
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Dropping in to say congrats to Sarahbear, Leora is so cute, and i love the name :love:

And PT im thinking of you and Ava, sending ****DUST**** for her to get big and strong quickly =)
Baby boon here on PS!!!

Congrats SarahBear!!Leora looks SO ADORABLE! And Hooray for the Halloween baby! What a great birthday for a kid or an adult! So much fun!!

S&I, maybe you and your sis can do something special while she's in town for Christmas. It doesn't have to be a shower but y'know just something special for you guys since she'll be there and she's probably super excited for you. :) How was the pedicure?

Katy, ha ha! Shrinking belly button too! Hooray for getting your stroller! I'm glad your DH loves it. We haven't settled on what kind of stroller to get. I still want to see if I can bum a SnG from my friend. She said that her son would probably outgrown the infant car seat by the time we're ready to need one.

Freke, you're so close!!! Sorry about the uncomfortable check. Do they need to do that every time? I can't remember if you guys decided on a name yet. Did you? Hooray for the nursery being pretty much put together!

NEL, how are you doing?

I hit 24 wks yesterday! Hooray! Not much else going on though. DH said he's narrowing down his list of names. It's in Excel (of course!). I married a TOTAL nerd!!!!

~LC (24W, 1D)
PT - Just a quick drive by to say congrats on the arrival of little Ava. She sounds just precious and I can't wait to see pics. I hope she continues to progress well and her hospital stay is a short as possible.
Hi guys! So, what's the difference between this and the JBP thread?
Work has been absolutely nutso today, but want to do a drive by before I get too far behind!

PT and Sarahbear--congrats to both of you on the arrival of your daughters. PT, I am so relieved to hear that Ava is doing well--she is most definitely a fighter. Any estimate on when she might be able to come home? I think that will be a very happy day for you. And you got your shower in just in time!! Sarahbear, Leora is gorgeous--love the pumpkin hat!

S&I, your halloween costume sounds super cute. How did your 16 weeks appt. go? And when will your fetal anatomy scan be happening? Isn't it funny how quickly the non-ultrasound appointments become boring? I told D to stop coming to my "regular" appts. after the very first appt. because they were so routine.

Katy, so many exciting things for you! Madeline is an adorable name, I love it (and I think I mentioned it was on my short list). Congrats on setting up one of your registries! You were smart to register at BBBaby while you could--I wish I'd registered there when I visited since I didn't realize the one near my house hadn't opened yet. And the stroller! Has it come in yet?? You were right about our crib--it is supposed to bein this month. In fact, I just found out it shipped yesterday, so I'm excited!

Freke, you have every right to be cranky. Vent whenever you feel like it!

LC, you've already got a gift? Wowee, woman, that was fast! And I also have a shrinking belly button. Mine was only about a centimeter deep to start with, so it didn't have far to go to "pop". At the end of the day (when I'm at my fullest), I't sort of half popping out. I just started to notice a faint line beneath my belly button as well.

Pancake, I am very much experiencing the "carry it all out in front" phenomenon (see pic below). It's not as noticable when I'm wearing loose clothing, but if I'm just in a tank top, it's sort of hilarious. I'm hoping the clothes I have now fit in the third trimester as well. I'm planning to go on one more shopping trip (for comfy maternity clothes) this weekend and then am hoping that will be it for awhile--I still need some nursing tops.

ETA: amc, congrats on your BFP! The JBP thread is for those in the first weeks of pregnancy. As we all know, it can be a stressful time worrying about whether your bean will stick or not, so that thread was created for women going through the fist scary weeks. Now it's mostly where ladies in the first tri hang out--then they jump over here. Obviously you should feel free to post in both threads or whichever thread you prefer!

AFM, hoping to get the crib this weekend so I can put it together and hang the prints above it. Not sure if I'll have time. It's Friday afternoon and my brain is completely fried, so I just want to go home. Attaching my 23 week pic below (that sofa in our bedroom is new and I refer to it as "the future nursing sofa")

23 weeks side.jpg
Sarah, congrats!!! She is beautiful!!! :appl:

Lisa, thanks about my boys!!! happy 24 weeks!

NEL, great belly shot!
Congratulations, Sarah! Leora is scrumptious :)

NEL - you look great! Very exciting re the crib, please post some pics when it's done! You are so far ahead of me in getting the nursery ready, I am kind of envious even though it is my own fault!

AMC - Have a flick through a few pages of each thread - they are a bit different in focus as JBP is essentially a 1st tri thread and the things discussed there are a bit different from here.

LC - Congrats on getting to 24 weeks! I started my "figurative exhale" when I got there, it is still going and I think I will probably expel the last bit of air at around 32 weeks :D

S&I - a pedicure is a great idea! I am finding it hard to manoeuvre my body to reach my toes and paint them properly now, so that is my excuse for the "necessity" of a pedi ;)

Katy - the silver Vista is gorgeous! I think the stroller is such an exciting purchase. I am waiting for ours to arrive at the moment and somehow I think it will be the most exciting of the big purchases we've made - sort of makes the baby feel so much more "tangible", you know? Maybe the cot and bassinet would be the same, but because our nursery still needs work those are still sitting in their flat packs and we won't assemble them until the room is ready for them. Here in the southern hemisphere the weather is just starting to warm up, so my dilemma is the opposite of yours - trying to find nice summery maternity things to wear when I am swollen and hot and big as a whale!

Freke - Hang in there! Almost there!

AFM, I have started going to pilates regularly. I don't know if Dot loves it or hates it, but she goes NUTS when I'm doing the exercises! I was lying on my back on the Reformer the other night doing some leg exercises and my belly was bouncing :lol:

Here are some very belated bump shots. I have been a bit slack in the last few weeks, so there are some gaps... I feel HUGE some days, but I guess it's all about where the baby "goes" - in my case, Dot is just protruding straight out in front more and more! I am going to topple over forwards in the 3rd tri I think :D

19w3d (we were in Rome at this point):



Once I have some photos from my bestie's wedding (last weekend) I will put one up from there too. It was gorgeous - I looked massive, but was very pleased with my art deco "artistic vision", daaaaaarling ;) She got heaps of compliments on the styling, so I was very pleased - it took a LONG time and a LOT of effort to work out what she wanted as she didn't really know herself, but I am glad that the ideas I had came together as well as they did!




Thanks for the replies. Seeing how I was on the TTC thread way before we were TTC, I think I'll be good and stay on JBP for now. Looking forward to joining you ladies in another couple of months.
PT: I am so glad Ava has arrived safely and I am sending dust for a short stay in hospital for her!

LC: I am adamant about us getting a second car too! Since DH and I began living together 5 years ago we have been a 1 car household, but we now live 3km away from useable public transport and we are not within walking distance to the supermarket or other shops. I just can't imagine being home alone with a baby without anyway of getting anywhere and DH will want to keep playing sport at night which will mean he needs a car etc so I think it is important we have a second car. DH isn't so enthusiastic though.
LOL to the Excel names spreadsheet. I would totally expect that from DH too!

S&I: I really hope your MS eases up soon! I can't imagine how drained you must feel. I also hope your spotting has finished and you are feeling more secure about your pregnancy again.

Pancake: Thanks for your words about career + babies. I think it will affect my career but right now I am fine with that. We would love to see some photos of your friend's wedding!

Katy: I'm glad your busy week at work went okay. Yay for feeling baby move. I can't wait for that :love: Madeline is a pretty name. It was one of the only ones DH has suggested, but I vetoed it... I have thought about in home care and I think there could be real benefits to in home care, provided the carer has appropriate qualifications and you are satisfied with them! E.g there will be continuity of care, not as much exposure to daycare bugs etc. But the downsides for us would be what happens if the carer gets sick? Will our child get as much out of it developmentally as daycare?

Janine: Congrats on the arrival of Annabelle! I love her name. Very classic and pretty.

Mannequin: I CANNOT imagine having a roommate whilst pregnant, let alone her leaving just before/after the baby arrives! I would be super pissed at DH for not putting your needs and Weston's over hers! I hope that situation gets resolved quickly. And your bump is looking super cute!

Freke: Hope things have improved for you at work. How much longer are you planning on working before bubs arrives?

SarahBear: Congratulations on the arrival of baby Leora!

NEL: Your bump is adorable! It seems as though you have had a bump growth spurt since your last pic! I have to say that I am jealous of your big bedroom...

AFM: We were able to tell some friends in person over the last week, which was lots of fun! One of the ladies I used to work for had once told me she could be my surrogate mum, since my parents are so far away, so I asked her if she could be a surrogate grandma! It took her a little while to work it out, but then she was super excited. I just hope she doesn't ever say anything like that to my parents or in laws as they would probably get jealous!

