
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

luvthemstrawberries|1361209754|3383170 said:
Hi ladies, just a quick post from me. 41 weeks tomorrow. No baby yet! We finally got everything pretty much ready to go yesterday, minus a few minor things I'm working on around the house today. Have another checkup this afternoon with an NST. Things are definitely happening inside - contractions are getting stronger and more frequent, just not quite consistent yet that we can tell. I've had a few that are definitely more painful, sometimes with menstrual crampiness, sometimes with what almost feels like gas and is hard to differentiate. The midwife did speculate last week that I might have a higher pain tolerance than I realize, since it seems like I've been having lots of contractions for a while, so we'll see.

Oh gosh, hope the little one decides to make their entrance soon!!! When you have menstrual-type cramps are they both sides? one area? I keep getting mine on just one side, so I'm not sure what to make of it... or what is normal.
LTS you are sooooo close! I'm excited for you!

Bean - we never had a swing. We had a small travel swing I borrowed and took to office (had him at work for a bit). However, some moms find them life saving. I'd say wait and see how your babe is.
Pupp- he's gorgeous!! I want to snuggle him so badly!!

Congratulations, mama! :)


Hang in there! The baby has to, has to come out soon! :)

Lots of news on this end. Birth class was AWESOME!!! I'm very motivated to make it work epi free, but I'm also aware the outcome is a precious baby, no matter what.

Faves from the class--- learning positions to try to help labor progress, watching the hubs learn ways to be supportive of me during the process, getting practical advice on how much and what to take to the hospital for delivery. There were some bits if info about life after birth that I'd not heard/read before. And breathing!!! I love practicing that! :) There were a couple hokey parts when it came to relaxation and going to a *happy place*-- I mean really, I plan to be aware of birth, not floating in the waves of a make believe ocean! However, there was one relaxation activity yet suggested that was really relaxing and motivating, too--- imagining meeting the baby and seeing him or her for the first time to help get trough the rough contrax.

Also got reminded several times contractions do not last over 90 seconds and most aren't longer than 60. So knowing there is a definite break is a good thing, for sure. Read it many times, but somehow it clicked in class. Hope it sticks with me!!

Dot, are you having your baby at a hospital affiliated with the biggest one in Atl? If so, I highly recommend our instructor, Janet. She left each of us with her contact info should we have additional questions down the road as well as has offered for us to come back for portions of the class where we feel like we need a refresher. She is certified Lamaze and also an RN and something else I forgot. Haha. Anyway, she was great and we both loved the class.

Baby and I made a trip to ER to the women's center over the weekend, too. Big scare, but all is well and God is to be praised! I had an issue causing me to be concerned about early pre labor, but all is fine. Baby is great, no contractions, no amniotic fluid leaking, etc. They did a test called FFN that measures several things to determine the possibility of labor in the next two weeks and that was negative so we were given the clear to go home with no concerns or restrictions. So good to know all is good. We were very impressed with the kindness of the nurses and staff and I am a lot calmer about real labor now that I've been to the unit and met some of the staff.

Tomorrow marks 30 weeks! Yippee-- sooo thankful and blessed to be this kiddo's mommy! Here is a silly pic of the baby wearing a "Cuties are made for kids" sticker from those yummy mandarine/clementine oranges. :)
Pupp, congrats on baby Nate! Love the name!
Just a short update to this afternoon's post... we had our appointment, and the NST was fine - baby still looks great, so no worries there. The midwife did say she wanted to do a cervical check, and to sweep my membranes if I was ok with it. I had not really had sweeping the membranes on my brain for today. She was great/informative and answered all my questions about how the information from the check will help determine how we proceed with care (I haven't had/wanted any checks up until now) and if the sweep was a good idea to go ahead and try. Induction was brought up, and I really do think if we were dead set against it, they would support our decision. But we also know the risks, such as meconium in the fluid, and I do trust this particular midwife a lot in her thoughts and recommendations. So if we make it all the way through the week and weekend with still no baby, we'll go in the night before my 42 week date to begin procedures.

So she did the check... talk about uncomfortable. Apparently the cervix is still posterior, and she couldn't even reach it to do a sweep at all. She had me put my fists under my hips to try to tilt it, still no dice - she quit trying after a couple attempts, when she could see how majorly uncomfortable it was for me. Haha, it is literally impossible to "relax" and try to untense that area when it feels like they're reaching up for your lungs. She said she had to go around the head (I think) to try to get to it.

