
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

DC, congratulations on finding out you are having a baby girl!!!!! :appl:

I think I might of said this but in case I didn't a few of the March preggos had their babies and I updated it in the Preggos In Waiting List. :wink2:
Deelight said she would come post a little later but she had her baby girl on the 13th!!! Can't wait to hear more!!! :D

I will catch up tomorrow. I am heading to bed.
RT Good news on the scan information!
DCGator Woo hoo for a girl! How fun that you know!
basil I flew in my first pregnancy at 28 weeks and again at 32 weeks and was fine both times. I think you are clear until about 36 weeks, but you should take along with you a note from the doctor with your due date and perhaps a note saying there is no reason to suspect premature labour. I also flew on 5 hour flights with HUnter at 3 months, 5 months, 8 months, 16 months and 24 months. The worst by far was 16 months. All the others were fine. At 8 months and under I just nursed him and held him the whole time. I found him very portable under 6 months when he was exclusively breastfed and also slept a lot in the stroller or carrier. If I were to recommend a time to travel with a baby it is in that time period. But I don't consider a trip with baby a vacation ;)) Like Mrs, we are slaves to sleep schedules and sitting in a hotel room in the dark is no fun. A suite would be a must for me if I go somewhere with our kid, and even then it is hardly worth it because you can't do the same things. I think you can easily take a two month old on a long car trip if he is used to sleeping in his car seat. At that age, many/most babies sleep for about 45 minutes or more every two hours, so you would most likely want to take breaks when baby woke up and then drive when baby sleeps. Two days would be easier.
Mrs I love the time change too! So nice to come home from work and have time with daylight to play with Hunter and relax. No eating outside for us yet, but the daffodils and cherry trees just started blooming so we are on the way! Are you finding out the gender? Sorry if I missed this.
Hawaiin Orange Tree The back of my mind thinks you might be right. But then I know with our first we wanted a boy and this time we want a girl, so that might be influencing our ability to focus and pick names!
MS Your plan to reveal is so sweet! Is the idea for the baker to make the cake in secret so you don't know either? How fun! I would worry the baker would screw it up :halo: Take the envelope with you too, to double check after the reveal, eh? haha
Blenheim said:
Mrs - I hadn't heard of them! I am googling those jeans right now!!

Blen, they market these jeans as non-maternity as well: I would suggest you take a look at their website to see if there's a store near you that has them so you can check them out. They are more expensive on line but I think you should be able to find them somewhere for about $40. hope this helps!
DD, We're having a boy this time!
Hello my favorite preggo ladies,

A very happy hump day to you all! It looks like it has been a pretty active few days so let me jump on in here.

First off, Deelight, congrats on the birth of your daughter! We can't wait to see pics when you back from the hospital :bigsmile:

Random - Sorry for the scare, but glad to know everything is ok with the LO. Congrats on passing the glucose test too!

Tao - Are you ready yet for your LO? It looks like you are up soon :naughty:

Blen - Thanks for the compliment. Compared to everybody else, I feel like I am pretty big, but judging as how my little one is folded up, perhaps she is just pushing out with her legs, lol. As for the house, unfortunately, we are lowering our price and upping our commission, but we are hoping that will capture the wave of spring buyers about to hit the market. I am jealous of the little belly, but you look fabulous! As for the names, funny enough, my DH's favorite name is Sophia too, though I am pushing for Addison right now. However, we intend to go in armed with a few names and wait until we see her to decide which name works for her. Oh, and my sister's name is Catherine, but she now goes by Cate (with a C, her pet peeve is when people spell her name with a K :rolleyes: ). One of my good friend's just named his daughter Anne and I think its a very pretty name :)) Btw, please say hi to Fisher for me and feel free to share the pink news :wink2: Tell her I send her my best and hope all is well with her.

Modern - You look really tiny too dear, but get ready for that pop, b/c it is coming, :cheeky: That is a great idea for finding out the gender. I think that will be just great to be able to share that with all the fam at the same time and eat some yummy cake! Do you or your DH have any preference for one or the other? Btw, you should add yourself on to the Preggo in Waiting list!

