
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Asscherhalo_lover|1440360633|3918119 said:
Yay for good positioning! I've been home from work for the end of summer and cleaning up a storm! So much cleaning, lol. I've been reading more and starting to actually think about birth and what I'm actually going to do. DH and I signed up for Bradley classes in October/November. I've actually just ordered an exercise ball to start preparing for labor and build my core as much as safely possible, I'm also hoping it will help with the muscle stretching pain.

Has anyone here done Bradley or attempted an unmedicated birth before?

AHL, we took Bradley. It was worth every penny. It's the only reason I made it as long as I did without meds with my super complicated labor. Had she been positioned "normally", even normal but posterior, I have no doubt I could have done the whole thing med free.
April20|1440373252|3918209 said:
Asscherhalo_lover|1440360633|3918119 said:
Yay for good positioning! I've been home from work for the end of summer and cleaning up a storm! So much cleaning, lol. I've been reading more and starting to actually think about birth and what I'm actually going to do. DH and I signed up for Bradley classes in October/November. I've actually just ordered an exercise ball to start preparing for labor and build my core as much as safely possible, I'm also hoping it will help with the muscle stretching pain.

Has anyone here done Bradley or attempted an unmedicated birth before?

AHL, we took Bradley. It was worth every penny. It's the only reason I made it as long as I did without meds with my super complicated labor. Had she been positioned "normally", even normal but posterior, I have no doubt I could have done the whole thing med free.

Thanks for the input! I've been reading Ina May's guide to childbirth to get myself somewhat ready before the classes, are there any other books or resources you recommend? Thanks!
Asscherhalo_lover|1440373706|3918213 said:
April20|1440373252|3918209 said:
Asscherhalo_lover|1440360633|3918119 said:
Yay for good positioning! I've been home from work for the end of summer and cleaning up a storm! So much cleaning, lol. I've been reading more and starting to actually think about birth and what I'm actually going to do. DH and I signed up for Bradley classes in October/November. I've actually just ordered an exercise ball to start preparing for labor and build my core as much as safely possible, I'm also hoping it will help with the muscle stretching pain.

Has anyone here done Bradley or attempted an unmedicated birth before?

AHL, we took Bradley. It was worth every penny. It's the only reason I made it as long as I did without meds with my super complicated labor. Had she been positioned "normally", even normal but posterior, I have no doubt I could have done the whole thing med free.

Thanks for the input! I've been reading Ina May's guide to childbirth to get myself somewhat ready before the classes, are there any other books or resources you recommend? Thanks!

We didn't read anything, but we're sort of slackers. Bradley is very well rounded and i found it covered everything we needed. I also think the instructor has a lot of do with how much you get out of it. Ours was awesome.

Oh, and we did end up hiring a doula. She was worth every penny. I don't know if this is something you're considering, but I would highly recommend one. There's a site called "Doula Match" that lets you search your area. I looked for one that was regularly working with clients. There's a huge range of fees and experience out there. It ranged from $300 to $1500 in our area. Our doula had been doing it for a year, but had been at 11 births. That spoke volumes to me. She was $650.
Asscherhalo_lover|1440360633|3918119 said:
Yay for good positioning! I've been home from work for the end of summer and cleaning up a storm! So much cleaning, lol. I've been reading more and starting to actually think about birth and what I'm actually going to do. DH and I signed up for Bradley classes in October/November. I've actually just ordered an exercise ball to start preparing for labor and build my core as much as safely possible, I'm also hoping it will help with the muscle stretching pain.

Has anyone here done Bradley or attempted an unmedicated birth before?

I never took classes or read anything. I don't have a good reason, partly I was afraid of birth, partly i was lazy. My first I got meds and the labor took 30+ hours resulting in her needing to be removed with one of those vaccuming things that I don't recall the name of right now. Her head was a 95% and I'm sure that's the reason. As I was afraid the meds contributed to the length of my labor I decided to forgo them for my second. He was induced just like my first I made it to the pushing stage and he did crown but he went back in (I think it's called turtling becuase his shoulders were too large ) and we made the decision to do an emergency c section. I didn't have meds until they got me on the operating table. I can say that was the most pain ivr ever been in, in active labor, near crowning, unable to push becuase I couldn't move (or I mean I could but wasn't allowed) while I got the sinal tap for my meds before the c section.

It sucked. Both sucked. Meds or no meds. Do what's best for you.
Thank you both for your input, I don't think I can stretch the money to afford a doula, it's just so much out of pocket, I'm in NY and as far as I've seen it's at least 1,000 and I just can't justify that. Niel I'm sorry you have such a rough time with both deliverers. I'm planning on going in with the best intentions but of course taking it as it comes.
Aviastar, almost there and with head there's little chance he'll turn around.

