
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Vintage, hi. Can't you just take an OTC for your infection? It sounds miserable to be dealing with that for so long, and I remember seeing that there were safe OTC treatments on my list of pregnancy medications from my doctor. I think you will definitely want to get it treated before you go into labor because that just seems like it would make delivery even more uncomfortable, not to mention the potential for it to affect the baby.

Buttons, thanks for the encouragement. I know I won't be pregnant forever, but sometimes it feels like it!

Lulu, that's funny the baby doesn't like you to lie on your left side. My baby has taken up permanent resident on my right side, so I'm constantly trying to lie on my left side to try to encourage him to shift a bit, but he inevitably makes his way back. Wouldn't you just love to sneak a peak of what really goes on in there?
buttons i keep telling dh this baby girl is so hard headed! but so am i; i'll lay there and let her kick and say, "just because you want to turn over, doesn't mean that i want to. get comfy!" of course, this never works & after a few minutes i relent & roll over to the other side :)

vintagelover thanks for sharing all your research! that's one of the most overwhelming parts...there is SOOO much stuff & how do you decide? as far as baby carriers, after much deliberation, we registered for the ergo (dh thought it was the most comfortable) and the baby k'tan, which is a wrap carrier. hope your DH's work schedule calms down a bit & that you get to work on completing the nursery soon!

monkeyprincess baby girl is encamped on my left side. all movements & kicks are felt below my belly button on my left side. maybe sleeping on that same side is encroaching on her space? i'm not sure. i just know she kicks & moves like crazy when i roll onto my left side! i so wish we could see in there to know what they are up to at every moment!

afm, back to work tomorrow. ugh. and i'm just getting bigger & bigger by the day! the other night DH said, "wow, you are really pregnant!" as he was lathering on the tummy lotion. i replied, "no shit! where have you been?!" but, honestly, it's neat to watch him actually realize that it is real. we are going to be parents. i can tell he's thinking about it more; whereas before i felt like the crazy one who could think of nothing else while he happily went on about his normal business with no unusual cares or that's all changing ;) welcome to the club, DH! hahaha.
Buttons... I just looked up both of those options.

The stand board would never work for me, and would only result in broken toes on MY feet. I already kick the wheels if I am not paying attention, so there is no way I could add anything in the foot space.

As for the rumble seat, for us, it just isnt worth the $100 price tag. It might be good for airports, and other places where we need DS to stay in the stroller... but now that DS is bigger and likes to see things up close, we use the umbrella stroller, so that he can easily climb in and out on his own.
Also, there is no way that DS could face "out" if we had the rumble seat on. His legs would be right in the baby's face. He would have to face me and that has never worked for him before. He likes to see the world.
Meresal and Pupp,

My advice would be to wait on the double stroller until baby #2 is born. All kids are different, but my DD is 2 years 9 months and I couldn't get her to ride in a stroller for anything at this point. She will very rarely agree to ride in a wagon if we are somewhere that requires a lot of walking like the zoo, but she prefers to walk. A double stroller would be a huge waste of money for me at this point. But, some kids happily ride in strollers until 3 or 4. I'd wait until you have a better sense of what your kid will do before shelling out the $.
MP we're a half week-ish apart and I feel the same as you do! This past weekend I became done with being pregnant. LOL. I'm over the constant heartburn, not being able to breathe/sit/lie down/sleep, hemis, etc etc ETC! I'm becoming a whiny preggo. Oops!

Lulu we got the Britax B-ready/Chaperone combo during the same event! So far the cat enjoys sleeping in the stroller seat, so I guess it's comfy enough!

Hope you're all doing well, seems like most of us are nearing the end now!
HI girls,

Just wanted to check it, its been awhile. Its been a crazy couple of weeks over here. Last week, I was working and late in the day I started to have what I thought were contractions. They weren't particularly painful, but I felt them. I finished work and went home and tried to lie down and drink a ton of water. Didn't seem to help, and around 9 pm I noticed I was getting them regularly, around every 4-5 mins. I called my doc and he wanted me to go to the hospital and meet him there. Long story short, I was having some contractions on the monitor, but thank goodness never dilated. Baby was fine, so he sent me home. Ever since then I have been having these contractions EVERY day, starting in the late afternoon, and then ending late in the evening. Its so annoying/ nervewracking!!! They think they are just Braxton Hicks, but its so weird how they come so regularly at a specific time of the day. So, tomm is my last day of work, they are taking me out so I can rest and hopefully just getting off of my feet will help. I also have SO MUCH pelvic pressure/pain- the past week, it feels like someone kicked me in the pelvic/vaginal area about 20 times over and over. UGH. This is not fun at all. I hear you all on not wanting to be pregnant anymore, Im so wanting to be done. I know I have been pretty lucky so far, just hoping I make it to at least 37 weeks!!!

