
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Lucy, thanks so much for sharing your story--I know the CVS and all the testing must have been horribly stressful for you. I'm so glad that everything came back negative and have no doubt that your 32-week scan will look great. This thread has been very, very helpful for me, especially since I only shared the news with a few people in real life. I think about it every day (and research more each day), but I know there is only so much I can do and don't want to be overwhelmed. So I try to stay as relaxed as I can because I think it's best for me and the baby girl. I have a very strong partner and I know we will handle whatever life throws at us, but I continue to think positive thoughts and genuinely feel like everything will work out. Thanks again, hearing others' stories really helps to give me more strength.

Janine, sooooooooo close for you! I was JUST watching A Baby Story last week and the woman went into labor the day of her induction. Is it just me or are the weight estimates always a bit high? I know there is a 1lb. margin of error, but they always seem to be high and never low--I hope that is the case with you :)
Janine, I agree with China. Maybe you can wait before scheduling an induction. Charbie had an induction scheduled for the next day, and then her Baby A started labor THAT NIGHT! Maybe your daughter will do the same thing too.

NEL, I was TOTALLY thinking of you when they said it was a boy too. And I also would've bet that I'd be on Team Pink and you'd be on Team Blue. I really hope you hear from the genetic counselor soon! I can't believe it's taking so long to get the results back. :(

NEL & JCarley, so funny that both your little girls were so modest. Maybe when they're 16 you won't have to worry so much about your beautiful girls if they stay modest and shy. :)

Also NEL, you should update the Preggo list!
LC!!! Congrats on Team Blue!!! Can't wait to see how the nursery comes along now :)) I'm glad I'm not alone in not really feeling movement! Makes me feel like things are probably okay, plus, like you said, the belly's getting bigger! hehe. I'm surprised you were so surprised by blue, I don't feel like you ever expressed any strong leanings one way or the other. :bigsmile: I'm considering cloth too, but I don't think I'll invest in a full stash until I've bought a few and know if I can handle it one way or the other! So we'll do newborn disposables and work from there. And I can't believe you're not going to tell anyone! Half the reason we're finding out is so that we don't end up with a ton of yellow and green stuff, hahaha. My close friends and family say they're dying to know so they can start shopping, and I totally get it - when I was looking for gifts for a friend who didn't find out recently, it was so hard to find cute things! Also... a baby shower planned already?! You lucky duck :))

NEL - Too funny that you hope your leetle girl is shy when she's a teen! I laughed out loud for real when I read that!! I liked BBBaby too when I went, but the only one near me is an hour away! I guess that's not so bad, right? :) And it's near DH's sister, so it can be an excuse to visit. I just worry that it's not convenient for people who are shopping like Babies R Us is... Do you think people can be trusted to shop online these days?! You should be having our next scan around the time that I'm having mine, right? Mine is next Friday! I'm so nervous!! Have you made a decision on whether or not you'll repaint the nursery?

PT - So glad to hear you and Ava are hanging in there. I hope things are still stable and that she loves it on the inside and has no plans to come out!

pancake - So jealous that you've got a mover in there! I feel the babe every once in a while, but only if I really concentrate. I loooooove the colors you're considering! Both the pic you posted and the one LC posted are darling... I can totally picture a teeny one in a room like that! So pretty! How exciting that you bought a bunch of clothing, I'm going to hold out for a while and see what we get gifted first, but I'm definitely keeping my eye out for brightly colored onesies that a child of any gender could wear. And it's so cool to see so many ladies interested in cloth diapers! I think I plan to get 10 or so like you, and see if it's a sustainable venture for us before I commit fully. :))

Elle - feeling a little movement, but definitely nothing constant! I am anxious to see that nursery, so tell that DH of yours he's going to have a whole horde of angry preggos if we don't see pictures soon! ;)) Sorry your anniversary wasn't as awesome as it could have been, and that you're so uncomfortable. If it's any consolation, you look amazing! I am certain you do feel huge, because I already feel huge and I'm only starting to have an obvious preggo belly. When it's your body, and it's changing so rapidly, it is just so hard to get used to! Well, at least it is for me. I just remind myself it is finite, and I get to go the other way soon. :bigsmile:

Freke - I am LOVING the nursery! I love your non-traditional colors. The dark furniture looks amazing, I am super jealous. I know I can't be too bitter about our free furniture, but I do wish I could decorate a little more to my taste. Ah well. :))

Janine - You're so close, lady!! I probably wouldn't induce myself, but that decision is so personal, not to mention I am no doctor! And maybe you'll get lucky and the induction will cause labor, hahaha. It happened for Charbie!!

lucy - So sorry to hear about your nerve-wracking time with the test results. I feel like I've heard of that happening so often lately. How far along are you now?