Skippy - Yes, spending time with mom was super nice and it makes me realize how much I miss her around for all of this and how I can't wait to move closer to her! As for the name thing, I like Evan a lot. I can see your DH's point about waiting to name them till they come out, I totally agree, but I also think its good to have some name "finalists" so they don't stay Baby A and B for too long, :rolleyes: . Oh, and I also totally agree that boy names are harder so I am glad I don't have to worry about that now! Sorry you lost your camera, but hopefully it will turn up somewhere soon, perhaps in the frig or something :lol: Just blame the preggo brain. That is really cute about the boys moving both sides of your tummy, I bet it's so funny to feel/see.

Charbie - How very exciting on the home building front. That's awesome that in just a few short months, you will have your very own breand new place to call home! As for the going back to work thing, you don't need to justify anything. I am totally right there with you. While I am not 100% in love with my job, I do need to work to feel that sense of accomplishment or whatever, and not being able to get out and do stuff would drive me batty!

Tuckins - I am happy that you aren't regulated to bed rest, as I'm sure you are equally relieved. Either way, do take it easy and keep that little one baking in there!

Basil - Thanks for the well wishes. And I think we can still be preggo twins. I mean there is always some differences between twins, right? I am sorry that you haven't found a buyer yet, but it really is a game of numbers, so as long as people keep coming through, then you should have one soon enough! I will send you all my sale fairy dust though, just in case. Oh, and as bad as it might be with the dog, at least you don't have to try to fanagle two unwilling cats out from under the bed. We had to do that last time, and I think that the acrobatics I pulled was a big part of those possible early BH. We might just leave them in there this time, especially if the take up residence under the bed, but we shall see...I think whatever you do with the crib should be good. I would encourage you to think about ordering soon though (if you go the WalMart route) since they say it can take a couple months to get here. Yeah for the beginning of baby clothes shopping! As to the travel question, unless you have some questionable pregnancy issues, I think you are fine to travel in May. I intend to take my last flight (hopefully to our new location) at the end of May, which would be around 30+ weeks or so. However, they say you can fly until 34-36 weeks, so I don't see any issues. Also, I would say to split the 10 hour drive, if nothing else to break up the uncomfortableness of sitting that long. Either way, make sure you stop every 2 hours or so, just to get things moving. Regarding flying with a baby, obviously I haven't done it yet, but we are planning our first plane trip at about 4 months to go to my DH's family's house for Thanksgiving. Btw, you should add yourself onto the Preggo in Waiting list too!

Dreamer - Sorry about the naming pressure. However, I am sure that some people will love it and others won't, so just go with what you guys like. Either way, perhaps it is a sign that you are having a little girl :tongue:

Fiery - Thanks for coming in to say congrats! How is Miss S doing? I will have to go in and check on you all in the big girl thread :))

Kunzite - Thanks for popping in. We are super psyched!

Mrs - Thanks for the girl thoughts, we are thrilled! I wish you lots of luck with your scan this week and I also hope that you have a lovely b-day party for your DD. Enjoy!

Puffy - Thanks for the congrats! How are you feeling?

Princess - What about you, any news on the scan? Please let us know when you get a chance :bigsmile:

AFM - DH and I are basking in the girly news right now. I am not sure it has completely sunken in yet, but we definitely spent the good part of yesterday emailing/phoning everyone with the news, since they were all eager to find out too, lol. Besides the big reveal, the rest of the scan went really well. Our tech was awesome and literally told us about every picture she was taking. She explained all the measurements and gave us lots of info on each item she measured, like brain, kidneys, etc. It was kinda funny b/c the little one was folded up like a pretzel sleeping for the first part of the scan, but after poking her for a bit, she woke up and starting swatting/waving at the camera and also got the hiccups, hehe. I have attached some pics at the end for your viewing pleasure. Otherwise, the time with mom was GREAT and I hope we can move soon so that I can share more of this with her. We did get to do a little shopping, and I think we found a crib we liked. Ordering is going to be a bit of pain b/c of a possible move, but we will be ordering it next week or so. As far as the house selling is going, our realtor thought it would be good to lower our price a bit (boo) but we are having an open house this weekend, so we are hoping that does the trick! Please wish us luck ladies. I hope you ladies all have a good rest of the week and I look forward to hearing about the big reveal for the rest of you soon. Till then, take care!