Soooo... these contractions haven't quite been doing what I thought, haha. But I know we still have 7 whole days, and a lot can happen in that time period, and even quickly possibly. So for now, we're not going to think that far ahead until (if) the weekend hits. We're big believers in things happening on their own as they are supposed to (which is why the idea of induction is hard to swallow), so I'm going to try a few things around here to maybe to aid my body (all fours, squats, walking), but not planning on any tasty castor oil attempts at this point. They mentioned trying to pump a little last week as well, so we'll see. Ultrasound for BPP is scheduled for Thursday.

Oh, and she thinks we have at least a 9 pounder... I apparently have a lot of fluid, which no one else has said yet but explains the fullness ad constant "hardness" despite contractions. But she also said this baby definitely feels that size, especially based on my birth weight (9.6 lb, my brother was 9.8 lb) and my husband's (9.3 lb). She doesn't even think the baby is in the pelvis - the midwife last week said it was engaged, so we're not sure if she wasn't correct then, or if the baby was down there and decided to back out. She did point out that my husband has a rather round head, and that could even possibly factor in. Who knows.

Anybody have input on Cytotec in its use in inductions?

bean said:
Oh gosh, hope the little one decides to make their entrance soon!!! When you have menstrual-type cramps are they both sides? one area? I keep getting mine on just one side, so I'm not sure what to make of it... or what is normal.

My menstrual cramp feelings are right in the middle, fairly low on the abdomen, usually extending out towards my hips a bit - exactly where my monthly cramps were. I do get pains on the side other times, which is sharper and what I keep confusing with gas :oops: - I can't tell! It makes me think that because I have the urge to push on the direct area, vs. the menstrual cramp feelings which are more of an achey/burning type of pain. I don't know what is normal either!
Trying again....

LTS- yes the cervical checks are quite invasive and personal! I've had two (1cmm, 30% eff) and each time I thought he was trying to reach my tonsils. I even let a med student watch the last time and he looked like he was in more pain than me (he was obviously very, very new to the program).

I agree, a lot can happen in 7 days... Good to focus on that!
Hi everyone! :wavey:

Fisher - Super cute pic of your bump! I also loved the diaper bag you posted - cute, sporty, and sleek all at once! Glad to hear your ER trip was a false alarm and that you are feeling better now.

TG - Did your OB have any suggestions for the cervical pains? I've only had a few pains that sound like what you described and yikes! They were unpleasant. Thankfully for me they have been very brief and infrequent (so far, anyway!).

Mia - You are a rockstar for listing out all those books you are checking out. You've motivated me to check at least one out. At this point, I don't feel nervous about birth, but I also don't really have much of a plan... and that's sort of funny, because I typically have a plan for EVERYTHING that I do.

Moxie - Sounds like you have so much on your plate right now. It doesn't sound like an ideal situation for you, but I'm glad you were able to work it so that you can manage everything despite your intense schedule.

LTS - The end is in sight for you! Or should I say... the beginning is! Just your description of the cervical check made me cringe. Ugh. I am not looking forward to those!

Bean - Re: the swing... everyone I know has told me that some kids love the swing, some kids hate the swing. So in my uneducated, first-time mom opinion, it's not necessary. With that said, I was gifted one, so I have one along with a bouncy seat that I got used from a friend and a Rock N Play. :cheeky: I probably wouldn't have bought the swing on my own though, given I have the other two. And I'm sorry to hear about the drama with your mama. That would upset me, too.

DH and I got back from our pseudo-vacation on Sunday. We went down to Savannah to visit my dad and step-mom. My step-mom is a lovely lady, but she seemed to take great pleasure in commenting on how big I've gotten. :nono: It seemed to come up multiple times over the course of our visit, so I finally called her out on it. That seemed to stop the comments!

In other news... I passed my glucose test. Yay! I didn't think it was that bad. My OB's office didn't do the 1-hour test; they go straight to a 2-hour test. I didn't mind the drink at all, and since I started pretty early in the morning, I was able to get some food in me by 10:30, so I think that helped. Just happy I passed! And I did get a brace to wear at night to help with the carpal tunnel, and it does seem to make things better. I haven't been woken up in the middle of the night with numbness and tingling, so that's positive!