Krissie!! I was beginning to wonder if we'd ever hear from you again! Congrats on those boys, momma! I'm sure it will be so amazing to see them together. Awww, there's just something about brothers. :))

Jcarly - You look great, girl! I'd have never noticed the PJs ;))

Sorry if I forgot anyone! I try to post more frequently and then I always get distracted. How do you guys get away with posting during the work day?! I'm so paranoid about being caught, and I don't want anyone at work discovering where I hang out online. :))

AFM... 20 weeks on Saturday, holy cow where does the time go?! My mom also arrives on Saturday, and she's bringing a whole nursery with her. The furniture, the textiles... she's planning to paint on Monday, and then I assume before we even know what we're having we'll have an adorable nursery all put together! Then on Friday we'll go for the scan, then we are going to register! I am definitely throwing some pink or blue on that baby ;))

I am feeling a tiny bit of movement these days, when I'm especially still and concentrating hard. Nothing that has surprised me when I was doing something else. :)) I wish the kid would make itself known more, but I know then it won't be far off from keeping me up at night, and since I'm already having trouble sleeping, that's probably not ideal!

I can't believe I'm halfway there already. I have to do some research in the next week and figure out what I'm going to register for. My biggest thing is the stroller. I'm pretty sold on the Vista, but it's such a huge purchase!! I just can't decide if I should just order it, but I think I'm going to try to accumulate some gift cards first, maybe? Argh.

I can't believe we find out what we're having in a week!! It has been such a long time coming.. and I probably would have had an elective ultrasound by now if my mom weren't going to be here for the big scan. I am dying to know! Ah well, soon enough!

I'll come back to post a belly pic either tomorrow for BPF, or I'll be late purposefully and post Saturday so it's a true 20 week pic! :bigsmile:
LC - ooooohhh a little boy!!! How exciting that you know now, and I giggled at your husband's shotgun comment :lol:

NEL - we don't have a dresser yet either - Dot has just taken over a drawer in ours! But yes, I love looking at the little piles of tiny clothing in there. Trying to be more restrained now as I think all we will need now is a few newborn singlets and some socks. Dot will be a middle-of-Australian-summer baby, so I haven't bought any newborn woolies, although I have bought her some long sleeved jumpsuits in newborn size.

Janine - let us know what you decide, it must be difficult. Lots of women do push out 9lb babies though, so maybe that's something to think about if you're not at your EDD yet. My feeling is unless Dot is estimated to be huge I would not think about induction until 41 weeks - but then again, I haven't thought about what constitutes "huge".

Lucy - hello! Thank you for telling us your story. I think you are right, the numbers are your and NEL's side. Important to keep that in perspective.

Katy - so nice to see you! Very exciting re your scan next week, and hitting the halfway mark. Having a "mover" in there (although I think it's more that I can feel her, not that Dot necessarily moves more than other babies) is mostly fun but also brings mixed blessings. Yesterday afternoon she kicked my bladder all the way through my clinic. Thanks Dot. The Vista looks like a great pram! I thought about that one, but they aren't stocked in Australia at all so I couldn't try them out. Prior to figuring that out I was tossing up between the Vista and the BJCS... then after that I was tossing up between the iCandy Peach and the BJCS, but I think we're settled on the Baby Jogger now.

No news here since yesterday, but I just like keeping in touch with you gals! I just watched Dot hiccup for 10 minutes. She makes my belly jump!
Just a quick fly-by before I start my work day. I can't find my camera cord to upload my 20-week pics. If I find it, I'll post later.

Pancake, so cute that Dot has hiccups! And you make a good point about having a cold-weather baby--it definitely comes with some extra prep. We're planning for the same.

Katy, yep, my next u/s is next Friday as well. I'm so excited that your mom is coming into town and will be here for your big scan! Hopefully having her in town will make the time fly by quickly! As for BBBaby, I worry about them being less ubiquitous than BRU as well--so I registered for some things at Target. I don't trust my family to shop online, haha. I wish I did, then I could just register on Amazon (where I've been doing my shopping). I'm still undecided about repainting the nursery, but am leaning toward leaving it.

Also, Katy (and anybody else interested), the Vistas are on sale at for $499 + free shipping. I wanted a Vista, too, but DH really liked the BOB and it makes more sense for us since we don't live in the city and need a stroller that can maneuver on the beach. Bummer, too, because we live 5 min. from the UppaBaby Outlet!

AFM, just happy that it's Friday! I'm hoping I can get out of the office early today because this week has been crazy at work (and it was a short week for me, too!)

Ordered a bunch of "big" items on my checklist--a sofa for the bedroom (need a place in our bedroom to nurse before baby moves into nursery), the crib, the infant carseat and a couple of bases, and a few other random baby and house items. If I have time this weekend, I'd like to keep shopping for nursery furniture.
SOOO glad it's Friday. I'm so ready for the weekend!

Pancake, hiccups!!! That's so cute!!! The midwife asked if I was feeling anything, and I told her not really. I think I slowly feel things a little more, but maybe I'm just thick headed and need him to really bang around there before I'm like, "ooh, he just moved!" I'm looking forward to when DH can feel his movements because I think he'll really like that. Since you're in Oz, have you heard much about Mtn Buggy strollers? They're a little few and far between here in Chicago. I saw a neighbor/doggie friend has one for their son, so I was going to ask about that. I also like the Baby Jogger Citi Select. I've seen them customized in so many different ways: car seat "snap & go", parent facing, bassinet, with stadium seating/double stacked for two kiddos. That's really appealing to me since I think I want to have two kids, but we haven't figured out how far apart we'll have them.