AHL, my first labor was completely medication free. I have terrible side effects from anesthesia but high threshold for pain so opted to just power through. Transition was the hardest part of the process but everything else was manageable. DH and I took prenatal classes and the part about stages of labor was the most helpful for me. I was able to track where i was during labor. I don't recall if the instructor covered Bradley but if you are good at meditation and ability to manage your mind, labor without painkillers can be done. Having a doula or birthing partner is helpful. DH couldn't hack it so my mom came in as i ready to push and helped me.

The nurse did put me on pitocin as OB was stitching me up afterwards. I still don't know why but couldn't fight them at that point.
Thanks BabyM, I've always been quite good at managing pain and staying calm in emergencies, DH is even better, that's the only reason I would even consider it, I made sure he was on board. He's reading all of the books right along with me :)
baby monster|1440431252|3918535 said:
The nurse did put me on pitocin as OB was stitching me up afterwards. I still don't know why but couldn't fight them at that point.

Pitocin after delivery is standard practice at most hospitals because it helps to prevent post-partum hemorages. What I would ask/request is that they wait to administer the pitocin until after the placenta is delivered. Pit causes the uterus to contact and if it's contracting before the placenta is out, it is much more difficult for this to happen.
Thanks for the info April. it was after the placenta. I didn't appreciate the extra needle stuck in my arm for few hours but guess it couldn't be avoided.
Asscherhalo_lover|1440437219|3918578 said:
Thanks BabyM, I've always been quite good at managing pain and staying calm in emergencies, DH is even better, that's the only reason I would even consider it, I made sure he was on board. He's reading all of the books right along with me :)
Mine is also pretty good at managing high stress situations but active labor was just too much :naughty: I know we discussed having different relationships with moms but having mine there as backup was great. I would add to just keep an open mind about medication. If labor stalls or develops complications along the way, managing pain over a long period of time becomes very challenging.
Oh I'm not completely against it, I just want to avoid if possible. I've also already had a lumbar puncture and an epidural blood patch, I would like to avoid further trauma to the area if possible.
Hey BTDT Moms- would you say braxton-hicks are uncomfortable or crampy feeling?

I've got some crampiness that I don't know how to identify- lower abdomen and lower back with some extension into my hips, dull not sharp, feels like period cramps. Baby is moving consistently, he never really STOPS moving right now, so not super worried; no spotting and no discernable pattern.

Call the doc? Normal? Round ligaments + braxton-hicks? I'm 34+3 today.

Thanks, ladies!
aviastar|1440605876|3919411 said:
Hey BTDT Moms- would you say braxton-hicks are uncomfortable or crampy feeling?

I've got some crampiness that I don't know how to identify- lower abdomen and lower back with some extension into my hips, dull not sharp, feels like period cramps. Baby is moving consistently, he never really STOPS moving right now, so not super worried; no spotting and no discernable pattern.

Call the doc? Normal? Round ligaments + braxton-hicks? I'm 34+3 today.

Thanks, ladies!

I'm probably not going to be much help because I NEVER felt any braxton-hicks even though I was having them. That being said, I've always heard that they feel like a tightening, but don't necessarily hurt. My doc said if I was having more than 4 (or was it 6?) per hour, to call. Also, with yours feeling like a full ache and period like, I would put a call in just to be safe.
Aviastar, BH for me was always just tight feeling in the front. My stomach would get hard as a rock. When I started feeling contractions spreading to the back, that was the start of my labor. It was a dull pain/tightness circling the entire lower body like period cramps. I would check with your doctor asap.
Thank you both! It's receded with water and sitting, but I'm going to put a call in just to be safe...that's what the nurses line is there for right?
I did call the RN line and she was super helpful and nice! Nothing to worry about yet since I've haven't experienced anything timeable and the cramps have disappeared completely with feet up and lots of water! I have an appointment on Monday already, so just pay attention over the weekend and if I am experiencing anything in a pattern to definitely call. I feel much better, thank you so much for encouraging me to call, wonderful ladies!
Great that you got some reassurance from the nurse. The real labor contractions definitely don't disappear, they only get more frequent.
35 week appointment today! Everything looks good; I had the group strep B swab today and it was painless and no big deal. Then I had an internal check since I was all dolled up in the stirrups for the doc, :lol: , the last one I'll have unless I request one later as we get closer. So we confirmed baby is head down and I am 1cm dilated and 50% effaced. Not that that means much as far as labor is concerned, but it was nice to hear that my body is at least attempting to get ready! She said at this point since everything looks good for me that between now and 39 weeks they won't do anything to start or stop labor, so it's just a waiting game for a few more weeks :bigsmile:

We reviewed my preferences for labor, which are pretty straightforward- immediate skin to skin (already standard hospital practice), delayed cord clamping if no meconium is present, breastfeeding and baby rooming in are also standard at my hospital, and I'd like to be considered for 24 hour discharge as long as everything looks good. We'll consider pain meds and epidurals on a 1-2 hour basis as we go- I'd don't want to have expectations on how things are going to go that I can be disappointed or feel guilty about later, so go with the flow is our plan.