I'm a sucker for u/s pictures--those little feet!! And Definitely a girl--haha!

I'll be back later to catch up with everyone!
Posting quick from vacay...

DCG!!!! Congrats on team pink!!!!

DD-I love Willow Mae

I WISH I had 6 months maternity leave, I think that would be perfect...ho-hum, 3 months unpaid is all I get...the US pretty much SUCKS in that department!

Blen-I can't imagine 6.5 weeks, I think HH did that must have been exhausted!!!
Hi All!

Blenheim, DD, and Mrs - thanks for the trip advice! I'm glad that the trip for my grandmother's birthday party and to go visit in the fall shouldn't be too huge of a deal. I guess I'll have to play it by ear on the ski trip. DH doesn't ski so he would volunteer babysitting duty. We usually rent a house so I'm sure we could figure out a sleeping arrangement. But we'll see how we feel once we actually have the little guy!

DC - Those pictures are great! Sorry you haven't had much interest in the house - boo on lowering the price but I think it's probably better than it sitting on the market longer. What does your crib look like? I'd love to see a picture. I'm kind of a sucker for everything nursery these days.

Anyway, please send us some dust cause our real estate agent called last night and we may be getting an offer! We don't know the specifics yet cause I guess they are still putting together paperwork. I asked DH if it was too soon to accept it :lol: I really hope it comes through - would just be one more thing I didn't have to worry about anymore. Plus, I am so ready to pack up and get out of here!

DH and I went out last night to celebrate our 5 year dating anniversary. So funny to realize that not that long ago, we were sitting opposite each other all nervous and wondering if the other liked us. Now we're married, have a dog, and are pregnant! I felt a little bittersweet thinking that maybe our days of impromptu 8 pm dinners out are soon over, but we decided that we'd just have to go a little earlier and take the baby with us. You can do that, right? :confused:
basil It will depend a little on your kids temperment, but we went out to eat all the time when Hunter was under 5 months. Then we did not go out from about 5 months to 10 months because he was not willing to sit still. Then from about 10 months to 14 months was great because he was so obsessed with food that we could just dole out little morsels and he would happily sit and eat with us for an hour or more! Then we could not take him anywhere from 14 months until about 20 months, and now at 2 years we can take him out again. So there is hope! But it is not the same. You really need a baby sitter to keep your freedom once you are a parent.
DC - Congrats on your little girl!!!!

Basil - Ok, a rented house and a DH who does not like skiing make me feel much better about that possible trip! That may not be so crazy after all. Agree with DD about going out, it just depends on what stage your baby is going through and you do almost always need to be prepared to get your food to go, or be ready to trade off one person eating while the other paces around with an upset baby outside. Not quite as great as pre-parenthood, unless you hire a babysitter which does require advance planning. We almost went out to dinner tonight because it was late and we didn't feel like cooking, but when we were debating where to go George started yelling "Food! FOOOOOD!!! EAT!" and stomping around, and we just decided it would be easier all around to do pasta and sauce and salad at home. Definitely would have gone out if it were not for him.

Weight gain - the USA seems to be the only country in the world that obsesses about weight gain in pregnancy. Here and in most of Europe they weigh you at the first appointment around 10 weeks and that is it, they don't even tell you what you should or shouldn't gain because it actually isn't totally under your control.

I only know what I weighed because I got on the scales at home!

I put on over 70lbs - started out at around 135lbs (I'm 5ft 10") and was 205lbs the day I went into labour. The last two weeks I was putting on 4 or 5lbs a DAY! Once I'd put on 50lbs I did ask the midwives if I should worry, they just looked at me and said that I looked perfectly healthy and in proportion and that some people stacked on the weight and others didn't.