How is everyone else doing? I hope you're all feeling well- we are getting closer!! We have alot of the nursery done, and my shower is next weekend, so hoping to get lots of goodies for baby!!! Now that I'm going to be on maternity leave, I'm hoping to get lots done, including washing all of the clothing, blankets, etc., organizing, cleaning, some cooking, etc. Although, I'm really supposed to be resting, so I dont know!!! I guess it will all get done eventually!!! Feeling completely overwhelmed, its going to be really rough if this kid comes early, considering our house is still a mess from all the construction/projects MH has been doing. I guess its nothing though, compared to actually caring for a newborn, lol!!!

Stay well everyone!!! :)) (Sorry for the me-centric post!)
Hi ladies :wavey:

Vintagelover hope you get that yeast infection sorted out, that sounds downright unpleasant and not something you want to be dealing with if you go into labour!

monkey I've often wished for a viewing window too, so I can see just what on earth s/he is up to in there sometimes!!! :bigsmile:

lulu my MIL says 'a woman's no use without a temper' so by that reckoning if baby girl is hard-headed like her Momma she has a great head start in life ;)) Hope work goes OK for you this week!

meresal you've just reminded me of another reason I went with the Vista - every time I pushed my friends' Bugaboos or Quinnys I kept kicking the back axle and it was driving me mental! With the axle being so much further forward on the Vista I'm hoping the kicking will be minimised. There's another option over here for toddlers that looks like a little bicycle that attaches out the side of the buggy - the toddler is in line with you but sitting on a saddle thing so not slowing you down, and not interfering with your stride either. I had wondered myself about the practicality of the Rumble seat if you had the smaller baby up on the main chassis in the car seat as I figured a toddler would not be impressed to be travelling backwards all of a sudden and with an obstructed view.

sunnyd I had a bad night last night and I am right there with you in whiny preggo land!

Dani that sounds so scary about the contractions and being signed off work! Take it easy Mommy and let other people pick up the slack as much as you can - mind yourself!
Dani, sorry to hear that you have to be off of work, but it does sound like it is necessary in your case to make sure you keep that baby baking longer. How does that work for maternity leave, are you going on disability leave? Hoping the daily contractions subside. That would be so nervewracking. I still don't think I've had any contractions, BH or otherwise, or at least noticeable ones, or else I'm completely oblivious. Take it easy. No point in being home if you are not going to rest up!

Sunnyd, it does sound like we are all in the same boat of being over being pregnant. Not too much longer though. It just sort of feels like time is slowing down. I want that to happen after the baby is home while I'm home with him, but I just know that is going to fly by. Darnit anyway.

Buttons, I also had a whiny night last night. I cried because DH accidentally woke me up shortly after I had fallen asleep, and then I had heartburn and couldn't get comfortable. He felt terrible. It was definitely a sleep-deprived, irrational reaction.

Lulu, it took me looking noticeably pregnant before DH really started to "get" it too. I think it makes sense that is just more real for the mothers because we can't not think about being pregnant, but for the guys I'm sure it's easy to push out of their minds when we're not around, etc.

AFM, hanging in there at one day shy of 34 weeks. We are meeting with a prospective pediatrician this afternoon. I really hope we hit it off with him because he is the only one of the recommendations I got that works relatively close to where we live. All of my friends with kids live in suburbs on the other side of the city it seems. Also, for those of you having newborn shorts taken, have you already lined that up? I need to find a photographer still, and I wasn't sure how far in advance people typically arrange that (or arrange a date range, since you never know when the babe will arrive). Have a good one!
Thanks girls. It is nervewracking, but it seems like the less I'm on my feet the more the contractions stay away. I have a very active job where I'm never sitting...always running around, so I think it will help. MP - Yep, I will be on disability. I planned on going out at 36 wks anyway, so just 2 wks earlier than expected. Oh well, I have to do what's best for baby, I just really hope & pray I make it to full term!!

