
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Congrats, S&I! I can't wait to hear your birth story and (hopefully) see pics of Alex!
S&I, a big congratulations to you on the birth of your little guy! I hope everything is going smoothly for both of you! Can't wait to hear more!
Choro: My back is still pretty limber, I guess! I had 3 inch heels on in that picture, too. I only wear them when I'm out with S, though, since he can help me up and down steps and in and out of cars/restaurant tables/etc. I like to throw in some fun poses (I usually end up taking like 9-10 shots and only 1-2 turn out ok) just for kicks and so the little one can see what a nutjob her mom was someday.

Bobbin, holy cow lady, sounds like you are not far from birthing that baby! So excited for you...come on, baby Bobbin!!!

Buttons, how many weeks are you now? I remember feeling little bubbles around 14 weeks and by 17 weeks I was able to differentiate between gas and full blown movement/kicks--I think a lot of people can feel movement pretty early!

Petite--30 weeks already! So glad to hear you are having Facetime with your Aunt, that is so helpful. I hear you on the stretch marks--I had existing although faint ones on my hips from weight gain/loss and they haven't changed yet. I am still worried I'll end up with them on my belly but so far nothing. NEL said she didn't get them until the last couple of weeks of her pregnancy so I know I am not out of the woods yet. I have religiously slathered myself with thick shea butter twice a day every day since I found out I was pregnant and at least that has helped with itching because I've barely noticed any of that.

PPM, I started to get pretty uncomfortable around 28-30 weeks. I think the burning pain in your upper abdominal area might be your muscles stretching apart (which I understand is normal so don't freak out). I haven't had that yet, but the pelvic pain is godawful and I've had a back issue that is only cured by at least a day of continuous rest (haha, reallll easy to find time to do that) and a heating pad at night. Most of the time I can ignore the aches but when I start to feel really tired I get totally cranky pants and just hate life for a while. We can do this!!!! LOL

Sbolte, another 30 week-er! How did this happen so fast? When I see you posting that number it makes me go :errrr: because I'm a few weeks ahead of you. So nice that your husband is an expert breather, that should be really helpful for you BOTH. Mine is a singer so hopefully he'll be good at it too! I am irrationally worried that he will be totally nervous and stressed when everything goes down, but he was a first responder for years and is one of those people who remains super calm in emergency situations, so maybe he'll keep his cool. He hates to see me feeling poorly, though, so I guess that's why I worry. And now I have that pesky maternal instinct where I just want to take care of everyone else so that could also be part of my weirdness. Anyway, take it easy on the outdoor projects. Do you have neighbors or friends who might come over and do some of the physical labor stuff for you? I'd take advantage of that if you do! I have a couple girlfriends who have offered to help me out with planting this year and I am totally going to hold them to it about mid-May. They are easily bribed with wine, so.

I go in for a checkup this afternoon and am going to beg for a heartburn remedy. I bought some OTC Zantac last night and am hoping I'll get the ok to take it. I never had heartburn in my life until this pregnancy (it started at ~12 weeks and has gotten worse and worse) and honestly it is probably my biggest gripe. It wakes me up in the middle of the night as if having to pee all night isn't enough sleep-deprivation, and there is basically nothing I can eat that doesn't set it off. Booooooo, heartburn!
Congrats S&I can't wait to see pics!!! so happy for you!!! :appl:
Congrats S&I!

Well, the rash got worse before it got better. The cream I was prescribed was cat C, which I'm really not too comfortable using...despite the fact that the OB prescribed it and the pharmacist said it was perfectly safe. I found it didn't help a whole lot anyway, so that made the decision easier. The combination of claritin and benadryl also didn't do much, and by Saturday night the rash was covering every inch of my body, besides my face. Oh, the oatmeal/baking soda bath was really relieved the itching for a while which was a welcome break. By Sunday evening, the rash was still there but had fade a lot. Today it's sort of the same...still there, but fading. You can't really see it unless looking for it. The nurse at my appt this morning is sticking by her theory that it's pregnancy related, since had it been an allergy the meds would have helped. She did suggest I stick to a bland diet for the next few days, just as a precaution.

Oh, and I was supposed to have my normal OB appt next week, but she said it was sort of unnecessary seeing how she did all of that stuff today (and Friday). So now I go back in 3 weeks (I'll be a day shy of 26 weeks) and then will start the bi-weekly appointments after that. So crazy that I'm already getting to that stage!

DH put together my glider this weekend...and I spent a lot of the weekend in it. Ahhhh, so comfy!
Congrats S&I!!! I hope you and baby Alexander are doing well!

AFM, nothing much to report besides feeling HUGE lately. It's 90 degrees here today, which isn't normal for mid-April! I went outside for lunch and my rings got stuck and swollen ankles! Oh and tomorrow we have a meeting with our potential babysitter. She was nice enough to hold a spot for us back in February when I talked to her last, I didn't know she was doing that!

I had off work on Friday and almost regretting it because I'm even more behind now. A girl here tried to help me while I was out (another co-worker gave her the project), but she ended up doing double work because she didn't check over my notes to see that I had already researched some of the information. So really she didn't help me out at all. I am just SO sick of this place!!!! And even though I am behind, they don't let us work overtime unless we get permission first. Well, by the end of the day when I realize I have too much stuff to do, the bosses are already gone. That makes a whole lot of sense!! And to explain to them that I'm overwhelmed and basically beg for overtime just isn't going to happen. The last time I told my boss I needed help, he said "Work faster. I bet if I watch you right now you'll start working faster!" And yes, I was pregnant at the time. So I'll do what I can and they can shove it!!! Okay, that's the end of my vent!!
Congrats S&I!! I can't wait to hear your birth story and see pictures!! :appl:

bobbin - it sounds like you're close to labor lady, good luck!!

AMC how's the rash?

Kunzite, how are those twinsies doing in there???

AFM, 23 weeks today or tomorrow, I can't keep track! Feeling the bean move lots and lots and lots, which I love! Drs appt Thursday -- eager to see weight gain, as I feel giant and very thick. I love my belly, but I don't love looking at my profile view sometimes.

Yesterday at work I was having lunch in a common area and got to talking with some of the court officers who have kids. I was talking about how we had considered a homebirth but that it wasn't an option due to other health reasons, but that I disliked when others would judge me for wanting a homebirth when they had not done any supporting research. Then, as if they've given birth before and COMPLETELY missed what I had just said, both say "Well whatever you do, make sure you get that epidural!" and went on to talk about how you HAVE to HAVE it and yadda yadda yadda. I'm not saying this to go over the pros/cons of any birthing choice, I'm saying this b/c I was SO FREAKING IRRITATED at having two basically strangers tell me what they think I should do in terms of pain management when they haven't had the opportunity to push a baby out. I'm not a man-hater or anything like that, I just don't understand why lay men (i.e. non-physicians) feel the need/right/wherewithal to spout out how they'd handle birth. In fact, I don't even think women should be telling other women what to do and what not to do --- everyone needs to choose what is right for them and nobody needs to be judging anyone. Grr. It just got me so irritated...

Hope everyone has a great day!
Thanks for being so patient. I tried posting last night, but Baby Alex decided he wanted to feed every 2 hours so I couldn't squeeze it in.

On Friday the 13th, we headed to the hospital for my induction appointment at 6pm. I was still feeling normal and thought my cervix was still closed for sure. When the nurse checked me, I was 2cm, so that was a nice surprise. She stuck a pill down there to start getting me to open up, and told me to just get comfortable and try to sleep. The next nurse who checked me said I was then 3cm and already had a bit of bloody show (although, I'm thinking that could have been a result of the first cervical check - it was definitely not pleasant!). About 4 hours after the first pill around 11pm, my OB had called in and asked them to switch to cervidil instead of another pill. That got me to 4cm and around 4am, my contractions were getting quite painful. By 5am, I asked the nurse to get my fluids started so I could get an epidural. I got the epidural at 6am, and felt so much better! Then they started the pitocin drip when my OB arrived at 7am, and confirmed that I was 5cm.

The baby's heart rate ended up getting unstable from the pitocin, so they stopped it shortly after starting it, and just let my contractions progress on their own. They were consistently 2-3 minutes apart while my cervix continued to open up each hour. When I got to about 8cm, they decided to start the pitocin again because my contractions started getting further apart instead of closer together. The baby's heart rate was getting unstable again, so they inserted an internal monitor to get a better reading on the strength of my contractions. Right before I got to 10cm, I had a little freak-out because I started feeling pain on the left side of my belly that went all the way through to the left side of my back too. The nurse had me press the epidural button twice to see if it would help, but it didn't. They had put me on the oxygen mask a few minutes before that, but my nose got so stuffed up from my crying that I couldn't breathe at all, which made me start hyperventilating. I agreed for the anesthesiologist to come back and give me a second dose to see if it would help with the pain. After that, I was able to calm down again and I could feel like my legs were dead weights. Shortly after that, I was 10cm around 2pm and they told me I was ready to start pushing!

I had no idea how I was going to push effectively since I couldn't feel anything down there. The nurse was on my left side, and my mom and DH were on my right side. They helped me lift my legs and told me to grab under my knees, bear down, and push on the next contraction. I did that through about 5 contractions, and had no idea if I was progressing at all. At one point, I asked if anything was going on down there, and both my mom and DH bent their heads down in unison to look. I thought it was funny. On the next contraction, I did the same pushing as before, and they said okay, we see the head, so the nurse called in the delivery team. While I rested, my OB came in, got all dressed and ready, rubbed some olive oil on me, and waited for the next contraction. She asked for one big push, then 2 little pushes (not that I knew what that actually meant in terms of what I was doing though), and then 1 more big push. Then I felt a pop or plopping sensation, and the baby was out and absolutely perfect!

The nurse said it took me 23 minutes from my first push until the baby came out. I still couldn't believe that I was able to give birth vaginally! I ended up having a 2nd degree tear that the OB stitched up, but she didn't say how big the tear was. All I know is that everything hurts down there now! I remember that I kept looking at the clock throughout the entire process to see what time certain milestones were occurring so I could give you ladies all the details, but it's all a blur now.

Here are the first few pics that we took at the hospital.
Facetiming with my aunt in New York while the nurses were cleaning me up:

Alert and looking up at daddy:

Just came back from the nursery and newborn assessment:

Bobbin, you're next! It sounds like you're really close, so tons of labor dust for a quick and smooth delivery to you!



Yay S&I, thanks for sharing your story! Sounds like you did a great job. And oh my gosh, we have another beautiful PS baby on our hands! He's just perfect. Hope you are both doing well!
Congrats, S&I! :appl:
S&I, Congratulations! Alex is gorgeous! I have to admit that the last photo you posted, sleepy baby with one arm up, brought tears to my eyes! ::) I just love such sweet little baby faces!!

Enjoy every moment!!!
Congratulations S & I!!! He is so beautiful!!!
Congratulations S&I!! Such gorgeous photos of a very scrumptious little baby :-)
Baby Alex is preeeeecious!!! aw what a doll! Congrats!!!! :love: :appl: :appl:
Aww S&I Alex is gorgeous! So precious! Congrats on what seemed like a great birth! More baby photos when you have a chance!
S&I Alex is adorable :love: :love:

Bobbin we haven't heard from you in a couple of days, maybe you're holding your wee bundle in your arms by now?!? :P

megumic ugh, you really met a couple of doozies in those court officers didn't you? Must be the week for it! I also hate being on the receiving end of know-it-all 'advice' so I make a point of simply not engaging in conversation about my choices or preferences with anyone other than people I already know will respect my choices. I have no interest in listening to negativity so if people do kick off I usually change the topic by asking them to tell me their favourite thing about being a parent or to show me pictures of their children or something like that... Hope the Dr's appointment goes well tomorrow! I bet your bump is really cute and you are not "giant" or "thick" at all!

kunzite hope you are doing well! Am thinking of you often and sending keep-baking dust :wavey:

missy sorry to hear the hot weather is making you feel uncomfortable, that doesn't sound like fun... How did your meeting with the baby sitter go?

amc the glider sounds like heaven! How did the bland diet work out, did it help with the rash?

monarch hope your check up went really well and you got the all clear on something to take for the heartburn, that sounds absolutely miserable.

stephbolt yay for your hubby being a natural at the breathing coaching! :bigsmile: I had that same emotion when we toured the delivery suites in our hospital, thinking 'OMG I'm going to be become a Mammy in one of these rooms' :eek: :bigsmile:

PPM sorry to hear you're uncomfortable! Do you have one of those pregnancy pillows? Might not be much use though for propping you up on your back. I hope you are able to get some relief. If sleeping is what works, then I say indulge as much as you can ;))

PetitePoire so glad to hear you are getting to talk to your Aunt and provide her with some support. I am sending lots of dust that her treatment goes well. Look after yourself too lady... ((hugs))


AFM I fell over on Monday running to answer the door :nono: My feet just skidded out from under me but thankfully I landed squarely on my hands and knees so no trauma to the belly. I lay down after that and rested up but my back started to throb a bit and I think I must have jarred it. Then yesterday just one tiny spot in my back completely seized up in a spasm and I was pretty much immobilised for the day. Today my whole lower back is still aching and I am all stiff. With all this backache my insomnia has started acting up again and I spent the last two nights only managing to snatch an hour's sleep here and there in between wide awake patches. It hasn't been fun. I'm still processing the idea of maybe having to move three hours away from my family and being all alone in a new place with a tiny baby so there have been a lot of tears in the wee hours. It's easier to stay strong during the day but at night when I'm tired all my defences come down and the waterworks start. Hopefully my back will be better tomorrow and I'll get more sleep tonight and things will be easier then.

Other than that I am really well. Loving all the little thumps and pokes I'm getting. I spent a couple of hours on my piano the other day and baby kicked up a storm :love:

~ 18 weeks 2 days
Buttons, I'm so sorry to hear about the fall. Hope you feel better soon.

PetitePoire, how soon after the birth are you thinking of visiting your family?

S&I, can't wait for more pics of baby Alex!

Meg, don't you just hate know-it-alls? Although, I have to say men saying you should get an epidural don't sound as bad as men saying you should do it all natural because surely it doesn't hurt that bad! :roll:

Amc, how's that rash?

Missy, I'm sorry you're feeling huge but I don't think you have anything to worry about. That bump is adorable.

Monarch, how's the heartburn medication?

AFM, 28 weeks today so I suppose I'm officially in the third trimester. I went in for my glucose test today. Thankfully the concoction I had to drink wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be and I only gagged once while drinking it. They said the midwife will give me the results at the next antenatal appointment which is next week.
Also, I've noticed that I've been growing hair where I shouldn't be and am actually getting quite embarrassed by it. The fuzz I used to have near my jaw bone under the jaw bone on my neck has gotten longer and darker :errrr: I suppose my hormones must be going crazy. I don't even know if it'll fall off after the pregnancy (somehow I doubt it) or whether I'll need to start electrolysis on it and hope that it goes away. Has anybody else noticed anything like this?

Also, happy hump day bump day!

missrachelk|1334370019|3170655 said:
MuffDog|1334326579|3170120 said:
Kunzite|1334290995|3169921 said:
Question for you girlies - anyone else experience a racing heartbeat? Every morning when I sit at my desk, my heart starts racing. This is before any caffeine so it isn't that. It is actually quite uncomfortable. I'm sure it is normal but I'm wondering if anyone else feels the same way.

Muff - I've had a racing heartbeat fairly frequently since really early on (I'm almost 15 weeks now) I've hit about every website I can find, and called and asked my midwives and the peri that did my NT scan, and they all pretty much agree that as long as you aren't feeling faint or short of breath (aside from the odd uncomfortable feeling knowing your heart is racing) to try not to worry about it. I tend to notice mine most in the evenings when I'm quiet, or sometimes when I'm hungry. The heart is pumping a lot harder to supply the baby and placenta so it does make sense that it's doing a lot of extra work even at rest. Also digestion takes a lot of blood flow so after eating (no matter what kind of food) I fairly often feel mine racing.

Last night I got really hungry and didn't have dinner planned and ordered pizza - my heart raced after that for a long time! I think the heaviness of a meal, and all the additives / junk in what I had eaten really aggravated that symptom for me.

If you're worried you can push for a cardiologist referral, but I get the impression that besides an EKG they'll pretty much watch and wait. Sometimes I've taken my pulse when my heart feels racy and it's actually not that high(under 100 BPM) even though it FEELS much higher.

Hope it doesn't continue to bother you - try not to worry, but do ask your doc if you're concerned.

Muff: I also have had my heart race a bit during my pregnancy. I'm 15w 3d and it's usually at night when I go to bed-although it's not every night. It sometimes makes it difficult to breathe but I can still breathe just fine-it's just more labored. I haven't seen my midwife since it's happened but according to things I've read it's okay as long as it's not something that is getting out of hand. I'll ask her about it and let you know the results after tuesday. The labored breathing thing has only happened once or twice and it probably had something to do with what I ate or the way I was sleeping-who knows!