Given that I had hypermesis and didn't stop throwing up till 27 weeks, ate nothing but apples for most of the second trimester and my cravings were for coal-tar shampoo and moth-balls most people were quite impressed by my size by the end.

I was a little ticked off as I and everyone else had always imagined that I'd be one of these blooming preggos with a tiny, neat little bump and it didn't happen - I felt icky rather than blooming and even my maternity clothes didn't fit by the end. My SIL on the other-hand who is 5ft 2", clinically obese, had no morning sickness and lived on her usual diet of cupcakes for 9 months put on almost no weight - you could barely tell she was even pregnant - and her rings still fitted the whole way through!

A week PP I'd lost 45lbs and I was back to pre-preggo weight in less than 3 months (I was EBF though).

I also thought I wouldn't be that into being with a kid all day - difference is that it is MY kid and I love spending time with her. We do go out a lot and I don't do schedules so I'm not stuck in the house because of nap-times etc plus I live in London where it's easy to have a baby and lots of people contact as there are so many places to go most of which are free and lots have baby play-areas.

Basil - we've always taken Daisy out with us except for a 5 month block around 14 months when she was a complete nightmare and it wasn't fun for anyone. Most places are great about kids.
Basil, we go out with N (he’s 7.5 months) pretty frequently. Dinner is a rough time for us as it’s not N’s best time of day but that’s probably because of our schedule. He is usually in a GREAT mood from the time he wakes up until he’s ready for his a.m. nap about 2.5 hours later. So DH and often do breakfast out. I often meet my girlfriends for breakfast too – DH loves those days because he can sleep in! At this age, they’re so enthralled by everything around them you barely have to entertain them…of course depending on their temperament.

Re: weight gain – I packed it on too. I was up 45 pounds last I checked (about 2 weeks before delivery). I’m 5’5” and was 125lbs before getting pregnant. I EBF and was within 5 pounds of my pre-pregnancy weight by about 3 months and now, at 7.5 months out, I weigh less than I did before getting pregnant. Don’t get me wrong – my body does NOT look like it did before. My buns are flatter and my belly is bigger! :lol:
FLy by for Blen, The jeans I was talking about are on right now. go grab a pair quick if you're interested! They usually sell out pretty fast so I hope you see this!!

RT-- :appl: on the good news!

Tuckins-- glad to hear that everything is ok

DC--Congrats and welcome to Team pink

MRS-- congrats on team blue, I think I might have missed this previously.

DD- I love the name Willow

Skippy--congrats on popping!

I hope I didn't miss too many of you other lovely ladies out there! I hope everyone is doing well.

I am kind of doing a drive by posting since I am just returning to work after being out for 2 days because I was so sick. I actually ended up in the OB triage all day Tuesday. From early Monday night 8pm to early Tuesday morning 5:30am I had uncontrollable, "Exorist-style" vomiting. After I woke up I called my doc and she had me go to triage immediately since I was contracting, dehydrated, and running a temperature. I was at the hospital for about 9 hours, had 4 iv bags and finally the contractions stopped. Lorelei's heart rate kept spiking into the 180s and I was getting pretty strong contractions. After we got rehydrated that all seemed to stop. My own heart rate also went down since it was elevated. Luckily, no dilation. Man, it was uncomfortable for them to check though. Anyways, looks like Lorelei is in there for some more baking, hopefully she stays in there for at least another 3 weeks. We also ordered all the stuff from the registry that we still needed--for some reason everyone got us clothes or stuff animals instead of actual things we registered for, which is kind of annoying but I'm still grateful that they were kind enough to think of us. 8) It's just a hassle to have to return stuff, but I guess its better than not having anything in the first place right?

Well, I'm off, going to take off early today so I can get home and get some rest. Still not 100%. Hope everyone is doing well.
Bella_mezzo|1300304985|2873400 said:
Posting quick from vacay...

DCG!!!! Congrats on team pink!!!!