I STILL haven't told work. I really think I need to do it in the next week or so as I am starting to get a bit of a bump. I am still in the “Is she pregnant or just fat” stage though. The other day I was super paranoid that the outfit I was working made me look pregnant so I took a photo and sent it to my cousin and a good friend and asked them. One said that she would definitely have thought I was pregnant even if she didn't know and the other said that it was clear I had a bit of a belly but that she wouldn't necessarily assume I was pregnant....

I have been lurking on a few Australian forums aimed at mothers, and it has just made me so GRATEFUL to be a PS member. The forums seem to have a real 'mob' mentality and if they don't like a particular poster's opinion they will make personal attacks on the poster and mock them. I know that sometimes newbies on PS can get a bit upset at the advice or opinions given by posters and sometimes some threads do degenerate and require pie, but overall I feel that posters on PS give their opinon on the subject matter of the post and avoid personal attacks until the OP becomes upset and it degenerates from there... PS'ers are just so supportive of each other :appl:
PT- Just wanted to say that I'm thinking about you and Ava. Keep us updated on her progress. I hope she gets home soon!

Loving all the pregnant belly shots that everyone is posting. hang in there ladies!
NEL, wow, crazy how busy you've been at work. I hope it eases up a little bit. But at least you're feeling better so your work craziness isn't on top of general pregnancy blah-ness.DH doesn't really come to any of my other appointments unless there's an ultrasound or something. So I doubt he'll be coming to any more appointments until the end. Ha ha, shrinking belly button! Have you and D firmly decided on Katie? Any idea if you're going with Katherine or Caitlyn? I know I"m pretty surprised with the gift. I haven't picked it up yet because for some reason UPS needs 21+ signature?? And I hate how they started charging if you wanted to change the delivery address. So I need to pick it up from the UPS site, which always takes FOREVER. I like the color of the future nursing sofa (FNS). Hope the crib comes in this weekend.

Pancake, you're looking AWESOME in your belly pics. Definitely seeing it grow :) I dunno how much I'll "rest easier" about the baby. I guess I'm trying to take a zen outlook on it. I have a friend whose son was born at 25 wks (I think I mentioned it earlier on this thread). The good news is that he's doing well, and she said the doctors are really happy with the progress. He's still in the hospital and they don't know when he'll be able to come home. But he's looking really healthy, gaining a lot more weight. He's 2 months (born age) today. He actually wasnt due until Dec. But it's really encouraging how well he's doing. So you pediatricians do a great job taking care of wee babies! Keep up the good work! Hope you post pictures from the wedding. I'm glad your friend had the day she wanted. I'm sure it was a giant exhale of relief from everyone now that the crazy wedding-ness is over.

Bobbin, I'm so glad you've been able to share the news with everyone and they're so excited. So cute about your "surrogate mom". Aw. Don't sweat telling work yet. You'll tell them when you tell them. And continue to kick ass and take names in the mean time. I know you were a little nervous about it, but you're a rockstar and keep telling yourself that. I guess it might be a little more difficult to hid the bump as you're coming into your summer season. We're heading into winter now so easier to hide bumps with sweaters and hoodies. Well, I'm sure your DH will come around to having a car. I'm sure he'll realize it's just one of the many things that will change in our lives now that we're having kids. That's totally how I came to accept it. DH said I have to do all the car shopping with him though :blackeye: "I don't wanna..." I attended a panel discussions about nannies etc, and they suggested if your nanny gets sick, call a babysitter for the day. In Chicago they have a baby-sitter-finding service, and you can call them if you need an emergency day time provider. Or sometimes here in the States some companies provide it for their employees (not mine, but DH's does), and it's at a deeply discounted rate.

AFM, not much new. My friend's birthday weekend is this weekend. Last night we went to a magic show, which was SOOO cool! In a totally cheesy magic show kind of way. And it was really funny, just plain fun. Then tonight we have dinner at a tasty Mexican restaurant. Except, no margaritas for me... :blackeye: I love margaritas. Sigh!!! Something to look forward to next summer....

I'm attaching my 24 wk belly shot and a belly pic collage I made for my friend.

~LC (24 wk, 2D)


Fly by post... I have been finding this quite amusing. I took all of the belly pics below today, at 15w5d. First of all I should apologise for the bare belly, it was just easier to demonstrate the difference that way, and also, sorry for the dirty mirror!


Pic 1: Taken first thing in the morning.
Pic 2: Taken at the end of the day.
Pic 1 and 2 are of me standing normally. There is usually a bigger difference between my am and pm belly, I mustn't have eaten as much today!

Pic 3: Me 'letting it go" (not pushing my belly out with my back though).

I just find it funny how much my bump changes on a daily basis! Anyone else have this happen EVERY day?



Lol Bobbin. Just wait until the day where there is NO making the belly look smaller! I'm in that stage where I'm ramming it into things - usually the fridge door.

LC All I want to do is drink a martini. My BFF and I are already planning on going out after she's born. I'll have an extra one for you!

NEL just how big is your bedroom anyway?! I'm so jealous! If we tried to put a king size bed in our bedroom, that would be the only thing in the room.

pancake your belly is super cute! I miss those days...

Sarahbear Congrats on your little pumpkin!

Katy I expect pictures of your stroller!

PT Keeping you guys in my thoughts! Please keep us updated!

Still preggo, still cranky. We had our last shower this weekend and got a lot of books and several blankets. We also got a Santa suit, which I find kind of hilarious.

The nursery is pretty much done, clothes are washed, put away, everything is put together and where it's supposed to go. We're waiting for a couple other items to arrive in the mail (thermometer, nail trimmer, random other things). But really, we're ready to rock and roll.

But I am scared $#!+less. Between labor & then 18+ (30+) years of raising a kid and trying my hardest to not screw her up?! OMG doomed to fail.

So yeah, just truckin' along...
Freke, OMG I miss booze. I sound like a raging alcoholic, but man on man I miss booze. I realize I haven't had a margarita ALL SUMMER! Doh!!! Definitely have an extra tasty martini for me. I told my DH that he's not allowed to drink anything I would want to drink in front of me. So that means no wine, no cocktails (especially not gin cocktails). He's only allowed to drink beer, whiskey, or cocktails with Jaeger or Red bull in it. Wow, sounds like you're ready. And about the whole freaking out thing: yeah I think we're all in the same boat. But have faith, your kid will turn out great.

Bobbin, you're looking great. 15-16 wks you're looking great.

~LC (24 wks, 3D)
Bobbin - cuuuuute! As Freke says, it only gets bigger... I am still in the process of discovering that when there is a tight space to squeeze through, turning sideways is no longer of any assistance!!! Good luck with telling your work. Your baby is your baby and your work is your work... there is no perfect solution but I think your life will be infinitely richer :)

Freke - I share your terror at the prospect of being a parent. I spend a lot of time at my work reassuring parents that they don't have to be perfect, just good "enough" and that children are resilient, but when I think of my own (particularly when she is a screaming newborn) it kind of gives me the heeby-jeebies. I really worry that I won't have the patience to do it. Of course, that said, I know that you will be A-OK and that it is natural to have the jitters at this stage.

LC - 100000% true that we are all glad the crazy wedding-ness is over! My bestie got back from her honeymoon last night and was reflecting on how much she LOVED her wedding day, and I was so happy to hear that. Now in the post-wedding world, I am realising I only have 3 months (possibly less!) to get myself organised. ARGH! ARGH!!! I LOVE your bump collage. I wish I had been more diligent now, seeing that!

AFM, my sleep quality has gone to poo. I tire more easily and the long after-hours shifts are really starting to wear me out, but then I go to bed and can't sleep, wtf? It's not a physical discomfort issue yet, so it must be hormonal. Driving me nuts. My abs are starting to separate too :( Anyone else? I know I'll just have to start doing pilates as soon as I can post-partum but geeeeez it's depressing!

Whinge whinge whinge. Will be more upbeat next post!

Pancake, I'm envious that you're doing pilates regularly! How do you like it? There is a prenatal yoga class on Wednesday evenings that I've been wanting to take, but it's impossible for me to get out of work in time. I think I need to find a weekend class somewhere else. And I'd just like to say "word" on the lack of sleep quality. I have a really hard time sleeping these days--and like you, it's not from discomfort. I feel like every time I wake up I feel alarmed and think "am I on my back?!" and then I have a hard time going back into sleep mode. I have no idea why I freak out, it's so stupid.

Your belly shots look great!

Freke, I like to think it's normal to freak out about impending parenthood. And feeling unprepared. And worrying about how life is going to change. I do it constantly. I often find myself wishing I had a few more months to prepare, but I don't know if that would help.

And I'm already bumping things all the time--I have a bruise on my stomach from running into the kitchen counter. I'm even trying to hide it from D because I know he'll worry that my bumping into the counter somehow hurt Katie. Oy.

I can't remember the size of our bedroom--I think 26' x 24'? It's big, but not very well laid out. And the rest of the house is small. I think our living room is only 14' x 16', which is why it's odd our bedroom is so large.

Bobbin, you have the amazing shrinking and growing belly, too! Mine has been doing that since I started getting a bump--I figure at some point my belly will probably get so big I stop noticing. Even at my last appt. I told the doc that if she measured me at the end of the day, I'd be measuring 4 weeks ahead.

LC, I love your collage! You look so fabulous! I had a huge Mexican food craving this weekend--and it was delcious! I was never a big drinker, so not missing the booze, but I do miss salmon rolls. And not feeling as guilty when I ate things that were bad for me! Any progress on the second car purchase? D is in Chicago this week, btw, and I'm so jealous of him!

S&I, so do you think you might tell work this week?? And I have to admit, I was glad when I finally had a bump and people weren't just wondering if I had gained a bit of weight. Honestly, I was just sort of happy to put the whole first trimester behind me!

AFM, D is travelling this week, so I'm holding down the fort on my own. Normally I love a few days to myself, but for some reason I'm really missing him this time. Makes me wonder why I decided to leave for 10 days over Christmas.

The crib hasn't come in, but should be in today. I might try to put it together myself this week. I also have my eye on a dresser that I saw online (at an antique store that is far away). I won't have time to go look at it until this weekend. Right now the only thing in the room is the changing table, so if I can get the crib and dresser by this weekend, then I might have something worthy of a couple of pics.
Sarah, congrats on your Halloween baby! Leora is just precious!

LC, congrats on hitting 24 weeks! :lol: about the Excel spreadsheet - that's totally something my DH would do. I love your bump collage! Sorry you're craving margaritas. I've been craving things like coffee, sushi, caesar salad, deli meats, and all the other general things I'm not supposed to eat. :rolleyes: DH and I did go to a sushi restaurant yesterday, but I only had cooked rolls. The pedicure was great, thanks for asking!

NEL, so sorry that work has been so crazy for you! Did the crib come in? I can't wait to see pics of your nursery. Your bump is so cute! I love your future nursing sofa too. My 16-week appointment went well. The anatomy scan is scheduled for 11/30 - I scheduled it a couple days early because my mom wanted to join us, and she was busy that Friday when I usually have my appointments. My DH doesn't come with me to the non-ultrasound appointments either.

pancake, I can't wait to see the pics from your friend's wedding - I'm sure you looked great! Yay for your artistic ideas coming to life. Sorry that your sleep schedule is a bit messed up. It sounds like maybe Dot is joining in on your pilates! I totally am not looking forward to the day when my belly gets big enough to limit my flexibility and movement.

bobbin, isn't it fun when you can finally start telling people? It's like you no longer have to keep an exciting secret. Telling your work is entirely up to you - do it when you're ready. I will say that it's nice that I told my manager early on, because it's pretty easy to duck out for appointments. I also have days where my belly looks like a real bump versus just some extra flab. I find that some days, I feel really preggo and other days, I don't feel preggo at all. It's so strange.

Freke, yay for getting the nursery completed and all the clothes washed/put away! Hope your crankiness isn't too unbearable, and you start feeling better about being ready to raise your daughter. You will be a great mom!

AFM, my 16-week appointment went well. My OB measured my fundal height, checked the heart rate with the doppler, and gave me a prescription of Zantac 150. She thinks that maybe I'm getting some heartburn in the evenings that might be causing my nausea. I took a pill last night, and it didn't seem to help with the nausea. I guess I"ll continue taking them twice a day this week, and just go from there if it doesn't improve. Anatomy scan is scheduled for 11/30 - can't wait to find out what we're having!

S&I - the bump is not particularly restrictive yet, and if anything I'm probably still more flexible than I was because of all the ligamentous laxity that comes with the pregnancy hormones, but balance in some pilates postures is a bit of a challenge week to week because of the changing centre of gravity! My physiotherapist just giggles... I have a session tonight with my regular physio who I get along with really well and we often spend a good part of our sessions giggling at my off-centreness! Zantac/ranitidine is a godsend for me - my reflux is not painful/burning but it is uncomfortable and the ranitidine helps a lot. The anatomy scan is 100% exciting, we just loved ours!

NEL - re pilates, I don't mind it actually! I am very exercise-aversive but pilates is good because the repetition and precision of posture and movements is great for my Type A-ness :lol: At the moment I am doing just one session of 45 minutes per week (1 instructor physio for 2 students) but I am thinking of increasing to 2 as I am inconsistent with doing my exercises at home. The sleeping thing is really getting to me. I have been avoiding having naps on the weekends because I'm worried it'll make my night-time sleep quality even worse, but it is really getting beyond a joke now. During my working day I tend to be fine but that seems to be because I'm kind of "leeching" energy from myself so I have even less in the tank when I get home. It also doesn't help (although I have to say I still kind of enjoy this) that Dot's most active time of day is my bed time - I don't know what she was doing in there last night but it was impressive! Anyway, the tiredness is making me a moody cow and I hate it :knockout: I am looking forward to seeing pics of your nursery as it takes shape!

AFM, not much new in the last day! We have some tradesmen coming to give us quotes tomorrow - one on air-conditioning, the other on polishing/repairing floorboards in Dot's room. The weather is starting to heat up a little here and I'm keen to have a proper cooling system of some sort by the time we hit summer proper. My new maternity clothes (the ones I bought in a fit of pique last week) are starting to arrive and it's a relief to have some things that will definitely last me through these last three months!

My plans for work are firming up a bit as well. My weeks tick over on a Monday, and I've decided to finish up at 35w6d. From 32 weeks onwards I am going to drop my after hours commitments, so I'll be working just a 45 hour week. I think that will make things much more manageable as it seems to be the 13 hour shifts and the weekend work that is really starting to tire me out now. My daytime work is mostly just clinics, so not much running around - hopefully I'll be fine to continue that up until my intended leave date. To be honest I don't think I had really anticipated how tired the long hours would make me but I guess it is not that surprising!
Pancake, I'm glad you're really enjoying Pilates. I went to my first prenatal pilates class and found it underwhelming. I'll see if the teacher can kick it up a notch. It's kinda nice because there was just 3 of us in the class on Saturday, so we got a good bit of personal attention. I just wish it was more strenuous. I might try yoga instead or a different pilates studio. I'm glad you were able to find something to help your reflux. My friend used to have pretty bad acid reflux and said that after she had her baby, it was totally gone. I hope the same thing happens for you. I hope all the home reno stuff goes smoothly for you. I totally hear you on staying comfortable when you're 8-9 months!!! I've also been having a tough time falling asleep. And it doesn't help that I wake up a few times at night too... I miss being able to sleep through the night like a champ.

S&I, definitely eat what you're comfortable eating and what your doctor OKs. I've been following my doctor's orders and haven't really needed to change my diet much at all. So I still get to eat all the stuff I normally like eating. Exception being raw oysters which was pretty difficult when I was in SEA. I love raw oysters. So exciting that your anatomy scan is a few weeks away! Hope the scrips help with the heartburn & nausea.

NEL, I hope you can make it out to the yoga/pilates classes. I remember you were looking forward to them when we were all hanging out on the JBP thread. I'm the MESSIEST cook now because of my belly! I get stuff ALL OVER MYSELF! DH thinks it's funny. I also have a hard time falling asleep too. Ugh! I'm not looking forward to when we start getting really big. I hope D is enjoying Chicago. The weather's rainy, unfortunately. I'm sure you'll miss your DH during Christmas, but you'll have a ton of family surrounding you, I"m sure there'll be a lot of buzz and activity around you. Oooh! I can't wait to see everything you've put together for the nursery. Haven't picked out any furniture. I think I want to take DH's old dressers (he wants to get rid of them), and restain them, change the hardware and use it for the baby. DH might balk, but honestly it's not like the baby will know the difference.... No progress on the 2nd car yet, but I did get DH to concede the (heated) garage spot for the baby. He will get the new(er) car though, and I told him we can get butt heat.

AFM, DH is yelling at the TV watching football. I'm doing some contract work then will try to hit the hay early. I'm going to have a CRAP THursday. We have a production deployment and I'll essentially be on call from 6AM THursday until 11PM. Boo! But if all goes well and and we deploy successfully, DH and I leave for a long weekend up to Door County, WI for our belated honeymoon weekend. We did the same thing last year, we took the dog, and rent a small cabin. Basically just play with the dog outdoors and light fireplaces/campfires and relax. I plan to sleep. :)

I'm feeling very round, and not attractive. My sister is the sweetest and was really helping me feel better. She's the best-est sister ever! But I'm sure this does not bode well if I'm starting to feel this way already and I have yet to get SERIOUSLY big yet.... Sigh! I just wish they had some pretty winter friendly maternity dresses. I think summer maternity dresses are the CUTEST (so you Aussie ladies are so lucky!)

I have another midwife appt on Weds. And secondary appt for the furnace crap. Sigh! I hope we don't have to replace them. THat's $9K I'd rather not spend.

~LC (24 wks, 3D)
Hello everyone! :wavey:

I haven't been on PS in....three years or so, but today I am going nuts as I sit around waiting for my own little one to make her appearance :twirl: I was due on Sunday, but as of my appt yesterday there are no signs that she's anywhere near being ready to join the world. My last day of work was this past Friday, mostly because if I had to go back to work I would have strangled the next person that said "OMG YOU"RE STILL HERE?!?!" and I would have lost my job anyhow. So now I am sitting and waiting, and starting to go a little stir crazy. I'm to big and uncomfortable to do too much, but it's even worse just sitting on the couch. I haven't been crazy or hormonal until now, but the frustration of waiting and my body just not being ready when emotionally I am so spent is starting to wear on me! I've officially entered the "fragile" stage of this pregnancy, methinks.

Anyways, it's good to see so many familiar names/avatars who are going to be mommas! Congratulations to everyone and I hope you are able to enjoy the weeks ahead :wacko:
Mimzy - Yay!! Congratulations!! When I saw your post, I though you'd be announcing your pregnancy! I guess you skipped that part, hee-hee! Sorry to hear your little one is not cooperating! My baby girl arrived 11 days after EDD. It was hard because I'm not at all patient; however, I really enjoyed my time at home. Are you able to nap at all? That's what I'd recommend because sleep time is going to be elusive for a while after little one arrives!!! Another thing that helped for me, even though I wasn't happy about it, was setting an induction date. I *knew* she would arrive before that date (I was wrong about that, btw), but I was just happy because at least there was a date certain by which I would give birth!!

BOY OR GIRL? Do you know? I'd love to hear his or her name if you're sharing that too!!

ETA: Oops! Just saw you said "her" above! Yay for little girls!! :appl:
LV - Thank you! yep, it's a little girl in there (or so we've been told :P)! I am so so excited - I know that I would love a boy just as much, but I always saw myself with a daughter and I feel really blessed that those visions will be realized :bigsmile: We're waiting to meet her to commit to a name, but right now our frontrunner is Matilda :)

11 days passed due, you're a warrior! I really really don't want to be induced, but I'm not sure how long I can hold out. I have a NST on Thursday, and we'll probably talk about a date then. Maybe middle of next week? I'm not much of a napper, but I think it would help because the cranky/hormonal factor is not being helped by night after night of not sleeping well. I've also got a pretty bad case of PUPPPs, which isn't helping my mood. Yuck. How old is your LO now??
Ohhh, Matilda is such a pretty name! :appl: I hope you find that it suits her! My DH wanted Emerson, and I wanted Willow. One day, I think he suggested Samantha, which I loved, and much to my amazement, we agreed! And, now, we look at her, and she's totally Samantha, and so not an Emerson!

She's 9.5 months now. We adore her! I have to attach a pic. Hee-hee (sorry if I'm intruding everyone!! :halo: )

Only two more days til the NST. Everything will likely be fine, and they'll probably do another check (well, my dr's office did at my NST). My office has a firm 10 day (past EDD) rule on inductions. I really hope your little girl comes on her own and that an induction isn't necessary. Lots of PS Moms have been induced and have had relatively easy labors, so it's not necessarily a bad thing, just hoping she comes sooner for your own sanity! :bigsmile:

Sorry to hear about the PUPPs. :knockout: I'm sure that's not helping matters.

Are you all set with everything? Nursery, clothes, swaddling blankets, etc., etc. OH, you know what you can do to pass some time. Do you know about the 4 S's? A bunch of PSers are fans of the Happiest Baby on the Block. DH and I watched the video and have the book. I think Mara said the video, or maybe other related videos are on Youtube, so you could take a look at them on Youtube. We found swaddling, shooshing and holding baby on her side to be really invaluable in the early months.

How's the weather where you are? Maybe taking some outdoor walks would be a good idea too?

So, that's my advice: walking, napping and the 4 S's!

I know you haven't been around in a bit, but you know you are now obligated to stick around for a while, and you have to let us know when little baby maybe-Matilda arrives, ok?

Hey fellow mamas!

Checking in briefly to share that I somehow managed to get shingles yesterday. The time I had left for nesting is now for laying down and avoiding breezes on my left side. Its pretty miserable. As if I weren't uncomfortable enough! I hope to catch up with everyone soon!

Elle, I'm sorry to hear about shingles. I hope things will be alright. Lots of dust to you that time passes quickly.

Mimzy, UNsticky dust to you and your little girl. Lovely name choice, and I hope you get to meet your daughter soon. A few mamas here had an induction scheduled and then their babies came on their own. I hope you get the same luck if your doctor does decide to schedule an induction date.

MIMZY, yay for a baby girl! I hope you go into labor soon!!! I will be sending quick and easy delivery dust your way. Please post pics! I always enjoy seeing the newborn pics and baby pics :wavey:
Elle, I'm so, so sorry to hear about shingles. I admit, I googled "shingles while pregnant" to see what it might mean for you. I may be a dope, but I had no idea it was the same virus as chicken pox! Is your doc giving you any antiviral drugs? Is there any concern for the baby developing pediatric shingles? What awful timing that you've come down with shingles not only while pregnant, but late in your pregnancy when you were already uncomfortable. ugh!

LV, Samantha is adorable!!

Mimzy, I remember you from the wedding threads! I think you and I had the same wedding dress, haha. I'm sending you lots and lots of unsticky dust. It sounds like you will only go another week at most and while I know each day must drag at this point, a week is a blink of an eye. You probably want to slap me for saying that :)

LC, smart to take one of your DH's old dressers and give it a little facelift. If you've got extra dressers in the house, I say use them! And yay for getting the heated spot in the garage, even if he does get the butt heat.

I'm also feeling very round and not attractive. I just don't feel like myself at all. It doesn't help that when I get undressed, D says "holy cow, your stomach looks huge!" and then the other day my FIL said "I have to touch your belly, it's so big!". Plus it's odd not to be able to see certain parts of my body--I've been sort of blindly shaving my bikini line for a month now.

Keeping my fingers crossed the furnace appt. goes well. Don't you just love it when expensive things pop up when you already feel like you're spending a ton (on baby stuff, plus the car)? We just had an energy audit done on our house today and need some work done, but it's not too bad.

Pancake, I hope your quote isn't too outrageous. Do you already have the ductwork for the central cooling system? We're headed into winter now, which is why I had today's energy audit. Katie's nursery is in the old part of the house, so I want to make sure we can eliminate any drafts in that room. Funny how having kids gets our butts into gear to make home improvements, huh?

And yay for finalizing your schedule at work. I need to do that--everybody keeps asking me when I plan to start working from home, but I haven't figured it out yet. I still feel like February is kind of far away, but really it's not that far, so I should.

S&I, is the Zantac helping with your heartburn? I'm excited for your anatomy scan at the end of the month, that is always really exciting!

AFM, the crib came in today and I put it together in less than an hour! I snapped a quick pic, though the nursery still has a long way to go. I'm hoping to get an antique dresser that I like on Saturday. I still need a rug, a glider or rocking chair, bedding and several other things, but it's coming along. It's looking much more "country" than what I envisioned in my head, but I like all the elements and want to keep it rustic, so I'm okay with that.

I really need to get my butt back in gear on the daycare search. I did all the preliminary research, but wanted to sit down with D and prioritize our options before contacting them all. But we still haven't done that and I'm just going to have to make an executive decision. A coworker of mine is due in a month and said she had an awful time trying to find a daycare...and she started searching when she was 12 weeks. Oy!

Here's a picture of Ava, just a few minutes old. Hard to believe from the photo that she's a 2lb 11oz preemie.

This picture is mostly for size reference...I have fairly small hands, and her whole body almost seems to fit into just one of them...

She doesn't quite have full control of her eyes yet - we caught her making faces at the camera (she was in her isolette at the time).
Oh PT! Thank you so much for posting pics! She's adorable! How are you guys doing anyway?
PT, Ava is soooo beautiful; :love: what a little fighter! She is amazing! You look beautiful doing your Kangaroo care with your sweet daughter! Congrats and sending you a big hug! Hopefully I will see you in the mommas thread at some time (there are a couple of us preemie moms there); I would love to hear more on how both of you are doing! That is so amazing she is on room air; she is awesome!

NEL, I love the nursery!