
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Congratulations Prana! Those first few hours are truly magical!
PRANA! Many congrats!!! I just read your birth story although I should be sleeping, and actually physically applauded you and then wiped a couple tears from my eyes. What an amazing story and what an amazing job you did during your labor!!! I TOTALLY understand the feeling of wanting to neverdothisagain followed by i wanttodothisasmanytimesaspossible! Thanks for sharing; I'd love to see pics when you get a chance and if you're comfortable with it I'd love to hear her name. (If not, no worries, I think we all completely understand the need for privacy if you so choose.) Congrats again, and I hope to see you over in the newborn-12 month thread!
prana, congrats on your baby girl and having a vaginal birth!!!! :appl: :appl:
Congratulations, Prana!
congrats, Prana!! the love is like crazy-woah, huh?! enjoy every second with your precious baby girl!
Typed this the other night, but PS stopped working, luckily I copied it first!:

Prana!!! Congratulations! What a great labor story!

Miscka How do you like seeing the Chiro? I've been considering going for the first time for an adjustment. I'm pretty lucky that I don't have any back aches or things that I thought I would for sure have when I got this big, but I have some pain that runs from my pubic area down the side of my thigh and I was wondering if an adjustment might help. Dr. Google is telling me that it's similar to sciatica, but with a different nerve. I also lurk on a due date board too and I definitely think we are so lucky have PS. That board is nuts! The women are so mean to each other.

Meresal You look great and your little belly is so cute! I can't believe that you are 32 weeks! My belly was that size at like 20 weeks! Sorry you are sick, hope you feel better!

Fisher My baby's butt was always on the right side (I read left side is ideal). But every night she would assume center position. More recently I think she dropped a little and her butt is right in the middle most of the day. Sometimes I worry when I feel elbows and knees in the front because she should be facing my back for delivery but I guess they can still move around a lot before they really get ready to come out. Is the ache in your groin area too? I have an ache on the left side of my groin area and it runs partway down my thigh. It hurts more if I separate my legs (getting out of bed, turning in bed, getting in and out of the car). I've just been putting up with it because there doesn't seem to be much I can do for it. Hope both of our pains go away soon!

Re classes: We took 3. I didn't want to pay the $135 my hospital charges for childbirth because I have read sooo much about childbirth already I am not sure there would be a huge benefit for me. I also plan to do what my body tells me for pain relief (try different positions, breath) so I didn't feel the need to take a birthing method class (hypnobabies, lamaze, etc.) so we opted for a free class that is given by a local cord blood banking center. It was a great overview for my husband, but too elementary for me. The instructor was awesome though so I feel like it was worth it (and it was free!). Since we opted not to take a class at my hospital I still wanted to know about their policies, etc, so we attended a free orientation that they offer. It was excellent! They went over all the procedures and answered everyone's questions. After that we didn't feel like we needed the tour (which is also offered for free) because they answered so much and I have already been on the L&D floor to visit my friend and her baby. Lastly, we did take a breastfeeding class at our hospital that cost $35. This class was important to me because I have nannied for years so breastfeeding is really the only thing I haven't done with a baby (besides the birth of course). Our class was amazing! I have already read a ton on breastfeeding, but I felt the class really filled in the gaps for me. The videos of the proper latch were probably the most beneficial for me and we practiced the different holds and learned how to get the baby to latch on. Our teacher was a lactation consultant for the hospital who also works in the "babyline" program which is a free service that we can call anytime for breastfeeding questions. She was a good speaker and answered any questions we had. Our hospital is a certified "baby friendly" hospital which means they really push breastfeeding so that may be why they have such a good breastfeeding class. I also think another benefit to the class was that DH learned a lot. I think otherwise he might just dismiss any problems I had with breastfeeding as only my problem since I am the one with the boobs, but now I feel like he is really informed and will be better equipped to support me if we have problems in the beginning. Anyway, I would recommend that you read reviews on the classes. I just googled my hospital and the class name and found a bunch of posts on pregnancy boards with reviews/opinions on the classes.

Curly Yay for productivity! We have been putting everything off until my maternity leave (even unpacking some things because we just moved to a new place!) but we had some friends invite themselves over and it really was the push we needed to get some stuff done! I've been planning the nursery since day one but DH wanted to put off buying things and now he is definitely on board (he even called me while I was at ikea last weekend to suggest that I look for children's artwork for the room!). We have a funny story about paint too. A few weeks ago we had to go to home depot for something and I grabbed some paint chips for the nursery. We got home and agreed on the color (I choose the color actually and allowed DH's input on the shade, haha!). So the next morning I had to work and DH decided to go ahead and paint the nursery. Well he calls me in a panic because he decided to go to Lowe's instead and they didn't have the same color. I told him to just get something similar. He swears there is nothing similar. I tell him to text me a comparison of the closest. From the text they look almost identical! I tell him close enough. He freaks out and goes back to home depot to get the exact color! I think it is so funny that now he is the one freaking out that the nursery has to be perfect! So now we have the changing table and wardrobe set up (the room has no closet), walls painted, all the gear put together, and all the newborn sized clothes washed and put away. It feels like it is actually coming together! We just need the crib and stroller and we'll be all set! I just love when I catch DH going in the room and just looking around or rocking in the glider. I wonder what he is thinking, but I don't ask because I know it is something really sweet! Aren't hand me downs too? My sister just had twin girls and she keeps sending me stuff and texting me pictures to "shop" from. I love that we didn't have to buy any clothes but I am a little sad that she will not be dressed 100% the way I would dress her if I was the one doing the shopping. I don't think my feet have grown and they don't look swelled to me but I wore my favorite flats to work the other day and I have blisters on both feet now :( maybe I am in denial and they don't fit any more!