Also, I read "Bebe Day by Day: 100 Keys to French Parenting." It was written by Pamela Druckerman, who wrote "Bringing up Bebe." I think someone started a thread here on her original book back in the fall, but I don't remember much of the discussion around it. The book I read was a slimmed-down version of the original book, basically more of a guide or reference manual, and I have to say... I really, really liked it. I don't think all 100 Keys are a fit for my DH and me, but there were a lot of things in there that made sense to me and resonated with my beliefs. Another positive - it's a quick, easy read. I got through it in one sitting in a few hours.

As for baby girl... she has been squirming around in there like a maniac recently! I swear last night she must have been doing dolphin kicks. Spunky little one - I like it! :bigsmile:
sunnyd|1360969283|3381243 said:
I wanted to comment on this, because my nurse totally freaked me out by telling me how the 'ring of fire' could last 15 minutes or more! :shock: :errrr: I was doing fine with breathing through contractions but after this my head started to go crazy with potential pain factor. I ended up asking for an epi at 9cm, then skipping it when they told me baby would probably be here before the epi took effect, and it was fine. For me, the pain was manageable with breathing, and holy hell, pushing through contractions when it was time was the greatest thing ever. The squat bar was also the greatest thing ever. :cheeky: Good luck and healthy pregnancies everyone! :wavey:

SunnyD That is so interesting that you said that because it reminded me of a passage from "Childbirth Without Fear" that I will just quote:
"The stretching of the vulva is felt as a burning sensation. A woman must be forewarned of this for it may be very frightening. The burning varies in intensity but is rarely of such significance that the patient feels it desirable to resort to the analgesic inhaler. The sensation is intensified by an alarmed woman- she may resist by squeezing up her pelvic muscles. An understanding attendant will overcome the slight and transient discomfort and with full crowning of the head, the sensation ceases. The actual passage through the vulva is often accomplished with so little sensation that the woman is with difficulty persuaded that her baby has arrived; until she sees or hears it she is unwilling to believe it was born."

Wow that was a lot of typing but that is an example of the author's take on "ring of fire" pain. I do think he probably downplays labor pain a little but I think he makes a great point about how it is the fear of the pain that is the real problem and doctor's and nurse's comments can make it even worse. I'm sorry your nurse put some doubt in your head but wow you did it! Thanks for giving us a little prospective from someone who's done it. I can't remember if my hospital has a squat bar, I hope they do!

Monnie Thanks for also sharing your experience. I remember lurking when you went into labor and I remember it being a sort of awkward debate because as I recall you had a similar belief system as me (i.e. wanting to try to go as long as possible without epi but not committing to one side or another since we can't predict what the pain will be like?). And then you had to defend the "wanting to go as long as possible without" side and then boom ended up going into labor in the middle of the debate. And then having to come back and say you did take the epi when it wasn't like you ever said you wouldn't. It was just awkward and I'm sorry. I thought when I posted my views that naysayers would come out as well but I'm surprised it hasn't sparked another debate. There really is no debate though, I am just reading to prepare myself but I have no clue what this is going to be like and don't claim to. I just have a plan in my head for how I'd like to try going about this and if things change, they change. I'm sure it's annoying when first time preggos think they know it all about childbirth but it's not like we live in a culture where we have even seen births in person, these books and the stories of others are all we have. Thanks again for sharing yours!

Miscka Thanks for sharing more about the IV. Yes I think you are right that it will probably annoy me too. I have to think about it though because I do like that it would be one less step in case of an emergency. I will talk to my doc and see what she says, I think I an need an order from her anyway. Thanks so much for giving your two cents though it was something I would have never considered. I need to find some info on hypnobirthing. I know I am not the right kind of person for it (not gonna call contractions "surges" or refer to pushing as "birth breathing" or whatever) but maybe there are some techniques that I could use. Thanks for the tips on things that helped with the pain, I may need to pick some things up.

Moxie.Moo It sounds like you have a better plan in place to manage your GD. Hope everything works out!

Pupp Aw Pupp! Nathan is just beautiful! THANK YOU SO SO MUCH for posting that picture it got me so excited for my turn! I just love it! I also love the funny quotes from your family! I am sure I will have some doozies because most of my friends don't have kids yet and are very naive to the whole childbirth thing. Enjoy your family! And send us some of that quick labor dust!

LTS I keep forgetting you are past your DD because you never complain! I think we do have similar personalities because your birthplan sounds exactly like my plan. No hypnobirthing or "who-who-he-haw" breathing for me, I'm just going in with the same ideas that you have that women do this all the time without taking a class. I'm really glad that your midwives are supportive of letting you go to 42 weeks before inducing, I was actually surprised that my OB won't do it earlier than 41 and a half weeks (I was afraid to ask because I thought she was going to push for one for 39 weeks for some reason). I do think there are some real risks after 42 weeks though so I think it is a good idea that that's your cutoff. It's so exciting to know that you will be holding a baby for sure a week from now! Oh and Ow! I had to put my fists under my hips for a cervical check too. She was barely able to reach mine but that was no fun and kind of defeating so I know exactly how that feels. Well I hope the baby comes out on his/her own soon! I have been obsessing over my baby's position, station, and my cervix but there are plenty of babies who get locked and loaded right before labor all on their own.

Bean Don't bother getting a swing until you meet your baby and begin to figure her personality out. In my experience swings are the #1 baby item that are purchase and then never used. There are a small percentage of babies that adore their swings but you can figure out whether that is your baby after she comes. You'll know because she will probably be the type of baby that doesn't like to be put down and also likes being in the car, etc. Or you'll know it's time to try a swing if nothing else works to calm her! If you have friend that will lend you one for a day to test that would be awesome. If you do decide to get a swing, look on craigslist first and you will find tons of swings that were only used once because the baby hated it or the parent never found a need for it and you could save a lot of money. Do you have a bouncy seat? Most babies seem to like those and they are a lot cheaper.

Fisher I am glad you loved your childbirth class and feel more empowered because of it! Sorry about your ER scare but glad that everything is okay. When I had to go to the ER it was early in pregnancy so I didn't go to L&D but I am still really glad that I had a wonderful experience with the ER staff, so I can imagine how much better you feel meeting the L&D staff.
Thanks for the swing advice guys.

Looks like LTS and then Mia are on deck... :)

Also count me in for not taking any classes... I wasn't planning on any but did plan on sending hubs to a Daddy 101 type class but with the holidays and my tiredness it slipped my mind. Oh well.

I also have zero birth plan. Just a "get her out- whatever we need to do" plan. I am a total control freak so I knew having a birth plan would only make my stress worse. Again, oh well. Lol
Curly Haha! I don't think anyone can really have a true plan for birth because they don't know what to expect. Even with 2nd and 3rd pregnancies. I guess I just have a lot of time on my hands because I took a month off before my due date and this stuff has always interested. Stay tuned though I have read a few more and I will post my little reviews later.

As for the books you were reading I haven't read any parenting books recently because I have already read a ton of books when I was a nanny and when I was in school to be a teacher. I am a behavior analyst now so my life already revolves around the behavior of children. I think it's a great idea for preggos to read parenting books before the babies come. They say many women read all these pregnancy and childbirth books but that is only a small period of your life and then you are a parent forever. But once you have the baby there is no time to sit around reading books on parenting. I think it's helpful to read a variety of books to determine your own parenting style. I haven't read any of the french parenting books but I am not a fan of the idea that they have some amazing wisdom that we don't have here in america. Their culture is different so different things work for them. I'm sure there are a few good ideas or things to think about though so I plan on some day checking them out. But as a behavior analyst I am biased to believe that behavior can be managed with simple concepts because it is learned and children (like any person) will do what gets them some type of payoff. I think our job as parents is not to make our children happy but to begin instill consequences (both good and bad) to everything that they do that will mimic the real world. For example, if you carry on screaming and crying every time you don't get your way, in the real world no one is going to want to hang out with you, so I might send you to time out, etc. At the same time, if you value yourself and are confident, in the real world, people will treat you well and you will bring good things to yourself, so I also want to make sure my children feel loved, etc. Obviously these are my own values and every parent has their own. Anyway a great book I recommend is:
Parenting with Love & Logic: Teaching Children Responsibility by Foster Cline, Jim Fay, Eugene H. Peterson
It's a really simple approach where you learn to make life lessons out of all the trivial issues that you encounter while raising kids.

AFM, After almost 3 weeks on maternity leave, and at 38w 6d, yay! I get to go to work tomorrow! Sort of! I have conference to attend to maintain my Behavior Analyst credential. 2 full days, I hope I can do it! I asked baby girl not to come this week because not only is my doc out of town but I have this conference. It will be so much fun to see some of my coworkers again but I really hope I am confortable sitting through presentations all day and that I don't go into labor there! I hope she can hang in there for a couple more days and then I expect her to come out promptly on Saturday! :Up_to_something: Haha! Well actually my MIL is coming to help us next Tuesday so if she can stay put until then that would be great. It's so crazy to think she could be in there for like 3 more weeks! It's okay though, I'm still feeling good so I am in no hurry.
bean said:
Just a "get her out- whatever we need to do" plan.