DD-I love Willow Mae

I WISH I had 6 months maternity leave, I think that would be perfect...ho-hum, 3 months unpaid is all I get...the US pretty much SUCKS in that department!

Blen-I can't imagine 6.5 weeks, I think HH did that must have been exhausted!!!

My ears are burning!!!!!

I lucked out, I thought I was only going to get 8 weeks of mat leave because of not being eligible for FMLA, but it turns out that if you roll into your 1 year anniversary while you're out on leave you're eligible. So I ended up with 12 weeks unpaid.
And I gained 36lbs in 38 weeks (most of my gain was within the first half of my pregnancy) and I'm now down 20 with 16 or so to go.

Glad everyone is doing well! CCM-glad you're feeling better.
Cupcake so glad you are feeling better! It is really scary being sick when pregnant, especially at the end. I got a horrid chest infection the week I gave birth to our son, and was coughing so badly I think it broke my waters and caused him to poop! I also needed oxygen when pushing because my lungs were so bad. Anyways, glad you are better and fingers crossed you stay that way until the birth!
I am going to try and catch up; :bigsmile: hopefully I don't miss anyone.

TOAV ~~ aw, your sons name is adorable!!! He is so cute in your avie!!! Yay for your baby on the way!!! Keep us posted! :bigsmile:

BLEN ~~ ah, I understand on the maternity jeans; that happened to me in the beginning, pulling them up, super annoying. Thanks for your thoughts on Hypnobabies. Our birthing instructor is doing lots of other techniques so I like that we are exposed to other options for the big day. :))

CHARBIE ~~ sounds like you had a great time with your friend and yay for maternity items!!! awesome for breaking ground on the new house; how exciting!!! :D Oh I was super nervous I wouldn't like the feeling of the babies kicking since I am very sensitive to weird feelings but it was okay. You will have to keep us posted on what you think when you feel movement.

TUCKINS ~~ that is great news, so happy to hear!