AHL- question for you: I was chatting with girlfriend last night and she's in Manhattan- you're in NY right? She said that unless they get lucky enough to get a private room that Dad can't stay the night with her. This is crazy talk to me! But my small community non-profit hospital only does private rooms, so maybe I'm just spoiled!

How is everyone else progressing? I'm hoping that no news is good news all the way around!
I'm glad all is well AV! I'm in NY but on Long Island, not Manhattan. The delivery rooms are private (as far as I know) but the recovery rooms are only private if they are not at full capacity. Either way I can deal, it'll hopefully only be for a short time and I care much more about the hospital having an excellent NICU than my accommodations.

I had my official A/S today and the cysts are gone, yippee! All looked "normal" and due to my weight (even though I have no complications as of yet) they are going to have me come in for regular growth scans. In 6 more weeks and then every 4 thereafter. It's kind of annoying but I would rather deal w/this than something go awry and not know about it. Here's to lots of looking at baby!
Aviastar, glad everything looks good. I hate internal checks and wish my doc wasn't so happy to do them. As you mentioned, dilation and effacing don't mean much so it's day at a time now.

AHL, great news on the cysts. Growing pains I say. As far as scans, can be good and annoying to have more monitoring. I had them for DS1 who was around 45-50% for growth and DH kept asking OB if I need to eat different things to bring up the growth. Everyone, including me who didn't want a big baby, kept telling him that average is good and he should calm down but it was a big deal in his mind.

AFM, 16wks and finally had to tell everyone the news. Can't suck it in anymore as the belly definitely popped :cheeky:. Feel fine so would like to keep up with the workouts but super busy at work so haven't been able to exercise as much as I'd like. The result of this plus being very very hungry lately is that I'm up 10lbs which is ahead of where I want to be. Hoping to manage the weight gain better second time around.
Hi girls! I've been meaning to post a belly pic for quite some time now, but it's been a busy few weeks. Oscar had tonsillitis, then we both got gastro, then he got otitis media, and now conjunctivitis. Oh and bronchitis, which he has kindly shared with me, the monkey. My GP and I are now the best of friends! Hopefully that's it for the year, we are heading interstate for a sunny beach holiday in three days, so best get it out of our systems now. Other than that I feel good, luckily I have never has any pregnancy nausea/sickness, and I am eating pretty well everything in sight.

I had my 20 week scan last week, and as curiosity got the better of us this time, as we knew it would, we asked to find out the gender. We were both totally gobsmacked and elated to discover that this time around, we are having a GIRL!! :appl: :appl: DH is beyond thrilled, he has always wanted a little princess. I'm just amazed, I always assumed we would only conceive boys, as both our families are overrun with them. We aren't planning to tell anyone the gender, I have found myself nearly slipping up a few times already. I don't know if I'll make it another 19 weeks without giving the game away!

Here's me at 21 weeks, I feel (and, well...look) absolutely enormous. O was a pretty big baby (10lb 13oz/4.91kgs) so Little Miss may be heading along the same growth trajectory. Oh well, she's most likely coming out the sunroof anyway, so she can get as big as she likes :bigsmile:

Much love to everyone, I hope you are all feeling great!

Congrats Dandi!!! Yay for team pink! I know how you feel; DH's family is filled with boys, so I was so surprised when we had our first daughter. Girls are so fun. :appl:
Congrats! I'm 21+4 so our due dates must be close, my boy is due Jan 16th!
Thanks Laila! Yep AHL, Jan 19th for me :appl: Although probably a scheduled caesarean a week or 2 prior.
Dandi, congrats on Team Pink! You will love having a girl!

Avia, how are things going? You must be close.

AHL, congrats on 21 weeks. Time has flown by. Are you back at school after summer break?

AFM, not much new. My scheduled c-section was moved to 10/26 from 10/23 so I have a little over 6 weeks to go! I had some anxiety the other night and couldn't sleep starting at 2am all night. It was horrible - I kept trying to sleep, but ending up getting up and pacing. I watched tv and organized some stuff in my closet and drawers. Fortunately, the next several nights I have slept so there is hope for me, but I hate it when this happens as it has happened a few times this pregnancy and previously with my other pregnancy. DH painted the baby room grey on Monday. We still need to paint the trim white and do some touch ups. We also need a dresser. We are using our daughter's old crib. We have no name and have not discussed. We had a hard time last time as my DH wanted an Indian name, and I wanted an American name. We'll see if we can compromise any better this time. Our daughter was named 5 mins before birth. Also, we are car shopping for either a minivan or 3 row crossover as we can't fit my in laws and 2 car seats in our current cars without taking 2 cars. It is not easy to car shop with a toddler. So far we haven't done any test drives because of having to install a car seat to take a test drive. We need to get more serious about this though since I would like to have this done before the baby comes.
Hi everyone! I posted here a while ago when I first found out I was pregnant, but then things got very busy at work and home and I kind of fell off the face of PS :shifty: I've been reading along but haven't had the chance to post, but as it gets closer to the end I feel like I should make the time for it because the support of everyone here is so wonderful. Anyway, I'll be 32 weeks tomorrow and starting to panic a bit that it's coming so soon. We're team green, so no idea what we are having - We have a 2 year old son, and I'd love to have a daughter, but I also know my son would love a brother, so we will be happy either way! 8)