As far as the photographer, I did line that up a couple of months ago, considering I knew who I wanted and wanted to just book her. So, we are booked with her about 2 wks after the baby is born- that's when she likes to shoot newborns. Its kind of a hard thing to predict, but I think she said she would pencil me in for Halloween week and if we have to move based on the baby's birthday its ok. So, I definitely suggest getting on that asap- these people fill up so fast!!! :o
Buttons a stroller with a tricycle attachment sounds awesome! That would be fun for when a second kiddo rolls in. I'm right there with you both on the viewing window, I'm always wanting to figure out what parts of her are sticking out.

MP, we need to start meeting peds as well, thanks for the reminder! DH found two potentials, here's hoping they're both taking new patients... As for photogs, we're using the same one that did my maternity pics, so that was set up a couple of months ago. She has my due date and then it's just finding a date that works when baby's born. She likes to do the pics within 2 weeks, when they're sleepy and pliable. :bigsmile:

Dani, take it easy over there! Keep that bun in the oven a little while longer! Good to know that bedrest is helping. I think I'd be like you, trying to use the time off to get things done and not really resting...hehe. Take care, Mama!

AFM, I've got major ants in my pants today, and a weird feeling that a nerve running down my left leg is out of place - whenever I stretch it out, my foot goes numb! :confused: We also got our crib and dresser set up last night. Starting to look like an actual baby will live there soon! Yay!
Dani and MonkeyPrincess, do you mind me asking how much photographers charge in your area? I've only inquired with one, and nearly fell out of my chair when they told me the session charge for baby photos is $1400. :eek:
Monkey, I would call now. Some photogs will throw in a maternity shoot (if you're into that) at around 37-38 weeks. It was a good time for us to get to know our photographer.

Fleur, I think you're in Cali and I'm on the east coast so the prices probably aren't comparable. I paid a $150 sitting fee (included maternity and newborn) and was obligated to buy $50 in prints (that was easy!). I ended up getting a beautiful album for about $200. Seriously, I almost cried when I opened it! When I was researching there was a HUGE range in price and I did get prices that seemed more appropriate for wedding photos than newborn ones. :lol:

ETA : Meresal and November, thanks for chiming in re: double stroller. I'll take your advice and wait until this baby arrives to make a decision.
fleur-de-lis|1346341346|3259801 said:
Dani and MonkeyPrincess, do you mind me asking how much photographers charge in your area? I've only inquired with one, and nearly fell out of my chair when they told me the session charge for baby photos is $1400. :eek:

Yowser, that sounds crazy to me FDL! I haven't done a whole lot of looking into this yet, and I'm having a hard time finding good recommendations from friends. I was browsing the websites of some of the photographers in our area who specialize in baby/children's photography, and they seemed to charge about $200-300 for the shoot and then have minimum orders of another $200-300. I'm really hoping to spend less than or at least not more than that on a photo shoot. Another problem is that all I mainly care about are the digital prints, but a lot of the photographers are weird about providing those. I've never been very good about framing and hanging photographs.

Hi Pupp! How are you feeling these days and how many weeks are you now?

Sunnyd, we met with the ped this afternoon. It definitely felt like an awkward interview, but I'm glad we did it. I think we'll go with him for now and see how it is when he is actually interacting with the baby. Isn't it so fun to get the furniture up? Our room is still in a bit of disarray, so I'm going to work on that this long weekend. It seems like our room just wasn't designed right for our furniture. There's either a closet or window or door in the way no matter how we position things, but I think I'm just being way too OCD about it.
fleur-de-lis|1346341346|3259801 said:
Dani and MonkeyPrincess, do you mind me asking how much photographers charge in your area? I've only inquired with one, and nearly fell out of my chair when they told me the session charge for baby photos is $1400. :eek:
Holy moly!! FDL, we got a package for a maternity session, newborn pics, 6 month pics, and 1year pics, with birth announcements, 1 year announcements and DVDs of all the sessions for $1000, if that helps you. Rates are all over the place though, just like with wedding pics, so you may have to dig!
MP, that's probably why I'm putting it off, it seems weird!
Whew! I'm a little relieved that most people here think that's as shocking as I thought it was.

Though there are many lovely things about living here, life in Los Angeles definitely has its downsides, like trickle-down effect of goods and services pricing being set for nouveau-riche celebutantes. Okay, off to find more reasonably priced alternatives... perhaps a trip out to the burbs?
Quick question(s): Does anyone know the ideal time/week of pregnancy to have baby showers? Also, what does everyone think of coed showers?
Hi Ladies!