Katy, half baked!!! Congrats!!! So great your mom will be there for your anatomy scan! How wonderful your little baby has so many people crowded around in anticipation. I hope he/she isn't shy ;)) Awesome you'll be getting your nursery pretty much done next weekend! How wonderful!!! Hooray for moms! You must post pictures of the textiles your mom sewed for the baby! I've seen Vistas all over Chicago so they must really do well during "oh so awesome" Midwest winters. I'm really hesitant how the winter is going to go for us but I guess we'll just make do. Call me weird or whatever, but I'm totally freaking out we might have another blizzard like we did Feb 2011. I'm a FL gal, so the blizzard was REALLY SCARY for me :errrr: Oh and good luck trying to get any work done next week. I have been completely useless (well more like half useless) all week. Before the scan I was too preoccupied and anxious what we'll see. And today after the scan too preoccupied with what we need to do next and thinking of baby names!

NEL, look at you getting all squared away with the baby stuff! Couch is such a good idea! I have a small condo so i think i'll just go to the living room, which is all of 2 steps away from the master. Plus I don't have such a spacious master. Do post pics of the crib you ordered! Where did you get it from? DH's friend (who has 4 kids) has a Bob and loves it, so you should be set. I think we're also going to register @ Target too, mostly because DH really likes that store. I think I want to do Target and Amazon. I love the green color for the nursery! I think it'd look awesome and you can totally girl it up if you need to. I really hope you add some blingy crystal light fixtures! I thought of those immediately when you posted pics when you painted. Of course that would be totally girly, so it works out! We're going to do an airplain theme for the nursery. DH loves old airplanes and he's a engineer in defense so it kinda lends well. :)

AFM, not much going on. I think i need to cut back on the sweet tooth because it's pretty much putting me to sleep at work. :) DH told his parents that we knew what we were having but we're not telling them. And that I told my family that we didn't so now they probably think I lie to my family all the time. It's just easier than having my GIGANTIC family pester me ALL. THE. TIME. about spilling what we have. It's easy when you just have a mom, a dad, a sister and a BIL. But I've got a mom, a dad, 3 aunts, 3 uncles, 10 cousins and 3 cousin-in-laws. So yeah, I just lied and said we didn't know. :saint:

~LC (21W, 1D)
Adding my 21 wk belly pic. Any more for the weekend?

NEL - I haven't seen BOB strollers here, but they look pretty good. Don't be too sad about the Vista - it looks like a lovely pram but from reading some of the online forums it looks like some toddlers hate the rumble seat when the pram's used as a double. We're going to order the BJCS in amethyst from Amazon and get the matching bassinet; we are also hiring a baby capsule/car seat that is compatible with the BJCS (I think it's called the Britax Companion in the US - it's the Safe 'n' Sound Unity here) so hopefully we will have our bases covered. DH's cousin is giving us their Quinny Zapp, so that will be the lightweight stroller for later on.

LC - you are looking great! Have you come down from your post-ultrasound high yet? Yep, lots of my friends have Mountain Buggies and really like them. They are a great all-terrain stroller and steer beautifully, main disadvantage is the usual thing that sturdy 3-wheelers are quite a bit wider than 4 wheelers. We essentially chose the BJCS not so much for the doubling potential (although that is a factor too), but more because the stroller seat can face in either direction so that if I'm out walking with Dot for the whole day, we can still see each other :) Also like the huge and easy-access basket. Main drawback is the weight, but the steering is excellent, as a single stroller it is still a one-hand steer.

AFM, last night I cracked the hormonal preggo sads at DH and I feel really bad this morning. He was saying he didn't think he could come to my 24 week appointment and then sort of said that he figured his attedance at the non-"big" appointments (ie the ones without a formal ultrasound) weren't essential as all we tend to do is chat and have my blood pressure checked (which is true). Me and my pregnant hormones then extrapolated all sorts of unreasonable things about this... doesn't he want to be part of it... does he think that I'm just the baby carrier.. blah blah blah emotional crap blah. Then neither of us could sleep because we were upset (we hardly ever argue). Now this morning I am kicking myself for being so unreasonable and stupid - he is the world's most supportive husband and dad-to-be, what was I thinking???


Meanwhile, Dot is happily doing her thing in there. I don't know when she sleeps. Whenever I'm awake, she's awake. When I wake up during the night, she's awake. I hope she sleeps while I'm sleeping.

Edit: PT, don't know if you're reading this but I hope things are going for you guys. Thinking of you all!

(23 weeks and a hormonal nutcase)
Pancake, I hope Dot continues the "sleeping when Mommy sleeps" after birth too :) Maybe you'll just be super lucky and get a really nice baby. On the other hand, I have no idea when our son is awake. He's hardly ever moving. I made some short ribs on Friday and he was moving around (felt like little flicks right behind my belly button). I tried putting DH's hand there but he couldn't feel anything. I guess the baby likes short ribs. He seems indifferent with chicken. I had chicken for both lunch and dinner today and he hasn't done anything.