BASIL ~~ I am worried about regretting names too, so I am thinking of making a list pretty soon. I like the name Elliot! Very nice name!! :bigsmile:

~~~ I am appreciating hearing your thoughts/experience on the weight gain and loss!!

MODERN ~~ can't wait to hear what you are having! :bigsmile: Have fun at babies are us!!!!

BASIL ~~~ how exciting about your grandma's upcoming birthday; what an exciting trip!!! :bigsmile:

MRS ~~ I love the time change too! Yay for eating outdoors; it sounds super nice where you are! We are having low 70's here which is nice, finally! hehe YAY for your parents arriving today; I hope your weather is gorgeous!!! Happy birthday to your DD! :D I hope your sciatic goes away!

PUFFY ~~ you will be due pretty soon, how are you??

DC ~~ yay for your girl!!! LOL about the camera in the fridge; I thought I might do that but lately I have been blind and miss things right in front of my face, doh!!! It was in its normal spot ay ay yi!!! Oh wow, your U/S pics are so cool! I have only seen what a boy u/s would look like so it is cool to see your pics!!! Yay for team pink, very exciting!!! :D

CUPCAKE ~~ oh gosh, how scary! I hope you feel 100% soon, bless your heart. glad you and Lorelei are okay. hugs :halo:


AFM ~~ I am glad to hear of this weight loss/gain talk, etc; I have been feeling anxious about it for some reason. I guess because my OB says one thing (gain 15-25 lbs) and the Perinatologist say another (gain 35- 45 lbs for twins). I am listening to the Perinates though; I want these babies to be healthy in case they come a little early. I have gained 20 lbs in 26 weeks; I guess I am on track where I should be. I am walking daily for about 30 mins and eating pretty healthy but do love a treat from time to time. Oh and here is a 26 week pregnancy pic now that I found my camera!

Hope everyone has a beautiful rest of the week beautiful preggos!!!! :wavey:

dcgator - I wanted to congratulate you on joining Team Pink! hope you have lots of fun picking out a girl's name.
Quick drive by post WITH PICTURES to say that Liljana (pronounced Lil-yah-na) arrived on the 13th of March at a healthy 9 pounds 12 ounces and 20.85 inches long via natural delivery - no epi :o

Both of us are doing well and she is a champ eater and sleeper and I am in love will be back to post a full birth story in the next few days :)

And better late then never actually managed to take a belly shot while in hospital and in labour :P

Introducing my little princess :)

First shot - belly 40wks 2 days

Hopefully these are not massive



Congrats Deelight!! She is gorgeous and what a lovely name! I can't believe she weighs the same as my little one weighs at 7 weeks! Hope all continues to go well.

Hello to all the other preggo ladies. I have been popping in to see how you are going. Hope everyone is well.
Deelight, congrats!!! She is such a cute little punkin! ::)
Oh my gosh, Dee, she is GORGEOUS!!! aw you must be in heaven!!!! Many congrats my friend Liljana is gorgeous!!! You look fab at 40 weeks! So happy for you :love: :appl: :love: :appl:
deelight, congrats! glad that you guys are doing well. take care mama!!
Ill be back with a belly pick and catch up later, but wanted to say congrats to Dee! She is precious! Cannot wait to hear the birth story!
Congrats Dee!!! She's so beautiful! Love the name, is it a family/cultural name? I have a Slovenian friend whose name is Liljana, so I'm curious. :)

Deelight, Congratulations! Liljana is beautiful! Wow, 9+ lbs and NO Epi!?! Nice work mama! Can't wait to hear more about L&D and how motherhood is treating you.
Dee: She's gorgeous!!!!

Had a doctor's appointment and ultrasound on Thursday---baby has a ton of hair! The tech seemed to be amazed by the all the hair---she even went back later on to look at it again and take a picture for us. Measuring about 6 lbs 10 oz (My son was born at 38 weeks weighing 6 lbs 11 oz). I'm 1.5-2 cm, 50% effaced and at -2 station.

This might be a TMI kind of situation so please don't read if you don't like talking about bowel movements. I've had bad diarrhea since yesterday--I remember having loose stools prior to giving birth with Evan...I just don't recall it being like this. Has anyone else had a similar problem? I'm not feeling sickly and I haven't eaten anything that would give me food poisoning or anything like that....
Dee - She IS a gorgeous, little (okay, not so little!) pumpkin. Congrats! I'm also interested in hearing your birth story, whenever you feel up for posting it.

Tao - I've heard that's a sign of impending labor...
Happy Saturday everyone! Sorry I have been MIA lately, but work and child and house stuff has been crazy. Also, DH installed a new wireless router, and it is incompatible with my laptop, so I only get internet time at home when he and A are clear of the desktop computer. I will try to catch up quickly – sorry if some of my replies are really out of date by now and if I miss anyone.

Dee, congratulations and welcome Liljana!! :appl: :wavey: She is gorgeous! 9+ pounds and no epi?! Can’t wait to read your birth story. You looked great at 40 weeks.

Geri, Claudia is so beautiful! Those early weeks can be so hard, but then you look down into that beautiful face during a good moment, and it feels so worth it.

Tao, you are getting so close now! LOL re the US showing lots of hair.