Like many others I've given up being able to respond to everyone - so generally - FDL that's outrageous! But when I was looking I found a VERY wide range of prices, and one photog who I was emailing for clarification on her extremely confusing pricing structure was actually rude to me when I asked if there was anything more affordable. She had the nerve to suggest that I do more research. That's what I'm doing B%^&#** !! Anyway I did a bunch of googling and I think I did use the term 'budget maternity newborn' or something to that effect. I also went pretty far down in the search results, the top results were always the most expensive. As someone else mentioned, digital rights are really important to me, and some charge as much as a wedding for the digital rights! We got what I think is a great deal a 'bump to baby combo' with both sessions and digital rights to everything for $650. No minimum purchase after that, but her print prices are very reasonable. Some of the others wanted $300+ for session fees and over $1000 for maybe 10 digital images!

So keep looking I'm sure you'll find someone. Being in a big metro area there are sure to be some up and comers that will be more affordable.

For your other questions, I prefer girl showers, I love the silly games and fancy food and girl time. I think a coed shower is more of a regular party, which is great too, we're having one, but I'm glad I also had a more traditional shower as the main one. I was 32 weeks at mine which seemed good, I was definitely big but not so uncomfortable that I couldn't get through the day. I would definitely steer clear of too late because babies do sometimes come early! I know people who've had showers as early as 25 weeks depending on circumstances, so it really depends on your friends and family and their schedules.

So for me - 34 weeks and doing pretty well (knock on wood!) I am definitely getting uncomfortable and am unfortunately growing out of a lot of my staple tanks which is frustrating. I wore a ribbed one to bed last night and changed after a few hours with these distinct imprints on my belly! I did just get a couple of new longer ones which will hopefully hold me through. I refuse to buy any more maternity clothes at this point. I understand why people talk about living in their husband's clothes at the end now! I've made several trips to target for bigger and bigger granny panties - and all of them are rolling down in the front now because of my belly anyway! I'm waking up at least 4-5 times a night and in the middle period of the night am just not sleeping well at all. Of course after say 4-5am I can usually sleep great, but then the alarm is going off at 6:30 - 7am. I have 4 more weeks of work after this week and I might just ask if I can come in at 9:30 for those weeks because I'm just having so much trouble getting out of bed in the morning.

But things at work are good, my coworkers are almost totally trained and the last weeks I'll be working on a special project with our computer system while they get the hang of doing my stuff. It's so surreal that the baby could come any time now.

We settled on a car seat - the Maxi Cosi mico, and got it from Amazon in record time - ordered Saturday and it came Tuesday! I'm really happy with it, the fabric is so nice (cottony not slick like all of the others) and even though it seems somewhat vain to me I wanted something stylish. I love the handle and think it's a great choice for us. I think our stroller should be coming in next week too - it had to be special ordered- we chose the yellow Uppababy cruz.

I'm currently looking at a huge pile of 800+ feet of new wood flooring for the main area of my house that was delivered today. So starting tomorrow my house will be torn up moving everything (the living / dining / sitting room plus the guest room are getting redone) but it will be DONE by the end of next week. The actual work will take one or maybe one and a half days. After that, getting everything rearranged and a few finishing touches on the nursery like a bookshelf and ledges to have stuff above the changing table and artwork. Our maternity pictures came out really well so a few prints of those plus one we've picked out on etsy will be it I think. I'm not set on having the nursery totally 'done' it just needs to be less bare.

We've washed and sorted all of our newborn and 3 month size clothes which was so fun! I think we still need more newborn, we don't have much at all in the smallest size, even though they don't last long at all. We're lucky to have a big closet so I've got it set up with 2 6-pocket sweater organizers with bins from target and 2 double rods so there's a lot of storage. I think for a pretty long time the dresser will be mainly a diaper station.

Baby girl is definitely running out of room. The last few days the movement has been amazing! Overall I want to get organized and have hopefully a little time to relax before she comes. I've worked on my birth plan and packing list for the hospital this week - plus I jsut did thank you notes for my work shower. I'll do the rest this weekend from my main shower.

Is anyone else thinking of doing binding for postpartum (Belly Bandit etc) ? I am and am curious if anything is better than the other. I did see samples in a local store and the belly bandit bamboo is so much softer I think I'll shell out extra for it. I'm also thinking of getting the hipshrinx and see how it works. Can't hurt, right?