NEL, I went to REI today and folded up a Bob single. For as big of a stroller as it is, it folds up pretty small. It's still on the big side when folded, but it's hard to believe a super big stroller like that can get as compact as it does. But it's not 100% flat when the seat is all the way back. You might want to ask if that's alright. Granted it's nearly there, but it's not a completely flat surface. I don't know if it's OK for newborns. But the folding part of it is pretty nifty, but definitely takes two hands and two motions to get it folded. First you fold the handle down against the front wheel. Then you pick the back of the stroller up so the front wheel collapses with the back ones. I was able to figure it out without instruction manuals or anyone showing me. But it was an effort and got my heart pumping. GRanted I was also really tired after the gym today....

AFM, not much is new. Haven't had any real name discussions yet. DH said he can't think of boy names he particularly likes and that they're all boring. He also said he's OK with a really common name, but I'm not sure how much I like that. Have any of you ladies ever been a FirstName + LastInitial kid growing up in school? I want to know if that's annoying or just something we as parents are more sensitive to. I gave DH 4 names, I think the 5th he'd hate, and he liked 2 of the 4. We'll keep compiling a list I guess.

Attaching an U/S pic. DH just scanned them in this evening.

Hi, everyone! I check in here and read from time to time because my daughter and her husband are expecting their first child (a girl) Nov. 18th! It is fun to see the new babies born to PSer's! We just have about 5 more weeks!

I just posted a few pictures of the nursery on the nursery thread. We've had a lot of fun with that!
Hi DS! Your daughter must be getting really excited, it's easy to see you are! Hope this last month goes quickly for her :appl: LOVE the nursery, BTW!!!!
We reached 28 weeks today. Our first major milestone. So far, everything but my blood sugar seems stable. The doctors plan to keep me here until my next scheduled anatomy scan, which is scheduled for Wednesday. At that point, they'll reevaluate. In the beginning, I thought I'd want to stay here, since I have a whole hospital staff right outside my door, in case something should happen. Now, I just really want to go home. I've been uncharacteristically weepy, and in more of a self pitying mood than I care to admit. The fact that my baby shower got cancelled (was supposed to be yesterday), didn't help. That, plus social workers coming in to ask what I'd like to do with Baby B's remains when the time comes. As silly as it sounds, I think having my dog as company would do wonders for my mood. I have someone to drive me to the hospital for as much monitoring as the docs would like. End of me-centric vent.
Parrot, HOORAY for making to 28 weeks! Little Ava is being well behaved and listening to Mommy. :appl: Hey, don't feel embarrassed about being weepy and kind of a mess. It happens. You're in a really tough spot, and of course you'd rather be in familiar surroundings and have your dog around to lift your spirits. I'm sorry your baby shower needs to be rescheduled. It's not cancelled because I'm sure all your friends and family would LOVE to see you and Ava after she's born. I'm 100% sure they're most concerned with keeping the two of you healthy. You can say you're embracing all cultures and doing a Jewish style baby shower (I think they do all things baby after the baby's born, not before like Western cultures). Also I think my Chinese culture (Hakka) have a 1 month celebration after the baby's born, not really any pre-birth baby celebrations, either. So look at you, being all cultural and worldly :bigsmile:

Pancake, it totally slipped my mind, but I wanted to give you HUGS for your "hormonal break down." Hey, it happens. I'm sure your your DH doesn't think you're a crazy pregnant lady. I'm sure he's 100% in love with you and Dot. Sometimes husbands say things without thinking, and he wasn't thinking. It's not that he doesn't think it's important, or that you're just an incubator. And it sounds like you're back onto your normal though wavelength, so just chalk this up to a funny story and move on. :)

LC - congrats on team blue! Thank you, for letting us know too. When i read your post, i was thinking "she better tell us!!"

Pancake - It must be nice having Dot on the same schedule as you right now! Emily loves to get the hiccups right before i go to bed, and then have dance dance party at 430 am every morning (if i already did not get up at 2 am to go pee). Also, don't worry about the hormonal thing - most DH's will get it, and as long as its not a week long rant, it'll be understandable. I totally yelled at DH in the car when i asked him to hold my coffee, and all he said was "jamie...". Here i thought he was getting onto me about turning to sharp in his car (his turning sucks) and i just went off "LISTEN! I am trying to turn into the parking lot, what do you want me to do? not drive?!?!?!". Then he pointed to the coffee holder to remind me that i could have put my coffee there. Talk about raging hormons! But, he just laughed at it as soon as i realized that i went into pregzilla mode.

Parrot - 28 weeks! amazing! Such good news. And I completely get you wanting to have your dog with you. Animals just seem to know how to comfort us, without words.

DS - congrats to your daughter! I'll have to go take a peak, and add my own nursery pics!

AFM - we installed a new shelf in emily's room. We just have a few more pictures to hang (need to get frames first), one more shelf over the changing table, and possibily a mirror behind the changing table. Her room already has to closet door mirrors, so i am not to sure about adding another mirror. Also I REALLY need to finish her mobile, and paint some small frames to put her ultrasound picture in.