I'm pretty sure that's what most birth plans boil down to anyway. I know what I would like to happen but I'm not bringing anything in writing because really I can't predict anything. We'll just have to see what happens!
Mia, I am so glad you are feeling well and that you get one last work "hurrah"... your little girl is going to be here so soon! In the meantime, I am greatly looking forward to your additional book reviews. :bigsmile:

And for what it's worth, I completely agree with your thoughts on books/parenting styles. My plan is to read a few different books and (hopefully) get a couple golden nuggets of info from each one. And I certainly don't think the French are any wiser than we are - that's actually what I liked about the Bebe book. A lot of it seemed very practical and common-sense to me. In particular, I liked their approaches to introducing foods and helping to develop a sense of independence. Not sure it'll work for us, but I'm willing to try it when the time comes. My SIL does Love & Logic with her three kids and feels it really works for their family, so that was on my list of books to check out, too. Now that you've provided a second endorsement for it, I may move it up in my reading queue!

Bean, I like your "whatever it takes to get her out" approach. In fact, I may adopt that as my birth plan, as well. :))
Curly I will definitely check out the Bebe book soon. It sounds like an easy read and I'm sure I will agree with a lot of the suggestions.

I have to ask if anyone knows whether being really emotional can be a sign of early labor. I am a mess today and have already cried 3 times which is more than I've cried this entire pregnancy! All 3 times were over a different financial problem and my husband is the one that handles the finances! First, I am dealing with this stupid bill I keep getting from the lab for my genetic testing. My doctor's office messed up and ordered like ALL the tests, even things I'm not at risk for. So I get a huge bill from the lab that said my insurance paid most of it and I owe $120. I refuse to pay it because it wasn't my fault. I call the insurance and they tell me that it should have been covered and the lab is acting illegally by trying to get me to pay a portion. So I filed a grievance but today I get a nasty letter from the lab saying they are sending it to collections. So I call the lab and they say that they can't stop the billing while it's being sorted out (insurance has 30 days to investigate) but I have 4 more 21-day billing cycles before they do report it. Anyway I know it's silly and it's not a lot of money but I just feel like the whole thing is so unfair. I cried for a while and then pulled myself together to make my next call.

My Behavior Analyst credential was up for renewal on 1/31 and I never got a reminder but I sure got the letters and emails telling me when it was overdue. So I called to see if I could get the $50 late fee taken off and the guy was so rude to me and patronizing that I just agreed to pay and got off the phone and cried some more.

By now DH is trying to calm me and keeps asking why I care so much it's not a lot of money, just pay it (not helping).

So lastly, I call my doctor's office to confirm that they did send out my paperwork for disability (I gave it to them a month ago) and the girl tells me she didn't send it out because I haven't delivered yet. Um, I am entitled to benefits one month before my due date! So she says she will send it today, but I know it's going to take forever to process and I am just so angry that she thought I wouldn't need any money until the baby comes. Am I the only one who takes advantage of California's Pregnancy Leave? How do I know more about this than she does? I call my husband crying again and he again reassures me that we are fine, etc. but I still feel like I want to cry more even though I don't have any reason.

I hope this doesn't mean she's coming soon because I am exhausted from all this crying! Oh and now I have to run to target. Can't wait, because just being pregnant doesn't draw enough attention and unwanted conversations, having a tear stained red face will definitely get people to notice me and stare or ask me questions about how I'm feeling! Haha! :wink2:
Pupp, I don't know where I've been, but I just found out you had your little guy almost a week ago! Congratulations!!! Nate's a little cutie. Hope things are going well so far at home.
I just popped in for a little preview of the fun to come and have sat here at my desk crying for a good 15 minutes. :rolleyes: I love hearing about all of the new babies being born and our mamas that are getting REALLY close! ::)

Speaking of, BIG congrats Pupp! :bigsmile: He's just amazing, so adorable!!! Oh, and I dream of a L&D like yours! :lol:
Mia, sorry about your mom. My mom's feelings are easily hurt too and she can act like a child when she feels put out. I had to wait until the boys were born to call her because I knew she wouldn't honor my wishes to stay home until we invited her. It really bothered her. This time she responded by *accidentally* texting my brother that Nathan was born so when I called him he already knew. :roll:

Luvthem, I hope that kiddo of yours is in your arms!