BlackPolkaDot- My MS ending around 16 weeks too and then I got a ton of energy in the second trimester! You probably will too! Enjoy it!

Ice!!!! My twin!!!! I just knew we would be pregnant at the same time! Okay so maybe it's your second and I'm on my way out, but still! Where are you living again these days? I went back to Buf for a shower in November and gained a lot of weight! I miss the food so much!

LuvThemStrawberries- Ah! Remember the BWW days? Seems so long ago! I miss being so addicted to PS! You and your belly look great! I really wished I had taken regular pics or at least faced the same way in my pics. You can really see a clear progression in yours. Are you having braxton hicks too or just cramps? See my stuff below about my BH's, my doctor guessed the same as your midwife re: going early. I hope so!

Haven- I cracked up to your response to my pics! LOL big time! Thanks for making my day. In person I tend to get more negative comments like "Wow you look like you could go into labor any minute" or "Oh you are carrying a big baby, are you sure they have your due date right?" Hope you are just loving your Brienz! I can't wait to be on that side!

AFM, 35 weeks! I am having braxton hicks constantly! My whole uterus gets hard and it takes my breath away. Sometime I time them for fun and they usually come about 15-20 minutes apart. I get them all day and night but it seems like more at night (although maybe I just notice them more because I'm not doing anything). Every now and then I get the menstrual-like cramps at the same time and I wonder "is this it?" Today I timed them during work because I was also having some pelvic pain at the same time and they came 20 minutes, 15 minutes, 6 minutes, 20 minutes, and 4 minutes. So they are not regular but they are frequent! I know I'm not dehydrated and they don't go away when I rest or change activity, but they aren't painful either. I asked my doctor at my appointment yesterday and she said it's a good sign and it seems like many of her patients that have a lot of braxton hicks come a little early. She thinks I'll make it to 39 weeks though. She just told me to call if they start coming every 5 minutes and I can't walk/talk through them.

Does anyone remember which PSer had tons of braxton hicks for months before delivering? I'd like to go back and see if there is a connection between a shorter labor. I'm trying to not get my hopes up but this has to be doing something, right?

Not much else to report... Hope everyone else is doing well.
Fisher, thanks for thinking of me! I should post here more often. I'm kinda crabby these days but I do love reading about everyone!

Prana, congrats! I kept peeking back in to see if you posted. I'm so glad to hear you and baby are well!

Mia, I had BH frequently with DS and my labor was very quick. Because of the BH it was hard to tell exactly when it started but it was 3-4 hours at best. I'm hoping for the same this time because I'm contracting like crazy again. I also have terrible pelvic/pubic pressure/pain a lot of the time. Doc says my body getting ready for labor. I sure hope so! BTW, you look amazing!
OMG! Pupp that's exactly what I was hoping to hear. Did your doctor say last time that your short labor was related to the B-H's? Oh my woman, they must have you on close watch because the next labor could be faster! Did you happen to post your birth story here on PS? I'm going to look for it. Do you feel the baby down low yet? I know mine's moved down a bit because my belly is starting to bulge more in the groin area and her butt is just a little above my belly button, but I don't think she is down-down yet because I'm not waddling and I don't feel any pressure on the inside in that area. Ah! We are getting closer! Thanks for the compliment on my pics!

Question for everyone: Does this sound like swelling to you? The last 3 nights I have woken up to pee and my hands and feet are bright red and really hot. They don't look any bigger but they were so hot I had to put on the air conditioning. I propped my feet up on some pillows just in case, but I'm wondering if there is anything else I can do to prevent this.
Mia, I'm pretty sure I posted my story. DS was born 07/30/2010 so you would have to go pretty far back. I've talked to the docs in my practice about what to expect this time around a d I've gotten varying responses. Most recently, my doc thought the BH were promising but my visit before that I mentioned a quick labor and that doc said don't count on it.

With DS the BH were causing me to dilate. I was 2-3cm at about 36 weeks and 4-5 before I even went into labor.

I tend to carry low so it's hard to tell when the baby drops.

Luv them, I hope your shower went well! With DS the shower is what made me feel ready...or prepared anyway!
Mia - I love the chiro. Mine specializes in prenatal.the thing is, my pelvis was off almost 2 inches, which may have caused some of the complications with my sons birth :( I wish I had gone last time! The baby loves it too, apparently my pelvic adjustments make more/better shaped room for her (or something :P). Your BH sound promising! I didn't have them with DS but a dear friend had them a lot starting around 35w and delivered at 37.5.
Mia--That was my sincere response. Anyone who thinks otherwise is CRAY CRAY. You look amazing!
Pupp I found your birth story! I can't believe your labor went so quickly. I really hope mine is similar. I have been a little obsessed with reading/hearing other people's birth stories to prepare. I did have another question... when I was searching your topics I noticed a post that you made about being worried about breast feeding. I think I feel the same way now that you did then. In fact, it was almost like you wrote everything that I feel about breastfeeding. I really want to breast feed but it does seem really foreign to me and I wonder what it will do to my postpartum intimacy with DH. If you don't mind sharing, how did it turn out for you? Did you end up breastfeeding? Did it end up feeling natural? I am so curious about what it will be like it really is my biggest worry about having a baby.

Miscka- I am going to look into my insurance and see if I could try a chiropractor. I'll also see if I can find one who specializes in prenatal like yours. I'm not really in pain but I think like you said an adjustment might make sure everything is in the right place for delivery.

Haven You are awesome and so sweet!

AFM, I had to bail from work today at like 10:30 because I suddenly got very nauseous with a stomach ache. So weird. Last night I had my first experience with acid reflex so I don't know if that is related. Stomach acid was just flowing in my throat, so I slept propped up all night. In the morning, I felt fine except for my voice was a little hoarse. So I ate an apple on the way out the door because I wasn't really hungry for breakfast. When I got to work someone offered me a huge blueberry muffin. In the middle of chatting with coworkers I felt a little sick so I went immediately to eat the muffin (thinking maybe it was because I hadn't really had breakfast). I ate the whole huge thing and then I went in for a meeting. The whole meeting was horrible because I felt full from the muffin and nauseous the same time. I got through the meeting but then I started dry-heaving, so I decided to just go home. Since I am home, I am having waves of nausea, and braxton hicks. I am having cramps but they feel like a stomach ache or bowel cramps. I don't really feel anything in the back or coming from the back so I'm sure this isn't prelabor. I just feel icky. I have been packing my hospital bag in case this is something, but I think it's just a weird pregnancy thing.
Mia, glad you found my story because I was having a hard time digging it up. I wish it was easier to go back in the thread. I sure do hope this delivery is just as fast!

re: breastfeeding. If it weren't for DH, I wouldn't even have tried it. I committed to him that I would take the class and try it for two weeks. In the class they gave us this book called, "So That's What They're for" and I remember thinking, "Oh no it isn't!" :lol:

The nurses knew of my intentions to breastfeed and so they left DS with us as soon as he was born (before washing him up and such) so we could just do some skin to skin. DS *nursed* right away. In that moment, I remember thinking it was *weird* but not bad. Throughout my stay in the hospital, I was visited by a lactation consultant once or twice a day. They were wonderful and, by the end of the two days in the hospital, it felt like no big deal. Learning to nurse was strange and awkward at first - like how to hold the baby, and what discomfort was normal versus bad latch, how to get a good latch etc. I had no difficulty nursing at all with the exception of one bout of mastitis (which was terrible but lasted only 3 days) and I ended up nursing DS until he was 15 months when he cut me off. :lol: I do think my success had a lot to do with two things - my husband's support (without being pushy - cause you know I don't like being bossed around!) and my lack of challenges. I think I would have been inclined to *give up* had I been presented some of the common challenges like milking coming in later, or baby weight loss or low supply.

So, here I am again and there's no question that I'll attempt to nurse. I'm open to the fact that it may not work but I don't have any doubts about trying this time.

AFM, I know I rarely post here but I'm 36 weeks today and figured I would give an update. The doc checked my cervix for progress this morning. I'm 1cm dilated and 40% effaced. That's less *progress* than I had with DS at this point but I don't know if it means much. Oh, and they think I have some pubic separation that we'll need to keep an eye on post-delivery. Since I'm so far along, they don't really do much other than recommend you wear a support garment which, for me, is more uncomfortable than the evil crotch pain.
I hadn't thought about checking out reviews for the classes, Mia. That's a brilliant idea. Thanks! :)

Prana, you totally made me cry. I pray you're having a wonderful time cuddling and getting comfortable with your sweet little baby!!

Regarding eye pressure and shape, etc. changing--- it's AMAZING what changes our bodies go through during this process. Reading about it is one thing, and living it is another. I'm amazed (and sometimes, a little grossed-out) daily by the changes going on. All because women have been equipped to be mothers. It's definitely something I've dreamed of for ages, and I stay in awe over the whole thing. My hip is doing better; hubs and I walk each night and that seems to help keep it strong, or something. I also have a prenatal yoga DVD, which I LOVE (it makes my back feel SOOO good!!). But seriously, how do they think someone with a belly is going to be able to bend and flop like some of the poses they show? For those ones, I just sit and breathe and sometimes giggle.

