocked him backwards (the driver reversed into us--we were on foot) and I caught him before he hit the ground. I had to hit the van and scream repeatedly before the driver stopped. We spent about 6 hours at the ER yesterday. The cat scan shows that a new bulging disc has appeared above his fusion.

If anyone of you guys have any dust to spare I would appreciate it. Looks like we have been having a pretty bad case of bad luck lately. We are hoping to get an appointment to see his surgeon today since DH can barely move at all today.

We could really use a break.

Hope all you ladies are doing well.
cupcake*muffin - Oh my goodness!! Your post makes me want to cry. Your poor DH! Sending all the super-healing dust and positive energy to your DH. I am so sorry.
OMG uptake I'm so sorry to hear your husband got hit. Much dust and prayers to you too.
cupcake - holy crap! your poor husband. sending you lots of dust and hope that this last accident doesn't set him back physically even more, though I can imagine it must have quite a psychological impact.

my daughter has a set birth date!

we went to speak to the gynaecologist today (who is the nicest guy we've met in the hospital so far), and he was comfortable with me having more surgery while still pregnant, but we told him we weren't going to go through that emotional stress again. plus the last thing I need is to have an operation and be recovering from the pain and suddenly go into labor the next day and, god forbid, require a cesarean and have to recover from two things at once.

so he gave me an internal exam (I guess they do that here in Holland if required) and said that I am 2-3 cm dilated and we can induce next Wednesday 8 Dec by breaking my water and then letting the rest happen naturally (with my much desired epidural, of course, provided there are no major emergency surgeries keeping the anesthetists away) which usually happens within 24 hrs. I am so happy that I can go to the hospital, have them do their thing, and then wait there for the baby to arrive, instead of me sitting at home trying to time painful contractions and then having to take a painful car ride to the hospital. of course there's always the possibility that she might come before next Wed, but let's hope she's happy staying inside for a while. this also allows us to plan the next surgery and the treatments required after.

regarding the internal exam, it was uncomfortable, but didn't hurt anywhere as much as I thought it would. it's weird when the gynae says "I am touching your baby's head." he also took cultures (pap smear) and said that I was in the only hospital in Holland that does this. he also said I must have been experiencing contractions for me to already be dilated. I only know about the BHs, but they don't hurt. maybe that would explain the menstrual cramp feeling I have when I wake up at night, though it's not there during the day.

anyway, sorry Lanie that our babies won't be birthday twins (though yours might come early... who knows?). I am really curious about icekid's delivery today.
hi mamas... just wanted to let you know that has Miracle Blankets up right now at 50% off. they are doing multiple steals today so not sure how long they will be up but the MB saved us after our little houdini started breaking out of regular swaddles. totally recommend it.

cupcake.. i am so sorry to hear about your DH. sending you lots of prayers and hugs.

noel.. glad to hear that your recovery is going well. ditto the other ladies re: bf'ing from one side, it totally can be done. either way, hang in there.
Done! Thanks, Mara! :wavey: The giraffe print is super-cute too!! You must check the site regularly? I never think of it until I receive the e-mail, late in the day, and it's often too late . . .

Also, for the mamas-to-be, BRU has up to 20% off of their wearable blankets today. This sale does not include the Miracle Blankets, but does include sleep sacks ($15.99) and the Aden + Anais 4pks ($23.99), though the A+A wraps are the 44x44, not the 47x47 that Mara likes (is it funny/weird that I have memorized the measurements of your preferred A+A wraps, Mara?). Anyway, as far as I can tell, the only place to get the 47x47 wraps is at the A+A site itself, for $39.99. I did notice a set of "flannette" blankets (different brand) at target on-line yesterday, which are 47x47, which I may get, but I wonder if they won't be as good as the A+A muslin because I know those have a bit of stretch, which would seem to make swaddling easier.

Noel, Congrats on having a birth date already and for being comfy with the doctor you met and the plan for your daughter's birth. Can't wait to "meet" her and to learn her name too. ::)


I'm just hanging out at 34 weeks here. My hair stylist told me that it looks like I've dropped, and hopefully I can keep her in for another two weeks. :o I told my husband, and he was like :o :eek: :o , and then said he was going to go install the car seat. I had to remind him that she is not a doctor!! Haha! Actually, both of her children were born very early, so it makes sense that her point of view would be a bit *skewed*. It's just so funny, the waiting for January 10, full well knowing that it might be even longer than that!
LOL LV re: the measurements, for whatever reason that 44 vs 47 stuck in my brain when I was researching too and now it's like one of those useless bits of info I will never forget!

I have Baby Steals on my FB so I get them in my news feed when they post at 8am and 8pm about their steal updates. Sometimes you have to be fast and the emails don't come til later. Yes I'm a shopping addict. :bigsmile:
Cupcake!!!!!!!!!!! I am so sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really hope that the Dr has good news for your husband and he heals quickly and beautifully from all of this!
Noel!!!! Squee :appl: :appl: :appl: Your little princess has a birthday :love: :love: :love:
HMG- Still baking, but he is getting his eviction tomorrow!! :tongue: So cannot believe he is going to be here. I can still barely believe I am pregnant, for that matter.

LV- Hmm, wonder what your hairstylist knows that we do not. Hubby JUST finally got O'd carseat checked out last week. I was stressing a little that the baby would come and have an unsafe seat :cheeky:

noel- Yay for your induction date! It's so nice to have the date set, isn't it? I'm sure it takes a load of stress off for you too, since you can continue to plan and then move forward with treatment after your princess arrives safely.

cupcake- WOW. Your poor, poor hubby. He isn't wearing a sign that says "please hit me!" right? How awful. Sending you dust that he can recover from this without further surgery. Back surgery is awful and rarely seems to help in the longterm. Thinking of you both!


:wavey: :wavey: :wavey: I am still pregnant, so tomorrow is the big day. It's so funny, but the thought of labor does not make me anxious at all. A tiny newborn who is completely dependent on us, on the other hand, is a little scary!

My parents came to visit for thanksgiving, which was really lovely. It was nice to spend some time with them sans little baby, though my mom was DYING for me to go into labor. They live 400 miles away, so it's tough. She cried when she left (and made hormonal me cry too ;( ). She wants to meet our little man when he is a tiny squishy newborn so badly. They'll be back for Christmas, but hopefully she can meet him before then.

Today was my last day at work! It was so fun announcing that to everyone. It won't be a vacation at all, but YAY for a break from work.

I will try to keep you ladies updated... either via my phone, or perhaps HMG would be willing to pass along the big news since we are FB pals.
Cupcake- I'm so sorry to hear about your husband!!! That poor guy!!!

Noel- Congrats on the induction date!!!

Nothing major, but DH's parents offered to take us to target at christmas to buy a brand new crib as opposed to getting an older hand me down. They want us to look at convertible cribs which is what I originally wanted so I am SO SO SO excited!!!
Noel I am so glad everything has gone so well I have been thinking of you sending you dust for a speedy recovery - YAY your little princess will be hear soon I can't wait to see pics.

Cupcake That is awful I am so sorry - sending tons and tons of dust for a speedy recovery for your hubby and a another truckload of good news good luck dust to you both - you guys sound like you need it

Icekid It is Tuesday here already so maybe it might happen today either way today or tomorrow your little one will be here - YAY :)


Completely baby unrelated we get to pic up wedding photo's and album today so excited - and I have developed a nasty chesty cough as of yesterday - YAY could be worse will have to get to doctors later

Wishing you all an awesome day :)
Your poor DH and poor you.
Sending him lots of positive energy and prayers.

:appl: for a birth date for your little princess.
Can't wait to meet her and know her name.

Sending you lots of labor dust.
Hope you have a smooth and easy labor and delivery.
Yay Icekid! Wishing you the best for tomorrow. How exciting!!
Cupcake, I am so so sorry about your husband. :blackeye: How awful. Poor guy.

icekid, good luck tomorrow with Jumper!!

Noel, your strength and grace continue to amaze me. So exciting that your daughter has a birth day!

Vintage, congrats on 34 weeks!! Yay!