
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Pave, the twins are gorgeous! So glad everyone is doing well. Congratulations!
Congrats pave!!! They are adorable! :appl: :appl: ...and two boys :eek: You're in for so much fun!!
puppmom|1363798313|3409650 said:
comparing my children - N1 is such a joy. I LOVE having a toddler...even when he's downright impossible. I sometimes look at N2 and think that I want time to move more quickly then feel guilty for not cherishing the moment.

pupp, I know I've told you I feel the exact same way! Take comfort that now, at around 8 months adjusted, we're turning that corner. ALL of the boys are so much fun now and are even playing together! It makes a huge difference once they can interact with each other, life doesn't feel as segmented. Hang in there, friend!
Congrats Pave!!! So glad the boys made it out perfectly healthy! So adorable :love: :love:
Pave, they're just beautiful! So happy for you that everyone is healthy and home already. I hope the transition goes as smoothly as possible for the whole family. You twin moms are truly my heros!
Pave, they are too cute for words. Huge congratulations to you and your family!
Congratulations pave, they are such beautiful boys!!!!!!!!! :love: :love:
Pave!! Gorgeous babies! Glad you're doing well. :bigsmile:

Here's a pic from our maternity shoot a few weeks back. So much fun!!!

congrats Pave!!!!!!!
Hi, ladies! Just checking in. Thought I'd bump this post to see how everyone else is doing and hopefully encourage some of the JBPers who might be ready to make the jump over here.

LTS, I never congratulated you on the birth of your son... so... congrats! I'm sorry to hear things were a bit rough in the beginning, and I hope things have gotten a bit easier as the weeks have passed.

Fisher, thanks for posting one of your maternity session pictures. So cute! At this point, do you think you know whether it's a boy or a girl?

Not much new for me... I'll be 35 weeks on Saturday, which just seems crazy to me. Where did the time go?? Had an appointment today, and we are measuring right on track. Both the doctor and I are pretty sure she's head down, though that could change. Nursery is 90% done, we are really close to signing on with an in-home day care provider (hopefully finalizing that this week), and overall feeling emotionally/mentally good about where we stand.

I took a few breastfeeding classes, and they helped me feel more comfortable about taking on that challenge. One was through the hospital and the other was led by 2 lactation consultants. I also found out our health insurance covers a double electric pump at 100%, as long as I get it through one of their preferred durable medical equipment providers. Looks like a Medela pump is available, so I'm excited for that (I almost wrote, "I'm pumped for that,".... gotta love a good pun).

Physically, I am starting to feel kinda crappy, though it really only hits me at night. I finally had to stop wearing my wedding set, which bummed me out, but I have a RHR that's sized a bit bigger, so I'm wearing that on my left hand now instead. I haven't slept through the night in a few weeks now, and that's killing me. Ugh. I suppose I need to get used to it though, right? Carpal tunnel comes and goes, but when it's here... it's excruciating.

But Baby Girl seems to be doing well, so I will suck it up! She has been going absolutely bonkers in the evenings, and both DH and I get a kick out of watching my alien belly jut out and do waves and all sorts of crazy things. I love it and am pretty sure I'm going to miss all that movement after pregnancy is over.

Anyway... I hope the new mamas are settling in and the rest of you are hanging in there as we keep pushing forward towards the finish line of this marathon!
Thanks everyone for your congratulations! We are settling in at home. The boys are doing really well. They are still sleepy so I am taking full advantage. They are super sweet babies and I'm really enjoying that.

Fisher I love your photo! So adorable! So you are going to be surprised too? I think it was worth the wait! I hope you are feeling well! Update again when you can.

Curly just wanted to say hi! I can relate to the discomfort. I hope it goes by fast for you. It's the best feeling when baby is here and you realize all of those pesky symptoms are GONE! It's gonna be great all around! I hope some of the jbps come over soon for you to play with, lol. If not we will be around. I need to get my rings back on...I was in costco yesterday looking at some sparklers... Wish I had the nerve to ask for a gift haha!

Hope all of the other new mommas are doing well!
It's been a baby boom around here lately, eh? Congrats to all the new mamas out there!

Pave, glad to hear your new boys are doing well at home. They are adorable.

Curly, I hear you on the not sleeping through the night. I can't remember the last time I wasn't up multiple times to pee or switch positions. I'm also unable to comfortably wear my wedding set anymore which really bums me out. I can get it on, but taking it off is a little scary b/c I have to really pull and twist. I'm going to have to see if my insurance covers a pump. I hadn't even thought of that!

Fisher, cute pic! I'm kinda sad DH and I never took any professional maternity photos.

AFM, just trucking along at 37w3d. I can't believe I'm next in line on our Preggos in Waiting list! Holy Toledo, how did that happen?? It feels like just yesterday I was nibbling on ginger snaps and trying to get through a massage session without dry heaving on a client!

I haven't updated in awhile so I'll try to give a quick overview. At 32 weeks, my ultrasound showed that my low-lying placenta had moved up (yay!) but that the baby was in the frank breech position (no!). I really wanted to have a vaginal delivery, so I started doing all sorts of complementary and alternative treatments to get little girl to flip. I went to acupuncture, did all the inversions on the spinning babies website, yoga poses and cranio-sacral therapy to try to relieve some of the torsion in my hips. By the time my 35 week appointment came around, she had assumed a lovely head-down position and so far has remained there. Whew.

Other than that, things have been going pretty well (touch wood). I still feel pretty good and have a decent amount of energy. I'm starting to feel kinda heavy and I'm getting leg cramps and back pain, but nothing I can't tolerate. I'm swelling in my hands, feet and ankles, but my blood pressure is still nice and low so I'm not too concerned. We had a nice shower this weekend (it was a couple's shower and ended with most people taking tequila shots) and we got a lot of what we needed. As soon as the nursery is finished next week, I'll take some pictures. Had an OB appointment today and my cervix not dilated at all and is about 50% effaced. I told my doc that I'm not having this baby until after the Cardinals home opener on April 8th.

I'm done working and have officially started my maternity leave. It was getting too hard trying to work on clients while taking care of my own body. I've decided to take the first year off to stay home with the baby (I haven't yet told my employer). I just don't make enough money at my spa to justify paying for daycare or a nanny and we don't have any family close that could help with childcare.

Sorry for the novel! Happy baking ladies!
I don't know if it's a girl or a boy and I wonder how some women "just know" and I don't! :). I go from girl to boy, but seem to mostly think girl. Part of that is me wanting to be able to name a child after my mother-in-law, though. I miss her so much and really look forward to telling the baby about her as often as possible.

We are 35 weeks 2 days and it blows my mind! We have been very blessed throughout the pregnancy-- baby has measured just perfect at each appontment, his or her heartbeat gets stronger and louder at each visit, and we fall a little more in love with this little person we are excited to meet each day. I've had very few issues (typical tiredness, sleeplessness, swelling...) other than that, it's been golden and I am enjoying carrying this kiddo.

My favorites are when Paul talks to the baby and the baby responds, when I'm asleep and wake up to go to the bathroom and before I fall back asleep the baby and I have this sweet time of movements and wiggles, and seeing the baby grow. It's all so amazing and the fact that a miracle is taking place inside of me just overwhelms me with joy and gratitude. It's amazing.

The doctor told me weeks 24-34 are the most fun because you finally look pregnant and feel consistent movements, but you are not yet huge. Haha. I have officially hit the "huge" status and being comfortable is becoming more difficult. Still, I wouldn't have it any other way.

We have the take home outfits for the baby (boy or girl) and the baby's items are packed as ready to go for the hospital. We have our personal items packed, but not our clothes (we need to wear them in the meantime...). And I'm having a hard time finding nursing tops! Any suggestions? I thought breastfeeding was making this big comeback, but you wouldn't know it to go to the stores....

I'm not sure if I'm having Braxton hicks or if the baby just thinks it is fun to bunch up tight from time to time... First internal check is next week for the strep b test. I'm not holding my breath for dilation to have started, but it will be interesting to find out, anyway.

Because it is getting so close now, I am becoming more and more nervous. I know God equips women to be mothers, but there's so much to learn and I'm starting to wonder how ready I am. Haha. 5 years of begging for a child and now I'm nervous. Typical. My mom will be here for a short time and I'm excited about that so she can help us learn a routine.

I agree with curly (I think it was curly....) I will miss feeling the movements and knowing the baby is with me and safe all the time. I'm starting to wonder how over protective I will be in allowing others to hold her or him, which I know I have to allow.... For now, I'm enjoying this time that is just mine and the kiddo's. :bigsmile:
Oh, the maternity pictures. I encourage anyone who can to do them! There are novice photographers everywhere now so it doesn't have to be expensive and it's such fun to capture baby's pre-born time in the family's life. We loved it and will be using the same photographer for the newborn pics.

Just because I can't get enough of looking at them.... Here's another!

Argh! Upside down... I can't fix it, either...
Hi fisher I haven't looked extensively but did describe one from target to LTL firecracker in the calling skippy/multiples thread- it's not too far down the's a tank type style shirt with a panel to pull down for nursing. I need a tank top under it because it feels to revealing otherwise for me. But that means bra, cami or tank, plus shirt. It seems slightly cumbersome but doable and of course affordable cause its target. Available online. Also I lived in thos tanks from target 4 yrs ago with my first son- some Irish name with the bras/underwear- McMillan something? I really like them but they really are more bra-like then a true shirt but with cardigans, or jacket could work for something outside (I wore mine outside but I didn't have to go to work or anything). Hope that helps! I'm so thrilled for you!
Hello Ladies!

I'm afraid my first official post here will be pretty short because I need to get back to work, but I wanted to dip a little toe in over here to test the water. ::) I'm 12 weeks tomorrow, so I think I can pass for "round enough" to join! :lol: I certainly look it already, haha.

I had my MaterniT21 draw on Monday, my NT scan on Wednesday (which went great, 1.1mm measurement and all looked well), and my NT blood draw the same day. It all feels like a bit of overkill, but I'm happy to have the reassurance (hopefully) that everything is going well with our little one. We're definitely going to find out the sex, so if the M21 doesn't fail us, we'll be sharing soon! :bigsmile:

Does anyone else have a SonolineB Doppler or anything similar? I ordered one because I'm a nervous wreck far too much of the time, but I didn't have a whole lot of luck with it last night. I'm super glad that I just had our NT ultrasound or that would have been a bad night! :shock:

I hope everyone is doing well and have tomorrow off too! I simply can't wait for 4:30 to roll around! :appl:
Is it 4:30 yet????

I ended up not getting a Doppler because all of them said they were made for/intended for 20+ weeks. By that point, you have movements to help with the anxiety.
Tammy, it took my awhile to get the hang of the SonolineB the first few times I tried it. I think I first got it at like 10 weeks, and we were only able to pick up the heartbeat for short intervals. But it was cool because we were at home alone the first time we heard the heartbeat, rather than at the doctor's office. I had to have DH help the first few times because I wasn't steady enough or something. Give it a few weeks, and you will be a pro. I loved having it because I didn't feel any movement until 22-23 weeks or so, and even then it was weeks before I felt regular movement (anterior placenta).
Me too I have the sonoline. It worked well for me- I had two so was never super sure who I was listening to but I still liked it.
Happy April, ladies!

TGoddess - Glad to hear you are feeling relatively well. Your shower sounds a lot more fun than what I envision as the typical baby shower (I have never been a lover of any kind of shower though, so...). And how awesome that you get to stay home for the first year!

Fisher - I completely agree with your doctor on the whole 24-34 weeks are the most fun. I just feel big, slow, and awkward right now with some periods of comfort and some periods of discomfort. I am also getting that bunched-up-in-a-ball feeling almost every night now, and at first, I just thought it was the baby going crazy, but I do think it's Braxton Hicks. Whatever it is, it is uncomfortable!

Tammy - Welcome!! So nice to have you over here! I am hopeful you'll get good news re: M21 soon. Back in October, they told me it would be about 10 days to 2 weeks to get my results, and I got them within a calendar week. So, fingers crossed you get the call soon! And I am no help with the doppler. I ended up not getting one in fear I'd get addicted to using it or I wouldn't use it right, causing me more anxiety.

Hello to everyone else out there!!

AFM - I'm not sure if it's nerves or what, but I am having some insane dreams as of late. Some of them are about the baby, but lots of them aren't. Recently, I have had dreams where one of the Chicago Blackhawks is pursuing me romantically. Ha. I'll take more of those dreams, please. Don't tell my DH. :naughty:
Hi Girls,

Just popping in to say that I hope everyone is doing well.

Curly, you're too funny! I wish I had the same turnaround time that you did for your results...and I wish my dreams were as nice as yours too! :naughty: :lol:

AFM: I'm having an "off" feeling day, a little worried but trying not to obsess too much. I haven't had much of an appetite compared to usual (but forced myself to eat appropriately). I also feel spaced out/lethargic and have this annoying pain in my lower left abdomen that's different. It's not RLP for sure. It's about halfway up (so between waist and where leg begins) and just keeps nagging at me by throbbing, sometimes random sharp pains and it won't go away. I thought it was bowel related, but it's not. :oops: Anyhow, yeah. I'm feeling nervous.