Thanks for all of the well wishes. Here's my official birth story. It's short. ;)

On the 14th, I sensed something was different. In our family pool, I originally predicted the baby would arrive on the 18th. I text DH and told him my prediction was wrong and I wasn't going to make it to the weekend. I was nesting like crazy at work and little things felt urgent all of the sudden.

At about 6:30pm, my normal BH contrax started to really bother me. I then went to the bathroom and noticed I was bleeding. It was pretty light like the beginning of your period. I called me doctor and she said to try a warm bath and if the contrax didn't slow or the bleeding got worse to call back. The bath was a joke because half of my body wasn't submerged but it made the contrax go away. I also had no bleeding the next two times I went to the bathroom. I went to bed at 10:00pm and woke up to contrax around 1:30. I started timing them while I was laying in bed and they still weren't regular. At about 2:15, they became irritating enough that I needed to get up.

I continued to time my contractions and, while not regular, they were between 3 and 7 minutes apart. The bleeding also returned. By 3am, the contrax were forcing me to be still and breathe through them. I woke DH up and called the doctor. She told me to meet her at the hospital so we called grandma and left. DD was here so fortunately we didn't have to wait for MIL to get here.

We got to the hospital at around 3:30 or 3:45. I went through triage and they said I was 6cm dilated (yay, cervix!). By this point, I couldn't sit through contrax because the pressure was intense. I could still breathe through them but couldn't talk (and didn't want anyone talking to me!). The nurse put in an open IV port because I had pre-e with DD and they wanted to be as to get magnesium in me if need be.

I was moved to a delivery room and checked again about 20 minutes later. I feared I hadn't made any progress because my contrax slowed down but I was 8cm! Baby's heart rate dropped a bit so they gave me oxygen and he responded well. At 5am, my do checked me again and said, "Alright, let's do this!" I was SO nervous. I kept telling DH I was scared.

Once I started pushing I got into a zone and didn't even open my eyes once. At this point my contrax were pretty much on top of each other. I pushed for 20 minutes and my little peanut was born! He looked so small!

My doc decided against an episiotomy and I'm glad. I had a small first degree tear which I think was much easier to recover from than an episiotomy.

Baby Nate was 6lbs8oz. We've both been doing well but gosh I forgot about how tough taking care of a newborn is! Big brother had also been handling the transition incredibly well. He's seriously the cutest. He makes me look forward to the baby becoming a toddler. I'm trying to just enjoy this stage and not get ahead of myself! :lol:

Well, the was a long *short* birth story.
What a great birth story pupp! Baby N2 is sooooo cute! I look forward to more pictures (and maybe some of the N's together)! :love:
Great birth story pupp! I am with Kunzite.. I would love to see more pics!

mia Thanks for sharing book reviews and some quotes from them. I will definitely be checking some of them out.

luv I hope you are holding your baby by now! If not, it won't be long.

bean you are getting close, too!

Fisher I'm not delivering at one affiliated with the largest hospital. I guess it is affiliated with the 2nd largest? I don't really know... I just knew I wasn't driving that far! And since we were pregnant when we moved, I had to pick somewhat quickly. We are delivering at one that is much closer to where we live and where I work. I am glad you liked your class! Did you take it at the largest one? The class there is a little less expensive than the hospital I am using, so I thought about taking the Child Birth class there (then the other ones at the hospital nearby). Also, glad you are okay! ER experiences are never fun.