I hope everyone else in the 3rd tri has a great easy long weekend and that everyone's aches and pains also take the weekend off! And for the second tri ladies - enjoy and get to planning before the time all flies away!

Happy Labor Day Everyone!
Re newborn photos - I had to go back and check as I couldn't remember but we booked our newborn photos back in May! I didn't realise it was so long ago!

I'll put the details of our package below but bear in mind (a) I am not in the States and where I am is expensive for everything; and (b) I am extremely fussy about photography. As in it took us months to find a wedding photographer because I am so picky, and as in the photography was the single most expensive item in our wedding after the reception. It was twice the cost of my dress, and while I still feel guilty about the price of the dress, I have not. one. single. doubt. but that our photos were worth. every. penny. But I sort of grew up in the industry so good photos are very important to me, and as we are not doing a nursery or really buying anything much baby related we felt justified in letting ourselves splurge on this!

After I chose a photographer she just took my due date as a preliminary booking date and she told me to ring her once baby is born and we'll arrange the actual date then. I think we'll be shooting for when baby is around a week or two weeks old.

Our package is about $800 and for that we get:
* a two hour photo session in our home, with baby and parents and any other family members we would like included in the shots;
* an online password protected gallery to share the photos with family/friends;
* a hardback photo book with every photo from the online gallery;
* a 16" x 20" mounted print of our favourite image; and
* a CD of the high res files of all of the photographs in the gallery.

She will also add in a maternity shoot for another $150 about (I didn't bother with it).

Getting the high res images was very important to me as I have access to professional photograph printing facilities free of charge and I will make our own thank you cards and print our own shots for framing etc. then at a later date. Make sure if you get the digital rights that it's to the high res images, as low res ones won't print well above about postcard size.

By the way if you are looking to keep costs down on newborn photos would you consider contacting the local art colleges or the art departments of the local university? You may be able to find a student who would do a shoot in exchange for getting to use the images in their portfolio or in a college project. You could find somebody amazingly talented and get fabulous photos, for a real bargain or maybe even free gratis!
Mornin' ladies! :bigsmile:

monkey I'm sorry to hear about your miserable night yesterday, hope last night was much better :wavey: Glad to hear the meeting with the pediatrician went well!

Dani we will all be rooting for you too that you make it to full term! You are right not to chance it and try to keep working. Those contractions sound scary scary!

sunnyd I know, right? I kind of want one for ME! :cheeky: I get the numb legs and random nerve pains too, not fun, not fun at all :knockout:

missrachel I think we are on the exact same sleeping schedule - what you are describing sounds depressingly familiar :nono: You have my sympathies in bucketloads!!! Sounds like you have lots of activity going on in your house, the new flooring will be very exciting! You sound super organised to me!

Re the belly binding, I am going to do it. I have a bit of a thing about always wearing some kind of underlayer - I always have a vest under a t-shirt, and I always have a slip under a skirt, and a full body slip under a dress, or if I'm wearing jeans I always wear a vest tucked into my knickers underneath whatever top I'm wearing! So, knowing what I am like even just normally, I really think I will feel very vulnerable without some kind of foundation garment in those early weeks post partum... I looked at the Belly Bandit but it's well over $100 in the stores here and it just looks seriously uncomfortable to me and also like it would be extremely visible under your clothes. Plus I have an incredibly long torso compared to the rest of me and I just didn't think it would be long enough to cover me from hips to bust and that it would end up digging in right on my tummy which is the last thing I want. In the end I bought a much cheaper but very similar product on Amazon that was getting good reviews - it is longer, it is more flexible through the back and sides, and it has two sets of velcro fasteners in front so you can adjust it to fit you perfectly on both your hips and on your waist. It arrived yesterday and my Mum tried it on for me and she said it was really comfortable. It gave her a great shape too! I've heard it's bad to wear them for too long as your muscles can become weak if you don't make them do some work themselves so my plan is to wear it as I feel I need it for those first six weeks until I feel stronger, and then after that I will start back to my pilates and start working my muscles again.


AFM baby gave me an awful fright last night :nono: I was sitting down and baby was super active and DH and I were watching the belly jump around and enjoying all the movement. Then suddenly I felt all these really rapid tremors in my belly and after that it just went completely dead and my belly went all soft and I couldn't feel baby's little bum or shoulders any more. It seriously felt empty. I guzzled down a glass of orange juice and poked the belly a few times and after what felt like an eternity but was probably only a minute or two, baby thumped me back and stuck its little bum back out where it usually is. It was the longest minute of my life though. The relief when baby started moving again was unbelievable.