Modern, Dee, Puffy, Skippy, Qtie, Tao, Dreamer, Blen, DCgator, Basil, Mrs, thanks for reassuring me that I shouldn’t feel guilty about “ignoring” this pregnancy. Last weekend, we went to the Carters and Osh Kosh outlets and bought some newborn and 0-3 mo outfits (I kept a good amount of A’s larger clothes, but not those sizes for some reason), so I feel a little better about doing something for this one. We still have to decide whether we are buying a 2nd crib or a twin for A, but really do not have room for more furniture until the reno is done. I imagine this one will be bunking in our room in a PNP for the first several weeks anyway. I look at A at almost 2 ½ years, and she is such a talkative, inquisitive, physically tough little girl, and then think back to how tiny and helpless and fragile she was at first – it is kind of surreal to be repeating the process. She certainly does not give me much time to lie around thinking about the pregnancy like I did with her!

Modern, your dream might be telling you something. I dreamed about having a girl with A, and she certainly is. What you describe sounds like early movements – so exciting! What a cute bump you have! I felt more chubby than PG until about 20 weeks. I love your cake idea-can’t wait to hear what you are having.

Charbie, what a cute little 12 week belly! Congrats on reaching the 2nd tri and on breaking ground! It’s so much fun to be able to pick all the details yourself rather than living with or trying to fix a prior owner’s choices. We wanted to build our own house, but empty lots are too hard to come by here. You have to be willing to buy a house and knock it down to get the lot. Your builder is predicting you will be done with the whole house by June? Our kitchen reno is predicted to take 4-5 months.

RT, great belly pics! The third tri is tough physically with the growing pains and difficulty getting comfortable. The rhogam is so fun, isn’t it? I blame my RH+ DH for me having to get 3 shots with each baby. Glad to hear the predictions about C measuring 6 weeks ahead were a bit off.

Cupcake, congrats on getting the baby’s room ready! Sending hugs to you for the stressful situation with your DH. I can understand why you feel frustrated and cheated – having to deal with his physical pain and job stress would be difficult at any time, but is especially tough when you are pregnant and deserve to be excited and pampered. The only thing I can really say is at least there will be a wonderful new little one at the end of the road, even if it is not the journey you imagined. It is good that you are able to communicate your feelings to DH. I hope you get a good settlement. Cute 32 week pic! Sorry to hear about the Exorcist vomiting and hope you will be much better soon.

DCgator, yay for team pink! :appl: DH wanted a boy for our first, but A is such a daddy’s girl and he is gaga for her. Congrats on getting your place listed! Sending you dust for a great open house and a quick sale. It is so cool you are building your new home and get to design it the way you want it. We are in the midst of re-doing our 2nd "used' home. Great progression pictures and US collage!

Basil, congrats on team blue! :appl: It does seem so much more real being about to say “he” or “she” instead of “it.” Have fun shopping for that little boy! I like natural wood tones. We went with mahogany for A, which would work well for a boy, as would walnut –they feel more “masculine” than a light wood like maple, but aren’t too dark.

Mrs, happy belated birthday! Glad to hear you had such a great trip to FL. Good to hear your DD is sleeping better, at least some nights. We started sleep training boot camp this week. Tuesday night, it took almost 2 hours of putting A back in her bed countless times before she finally gave up and went to sleep. Since then, she protests going to her own bed instead of ours, but she gives up a lot faster. We have been talking with A a bit more about her little sister. A couple nights ago, we were all snuggled on the couch and DH was talking with her about her little sister, and she kissed my belly – too cute!

Skippy, congrats on passing the glucose test! I am on iron for anemia too. LOL re the boys trying to kick the sonographer’s hand off your belly. Great 26 week bump! I did get my DBTY and am enjoying wearing it – just have to find time to take pics and post in SMTB.

Tuckins, sorry to hear you ended up on bed rest, but relieved to hear things stabilized and it was only temporary.

Dreamer, I also didn’t feel any movements with my first until late in the pregnancy. I am feeling so much more with this one – it’s exciting.

Blen, congrats on going public! Cute little belly – lol re buttoning the jeans. I hate having to yank up the waistband of my mat pants all the time. Regular pants hurt too much now, but the damn elastic waists just slide down too much.

Princess, I’m sorry to hear about your sinus infection – I had a terrible one in February.

Blen and DCG, A’s middle name is Sophia. I love that name and would have saved it if I had thought about having another girl. (At the time, I couldn’t imagine wanting a 2nd child.)

Bella, hope you are having a great vacation.

AFM: I am at 26 weeks, 2 days. The 2nd tri is just flying by. I had my glucose test about 10 days ago, and they said they would call the next day if I failed, so I guess I passed.

I had a super stressful week at work, so I am laying low today. My big goals for the day are to go to Costco, do a couple loads of laundry and mop the tile floors. If the weather is nice tomorrow, we might go to the zoo. A wants to go see the pandas like Curious George did in one of her videos. That kid is a serious monkey addict! :rolleyes: