
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

PetitePoire|1341215127|3227178 said:
Thanks for sharing Steph! It sounds like your labor progressed pretty quickly! Did you have contractions at all before the 10pm ones? Your baby is so precious and I love her name. :)

Afm- I've had contractions all night. They went from no pain (yesterday morning), slight discomfort (yesterday evening), to what I imagine are peoples description of period like cramps (10pm- over night). Now they are about the same. I didn't sleep since they are every 5 minutes. I still haven't lost my mucous plug and don't feel pressure, so I'm assuming it's still early labor? I need sleep! Any ideas? I think only a recliner would provide comfort, but we don't have one here.. Of course.

I had weeks of uncomfortable but not painful contractions so it's possible I was having the same earlier that night but just ignoring it. Sounds like things might be getting going for you! Fingers crossed!
Congrats Steph!! Love her name! Thank you for sharing your birth story.

Good luck PP! Sounds like things are progressing :wink2:

No news here. I had a slight tinge on the toilet paper this morning, so maybe bloody show? Have a docs appt in a few hours and hoping to have some good news. The doc wants to induce at the end of this week if things aren't progressing, so hoping this means my body is doing what it needs to be doing and an induction won't be necessary.

Hi :wavey: to everyone else! Hope everyone is doing/feeling well and to those dealing with this oppresive heat, try to stay COOL!


Steph, thanks for sharing the details or your birth story and the pictures of your little one. She's beautiful! Hope you are enjoying these early days as a family.

PP and Sugarpie, sending you lots of labor dust! Hope things progress quickly for both of you!
PetitePoire|1341215127|3227178 said:
Afm- I've had contractions all night. They went from no pain (yesterday morning), slight discomfort (yesterday evening), to what I imagine are peoples description of period like cramps (10pm- over night). Now they are about the same. I didn't sleep since they are every 5 minutes. I still haven't lost my mucous plug and don't feel pressure, so I'm assuming it's still early labor? I need sleep! Any ideas? I think only a recliner would provide comfort, but we don't have one here.. Of course.

I was having period like cramps (they felt pretty constant), went to get checked, and it turned out I was having contractions a minute apart. They weren't painful, just uncomfortable. When the painful ones started, they came on pretty quickly. If I were you'd I either call the doc or go in to L&D. Maybe you can go get checked at your OB's office and save a trip to the hospital?

Steph, congrats! It sounds like everything went really well (and fast!).

AFM...I have a fabulous idea. They (doctors? God?) need to come up with a way to take a day off from being pregnant. I think if I had just one day to eat, drink, move, sleep, etc. however I wanted to I would be a new woman. Just a thought. :)
PP and Sugarpie - I hope things are progressing for the both of you! Sounds like something is going on to me! Excited to hear from you two in the next couple days!
Steph: :love: :love: Nora is just lovely! She's perfect! You must be a proud, proud mama. Hope you're enjoying the early days of parenthood. Thanks so much for sharing your story. It seems you did what was best to ensure a safe, quick (relatively speaking) vaginal delivery. Go you!

PP & Sugarpie: Ohhhhh man! I can't wait for your updates. I suspect that things are kicking into high gear around here!

BB: I'm sure you're counting down the days until your move. Sorry to hear that you're also dealing with overbearing ILs, but I hope things get a lot better and your relationship improves once there's distance between you. Isn't your MIL also your midwife? Am I remembering that correctly? If so, she really is all up in your baby-business!

Haven: You're so sweet and helpful. Thank you for your response. We're striving to be more like you and your DH. I had a heart to heart with J two nights ago and said, "It can't be easy to hear me speak about your family this way, but..." and he was fully supportive of me, which I told him I sincerely appreciated. (I know plenty of men [and women] who always side with their parents/families over their spouses... even years into a marriage. I can only imagine.) I keep repeating to myself what you said about it getting easier. It has to! I hope! I told my MIL that we'll have dinner on Tuesday but that I will not see her any of the other days, nor will J, because we're going to spend our last bit of free time as just us. J has promised to handle all get-together inquiries from this point forward. Fingers crossed. Enough about me... how are YOU? MS easing up? Please say yes!

Mayerling: How ya feeling? Why is the reality of 40+ weeks so hard to face? It's impossible to not get wrapped up in the possibility of a baby coming early, it seems. Have you noticed new physical changes? Our midwife said prostaglandins will help if your body is already gearing up for labor, but that physical activity (sex or otherwise) & orgasms will do a better job of kickstarting some contractions.... So keep at the intimacy! It may still do the trick. Maybe eat some pineapple curry and test out two induction methods in one shot? So you'll be with your parents through labor and delivery.. .and how soon after will you and your DH return to the UK?

Rachel: You're 100% correct. We need to be firm, not wishy-washy, non-committal. That just gives them false hope :cheeky: The heat here is brutal. Do you have AC/heat pump/swamp cooler to help escape the high temps? Keep those feet elevated!!!

Megumi: Thanks for insight re: massage. I'll ask my midwives at our appointment tomorrow. I forget so many of the pregnant PSers are currently with parents or in-laws. I hope your move goes smoothly and there are no hiccups. Talk about power-nesting! The Spinningbabies website is great. I'm convinced that our LO flipped from doing handstands in a pool, so once you're settled in your new home, find some water and give it a try.

Dandi: What CDs are you trying out? You'll have to post photos on the CD thread! You're right around the corner from that 'popping' time, so make sure you take lots of belly photos!

AMC: I know early labor is no bueno, but I'm sort of jealous of your contraction experiences! I wish I knew what I was looking for. For the past few days I've had menstrual like cramp discomfort, but there's no pattern. It just hurts (mildly) for an hour or so, and then lets up. I tried to time it, but distinguishing a start and finish is near impossible. It's a dull ache, and sometimes it intensifies and peaks, then levels out again to a dull ache. LOL re: day off from pregnancy. It really does get old after a while!! How ya feeling, otherwise?

AFM: I'm crying a lot these days. For no good reason. I'm also living in the land of denial, where I irrationally believe that this baby will be here SOON (as in days), and refuse to acknowledge that I'm likely looking at 20+ more days of growing this person. Belly photo below... Hard to say whether I've dropped.

Congratulations Steph. She is beautiful!
PilsnPinkysMom said:
AMC: I know early labor is no bueno, but I'm sort of jealous of your contraction experiences! I wish I knew what I was looking for. For the past few days I've had menstrual like cramp discomfort, but there's no pattern. It just hurts (mildly) for an hour or so, and then lets up. I tried to time it, but distinguishing a start and finish is near impossible. It's a dull ache, and sometimes it intensifies and peaks, then levels out again to a dull ache. LOL re: day off from pregnancy. It really does get old after a while!! How ya feeling, otherwise?

As stressful and scary as it was, part of me is glad it happened since I now know what to look out for. It definitely sounds like you're having some contractions. Trust me, you'll know when they are the real thing. I mean mine were real and it felt like just constant period cramps. But when I could finally feel the peaks and valleys? OUCH. Trust me, you will know.

I'm feeling...well...the way most people probably feel at this stage. I think I must be getting up to work out in the middle of the night, in my sleep, because I'm so freaking tired, sore, and achy all the time. I'm guessing it's a combination of normal pregnancy stuff, the heat, the constant contractions (yep, still have them, even on meds), and not being able to work out. But I've only got 6 more weeks (as of tomorrow), so I'm on the home stretch! And honestly, I don't think it will be 6 weeks. I believe I only have another week or two on my meds, which means I'll be having constant contractions after that (ick)...and I'm not sure how long that can continue before el cervix gives in.
No news from Petite and Sugarpie so I'm hoping that means they've either got their babies by now or are in the process of having them!

PPM, 40+ is just so hard to face because of the heat. I'm constantly sweating like a pig. I also have really bad sciatica and can hardly move these days. But I still keep up the walks every other day. Anyway, given that I'll be 39 weeks tomorrow it doesn't really matter any more. One more week to 40 and hopefully not too long after that.
We'll move back in September so a while to go yet.
I think you've dropped. It's funny that you're having a girl because your belly looks exactly like mine!

Amc, it does sound that you might not make it to 40. When's your next appointment?

Dandi, good luck with the anomaly scan!

MP, what's new with you?

Meg, I hope baby turns soon.

How's everyone else?
Sorry for another me-centered post. I just thought I’d give an update.

Short Version: Still no baby!

Long version: Yesterday, I had DH call my doctor to make an appointment to discuss his plans for induction. To our surprise, he is out of town from June 28- July 6th! I just switched to him a month ago, to be at the newer hospital, so he knew he wouldn’t be in town for the delivery. I was/am livid. So, DH called my old doctor, who I saw the first 8 months, and he let me come in last night after his last appointment. Yay! He examed me (which my new dr doesn’t do) AND did a sweeping of the membranes (which I didn’t even have to ask for!). I was thrilled and felt better that *something* was done. Plus, I was 1cm dilated! It was a start.

Fast forward to later that night, my contractions (same ones for the past 2 days) had gotten stronger. I was fully awake at 2 with the urge to use the bathroom. It was terrible. The pressure was like nothing I had ever felt, but had no real need to go, I thought maybe this was it. I ended up passing what I imagine was the mucous plug? After two more feelings like that I woke up DH and told him we needed to get ready. I showered, he called the hospital, they said to wait another hour then come in. I couldn’t. The only “comfort” I could find was swaying or semi stomping while holding on to DH. They were about 3-5 minutes at that point.

We arrive at the hospital, I’m checked. Still 1 cm!! How is that possible? I stayed for an hour to be monitored and the contractions had definitely slowed down. They gave me some injection prior that she said would slow them (or at least the non work ones?), I think. I’m really not sure why. We were told to go home. I felt like a failure and a giant baby. Only 1 cm and I went to the hospital. I’m still having contractions, but did sleep for a few hours. When I prayed for contractions to start, I certainly didn’t expect ones that didn’t do anything! So, now I wait some more. We have an appointment tomorrow with the replacement to discuss induction. Great. 41 weeks today.
PilsnPinkysMom|1341261144|3227426 said:
AFM: I'm crying a lot these days. For no good reason. I'm also living in the land of denial, where I irrationally believe that this baby will be here SOON (as in days), and refuse to acknowledge that I'm likely looking at 20+ more days of growing this person. Belly photo below... Hard to say whether I've dropped.

Ha. This was me. I for sure couldn't imagine more time pregnant. I swore she would be early and each day/week that passed I got more disappointed and anxious. Try to just imagine going past, so that if you go early it will be a nice surprise! Also, I hope that when you do feel the contractions your labor progress quickly and is super easy. I really, really, really wanted the contractions. I wanted something to say my body was in gear. Having them with no progress is terrible and knowing that the pain will only intensify frightens me. :errrr:
Hang in there PP, hopefully soon soon things start ramping up! Keep us posted!!!

PPM, you look GREAT! I think I look just like you in terms of belly, except I'm just 34w! I'm starting to feel like people out in the public are staring at my giant belly...

Quick update - slept awful. Paranoid about trying to get baby to turn. Did all sorts of inversions, hip circles, hip openers, etc yesterday to try and get baby head-down. I can't tell the position at the moment, but I didn't sleep well at all on account of baby moving loads and getting into awkward positions that were incompatible with sleeping. I will find out shortly as I have a drs appt in 2 hours. Just glad DH will be able to go with me this time.

TMI warning...anyone else having some uhm hemorrhoid issues at this stage (as if carrying a 30 lb bowling ball isn't enough :(( )?? Any good solutions or treatment options that have worked for others??
PPM, good idea, when I've unpacked all of my CDs I'll have a little photoshoot! I'm using OzNappies, a locally made brand that have had rave reviews here (Australia), so I'll give them a go. My goodness hon you look phenomenal! I haven't really popped yet, I've attached a pic of me 3 weeks ago at 15 weeks, I spy a teeny bump in that pic, now I just look constantly bloated :sick:
Thankyou mayerling, I'll definitely post an updated pic of Baby B! :wavey:

Here's me at 12 weeks and again at 15 weeks, thanks to all my resistance training I'm (well, was!) fairly toned, so haven't popped in full just yet. I wanna pop already! Actually, maybe not, I've got such a ways to go! :bigsmile:

17 weeks 5 days


Dandi, you look great!!!

Meg, looking forward to what your doctor says.

Petite, yay for contractions and dilation! I'm sure that now that you've had a membrane sweep things will progress faster. What's induction like in France? In the UK, they let you go up to two weeks past the due date before they induce. Given that in France they consider the due date to be at 41w, that would make it 43w! :errrr:
Hi Ladies - quick drive-by post as I get ready to leave :nono:

Saw my doc yesterday and she confirmed I went from 0-3 cm dilation since my last visit last Thursday. So I'm 3 cm and 75% effaced. I've been slowly losing my mucous plug (in very little bits), but still no contractions or anything. This little girl already has a mind of her own!

I am going to be induced on Sunday if things don't happen before then.

PP- hope things look up for you! I'm going crazy at 40w2d, I can't imagine what you must be feeling!

PPM and Dandi- You ladies look great! My belly has turned squarish with all of the contractions. It's pretty funny looking.

Mayerling- No idea what the plan is. I was told my current doctor doesn't like people to go too far past the date... however, he's not here!! I might be throwing in the towel with him and going back to my old doctor. At least there the only "regret" I would have would be that the hospital was old, because it's actually the better of the two medical wise. In that case, we'll see.

Megumic- Can't wait to hear what the dr has to say about baby turning. I sure hope so. Good luck!

Sugarpie- yay for progress! That's great to already be 3 cm!! I am super jealous, especially because it came without contractions! I can't even remember week 40 at this point. haha It's all becoming a blur of "when will she be here?" We've had so many late babies recently! Are they all waiting for the full moon tonight?
Yeah to Sugarpie and Petite! Maybe 4th of July babies for the both of you?

Dandi, you do look great! Something to keep in mind- I took a prenatal pilates class. Apparently the more in shape your abs are prior to pregnancy, the great the risk is that they will split. Be sure to not try to hold them tight (You know, how we've all been taught to do our entire lives). Work on consciously sticking them out and allowing them to stretch.

mayerling said:
Amc, it does sound that you might not make it to 40. When's your next appointment?

Today! I've been having lots of cramping and lower back ache, so I'm sure they'll check me again. I'm almost getting used to having someone's hand up there at this point...

DH's made a prediction last week that the baby would be here in 17 days (which would be July 13, the day before my baby shower). Apparently she's made several of these predictions about various events and they've all come true. Considering that's next Friday, all I can say is yikes.

I feel like a giant (literally) whiner all the time. Not that I really express it to anyone, but in my head there's a lot of complaining going on. I'm "only" 34 weeks and I know the worst is still ahead of me. But then I remember that while I'm only 34 weeks, baby boy is around 38 weeks at this stage, size wise, and that makes me feel like my complaints are a little more justified. It's just everything hurts, most of the time. My lower back has been awful the past few days. Baby is somehow on my bowels/intestines, which is an interesting feeling. And don't even get me started on my bladder. Not that all of you aren't going through the same things!!

What beautiful babies!
What beautiful baby bellies!! :))

amc80|1341331244|3227905 said:
DH's made a prediction last week that the baby would be here in 17 days (which would be July 13, the day before my baby shower).

Oops, that should have said "DH's great aunt..."
Petite and Sugarpie, I hope the two of you have made progress and that we're looking at a couple of 4th of July babies.

Amc, wow! 17 days! That's so soon.

AFM, I'm just back from my 39 week appointment. I have to say it went a lot better than last week's. I still didn't get an internal, but they did hook me up to the fetal heart monitor for half an hour to monitor for possible contractions. Apparently I had 3-4 mild contractions but nothing resembling labour contractions which means it's unlikely that my cervix is ready. They also gave me a quick ultrasound and said that the baby is looking good and it's quite far down in my pelvis which means that they can't really estimate weight or take any other significant measurements. The doctor suggested walking, swimming, and sex, again but also said that first babies tend to take their time so I shouldn't get too impatient. And I have to go back in a week.

I thought I was coming to terms with the possibility of taking the whole 40 and possibly going over, except when I woke up in the middle of the night to pee I suddenly felt kind of depressed that I haven't had the baby yet and it took me a long time to fall back to sleep. I don't know why I'm having such a hard time accepting it...
Wow! Things are quiet around here today! I'm attributing it to the 4th.

Anyway, happy hump day bump day! Here's me at 39 weeks:

Happy 4th! Here's my 34 week picture. I had my appt yesterday. I'm going to be getting another growth scan next week. If baby is still measuring 4+ weeks ahead, they will probably induce me at 38 weeks. It might be a moot point thought- I go off my contraction meds in two weeks. So really he could be here in a little over two weeks, if the contractions become productive (the doc assured me that eventually contractions will start changing the cervix). Crazy!

Amc, the bump still looks pretty high up to me. Though it could be that the clothes you have on are misleading. Do you feel ready for him to be here in 2 weeks? Sometimes I feel like I've been ready forever and others I feel like "OMG, he's coming!".
mayerling said:
Amc, the bump still looks pretty high up to me. Though it could be that the clothes you have on are misleading. Do you feel ready for him to be here in 2 weeks? Sometimes I feel like I've been ready forever and others I feel like "OMG, he's coming!".

I think he still is really high. It's like I have a basketball strapped to me. I guess the pressure I've been feeling is just due to his increasing size. Two weeks seems way too soon! I'll be honest, it freaks me out. I don't really think it will be that soon, I think I've got until the end of the month.
I've already left you in the dark long enough, but she's here!! It was the most amazing 4th of July ever. I'll have time in the hospital to write my birth story and share. For now though: she's 53cm and 4.2 kg! I'm not sure how I had such a big baby!!
Congratulations, Petite!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:
I knew that when you didn't update yesterday that you probably did get your 4th of July present!
Congrats Petite! You've got yourself a little Sparky! Can't wait to hear all about it! DH is a 4th of July baby too and loves that he always gets to "celebrate" with fireworks.
Hi Everyone :wavey: Our little girl was born July 4th. 7 lbs, 5 oz; 20" long. Will come back in a bit and post full birth story, but wanted to share the good news!

CONGRATS PP! Sounds like our little firecrackers share the same birth day! :)
Yay congrats Petite and Sugarpie!!! What an awesome birthday!!! Can't wait to hear your stories and see pictures of your little ones!

And Petite, wow big baby!!!!
Hooray! Fireworks all around for the new PS ladies! Congrats PP and Sugar!