JGator - Our due dates were so close, it's crazy to hear you say you only have about 6 weeks left until your scheduled CS! Good luck with the car shopping - we were doing the same thing a few months ago but then decided to try to buy a house instead (still waiting on that one!) so put the car on the backburner for a while, but I know how overwhelming it can be with all the choices and decisions.

DandiAndi - Love the bump pic! You look adorable and congrats on team pink!

Hope everyone else is feeling good!
Wow you guys are so close! I guess come December I'll have the six week countdown panic! I came back to work this week. The first few days were soooooo hot and setting up my classroom was torture. I did way more physically than I should have and was very sore for a few days. Thankfully the kids (2 are new to my class) have transitioned fairly well and have not had many issues. I really do just have tunnel vision until January. I'm just focusing on getting everything set up and moving and I'm ready to leave.

Pregnancy wise I consider myself lucky. Aside from the cysts (which have cleared up) baby is doing well and so am I. I have had some groin pain but using a yoga ball daily has helped very much. Nothing else really, I still pretty much feel normal. I know I'm in the race toward the end now and things can change any day but I'll take it as it comes.

Happy thoughts for us all!
Aviastar - How are you doing? Anything new?

JGator - Sorry to hear about the lack of sleep. So frustrating when you really want to, have the opportunity to do so and then can't. Uggh. For car shopping, way back when we bought a car after our first, we just test drove separately. We were only interested in one car, and bought it, so it was pretty easy to handle that way. Did you find a dresser? We have the Ikea Hemnes dresser that lots of people seem to have and have been happy with it. Toooooooooooo funny about how you guys handle naming a baby!

DandiAndi - Cheers on your girl news! Girls are so much fun!!!!

AHL - Oh goodness, it was hot last week! Hopefully, it stays cool into fall. Saw your nursery pics in the other thread. Super cute!! Oh, and I meant to post this way back when, but our boys will share a first name, so good choice there. :)) I have to say, it's a universally liked name! People seem genuinely relieved to hear it, haha, like they are expecting something they won't like for some reason!!

My little boy is 4 months, and I am back to work part time now, in front of a computer, hence the post. Very chaotic mornings, but we'll find our rhythm soon.
Hey all! :wavey:

Great to hear an update, LV! Glad things are going well!

AHL, oh man I can sympathize! I'm trying to get my office cleaned up and cleared out, baby will be coming to work with me, so I need space for a pack and play and as little clutter as possible. And it's been so freakin hot! It's cooled down here for the moment, how about your neck of the woods? Glad you are feeling good!

Hi Lavender! 32weeks? It seems to go so fast( when it's other people! :lol: ). How's the house search going?

I'm so happy to hear an update, J! Six weeks?!? Crazy! I'm sorry about the insomnia, at least you are being productive? :doh: what cars are you looking at, anything in particular?

Dandi, you look great! Congrats on having a girl!

37 weeks for me; alls well. We installed the car seat today and I'm packing an overnight bag. I think I'm losing my mucous plug slowly; never enough at one time to get excited about but not little enough to not notice either. I'm having random contractions, but they aren't organized, particularly painful, or very frequent, so I hope they are just dilating and effacing away down there, so when real labor starts most of the work is done! A girl can dream right!?! This kid is still managing to move pretty well, and I can feel the pushes down in my hip bones, so we're dropping and getting ready, I think. My hips are my only real complaint; between a kink in my sciatic area, some pretty painful round ligament stretching, and how heavy, heavy, heavy it feels between my knees and my boobs, it's pretty uncomfortable. If that's the toughest part, I'll take it and know the light at the end of the tunnel is fast approaching!
I hope everyone is doing well! I'm going to post this here since the newborn thread is really dead.

I found this yesterday. It's been awesome today! It's a 20 minute "white noise" that a dad developed for his newborn. It's called White Noise for Purple Cry. Yeah, my little monster has been doing that a lot lately. She really likes this white noise! At least today.

And for fun, here she is with the bear our friends in the UK sent her from Harrod's. This pretty much sums up how she feels about things in the evening.