Kegels. No joke, I feel like a moron. I have had a few of the docs at my practice explain this to me and I still don't know if I'm doing it right. But I've been trying and that has to count for something. :)

Today marks 27 weeks. I had my appt with the GD test and at first, I was thinking, "Really?? I mean, really? People complain about THIS?" It didn't taste great, but it didn't make me puke and it really isn't that many ounces (after drinking over 60 ounces of water a day, what's 10 of some sweet stuff?). And then I got to hear my sweet baby's heart beat. The kiddo melts my heart over and over! Today the heart rate was shifting somewhat, which the doctor said is normal when the baby's adjusting to having a lot of sugar in their system.... it was between 148 and 153. She said that's golden and I agree! The heart beat sounds so solid now, compared to the soft fluttering thumps you hear in the first trimester. We discussed that my ankles are swelling some and she said that's normal and most women have that same thing during about 24 weeks and onward. She said the main issue is when the swelling doesn't come down by raising your feet at night. She checked my ankles and said not to worry about it. I had protein in my urine again, but they think it's because I came in dehydrated because the GD test was this morning and I didn't drink a lot of water this morning or during the sleeping hours last night. Still, to be sure, they sent it off for lab work to be sure I'm doing okay. My BP is still low, so she said it's not likely to be pre-eclampsia. Gave blood and off I went, still thinking, "Why is the glucose test so talked about as awful?"

And then I started my drive home... I got hot and then cold and then saw spots and I was sure I was going to pass out. I pulled over and called them (I live about 5 minutes from the office). They said if I was closer to home than to the office, to go home and drink water and eat protein. I did that and within 10 minutes I was feeling fine. I did a no-no and googled it to see if that was a sign of failing the test, but it appears that everyone reacts differently and reactions don't mean anything in relation to the results. So, now I wait. And pray that I'm good, the baby's good, and we don't have to take the 3 hour. The baby doesn't like sweets and I never feel well after I eat anything sweet (other than fruit or apple juice), and about an hour and half after the drink, the baby went NUTS. :) I felt movements from all kinds of places in my abdomen and I'm used to only feeling one area at a time. It was funny and I think the kid had a huge sugar rush or something. I read that can be typical when the baby's not used to sweets, so I just sat back and enjoyed the movements, wondering what part of the body each one was.

Whoo, long post, sorry. :)

I hope everyone is doing well. :)

New topic: Diaper Bags. What did you pick, and why? I think I want a zipper and I know we want lots of pouches/compartments (inside or out) and my husband thinks it needs to be gender neutral so he won't feel awkward carrying it around. To that I say, um, you're a married man with a child. Why worry about your masculinity? Geesh. I want something cute. Haha.
Just dropping in for a quick post...

Pupp - thanks so much for sharing more information about your thoughts/journey with breastfeeding. I am anxious about it and trying to be optimistic, but I have fears about my ability to push through it if it turns out I have initial struggles. So it was helpful to get your perspective.

Mia - you feeling any better?

Fisher - it was also great to read your recap of the GD test. I go in for mine two weeks from tomorrow. Ugh. Not psyched. I hope we both pass!

As for diaper bags, it's kind of funny. I am not normally one to spend a lot of money on any sort of bag, and for work, I actually just switched to a backpack last year b/c it was easier. So I had the same sort of attitude about a diaper bag... UNTIL... I saw some I just fell in love with on and ended up with a Danzo Hobo diaper bag (thankfully at half the regular retail price).

I loved the size, the detachable shoulder strap, the fact that the zippers come all the way down on both sides to really open up the bag, and the fact that there are lots of clear compartments (with an assortment of velcro labels) that I thought would be useful. It just seems like it will be easy to locate what I need, and if I need to wear it cross-body style, the longer strap allows for that - also a plus in my book. With all that said, I highly doubt my DH will use it. He said he doesn't "get" why we need a diaper bag. So he may just end up putting what he needs in an old backpack when he's solo with the baby. I did offer up the idea of a cool-looking messenger bag for him, but if he's fine using a backpack in lieu of the bag I bought, then that's fine, too.

As for me... baby girl has been SUPER active lately, and I can now regularly see her movements. I love it! I was sitting in a meeting this afternoon and I could barely keep my giggling to myself as I felt and saw her give me several swift kicks to the right of my belly button. I'm sure if I start getting kicks to the ribs I won't like it as much, but for now I just love the sensation of feeling and seeing her move.
Fisher, you already know my obsession with diaper bags, but I wanted to chime in.
Ju-Ju-Be makes some pretty awesome diaper bags - machine washable! I have a backpack version that we use mostly in a not-so-girly print, that DH will carry. Then I've got a couple of big ones for travel, and some smaller ones for daycare or quicker outings, etc. some of their older styles/prints end up on for 50% off or more. I think they have a couple of messenger-style bags in girly prints in their archives right now. Just search on babysteals archive on google to find the link and search through until you see ju-ju-be. :)
Curly, that bag is beautiful! :love:

We went messenger bag style with DS and I hated it. It just wasn't practical for us. My LEAST favorite thing about it was this - bend down, bag falls off shoulder. Oh, and sometimes bonks baby in head. :x A friend of mine had a baby less than a year after me and she used a cross body *back pack*...sort of like a one strap back pack. It's not the most fashionable thing but I'm totally getting one.