This weekend was DH's bday weekend, and i expended WAY to much money and energy. He got a new camera from his folks, which we had a blast testing out and using throughout the weekend. He LOVED his birthday surprise from me - I made him take the bus into the city (he is not a bus guy) and had him foold every step of the way. A bar next to the stadium (the same night as a huge soccer match), then a "long walk" to dinner (right next door to the bar), then walking against the crowds headed to the game, and finally to the concert! The band was awesome! They hardly played any of their "heavy" metal, mostly progressive metal/rock so i could still hear by the end of the night. Plus, Dh was convinced that I got tons of "hot mamma" looks because i was a bit rocked out in my clothing (boots, jeans, black but shimmery top and 'leather' jacket) and rocking the baby bump to the extreme. Also, I got to sit at a table for the whole show (there was NO WAY i was going to stand in the crowd) so i actually got to enjoy myself! Unfortunately, our friends who went with us (it was a surprise for two other guys as well, who have birthday in early oct) complained the whole time, about everything AND the fact that it wasn't heavy enough ( :rolleyes: ), and didn't bother to thank the wives for planning a surprise for them. What is the phrase about the gift horse and its mouth? :nono:
DH, on the other hand, has not stopped thanking me the whole time. :love:

Oh, and I tried to teach myself how to crochet yesterday. I am making a really awesome/not so awesome scarf right now.
Jcarly, woohoo! It sounds like the concert was a success! You kept your hearing and even got a table for the whole night, which I know was the plan (and it worked). So glad that your husband loves his camera and you definitely get bonus points for the concert. And yay for progress made on the nursery!

PT, I'm so glad you posted, I've been thinking about you and Ava quite a bit. I think it would be very, very hard to stay at the hospital for days on end, so I can completely understand just wanting to be home with your dog and trying to resume a "normal" life for the next several weeks. I'm so sorry that you're going through so much, I know it has to be overwhelming. I hope you can get home and that everything continues to go well with Ava.

LC, you're too sweet to post about your BOB experience at REI. We were supposed to have a second round of stroller test drives this weekend, but it didn't work out (the BBBaby locatio near my house hasn't opened yet!). The name selection process has not been easy for us, either. Right after we found out it was a girl, we had a flurry of ideas, then nothing. I have no idea if the Katie name will stick or not. When I bring it up with D, he says things like "How about Princess Toadstool??" and it annoys me.

The u/s and 21 week pics are super cute, btw! Oh, and I LOVE the airplane theme!

Oh, and my crib came from It was backordered on Amazon until January (that's cutting it too close) and said I could have it by November. So I paid a little more, but it's no big deal since the crib itself is cheap (it's a <$200 Jenny Lind crib--it's the most antique looking crib I could find without getting an iron crib).

Pancake, I just want to say "I feel you" when it comes to the hormones. My own story is below, but I just have to say that it stinks. It sounds like your husband is more understanding than mine :) And how cute that Dot is so active--who knows when she sleeps, but as long as she's not keeping you up, then that's good!

AFM, it was NOT a fun weekend in our household. You know how I've been saying that I've been super hormonal for the past month or so? Well I think it all came to a head. DH got frustrated that I always seem to be in a bad mood and told me that I've become crazy and that he hasn't liked being around me for weeks. Seriously, he said that. To his pregnant wife. It was during the heat of the argument, but I'm still so mad about it that I've slept in the guest bedroom for 2 nights. Normally we can talk through things pretty easily, but I'm so hot-headed and not myself right now that I'm not sure when I'll be able to resolve it. I just get mad when I see him. Sorry for the vent, but hormones are the not-so-glamorous side of pregnancy.
Quick drive-by...

I'm surprised to read so much about being crazy and hormonally emotional, that's the one aspect I was...expecting from myself, but it never seemed to hit, and still hasn't. I don't know if it will at this point because I just feel fracking TIRED and I don't give a shiz any more about anything. I've only had one crying jag (when hubs was denied for life insurance, which freaked him out too) and other than that I've been...well, more mellow than I usually am. Which is super weird. So maybe I'm not surprised about you ladies that have been having issues really, but surprised that I haven't been having issues.

Maybe if I slept 12+ hours a day instead of 10...

Hugs everyone!
PT, I am so glad you past 28 weeks! I have been thinking of you.

DiamondSeeker, congrats she is so close!!! Freke, you and DS's daughter are only days apart and both having girls; how fun!

all you preggos look so beautiful!!
Hello my friends,

Freke, I hope you can get some better sleep. I hope you're catching up on your sleep on the weekends. How lucky you haven't gotten any crazy hormonal mood swings or anything. Thus far I'm like you, or maybe it's just that I haven't noticed/don't think I have any. :) Have you made any progress on the name-front?

NEL, HUGS my friend. I'm sorry this was such a rough weekend for you. Maybe you can do something for yourself to help your get your mind off things, maybe a nice preggo massage, a facial or something. Whatever it is that kinda makes you go "AAAHHH" so your body and your mind can reboot itself. Just a thought?
I think it sounds like your DH might be going through some stress and anxiety about being a dad too, so he said stupid things. I think husbands sometimes just say stupid things and don't realize it. I don't think he gets a free pass, you should totally call him out on it. I try to keep reminding myself that I'm not the only person affected by the pregnancy. And it affects my DH too, just not as much as me.
HUGS and I hope you and your DH are doing OK. Maybe one of the BTDT moms can chime in and give us their take. Check out Dreamer's "judgment" thread in the Hangout. She briefly mentions some there.

JCarley, I'm sure you were getting Hot Mama glances. Your DH sounds like he was over the moon about the surprise. Great gift! You and the other wives must've really done a lot to put all that together. I'm glad you had a good time, and that you were able to get a table during the show. Wow, look at you learning to crochet. My sister knits so she said she might teach me how to knit too. She's quite good. You should post pics of your scarf! I'm sure it looks AWESOME!