On the M21 front, I hate my OB/GYN. :angryfire: They've had the results now for over 24 hrs, would have been 2 days if their fax machine didn't stink. Have I heard anything? No, the doctor is busy and she won't allow her receptionist to tell me anything. Between my crappy 12 wk appointment where the doctor kept me waiting an hour while she ran out to answer phones/greet people and the crappy way that she has of handling lab results, I'm losing my cool. If it wasn't such a hassle I'd be switching providers! ;(

/end rant

On a happy note, I am able to find the baby's hb pretty consistently now with the Sonoline B. In fact, I'm going to go home tonight and check again because I could use the reassurance. :))
Hey Tammy, just saw this, but I hope by now you have your results and everything checked out a-okay. The doppler gave me so much peace of mind during my pregnancy too. After a rough day, it was always so nice to get a little reassurance and bond with the little one. Am I right that you can find out gender from the M21 test? Do you know how accurate it is? And did you find out?!!! I hope you'll share if you did!

Sending lots of dust to the soon to be mamas!
Tammy - any news yet????? I have my test next week, so I hope it does not take too long to get the results.

Just thought I would say a quick hello over here. I am in my 12th week with twins! Things are going well, I just made the news of the pregnancy public.

Other than that doing well, just trying to put some weight on so the babies can grow.
Hi Ladies! :bigsmile:

Wellllll....DH and I both thought that it would be a boy and guess what?!?!?!

We were WRONG! :lol: We're expecting our third (final!!) sweet little girl and couldn't be happier! :appl: Also, I drove my 10 yr old DD and two of her boy classmates to SF for a field trip and OMG if I wasn't already happy for a girl, that sure reaffirmed it for me! :errrr: :lol:
Congratulations, Tammy!!!!
Tammy, welcome to Team Pink! Congratulations!

Well, my due date came and went. As of last week, I'm still not dilated at all and still 50% effaced. Looking at induction on Tuesday night. I have an OB appt tomorrow so we'll see if I'm progressing at all. I've been going for acupuncture to try to induce the past few days and I go again tomorrow. Hopefully we get the ball rolling! Gonna have to seduce DH tonight to see if that helps. ;-)

How is everyone else? Fisher, you're getting closer, too!!

I can't believe it's almost here. It's so surreal to me. I'm not ready to be a mother!!!!!
Hi everyone,

I'm finally posting in this thread! I'm 5 1/2 months so pretty overdue to transition here :lol:

Travel Goddess, I hope everything goes smoothly for you and your baby arrives happy and healthy!

tammy, I'm so excited for you!! Congratulations!!

ltl, glad to see you over here :wavey:

AFM, I still have morning sickness. I had a week reprieve from it and silly me thought it was going away. :(( Then it came back full force with a vengeance. I'm so desperate that I'm willing to try anything. I'm going to go in for acupuncture and try magnesium oil.

I do have phenergan but at half a dose it knocks me out for 5 hours and I wonder/worry what that's doing to the baby. My OB is ok with my weight gain at least (I've gained 10-12). What I do is I force feed myself if I think that I want (whatever/insert here) to eat. The only meal that seems to do well with me is sushi (the real deal raw fish kind, I love nigiri) and green tea. For awhile, I wasn't gaining enough and he was pretty worried about dehydration so he gave me the green light to eat it as long as its from good restaurants.

Other than that, everything is going super well, which is a total relief!
TG- hope you're able to get things moving soon! :). Let us know how tomorrow goes.

Tammy- yay for a baby girl! Have you started looking at names yet?

38 weeks on Tuesday on our end... I go to the dr tomorrow. Not sure if I will ask them to check for dilation but I've definitely been having some contractions over the past two weeks. At 36 weeks, I wasn't dilated at all.

We have our bags packed, the car seat has been installed and approved by the professionals, bassinet is in our room, pack and play is set up in the living room, so I guess we are basically set. Ha. I'm sure we have no idea, but it's as good as we know to be prepared.... :bigsmile:
Yay on a girl, Tammy!

Fisher---Can't wait to meet your little one. You definitely sound like you are as ready as you can be! All the essentials are in place it sounds like.

18 weeks overe here. Morning sickness is tapering off. Just getting sick feeling if I don't eat for a long bit of time and most mornings. But it's better than actually getting sick 5 times a day.....

Still hoping to stay Team Green. Our U/S is in about a week and a half. Fingers crossed I can do it.

Pretty sure we have our girl name figured out. Ivy Rae. Not even close to coming up with a boy name though.