Kind of like this:
puppmom|1359482380|3366547 said:
In the class they gave us this book called, "So That's What They're for" and I remember thinking, "Oh no it isn't!" :lol:

Yes Pupp! That is exactly how I feel. Maybe it's because I am from a family of formula feeders, but it doesn't seem that natural to me. Thanks so much for sharing you BFing story with me! You are now officially my labor and breastfeeding inspiration! Hey your progress stats might not sound like much but it's progress! I also wonder if it means anything for the second time around. I read that the baby drops later in second pregnancies so maybe dilation happens last minute too? My doctor recommended the support girdle thing too but there's no way I'm buying anything else for this pregnancy now that we are so close to the end.

Fisher Go and pee right now. As soon as you start peeing, make yourself stop. There! You've done a kegel. Now trying it when you aren't going to the bathroom. Just tighten those muscles and then either hold or try and tighten more. I read somewhere to picture it like an elevator. Go up a floor and then hold, and then up and then hold. Just don't ever do the reverse motion and push out or down like you are having a bowel movement. That's not good. Good times!

As for diaper bags:
I lust after this one:

But I am not ready to spend that kind of money so instead I bought this one when they had a 30% off all diaper bags sale at BabiesRUs:

When I was a nanny we had this one:
But I didn't really care for it. I HATED trying to get into it with one hand. Reaching over and trying to throw back the flap was a pain and the velcro was so strong (but they may have updated the velcro, this was a while ago). So my requirements for a diaper bag are:
-Something that stands on it's own.
-Has the zipper to close but I can still leave it unzippered if I want.
-Has two different ways to carry (I usually like to carry on one shoulder but If I'm carrying the baby and other things I like to be able to throw it across my shoulder messenger-style)
-Has lots of pockets inside and out.
-Having one that is washable is nice too. My bag is canvas though so I am not sure how washable it is...

CurlySue- Thanks for checking up on me. I felt sick all day yesterday and then woke up with the same nauseous/burning stomach/crampy feeling. I went in to work for a meeting for an hour and then worked from home for the rest of the day. I feel okay now though. Hopefully it will be gone tomorrow. It was such a weird thing. That bag you linked is awesome! I love it! :love: :love: :love:
Hi, Mia. My baby is 13 weeks old. I had similar feelings about BFing. My baby lost about 12% of her body weight in the hospital so they had us start supplementing with formula in the hospital. I would highly recommend using the LCs in the hospital as much as you possibly can. Our first nurse did not tell us about the hospital LCs so we didn't get help until the 2nd or 3rd day - I had a c-section. Anyway, ask right away for an LC, and then get them in the room as much as you can to help. If they aren't available, get your nurse to help you - some of them are great also. It can be frustrating when the baby is screaming, and you can't get them latched on properly so pick up the phone and call the nurse or LC desk ASAP for support. Support from your DH is crucial - ie, mine would position the baby for me every time we needed to BF in the first couple weeks. Also, bring your pillow if you are using one so you can learn how to BF the same way you will at home - otherwise, they will prop a ton of hospital pillows in your bed, and you likely will have a different set up at home.

Anyway, long story short, we ended up using formula and BFing. And, now I'm pumping for half her milk and using formula for the other half. I think because I use formula my body is not making enough milk which is why I have to use formula (if that makes any sense). Also, I don't feel like pumping in the middle of the night! My OBs and our pediatrician all said - don't beat yourself up about BFing and don't listen to the lactation nazis. And they all said formula plus breast milk is ideal because they get everything they need from both - vitamins, immunity, etc. Anyway, good luck to you all!

Also, that's awesome that you were a Nanny. I am hiring one starting next week - any advice would be appreciated!!!
JGator- Thanks for sharing about breastfeeding. I think I'm so confident about caring for a newborn that the breastfeeding thing gives me something to worry about. I have dreams where I am give birth by myself and can't figure out how to do it! We did take a great breastfeeding class at our hospital and DH attended. He actually just quoted something they said in the class which made me very happy! They really stressed that dad's are really important in the class and I think it was good for him to hear. I figured if he learned how to help me latch the baby that's a bonus, but I really wanted him there to hear how hard it might be and how I might need support. I don't want him stressing if my milk doesn't come in right away, etc. Our hospital is "baby friendly" which means they are certified lactation-nazis! My friend complained because the nurses gave them a hard time about using a pacifier but I'd rather have that than nurses pushing formula. I guess the nurses are all trained on breastfeeding and you only see the LC if there's a problem. I think I will take your advice and make sure I can get one to come in even if everything seems to be going okay (I've heard that some women don't realize there's a latch problem until they get home and their nipples begin to hurt). They also have a clinic that you can use after you go home and consultations are $40. Hopefully my boobs work and baby can latch. I plan to give it a good try and then if it doesn't work out, I'm not going to beat myself up. I was formula fed and think I turned out okay and as you said formula does have some benefits.