~LC (21W, 5D)
LC, thank you. D and I talked it out last night and he made some very valid points. And you are right--he's overwhelmed with the thought of being a dad as much as I'm overwhelmed at the thought of being a mom. We both apologized and agreed that it's important to support each other, even though we are adjusting to the thought of being parents individually as well. But yes, feeling much, much better today.

Freke, if you skipped the handout for "crazy hormones" when getting pregnant, I say be happy! It is odd how some symptoms are much more prevalent than others--obviously I'm not myself hormonally, but I still don't need a ton of sleep. I'd much rather be sleepier and more "myself" though. And I have no doubt your husband is happy that you missed out on the out-of-whack hormones.

AFM--nothing new except that I feel much better having talked it out with D. Oh, and I did order artwork for the nursery, which is exciting. I ordered some black and white prints of horses from a vendor on Etsy. Not really nursery-ish or girly, but I love them, especially since they'll hang on the wood wall.
NEL, I'm glad you had a chance to talk to D about how you're both feeling. I guess it's hard to walk in the other person's shoes when you're so busy walking in yours. I had a feeling it was just stress and anxiety getting to both of you since it seems like you guys have a really good rhythm together. Oooh, post pictures of the art work! I still need to clear out the closet in the nursery, haven't done that yet.

~LC (21W, 5D)
Check in time! Woot Woot!

Janine - Thanks so much! I am also terrified of my 39 week belly! Heehee! Well, now that I'm finally responding, you have a 40 week belly! Hope the little one is coming soon! Hope DD1 learns quickly how important her role as a big sister is! :)

Pancake - That color scheme is GORGEOUS! So light and airy! I love it! Glad you got so much great stuff from your friend! How nice! Re: cloth diapers... we're starting on disposable until we get a system and get the hang of things. Then we'll consider moving to cloth from there. I want everything to be as simple as possible when we bring DS home. Glad you found some cute stuff on sale for the baby! Its so fun shopping for them! Don't be too hard on yourself about the hormonal overreactions - it happens. I'm SURE your DH understands. Pregnancy can be tough.

LC - Congratulations on the great scan and a LITTLE BOY! Welcome to Team Blue!!! :) Good luck on the "I know something you don't know!" - gah! Men! ;) You look fantastic at 21 weeks! So cute!! And of course, your son looks fabulous in black and white! Its been sooo long since I've had a U/S - I miss seeing what he looks like!

NEL - I have a Groupon for a massage, I've been holding on to it. I guess its about time to call that in! Congrats on being half baked! I didn't feel much from DS until EXACTLY 21 weeks -then it was like HELLO! So, I'm sure she'll surprise you. :) Sorry for the mood swings, and yeah, your Dh was out of line! I would be upset too - I'm sure you guys will work it out. I think its hard on some husbands to bite their tongues and just deal with it. While I'm not a huge fan of letting pregnant women be mean and rude with accountability, sometimes you just can't help it. Hope you feel better soon!

Jcar - Thanks for the compliment, its hard to feel attractive with the giant belly! :) Glad Em will be born before your birthday! Unfortunately, mine is in 2 weeks, HA! It'll be the LAMEST birthday ever. The funny part is that its on Saturday and the night we get an extra hour on the clock - more drinking! So pretty much the coolest birthday ever, and I'm a giant house who wont stay up past 10. Oh the things we do for our kids...! Tell Em she's grounded if she doesnt stop beating you up from the inside! You look fantastic! :) And I didn't notice the jammies until you said something! Glad your DH enjoyed his gift! You're an awesome wife!

Katy - He's working on the nursery - slowly but surely! Thanks for the compliment! I wish I felt as good as people I say I look! Heh. Yay for half-baked, girl! Its going so quickly!! I'm dying to find out if you're team pink or blue!! Gah! The suspense!!!

PT - Congratulations on 28 weeks! Don't you dare feel bad about being emotional! Feel your feelings, and take care of yourself! We're all cheering on you and Ava!

If I missed anyone, I'm sorry! I hope you're all doing well. Did I miss an update from Janine re: induction??

AFM - Hanging in there. 34w2d today. Nothing new to report.. we've been making progress on the nursery, finally! I stocked up on postpartum supplies, nursing supplies, etc. I'll be packing my hospital bag in the next couple of weeks. DH and I meet with our potential pediatrician tomorrow, so hopefully that goes well! Also, we'll be installing the car sear this weekend so I can schedule our inspection. November is soooon!!! Yikes!

34 weeks:

PT, happy to hear that Ava is doing well. Many hugs and good vibes your way to keep things heading in the right direction.

Freke - few to no mood swings for me, either. I am finding, if anything, I am more tired than usual. Lots of unpleasant stuff is going on in my workplace right now and it's been very stressful for me and the other teachers. I find myself trying to detach and stay distant so I don't worry myself or Baby. Usually works!

Elle, looking good! hang in there, almost done!

NEL, looking forward to seeing your nursery pics, especially the horse prints!

LC, thanks for the stroller review. DH and I need to start thinking about registering soon, and we'll be looking into strollers and other important baby gear.