AFM, still just trucking along. I hit the halfway point this week, which is exciting. :appl: The first half has gone so quickly, but I doubt the second half will go that fast. I have started buying some cloth diapers. I just won my first auction on ebay this morning. :bigsmile: I think DH is finally on board with it, too, so that is great. My MIL is gifting us the crib and she ordered it this week, so it should be here soon! It had had a lengthy back order wait, so she wanted to get it while it was in stock. I guess I should clean out the nursery (aka junk room)... Strangers have started asking me when I am due, so I guess I am showing enough to not just look chubby anymore. Most are shocked to find out we are not finding out the gender. I am glad we have several on here that are waiting until delivery to find out. Makes me think I'm not too crazy. :wacko: It is driving our parents crazy, especially since we are not sharing names either. I think it is kind of fun. :devil:
41+3 today. Baby is still baking. Yesterday we went in for the biophysical profile ultrasound and another checkup. Scored a perfect 8, so baby is good, and fluid level is good. I know the estimates can be off, but she did say based on the head and abdomen measurements that she estimates the baby is 9.5 lb. :cheeky: Not surprising based on myself and my husband's birth weights, but still makes us laugh in irony - I feel like I have eaten well, never ate "for two", didn't want any sweets the whole time... it's amazing what genetics can do. Plus my mom went 42 weeks to the day anyway, so I guess this extra time and growth could be expected anyway. We also found out how the baby is actually laying - I had been thinking the whole time that the back was along the left and the butt was up in the left corner, and I knew I was getting legs way over on the right. But I was taking the size for granted - the body goes all the way up the left front side and across my belly, the butt is now a big lump up on my right side, which makes a lot more sense why I get feet in my extreme right side and why that little tooshie likes to stretch the limits of my uterus up above my ribs sometimes.

The midwife did another check - just as painful, and no difference from the last appointment in terms of being able to reach it, except that I think she has slightly longer fingers and could just tell me it was a little soft. She fully believes I'll go into labor on my own, because most women do, but we have a space reserved at the hospital for the night before my 42 week mark to begin ripening. We talked with her about the risks of going past 42 weeks, to which her answer was basically that it can possibly carry the biggest risk of all, which she didn't even like to talk about. She did offer that we could see a doctor and get a medical opinion on our 42 week date if we wanted to, but based on the risks of the baby's size and what can happen with the cord, placenta, etc., we have decided to stick with the schedule. I've been baking this little miracle for 10 months, and it's not worth risking anything to that extent.

We had some sleet hitting our bedroom window early this morning that woke me up, and I ended up having a few contractions in the span of an hour or so as I laid there awake. They were definitely a new feeling - I could feel some tingling in my legs start up, and I'd get some pain in my back that wrapped around my sides as my stomach tightened up. I was fading in and out, but in my sleepy haze I'd say they were 10-15 mins apart. So I feel like things were possibly starting, but I eventually got up and they stopped. I went back to bed later and have been pretty tired today. I've had a few more random ones, but they feel differently standing/sitting than they did in bed. Had lots of braxton hicks as usual, and more menstrual-type crampiness too, so we'll see. So I can tell my body is doing things - just no telling how long it needs to fully get going, and we basically have a few more days for it to do its thing before somebody "makes" it. It goes against my personality to put a deadline on my body since I can tell it's working, but I have to remember it's still not worth risking things, and I have to remember that God is in control of things and that the end goal is still the same - have a safe delivery with a healthy mom and baby, even if that delivery has to be more medical and intervention-filled than I have imagined. At this point, the husband and I are both just trying to not really think about it anymore (after I write this :cheeky: ), keep busy, and just accept things as they happen.
Pupp, thank you for coming back to share your story!

Mia, aw that makes me feel good that you think I don't complain. =) I really do try not to, because I feel so grateful to have had a healthy pregnancy and no problems to speak of - it's hard here at the end not to complain, but I know I'll miss things about being pregnant too, so just trying to enjoy it while I can.

Yep my birth plan is really just to make use of the various positions and techniques we know of, keep relaxed and positive, rely on my husband for support and on the knowledge/suggestions of the midwife and nurses, and honestly probably just try to get out of my own brain and zone out as needed. We're pretty laid back people, so I don't foresee a whole lot of freaking out going on. I do have a printed sheet that covers labor, postpartum procedures, and newborn procedures - the midwives have helped me edit it and it's in my file now too - I didn't go crazy controlling, and I totally recognize flexibility in childbirth, but mine are mostly preferential things about what I do or don't want to have done when (to not mention meds unless I ask, things we're declining or accepting for the baby, etc.). And bottom line for us is still a result of healthy mom and healthy baby, no matter what.

Oh and Mia, I'm sorry about the emotional stuff and all that junk you had to deal with - seems like we just have some of those days where everything happens and our hormones are crazy and it all just falls down for the day. I have gotten now to where people comment on my pregnancy no matter where I go, so I totally get the Target thing haha. I hope your days have been better since then, and that those situations resolve themselves with little to no headache!

blackpolkadot, at first my dad was really wanting to know the gender, but now I'm pretty sure he and everybody else are just really excited about it - it adds a bit of fun to it all. Even most strangers who I tell it's a surprise comment that they think that's the best way to go, so I've been amazed too at that - I really thought more people would call us crazy.

Fisher, I'm sorry I missed your part about the ER scare - I am so glad to hear everything came out ok in the end, and that all is well with you and the baby, and that you got to meet some of the staff and get a feel for the environment there.

Bean, I missed your swing question too - I am doing what most people here recommend - we don't have one right now. I couldn't bring myself to justify the huge space requirement or cost for now. We have a bouncy seat, and I have a wrap that I plan to use to wear the baby around the house as needed when I need my hands too. So if nothing else works, then we'll look for a swing.

bean said:
LTS- yes the cervical checks are quite invasive and personal! I've had two (1cmm, 30% eff) and each time I thought he was trying to reach my tonsils. I even let a med student watch the last time and he looked like he was in more pain than me (he was obviously very, very new to the program).

I agree, a lot can happen in 7 days... Good to focus on that!

Goodness yes. I know they feel bad because they keep apologizing - I don't complain, but it must show in my face, and I know I'm involuntarily making some small noises in response to the pain. Both times, they've eventually just stopped because they can tell they've caused enough pain and it's not worth keeping on.

Curly, please don't dread the checks yet just based on me! I have read of many that are not painful for women at all. I can say that I've done some research as to why mine are so uncomfortable, and it is because the cervix is (so) posterior. The midwife yesterday even apparently has an impressive "reach" with her fingers, and still could barely just touch it to tell that it was soft, but nothing else - no way to tell dilation, and certainly no way to try to sweep the membranes. Apparently the baby's head is super low, according to what I've read, so they have to reach under and around the head to try to reach the cervix that is still pointing towards my rear. It's just going to take labor to get it to turn, then hopefully the checks will be much easier. I'm just curious to know that if my cervix was just turned already, the baby's head would probably be helping me dilate a good bit already.
Pic fix :bigsmile:

One is of Nate today and one was N seeing us bring him home. He was so giddy!

No idea why they're sideways...


Love the pics! How are you feeling? Congrats again!
Hey, I'm just going to jump right in!

I used to post on here all the time with my first pregnancy (2009) and then I posted a little with my second pregnancy (2011). So I figured I should probably join in with my third pregnancy also! Keep the tradition going and get the great support I received the first two times around.

I'm 11 weeks today (September 15 due date) and feeling like crap...morning sickness, exhausted, ya know all that fun 1st trimester stuff.

Excited to be back and can't wait to get to know you all better!
Pupp your boys are adorable!
Hey Tao! I remember you :). I'm not posting very faithfully but just wanted to give you a warm welcome back. The other ladies will be along soon Im sure! Congratulations on your pregnancy! sept sounds like a great time to have a baby! Maybe you can still be on leave for the holidays (if you work outside the home)? How old are your other kiddos now? My second pregnancy has been tiring to say the least, lol. And you are going for a third time- hats off to you lol. If this wasn't a twin pregnancy I don't think we would have ever had three kids (from my body that is), lol. Hope the first tri ickiness goes away soon for you!
Oh Pupp he's ADORABLE!! Well, they both are! ::) Seeing how happy your toddler is about the baby made me seriously cry, I can't wait for my girls to meet their baby brother or sister too. :bigsmile:

I know it's too early for me to be over here, but I do love seeing everyone's little ones and reading the birth stories. It's just SO exciting, I can't wait!!!
Pupp, your sons have the same cute smiles/lips! Adorable. Congratulations again.
Thanks Pave! My son, Evan turned 3 last October and my daughter, Violet turns 2 in April! They grow up so quickly. ;(

The only thing I'm dreading about a September baby is being VERY pregnant in the summer. UGH! I'll be back to work right before Thanksgiving (I didn't want to use up all my vacation time during the full 12 weeks incase something happens with one of the kiddos).
taovandel|1361842627|3390441 said:
Thanks Pave! My son, Evan turned 3 last October and my daughter, Violet turns 2 in April! They grow up so quickly. ;(

The only thing I'm dreading about a September baby is being VERY pregnant in the summer. UGH! I'll be back to work right before Thanksgiving (I didn't want to use up all my vacation time during the full 12 weeks incase something happens with one of the kiddos).

Coming out of lurkdom...

Tao, so you'll have a 4 yo, 2 yo and newborn come the Fall, is that right??? Tell me how you do it. I have a 6 month old and would LOVE to have all of our babes close together, but worry about doing it with several small ones at the same time!