Did you already hire a nanny or are you still looking? And you mean nanny and not babysitter, right? I ask because many people consider them the same thing but they really aren't. I have tons of pointers for a nanny! For starters:
Interview a bunch of candidates and find one that feels like the best fit for your family. Some moms look for someone very different than themselves (wanting the children to learn from different personality types, wanting to avoid "mommy confusion"). But after a while, too many differences can strain your relationship with your nanny.
-Once you've chosen one or a couple of potential nannies do not hire them without doing a "working interview." This can be a day or half-day (the longer the better though) where you pay them (you could even negotiate a lower rate for the day) and they come and work for you. You can stay home but try to give her some space so you can really get to see her style. If you feel comfortable, later in the day you could consider leaving the home for a quick errand. See how it feels. You will both learn so much about each other and you can decide if it will work. I conducted a few work interviews for my replacement and you would be surprised at how different people can be once they are on the job.
-When you pick a winner WRITE A CONTRACT! This is huge! And I don't know many people who do it. It avoids so much drama later on. You can always change the contract once things get rolling but for the meantime lock in all the details of what you expect from your nanny and what your expects from you as an employer.
Some examples of things I always put in a contract:
-hours (how many hours per week, what happens if employers come home early? Overtime?)
-nanny responsibilities (does she need to cook, clean, or is she just responsible for childcare?)
-employer responsibilities (What happens if parents are late? What if they forget to pay?)
-sick policy (What happens if nanny is sick, what if children are?)
I can't stress the contract enough! It really helps to outline everything because there will be confusion at some point about either side's responsibilities.

Well I can go on forever about this stuff! Let me know if you have any other questions!
Hi there! Sorry to butt in on this thread. I lurk on the baby threads (my daughter is sixteen mos) and I just wanted to recommend my diaper bag. It's the Kipling Defea in platinum metallic. I love love love it! It's extremely lightweight and has tons of pockets. Things are so easy to find with this bag, and it holds it's shape really well. Plus it's super cute and doesn't scream "diaper bag". I use it for my things as well as my daughter's so I don't have to carry two bags around. Here is a link-

I bought mine directly from Macy's and saved the shipping-

Also Fisher, if you are still in the market for a bookcase, try They make wonderful, all solid wood bookshelves with v-groove backs. They are unassembled and unfinished, but it saves money and the quality is wonderful. The prices are fantastic as well. I painted mine white with a contrasting color on the inside back, and it looks so high end and expensive.

Congrats to all you mommas to be! :)

ETA: the Kipling Defea isn't technically a diaper bag, but lots of reviewers use it for that, and I found that I like it so much better than other diaper bags I had purchased. :))
Thank you Marym for the bookcase link!! :)

And everyone for the diaper bag suggestions.

I don't have GD and don't have to do the three hour glucose test. Yay!!!! I did have protein in my urine so they want me to go in this morning to give a urine sample to see if it was a fluke due to not eating/drinking for the GD test. I've had some swelling, but it hasn't seemed excessive. My bp remains the same as always, so I'm not thinking pre-e, but I would rather be safe than not.

The dr suggested compression socks, which I assumed were diabetic socks. They are not. :)

I guess everyone knows BRU has their "trade in" sale going on right now. We are going to try to get our car seat this way, even though my sister says it should be on our registry. My friend who is 36 weeks is being induced Sat and they spent last night running around looking for essentials they didn't get from showers. I would rather not have to do that last minute, and if you're not induced, there isn't that luxury.

Anyway, the BRU deal is pretty decent and is the cheapest way I've seen to get the car seat we've chosen.

Wishing everyone a good weekend! Some mamas are just about ready to birth! Prayers to you for smooth labor and delivery and sweet healthy babies!!
Hi ladies, sorry I've been MIA for a while. 38 1/2 weeks. Just been busy juggling getting everything at home ready, and being so tired, and trying to balance all that with the obligation I still feel to go to work and try to continue saving my time up until the birth. This past week has been particularly hard - I haven't worked a full day yet, but trying to today (we'll see if I make it through). I'm not sleeping well anymore, and am just tired overall, so each day this week has consisted of me either leaving work early to go home and nap, or being wide awake at 2 or 3am but then having to go back to sleep for a few hours at 6 or 7am. I hate it because I'm using leave that I need to be saving for the maternity leave, but I really have no choice.