I did have spicy food last night (salsa-medium) and it didn't hurt me. I was worried that it would give me heart burn or something but thankfully I was safe!

I'm sooo jealous of how CUTE you are pregnant! You make having a bump fashionable and you look so freaking adorable! I have no where to go so I rarely put on make up nor do I get out of my comfy clothes since I don't really leave the house. So it's not like I have any where to go looking all cute and preggo but perhaps when I'm on our honeymoon I'll look cuter-cuz that isn't the way I look now! :lol:

PilsnPinkysMom: I'm totally with you on the cute dad advice-at least he's involved enough to even try to give advice (wanted or not lol). Some dad's I know won't have anything to do with certain aspects of parenting. Thankfully DH is very on board with ALL parts of it-it's ALL a shared responsibility. I once was told a story about how his dad (my FIL) put one of the kids down (can't recall but one of 4) in the bathtub with a blow out diaper since he wouldn't clean it/change it. He's a GREAT father but I can just imagine the mess all up the babies back and him not knowing what to do and thought-I'll stick you in the bathtub until you mommy is home and can figure this mess out :lol:

I told my DH while that is funny-that totally isn't happening at our house. If it's THAT bad and you've already put the baby in the bathtub just FINISH the job. I mean nothing water can't get off and a rag-isn't THAT hard to figure out :rolleyes:

S&I: Congratulations on your new addition! I LOVE his name-so regal sounding :sun: I'm glad that things progressed fairly smoothly after things got going-he's so adorable!! And a nice size too-most of the babies in my family were 5-7lbs but my husbands family? Yeah-his mom is a saint. First one (my DH) was over 9lbs and the final one was over 11 lbs! :sick: I spoke with my midwife and she says she can get any sized baby out naturally no matter what the size based on position and she's delivered some whoppers but I'm hoping that we'll meet the difference between my family and his family in the middle. No need to push out a watermelon if I don't have to! :errrr:

I hope you have the baby soon and I hope your appt goes smoothly. It's no fun not being able to sleep and being uncomfortable and in pain. HUGS!

I can't WAIT to feel the baby kick. I've done research and some people have sworn by 15 weeks they could feel it-especially if it's your 2nd. Some people say it's to early and it *must* be gas but the good news is either way if its gas OR not the further you get along the more pronounced it will be and so you'll only get an increase in activity :) I can feel my uterus but I haven't felt the baby move. It's still fairly strange to me to feel this hard spot where it is-but I know the baby is in there and it makes me happy :)

Amc: I hope you are feeling better and that treatment is working :)

Steph: You're getting close! I am glad to know that birthing class might just be a review by the time we get in one (a ways out yet) since I've been doing a lot of reading too. It's always good to have it reinforced anyways though :)

You look SO adorable with your bumb too!

My diaper bag arrived today and I love it. It's quite large (much larger than my biggest purse which is probably small/medium by purse standards) and I love the colors. Seems like an easy enough material to keep clean thankfully and it will hopefully hold all of our stuff :)

Continued prayers for all you pregnant/mothers on here. I hope everyone has a great week/weekend!
Aw, you guys look so cute. VL, even if you aren't leaving the house can you plan a date night with your hubby (picnic on the floor or something?) and throw on some makeup/do your hair? It might make you feel more normal. I am one of those who is concerned with appearance so it's made me feel less frumpy to get dressed up and do my hair occasionally even if it's only for a few hours. I have limited wardrobe options but I'm good at remixing what I have with maternity clothes and accessories so I've tried to look "normal" for work as well. One of these days if there is interest, I'll type out my maternity wardrobe and some how-to's or something if that would be helpful to anyone.

I got the ok from my doctor to take OTC Zantac or Prilosec. I started taking the generic version of Zantac 150 on Monday and it has made a world of difference, as in the heartburn is GONE. So thankful. My checkup went well, bp still normal, weight still normal, etc. Baby is head down, hopefully she stays that way. I think I've been losing my plug here and there but not much. Now I'm crossing my fingers we make the childbirth classes I scheduled for May 19/20...the doctor kind of shook his head and said "we'll see if you make it." Ha! I made out my work schedule for May yesterday and put question marks for the 27th through the end of the month. So weird!

Looking forward to more bump pics!
Thanks for everyone on the heart racing advice. It sounds very normal in the first and third trimesters so I'm not worried. It was more annoying than anything!

I am loving that the baby is finally big enough that I feel him moving multiple times a day. Probably started about a week ago and it is very comforting for this nervous FTM!

In non-baby news, we've been doing some work around the house because I figure we won't want to do that once the baby arrives. We had the hall painted and are now embarking on the task of refinishing our stairs (which are in TERRIBLE shape). I had an argument with our painter yesterday that really set me off. I hate confrontation and the guy reacted so badly to my one criticism (i.e. I'm not happy with the coverage of the paint here, can you please fix it) that i was a mess all day. Arg.

Better today though.

Here is my 30w5d pic - yes it is the same skirt I wore last week but my options are slim.

Congrats S&I. Alex is beautiful and absolutely perfect!
Great story, S&I! Hi to everyone else!

The rash is about 95% gone. I'm really hoping that it's not going to stick around at this level until the baby is born. But I sort of have a feeling it will, if the doc is right about it being hormonal. I never did try the bland diet...because, well, I'm freaking pregnant and a bland diet doesn't sound nice.

Baby is getting super active. It's so much fun! I think I'm starting to feel movements as well. I can't quite tell, but it definitely feels different than a kick...

I have been playing music every day. At first it would make him really active, but I'm pretty sure that now it lulls him to sleep...which is sort of the point, so that's good.

Here's my 23 week pic. I showed a few of my friends and they all had the same reaction- wow!

week23 shirt.JPG
Amc, I believe you have finally popped! :appl:
AMC - Yup I would agree you have popped! :bigsmile: And I agree, a bland diet doesn't sound fun at all!! Glad the rash is pretty much gone!

Muff and Mayerling - You two are looking great in your dresses!!!

The babysitter had to cancel the meeting last night because her daughter had softball practice and her husband was supposed to take her, but something came up. Anyway, we're meeting with her tonight!
So Monday was 90 60?? So strange! I have an ob appointment this afternoon. I'm hoping I haven't gained a lot of weight this month! After today I'll be going every 2 weeks now.

Here's my bump today at 32 weeks 3 days. I don't think I look as big wearing black, but I still feel big!! Some days I wonder how I can get bigger since my torso is so small. It seems like my bump is as spread out as much as it can get at this point, I guess I'll continue to grow outwards now! I think at times he/she gets mad because space is getting limited. It almost feels like the baby is balled up in one spot which really hurts sometimes! I had this happen once last week, I guess it could have been BH, but when feeling the hard spot, the baby would move from there so I'm thinking it was head or butt I was feeling! I was breathing funny and DH said "Are you in labor???? Breathe like this!" and made the typical labor hee heee hooo noise! Needless to say, I was not in labor. I think the baby was just positioned in a different spot.

Hi Ladies! I have been lurking away but not posting, so I will try and play a little catch-up!

S&I - congratulations on Alexander! He is so cute :love: Thank you so much for sharing your birth story!

Bobbin - Bobbin, check in when you can we are all thinking about you!!

Megumic - Sorry you had to deal with the know-it-alls at work, I agree that people (of any gender) need to keep their advice to themselves unless specifically asked for it!

Kunzite - Hope those twinkies are cooking away and that you are not finding bed rest to be too taxing. We are thinking about you!!

Missy - Hi lady how are you doing, sorry about the weather starting to get you down. We are predicting to be over 100 degrees this weekend. Hope the meeting with the babysitter went well. Let us know since DH and I need to start getting out there and interviewing daycares soon.

Monarch - I am so glad that your heartburn has been resolved so far with the Zantac. I have been taking a combination of Prilosec OTC, tums and maalox almost every day for months. I just hope the heartburn goes away for good once our babies are here!

Stephbolt - Isn't seeing the birthing rooms cool?! I had a sense of calm and excitement when we the saw the rooms and I realized that that was the room where we would be meeting our baby for the first time!!!

PetitePoire- I am so sorry to hear about your Aunt and I hope that through facetime you are able to be with her enough to give both of you comfort during this time. I am so happy to hear that you are liking your classes and that you are able to understand them! That must be very reassuring!

Buttons - Agh Lady, you are having such a hard time right now :cry: I am sending you HUGS!! How scary to hear about your fall and subsequent backaches and with the insomnia on top does not help matters one bit. I am sorry you are struggling with your husbands job prospect. I hope that you can find some peace about the situation soon. I'm sure if you could get a good nights rest that would also help a lot! You are in my thoughts!!

Mayerling - Congrats on making it to the 3rd trimester!!! So exciting!!! I also have had hair growing in new places (my whole belly is covered in a light fur) I can only hope that things will go back to normal once the baby hormones are settled down. Your picture looks great! Love your bump!!!

Vintagelover - Yay for liking your new diaper bag! are you still waiting on getting the second one to decided for good? Share pics if you can. My DH is not excited about carrying a "purse" as he calls it, so most likely we will be going for a backpack or messenger style bag, so I love seeing what you are getting!

MuffDog - Bummer about the painters yesterday and their obvious lack of professionalism over your rightful criticism of their work!! I hope you are feeling better about it today and that they just do their job right! Great picture - you have a great bump there!!

AMC - Wow lady! you have officially POPPED! Heehee - so fun right? Hope that rash has gone away since that sounded pretty bad.

AFM - Sitting here at 32w5days now and doing really well! Have been managing the heartburn with Prolisec OTC, Tums and Maalox. I don't love dousing myself everyday, but the heartburn and acid reflux is bad if I don't head it off at the pass. I have also been dealing with non-stop sciatica pain on my left butt cheek for weeks, I started going to see a chiropractor three weeks ago and unfortunately it hasn't helped one bit. I am considering not going anymore since it is $40 bucks a week and getting hard to justify without any lessening of the pain. Does anyone have any suggestions on ways to reduce the pain?? Should I see a different chiro if this one isn't helping?

My sister threw me a baby shower last weekend and it was just amazing. All my family and friends were there and everyone was so generous! My sister bought the best cake ever from a bakery (lemon cake with raspberry mousse) it was great (pic below)! We had a lot of fun having people guess if it was a girl or boy!

DH has finished painting the nursery and we had the carpet replaced a few weeks ago, so now I am starting to buy a few things that we will need for the baby! Things are starting to come together for sure. I have included my bump-day picture!


Merry - I have the same sciatica pain. I went to a massage therapist who is experiences with physio etc and said that mine wasn't so much of a proper 'pinch', but that the muscles in my hips/bum had tightened up so badly that the muscles were pinching the nerve!! I guess what makes it different is that if you have pain radiating up your back and down your leg, then a chiro might be your best bet. If it is located mostly in your bum cheek (like me), then massage may help.

I went for one massage and it was uncomfortable and awkward, but about 2 days later I felt quite a bit better. The pain didn't disappear, but it wasn't as debilitating as it once was. I should go that you mention it... :-)
Thanks for your reply MufffDog, I should have also mentioned that I have been getting a massage after each chiropractic adjustment. The first week seemed to help for a few days but the last two weeks haven't stopped the pain at all. Although, the first massuse was a lighter touch than the masusse I had the last two weeks, could lighter be better?

I was just reading over on the JBP thread and saw that LC metioned had acupuncture for her sciatica. I am going to see if I can find an experienced accupunturist in the area. I don't want to go another 7-9 weeks like this :((
Merry! I was just thinking about you the other day! Your shower cake looks amazing. It is fun having everyone guess what the baby is! I had the sciatica pain for a while too, but it magically went away by itself. Glad you've been doing well minus the sciatica pain and heartburn. I get heartburn every once in a while, but Tums seems to take care of it for me.
MerryMary|1334778804|3174483 said:
Thanks for your reply MufffDog, I should have also mentioned that I have been getting a massage after each chiropractic adjustment. The first week seemed to help for a few days but the last two weeks haven't stopped the pain at all. Although, the first massuse was a lighter touch than the masusse I had the last two weeks, could lighter be better?

I was just reading over on the JBP thread and saw that LC metioned had acupuncture for her sciatica. I am going to see if I can find an experienced accupunturist in the area. I don't want to go another 7-9 weeks like this :((

I'm not sure about lighter versus stronger touch. My lady was relatively aggressive with her massage. It certainly wasn't 'relaxing' but it seemed to release some of the super tight muscles.

Acupuncture certainly couldn't hurt. Just make sure they are experienced with pregnant women.