Only other news is my pregnancy headaches appear to have returned :rolleyes: I had to take paracetamol yesterday to cope and then I still cried myself to sleep last night with the pain. That's two nights in a row now of no sleep because of a headache. I have my acupuncture appointment today though so I will ask her to do the headache points again and hopefully I will get a marvellous night's sleep tonight :bigsmile:

Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend, take care all! :wavey:
Hi, all. :wavey: Thought I would check in. I have been reading along, but felt I didn't have much to report.

We are going away this weekend to the West Coast. It will be a visit to my DH's family. Our last trip before the baby. I have another work trip coming up in a couple of weeks, but it's a much shorter flight. That will definitely be the last plane ride since I'll be 32 1/2 weeks then. We ordered the crib and dresser last weekend, and it looks like it will be delivered next week along with the recliner/glider so the nursery will not be an empty room anymore. We picked our pediatrician based on a friend's recommendation - she has 8-month old twins, and I also read lots of reviews on Yelp/ Also, we signed up for our childbirth class which is an all day Sunday class. Next, we are going to look into CPR, breast feeding, and baby care skills. My DH is worried that he knows nothing about taking care of a baby - I was thinking of skipping that class, but if he's worried, then I want to take it with him so that I am not the only one taking care of the baby post-partum. I have been around babies a lot more than DH apparently as I babysat as a kid/teenager and also my sister has 5 kids. I spent the first 3 weeks with her after her first baby. We plan to be alone the first 2 weeks followed by each mother for a few weeks. My mom lives out of state and his out of the country. My MIL was a bit shocked when I said we would have the baby by ourselves for the first 2 weeks as she thinks my husband will not be able to handle it, but he gets two weeks of paternity leave, and I feel like I would rather it be the two of us while we are sorting out breast feeding, sleeping, etc at the beginning. Both mothers are pretty opinionated, and I know I will snap at them.

I am feeling fine - I am definitely getting larger as two strangers have said something along the lines of - when are you due/congratulations which I thought was pretty bold! A week ago, a friend of mine said I can hardly tell you are pregnant! So, either she was lying or I really popped in the last week! The baby is moving a lot more lately and DH has felt her a lot more also! I have OB appts every 2 weeks now, and the next one is next Thursday. No name conversation yet. I also think we are likely better off figuring that out after this visit to the family this weekend as I don't want to hear their opinions! Have a great weekend everyone!

30 weeks 5 days
mayerling, fleur-de-lis, monkeyprincess & buttons :wavey: thanks for the welcome!

megumic thanks so much for replying. Though still worry I feel much better now about taking PTU. My OB doctor referred me to a MFM (Maternal Fetal Medicine right?) doctor and they will monitor me for the rest of my pregnancy. They've ordered me to get my blood drawn to test thyroid stimulating immunoglobulins in two weeks. However I'm not going to an endocrinologist right now. The MFM doctor said I should definitely need to go to an endocrinologist postpartum to be completely treated before I think about having another child.

lulu66 :wavey: i look forward to getting to know you better too. We had the perfect name picked out if the baby is a girl but now it seems so hard to commit to a boy's name.

AFM, last week I went to my regular OB for a check up and they said there's a little of blood in my urine so they've sent it to get cultured. I just got a phone call from the office telling me that I have group B bacteria and the doctor wants me to take antibiotics for it and they will give me antibiotics when I'm delivering as well. I've asked if there are any other ways to treat it beside taking antibiotic and I was told no. How will antibiotics affect my baby? At only 21 weeks and I'm already tired of all these little hiccups. I feel like each day there is something else wrong with me :((

Hope everyone else is having a better day than mine.
I'm still checking this thread to see how you ladies are doing! :bigsmile:

bibiloves - I tested positive for group b strep, but I was further along when they tested me for it. They said it's very common and usually you have no symptoms and wouldn't even know you have it. I wasn't given any antibiotics at the time, but during delivery I was given antibiotics through IV the whole time. I would say it's probably more safe taking the antibiotics rather than taking the risk of passing it on to your baby. I know what you mean about something else being wrong with you! I was pretty good up until 34 weeks when my high blood pressure started. I can't even remember how many times I was in and out of the hospital. But anyway...I hope things start getting better for you!
Buttons - would you mind sharing the name of the support garment you bought? I agree that the BB looks a bit pricey and thick.