So I'm trying to get all my work and projects to a good stopping point for some unknown leave date (harder than I thought it would be to prepare for an unknown date). I'm struggling with trying to balance all that with all the stuff I still have to do at home - each day I really just want to be at home trying to organize and work and get things ready. We have seriously outgrown the rental townhome we're in. We move in April or May, but until then we have to make do, and it has been a struggle for us to not only try to go through all the stuff we already have and purge/organize/clean out, but then try to fit all this new baby stuff in too. There's just literally nowhere to put things, nowhere to stage or work - I have moments where I just want to light a match to all the "stuff" and just keep the kitchen, recliner, bed, a few articles of clothing, and baby stuff, and just move with that and start fresh. And the place we live now has a bad air system that creates a lot of dust, so my sinuses are going crazy, my head is hurting every night now, which then affects my sleep too... ok, sorry, negativity over. :cheeky:

Other than all that, I'm just moving right along... I can't believe the end is basically here. I'm having surreal moments where I realize this is actually happening to ME... it's like one of those things you always talk about happening to other people, and even though I've been going through the pregnancy, I'm now having these realizations about how MY body is actually the one about to do its thing and go into labor, and we're going to come out on the other side with a real BABY that is ours and we get to keep, haha. Surreal is the only way I can think to describe these thoughts.

It's interesting to read all the talk about the signs of going early. The midwife I saw last week talked about my upset stomach and various symptoms possibly could point to that, then the one I saw this week basically said it all means nothing and you just don't know. ::) But it's interesting about Pupp's BH contractions and short labor, and what Mia's dr was saying too. I dropped a few weeks ago and have been progressively dropping more since then, plus the BH and definitely more pressure down low (which is actually nice because my back feels SO much better), so we'll see. I'm having more moments too where I can really feel the movement and pressing way down low in my pelvis, which is one of those sudden slight "ouch" moments that stops you in your tracks for a few seconds, haha.

Speaking of that 38 week appointment, the midwife did a whole bunch of feeling around. Head is definitely down (been that way for many weeks) - she was so knowledgeable about the positioning, and it was neat to watch her look away and feel her way around my belly. She had a little moment of slight alarm/amazement when she felt how far over the legs and parts were - she never quite explained herself, but I told her I'd been getting kicks way over in my side like that for many weeks. She even asked my husband how tall he is (over 6'), which may or may not make a difference, but she seemed to think we could have either a big or at least long baby here. Thank goodness I was told early on that I have a "nicely shaped/size pelvis for childbirth"... ;)) We got a special treat because she wanted to look a little more detailed, so she pulled out their portable ultrasound machine and took a few quick looks - always fun to get another peek at the baby. :)) She confirmed that the head is in the pelvis, but not fully engaged. She never really expanded any more on the size, haha, so I guess we'll just wait and see! The movements and kicks I get are definitely WAY over in my side (baby has been rounded out in my left side for quite some time, punching and kicking to my right) - sometimes I think it's testing the limits of my uterus just for fun. Either that or it just loooooves to stretch out in there - I seriously think I can feel the side of the legs and knees some this morning as it's moving and pressing around.

Sorry for the novel... will do a separate response post...
Whew, ok here we go!

Prana - I was so happy to hear from you - congratulations!! You had been on my mind. Thank you so much for sharing your story - it is so nice to be able to read what other women go through and experience. I guess technically I'm up next on the list?? :o

Mia - Boy do I remember the BWW days, haha. It was such an incredible help, seriously. I had a period a week or two ago where the BH wore off, but I had been having them mildly since the early 20s weeks. They've come back though and are much stronger now. The cramps have been on and off, but have been a mix between what feels like mild menstrual cramps and bowel/upset stomach cramps (for me they feel very similar). I hated to hear about you feeling icky and nauseous like you did - are you feeling any better?

Pupp - The shower was wonderful, thank you! Very memorable, and things like that remind me how wonderful a family I have and how thankful I should be for that. And your BH first time around were causing you to dilate?? Man, how awesome would that be to head into early labor at 4-5 cm. It's neat you already have some progress now too - I haven't even had a cervical check yet (I just declined, since it really would just tell us where we are but no guarantee of time), so now you're making me curious if I've made any progress! :cheeky:

Fisher - I don't do so well with kegels either, haha. I know how to do them, but I can never keep at it for long - just feels odd, haha. I know it's good for me to do, but I'll admit haven't been consistent with them at all. Re: the glucose screening - I ate a normal breakfast and everything, and the stuff they make you drink still made me kind of nauseous during the appointment - just way more sugar than I'm used to (I'm not really a sweets eater), plus I was due for my morning snack. The midwife had me concerned when I told her about the nausea and she asked what I'd eaten... scrambled eggs, oatmeal, wheat toast, and OJ - she apparently thought the carbs might throw off the test. I got to thinking later and worried I'd screwed up because even though they'd told me to eat normally (healthy of course), my usual breakfast does include some organic jelly on my toast, a little syrup in my oatmeal, and a huge glass of OJ - but thankfully I passed the test just fine and didn't have to do the dreaded 3-hour with the fasting (I'd probably throw up with that one from the empty stomach). [ETA - I just saw you passed - yay!]

I'm probably chiming in too late on this, but re: classes... we took 3 as well. My midwife practice offered a childbirth prep class taught by one of them ($90), so we took that - it was a good overall coverage of all topics, done in one Saturday, and especially helpful to do for my husband - I certainly learned things too, but he went in with basically no knowledge and came out much more informed and prepared to go through it with me - better than I could ever have tried to educate him on things. I felt like Mia in terms of just being prepared with various types of pain relief techniques according to what is working, so we did not do a specific birthing method class either. I also signed us up for a 2-hour baby care class ($20) through a local organization that works with our hospital - my husband had never changed a diaper, and I also wanted to just make sure I was informed of everything I needed to know about newborns. Lastly, I signed us up for a 2-hour breastfeeding class ($25) through the same group. Had to do some hard convincing to get the husband to come (how his support is important, bf is much more successful with help by the partner, etc.), and thankfully there were many other partners there too - plus he learned a lot about it, and I feel like he's much more informed and better equipped to know what I'll be going through than he was prior to the class. Like Mia, while I of course benefited very much from the classes, I think the bigger benefit was my husband understanding everything much better than I every could have sat down and tried to keep his attention and teach him everything I've been reading and learning for years.

Re: diaper bags, I picked out a Skip Hop (Dash Deluxe I think) at Buy Buy Baby - it was similar to a JuJuBe one that I was really liking, but in black so the husband could also carry it, and also over half the price. I also was just tired of looking - it was overwhelming how many choices there were (and how expensive some were). But I honestly have no idea what we're going to like - it's probably just going to take some usage to see what our needs really are unfortunately - I hate that because I don't want to waste one if we don't like what we pick, but we need to go ahead and have one on hand.
Prana Congrats!!

luv you are getting so close!

Fisher yay for passing the glucose test! I am NOT looking forward to it.

mia you look awesome!!! Such a cute preggo!

Thanks for all the tips on diaper bags. I know I didn't ask, but it has been really helpful! It is so overwhelming with all the choices.

Also thanks all for the tips on the classes! When do you recommend we take the classes? I am only 17 weeks now, but I don't want to wait too long if I shouldn't. Fisher I think I recall you saying you were in Northwest Atlanta... is that right? If so, let me know how your classes go since I am in the same area. I will be interested to know if they are worth it.

AFM, I had an appointment yesterday and they couldn't hear the heartbeat- the midwife just heard movement. I wasn't super concerned because I started feeling flutters this week, but I did get to see baby in a quick ultrasound. :D :D Everything was great. Baby is so much bigger than last time (17w1d this time compared to 9w1d last time. It's still so crazy to me how quick the baby grows!) Heartbeat was 164 and baby was moving like crazy. I have an anterior placenta, so that's another reason why it was hard to pick up the heartbeat. They said if the placenta was in a different location, I would be feeling tons of movement!

I am not sure if it's too early or not, but I have slowly started on my registries. I hope that by starting now and starting slow by the time they need to be done they will be. I have just been so overwhelmed with new job + grad school + new city that I think starting slow is the only way I can handle things!
Dot, we are on the metro. We're taking our classes at the big hospital in Atlanta, but we aren't delivering there. :) part of the network, but there's no way I'm riding in a car that long when the time to birth comes. :)

I will let you know about the classes!
Mia, thanks for you advice on the nanny. I am going to post a new thread on nanny contract questions.
Hello, lovely ladies! Been awhile since I checked in, and it's been a bit quiet around here lately.

Dot - I started my registries early, too. DH and I talked through what we felt we needed vs. what was just "nice to have," and we decided which things we wanted to buy ourselves. For some reason, those conversations made me feel more organized, and I felt like I was less likely to just rush last minute to get a registry done and then wind up with a lot of random things on the list.

JGator & Mia - I have to thank you for all the back and forth going on re: nannies. I am thinking more and more that we are going to go with a nanny for our baby girl, at least for the first year or so. Reading all the info you two have provided has helped me feel less overwhelmed about how to proceed with the hiring process. It's still early for us, but I happened to stumble upon some good leads for nannies/nanny shares that will be available in August (when I will be returning to work), so I've reached out to them and feel more confident that I'll be asking and looking for the right things. So THANK YOU!

LTS - you are getting so close, lady! I hope you are starting to feel more settled and prepared!

As for me... I have started getting symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. On a fairly regular basis, I'm awakened in the middle of the night and my right hand and forearm are asleep and tingly. The tip of my right thumb is actually still kind of tingly right now. Anyone else dealing with this? I hate to be a complainer, because I've had a pretty easy pregancy thus far, but man - it's really uncomfortable. I've also started to get leg cramps, mainly at night.

Over the weekend, I went down to visit my sister, who had her 2nd child three weeks ago. He is the SWEETEST little thing, and being around him got me so excited for our little girl to arrive! I could have held and snuggled him all day long.
Finally chose a diaper bag-- JJ Cole system 180. Long strap, lots of pockets, zipper closure, not HUGE, not tiny. If hubs carries it with the outside toward him, it's plain. If I wear it with the outside faced outward, I get the cuteness factor I wanted. Happy medium. :)

We registered for it on BRU, but it's soooo much less on amazon. We will order it that way, most likely.

Big news-- hit the third trimester this week! Yay!! Seems unreal how quickly time is passing, but I hear it will only speed up once baby arrives. :)

How's everyone here?