Pancake, hope you are doing well! I am starting to feel my little one moving more regularly, too. Such an amazing experience.

Jcar - great gift idea! Bet you looked fabulous! :bigsmile: I am so thankful that most of the maternity wear I have seen and tried on or worn has been fairly fashionable. No muu muus!

AFM- Almost to 20 weeks and the big gender ultrasound is tomorrow evening! WOO HOO! My mother specifically requested to go to this appointment, so my parents are going to come with me and Hubs. They are so stinking cute, such excited first time grandparents. My two grandmothers also want to go, so we will all get to find out the sex on the same day. My MIL is not going, even though I gave her a month's notice so she could schedule around the appointment. :nono: Typical behavior for her, but I was a little surprised because she is missing something very important to her son, not just me. Oh, well. My students at school have been signing up on Team Pink and Team Blue posterboards in my classroom. We'll have a little party on Friday to celebrate who guessed right. =) Everything else is going well. Baby has been moving a lot more and is really pushing my belly out. Will be taking a 20 week pic on Monday. I'll check back in tomorrow! :appl:
I saw that Phoenix updated the Preggo thread to say that she's having a girl, so congrats, Phoenix, if you're reading!!

MQ, it's really cute that so many of your family members want to be a part of the fetal anatomy scan--that will be really exciting. And I'm sorry your MIL is flaking out, but it sounds like it's not unexpected and that you and your DH have come to terms with her behavior. I hope the scan goes really well for you, I know it's a bit nerve-wracking because they take a million measurements to check for growth and you just cross your fingers the whole time hoping that nothing goes wrong!

Elle, woohoo for the Groupon massage, you need it mama! You look so adorable in your 34 week pic--I really hope I look as good at 34 weeks. And congrats on all the nursery and postpartum prep, you really have very, very little left to do, which is great. Meeting with potential pediatrician is today, right? Let us know how that goes. It was also a good reminder of something to put on my "to do" list.

LC, I promise to post some nursery pics as it progresses. Once I get the prints and hang them, I'll take a pic. How big of a job is cleaning out the closet in your nursery? Is it packed or are there just a few things in it?

AFM, my follow-up ultrasound is tomorrow. We scheduled it because the technician and doc couldn't get all the head measurements they needed during the initial anatomy scan, but obviously I'm really interested to see how the hyperechoic bowel issue is progressing.

So in addition to starting on the nursery, putting together a registry (and just a general list of all the things we need), I also dove into looking at childcare options this week. I had sort of put it on hold because it makes me feel guilty, but I have to face the music. The results were a little discouraging. First, there are very, very few childcare centers in my neck of the woods, so I'll likely need to go out of my way for childcare. Second, most in-home and company-based centers close around 6 pm. This isn't totally a surprise since I know I'm going to need to go home earlier, but to get there by 6, I'd have to leave work before 5 and that is going to be an issue. Third, I don't think a nanny is a feasible option. At $20/hour and 10hours/day, that's around $4,500 a month. I can't fathom paying that much for childcare for one child. I know we'll figure it all out, but I think it's going to be more work than I'd initially thought :)

I found my camera cord, so I'm attaching my 21-week pic.

21 weeks side.jpg
Phoenix! Congrats on Team Pink x 2! Your husband is so lucky to have a house full of beautiful women! I hope you're feeling better now that the 2nd tri is firmly in place. Do pop in and give us an update :)

MQ, wow, you've such an excited family! How cute! I hope baby MQ cooperates and shows you the goods. Sorry your MIL won't be attending, but maybe she wants to give you and your DH some space. I'm sure she'd be as excited to find out what you're having as everyone else. Enjoy looking at pictures of the baby. DH and I just stared at the screen the whole time. DH didn't like the skeleton face though, he said it was creepy.

Elle, I second NEL's comment on how great you look @ 34 wks. I also hope to look as good. :) Hooray for nursery progress!!! I'm glad your DH got cracking on that!!! Anything else you need to do to finish it off? Wow, you really got a fair bit prepped for when the baby comes home. Good for you! How did the pedi meet & greet go? Do you get another U/S as you near your due date? I'm curious when we'll be able to see our baby again. Are you done with all your classes?

NEL, I''ll be thinking about you and Katie tomorrow. I hope the everything looks better. Did you ever get your blood test results back? Wow, lots of prep stuff you've gotten done for the baby too! I started some initial work on childcare options. There's 2 home day cares near-ish to me, 1 day care school, Nanny (which we also ruled out because of expense), and lastly my neighbor is about 6 wks behind me, so maybe we can do a nanny share. Have you thought about nanny sharing? I brought up nanny sharing briefly with DH but we kinda were lukewarm about it since we'll have to find a Nanny that matches with us AND a family too. But we also had no one that was due around the same time so we didn't tihnk much of it, either.

Katie, I think you have your scan tomorrow too, right? Thinking about you! Hope your mom made it in safe and sound. How does the nursery stuff look?

AFM, DS is moving/kicking a lot more. I feel things during the day at work. It feels like there's an imaginary safety cap (the kind that's on bottles) and it pops behind my belly button or side. But he's pretty lazy at night when I"m home with DH. DH still can't feel anything when I put his hand on my belly. I told DH that the baby doesn't do anything at night and only during the day. Hopefully that means he'll be a nice nighttime sleeper??? Fingers crossed!

~LC (22wks today!)
Hi Ladies! :wavey:

I thought I'd finally pop in over here from the JBP thread. It seems like it's already been a long time since I joined that thread back in August, and now I'm here! I'll be 14weeks tomorrow. I'm 32 (will be 33 when Baby arrives around April 20th), my DH is 34, and this is our first child, so we're both super inexperienced newbies.

I "met" a few of you shortly before you left the JBP thread, and I see a few others who are further along, so it might take me a little while to get used to posting personals for everyone. I hope to learn more from you lovely ladies in the coming months!

One thing I do have a question about is - did any of you continue to have nausea/morning sickness during the 2nd trimester? I was told that there would be a magical moment when I hit 12weeks that it would go away, but so far, no such luck. :(sad
Welcome S&I! Congrats on reaching 14 wks!!! I think there were a few of ladies from the JBP thread that still had some residual M/S, but I think it eventually went away, replaced by other symptoms ;)) I really hope you're feeling better soon. I think NEL said she realized hers was going away when she started getting hungry again. Fingers crossed you're turning the corner soon.

~LC (22wk, today!)
NEL- you look great! Good luck to you and Katie at your appointment.

LC- My hubby is a bit jealous that he doesn't get to feel anything yet when baby kicks. I told him he'll be able to see and feel everything soon enough! Never heard of nanny sharing, but sounds like it would be a great idea with the right families.


It's a BOY! Joining Team Blue! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:

My little man ( :love: ) had a great anatomy US today. All measurements came up great, on target for size according to due date, and he looks healthy and active! My placenta is anterior, which is why I may not be feeling all of his kicks and jabs. My husband is so proud! We picked out a baby boy name a long time ago, so I'd like to introduce you all to little Weston Jack.


Weston is a family name on my DH's father's side, and Jack is my grandfather's name. Jack was able to attend the US today to see his little namesake, along with both of my grandmothers and my parents. None of them had ever seen a baby US before, so it was an amazing experience watching them react to the pictures of the little fella on screen. My grandmas wear tearing up, so sweet, and they all were so impressed with the details they could see. They heard the heartbeat on the monitors, a strong 135, and they watched our boy kicking and waving at them. My husband got some high fives, hugs, and handshakes when the tech pulled up a "money shot" for the crowd. LOL We all had dinner together afterwards to celebrate. Incredible experience, what a night. 8)

I scheduled my fetal EKG for November 3, so I will get to see little Weston again soon. The tech today thought that his heart function looked great, and that we would likely not experience any issues. I am going to be 20 weeks on Monday - time flies!
Hi Ladies!

I am also making the jump in here from the JBP thread!

This is our first child and the pregnancy has gone pretty smoothly so far - I have had minimal nausea and other nasty symptoms, just enough to let me know that I am pregnant. We had our NT scan last week and the results were really good - our DS risk was 1:19400.

My first trimester has been stressful with work issues and we haven't publicly announced my pregnancy yet - only a few of our close friends and family know. It is really getting to me as I am getting so excited about meeting our little bean and I don't want to have to hide it anymore!

I have been following/stalking this thread for a while and I am very excited to be joining you all!
Welcome Bobbin and S&I, it's great to see some new faces on the thread! S&I, as LC mentioned, I had a similar experience with morning sickness. I was SO ready to be done with it by 12 weeks, but it really lingered into 14/15 weeks. I knew I was at the end of the morning sickness road, so I pushed through those last couple of weeks, but I really wanted it to be over. Also, mine has never gone away completely. I still feel a little sick if I don't eat something in the morning. And about once a week I get a wave of nausea (happened on my commute in yesterday), but after those first couple of months, it seems so minor. Fingers crossed yours goes away very soon!

MQ!! Congrats on joining team blue!! I love how you incorporated family names into Weston Jack and that your family was so excited to be there during the u/s. It sounds like everything went very well and now you can start all of the boy planning! Woohoo!

LC, I did get my blood results and they came back negative for any infection, which made me happy. And I'm jealous you have a couple of childcare options close to you, that's great. We did think about doing a nanny-share, but we're luke warm to it as well. First, we don't really know anybody else close-by that we could share with and second, it seems like a better option for those who need part-time help. We're not ruling it out completely, but something would have to magically fall into place for it to be a viable option. Today I'm looking into all of the in-home childcare options in the area.

And it's great that you're starting to feel more movement! Hopefully he continues to cooperate with you at night, both before and after birth :)

AFM, the ultrasound today went really well! They got all the measurements they needed and the doctor spent a lot of time looking at her bowel. It wasn't the same doc we had last time, but I really liked her. She said that Katie's bowel looked completely normal to her. She even told us that she feels the contrast on some of the newer ultrasound machines is so sharp that it causes unnecessary concern and I appreciated her honesty about it. Between my normal bloodwork, the encouraging NT scan (and accompanying bloodwork) and the fact that no bowel abnormalities are revealing themselves, I'm feeling very, very good about Katie's chances of being a perfectly healthy baby!

Next u/s is scheduled for 28 weeks to check on her bowel.