You're completely correct about overuse - it's the same with back supports that people wear at jobs where they do lifting. If you wear these type of things too much your back and core muscles will become very weak.
Hi missrachel, here's a link to the binder thing I bought (this link is to the medium size but they have separate listings for the small and large sizes) - be warned, glamorous it ain't! ;))

I had my pre-pregnancy waist measurement and I went with the small and honestly when I took it out first I thought 'oops, that's tiny, I should have ordered a medium!'. My Mum actually said when she saw it that she didn't think it would fit me (gotta love the Mammy honesty!) but then when she pulled it on herself she said it was actually a good fit and she's a little bigger than I would have been pre-pregnancy. She now thinks it will be a really good fit for me. So I would err on the side of smaller rather than larger as I figure you want it to be snug in order for it to work.

Only other thing is I had to have it shipped to a family member who forwarded it on to me as won't ship medical products outside the UK. I couldn't find the exact same product on, but it is up on eBay if you Google it. Or there are other very similar ones on, but what sold me on this one was the two separate velcro fasteners at the front, and I didn't see any other ones like that.

Hope that's helpful! :wavey:
fleur-de-lis|1346365927|3260013 said:
Quick question(s): Does anyone know the ideal time/week of pregnancy to have baby showers? Also, what does everyone think of coed showers?
Most of the showers I've been to seem to occur when the mama is around 30 - 35 weeks. My good friend just had a shower at 35 weeks.

Honestly, I think coed showers must totally stink for the men unless they are really non-babyish baby showers. I don't even like going to baby showers and playing the games people like to play, so I can only imagine my husband at one! That being said, a nice luncheon without any of the cheesiness would probably be lovely, but I still think the invited men are probably going to do a bit of groaning about attending.
I just want to say hi to everyone! I've been lurking in this thread, but ya'all move way too fast for me, I cannot keep up.

Chugging along here at nearly 25 weeks. I passed my glucose test on Thursday, yay! I'm still sick in the mornings, but once I get through my morning sick ritual, I'm good to go! I've been back at work for three weeks and so far I've managed to teach without incident. I've definitely been tempted to curl up under my desk during office hours, but I haven't succumbed yet.

Once I get back into the swing of the semester I hope to keep up with everyone a bit better!
Haven I'm SO glad things have gotten more tolerable for you on the nausea front! 25 weeks, WHA???? Where has that time gone?!

So sorry I haven't posted much ladies, life is hectic at the moment! FUN, but hectic. For some reason PS won't let me post pics anymore (GRRR!) so I can't post a belly pic, but I'm 26.5 weels and way out there!! :appl: We bought a Ford Territory last weekend, big family car, quite an adjustment from my little Focus! The carseat is in and I think we have all the big stuff taken care of, we just have to assemble all the baby furniture and get the nursery going. I'm feeling great but now being the second day of Spring, my hayfever is killing me. Uusally I'd take an anti-histamine and get over it, so I'll just have to put up with it for now. I'm sneezing like a mad woman, and it's freaking the heck out of my two mini fox terriers!! :bigsmile:

Also the last couple of days I've been feeling grabby. tight feelings right across the bottom of my belly ever so often if I've been on my feet all day, or am making the bed/lifting groceries etc. I only notice 1 or 2 a day, and they aren't painful. I was thinking it's just the ligaments stretching, but my belly goes ROCK hard when it happens. It only lasts about 20 seconds. I'll ask my OB this week then I see him, but has anyone experienced non-painful BHs this early??

I haven't slept at all the last two nights thanks to my hayfever, so heading outside onto the beck deck to enjoy the beautiful Spring weather with a book sounds really good right now! Much love to you all!!
Hi Dandi, nice to see you!!! I started having BH at 31 weeks, so you're not alone. They were coming pretty frequently, so the docs took me out of work 2 weeks early just to make sure they don't turn into something more. Same thing, non-painful tightening that lasts about 20-30 secs and that's it. Take it easy, girlie!!! :))
Hey, Dani! Thanks so much, I was worried there was something terribly wrong with me! I'll try to remember to ease up on the housework a bit :bigsmile: Oh my, SO CLOSE for you now!!!!

Has anyone else had pregnancy rhinitis? Turns out that's why I feel like I have a truck parked up my nose, BLEH. I've never been so congested! I have a steroid spray that is safe to use during pregnancy from my OB, but other than that I get to lump it for now. It should settle in about 14 weeks :twirl: