
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

ladyciel|1457630931|4002769 said:
Congrats on your third boy, amc!!

I wanted to pop over to this thread briefly to ask if any of you have any favorite dad-to-be pregnancy books. I have the mayo clinic book for myself, which seems pretty good, but I'm hoping to find a decent book for DH. Something that is on an approachable level for first time dads, with accurate information about what to expect and how he can help, and without the bro-dude attitude that seems to pervade so many of them (humor is fine - assuming he is an immature frat-boy will turn him off). Amazon reviews have me leaning toward "The Expectant Father - The ultimate guide for dads to be", but I'm a bit worried about the comments saying it goes into too much detail about everything that can go wrong since DH is a complete worry-wart. Any ideas?

I'm also interested in your favorite pregnancy-specific workouts! I'm considering a DVD set from Lindsay Brin, "Complete pregnancy workout" to start out with. I like that it's broken down by trimester, so there's a first-trimester dvd without a bunch of the modifications I won't need for a while. Lately I've been on our treadmill a lot, but I prefer doing audio-guided interval workouts that are probably too intense to be a good idea for much longer. I get bored out of my mind just jogging, and I also need/want to focus more on strength training. I would love to hear how you ladies are approaching exercise!

I was going to recommend The Expectant Father, but I see you've already looked at that one. I bought it for DH and looked it over, but I don't think he ever read it. Is your husband able to go to your OB appointments? DH went to almost every single one with B, and it was a good way for him to be kept in the loop.

I would recommend having a session with a personal trainer who will show you pregnancy safe weight exercises. I took a prenatal palates class and found it to be fairly useful. I have to be very careful with working out because it sets off contractions. I also can't do anything that involves a lot of motion (like the elliptical or rower) because it makes me sick. I've been going back and forth between walking (on a hill program) on the treadmill and going on the bike. Our gym has a pool and it will be my first pregnancy where I've had access to one, so I plan on using it a lot in the coming months.
Congratulations, ladyciel!

A friend of mine also recommended The Expectant Father. She said she read it herself, too, and it helped her understand her own emotions better.

I haven't found any pregnancy-specific workouts that I really like. I'm at 19 weeks now, and so far have been able to modify my usual workouts from Mostly I've just lowered the intensity by not jumping as much, and lifting lighter weights. The only move I really couldn't handle was lying on my stomach for "superman," raising arms and legs off the floor. I changed it into a hands-and-knees position, lifting one leg and one arm at a time. Am interested in hearing about how others are exercising.
LC I don't have any suggestions for books for your husband, as I don't think my husband read any. He had several, but like amc's husband, going to appointments was what he did. It was all a shock to all of us anyway when I had preterm labor, so we just winged it all. We didn't even get a chance to take a child birth class. I usually liked to be (sometimes overly) prepared, but it worked out last time!

For exercise, with my first pregnancy, I used Summer Sanders' prenatal DVD. It is broken down into trimesters and has a short and long version of each. I started it with this pregnancy, but had to quit once I was diagnosed with complete previa. Because of the previa, all I do is walk and go to yoga (which I specifically asked if I could and what not to do). It's not a prenatal yoga class, but the teacher is knowledgeable and really helps me with knowing how I need to modify any position. My previa has moved, but at 32 weeks, I think the ship has sailed for starting any new exercise programs. I might try to start back the Summer Sanders' DVD, but I'm not holding myself to it.

AFM, I'm happy to have made to every other week appointments (32w3d)! Mine this morning was uneventful, which I will happily take. After slowly coming down at each appointment (started in 170s, down to 128 last time), the heart rate was 158 bpm! Baby still has plenty of room and I feel it flip between head and down and transverse often. I feel pretty good about the baby turn head down before delivery since it happens so often now.

And because like any sane couple, we are starting a complete bathroom remodel next week. The master bathroom. I just hope we get the toilet installed sooner rather than later. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Late night trips are about to become longer when I have to use the guest bath!
Thank you for the ideas, ladies! I ordered DH the expectant father - I'm hopeful he'll actually read it. I also picked up a few pregnancy workout dvds from the library to try out. I figure this way I can try and then buy if I find one I really like. Or just keep renewing as long as I can get away with it...
How is everyone doing? Seems to be slow around here!

I had my 34w appt today. About a week ago, I was having contractions every 6 minutes, so I went in to see my midwife. They aren't really doing anything, but lead her to believe that once my shots run out, I'll go pretty quickly. I've made it to the point where they won't stop labor, and if I make it to 35w (Friday), NICU nurses won't have to attend the delivery! My midwife said she will be happy if I make it to 36 weeks, but I'm shooting for at least 37. I'm hoping my shots will get me through until then. From what I could find, most women have their babies 7-14 days after their last shot. My last one will be April 11. It's crazy to think I could have a baby in less than a month! But I will bake baby as long as baby needs if I make it past 37. I'm getting uncomfortable, but just try to take it one day at a time and be thankful I'm still pregnant. And not on bed rest. :))
That's pretty exciting BPD - I do hope you can bake that baby past 37 weeks :)

Still pregnant here. Due date is Friday. Induction date is set for next Wednesday if nothing happens before then. I hope things get started on their own because I'd really like to avoid an induction and do this drug free. Looking forward to meeting this little lady!
Wow, you guys are getting close! Exciting!

I'm 18w. Baby/uterus have apparently moved up quite a bit and now feel like they are sitting in my stomach. Sometimes I'm fine, but other times I have terrible stomach aches after eating anything. It's really annoying and I had forgotten about this sort of stuff. I've got an OB appointment on Friday and then my anatomy scan the week after next. I'm starting to look very pregnant...I'll take a belly pic next week because I have 19 week pics from my other pregnancies. I don't think I'm as big as I was with DS2, which hopefully means I won't have all that extra fluid.

Hope everything else is going well!
I hope everything looks good at your anatomy scan Amc.

So my back has just recently decided that it's had enough of this pregnancy nonsense and no longer wants to support my body without inflicting spasms of terrible terrible pain. Touché back, touché.

Adding a 38 week tummy pic, just because...

Good luck ladies! You're all getting closer!
I had my monthly appointment on Friday. I'm already measuring a couple weeks ahead (normal for me, by the end my belly will probably measure like 45 weeks, it sucks). I overdid it on Saturday, mostly by carrying the 14m old around a lot, and was having some contractions that night. I drank a lot of water and laid down, and they stopped. My preterm contraction didn't start until 29 and 34 weeks with the first two, so I'm hoping this isn't indicative of how this pregnancy will go. I've got my anatomy scan next week (YAY!). Other than that, just moving along. 19w today.
No news is good news, for me. I'm 23 weeks and trucking along. I feel mostly okay, often uncomfortable, often tired. The anatomy scan went great, the baby cooperated and the technician was able to get all of the detailed measurements in 45 minutes. The bean is measuring on the big side but still within normal bounds. I was very disappointed to learn that measuring big doesn't mean she'll come any sooner! :lol:

I have been feeling lots of movement since about 19 weeks, which is fun. The doctor commented that she seems very active, too. My partner even got to feel my belly move pretty early on. We had both woken up in the middle of the night, and baby was having a what felt like a party in my uterus. I asked him if he wanted to try to feel her move, and he got kicked within a couple minutes.

We mailed out our shower invitations, and people have received them already. I like them very much.

Best wishes to everyone!
urseberry|1459985273|4016381 said:
No news is good news, for me. I'm 23 weeks and trucking along. I feel mostly okay, often uncomfortable, often tired. The anatomy scan went great, the baby cooperated and the technician was able to get all of the detailed measurements in 45 minutes. The bean is measuring on the big side but still within normal bounds. I was very disappointed to learn that measuring big doesn't mean she'll come any sooner! :lol:

I have been feeling lots of movement since about 19 weeks, which is fun. The doctor commented that she seems very active, too. My partner even got to feel my belly move pretty early on. We had both woken up in the middle of the night, and baby was having a what felt like a party in my uterus. I asked him if he wanted to try to feel her move, and he got kicked within a couple minutes.

We mailed out our shower invitations, and people have received them already. I like them very much.

Best wishes to everyone!

Cute invitations!

I can assure you, big babies don't come sooner, but I wish they did! There should be an auto-eject button once they hit 8lbs. I had an almost 9lb 39 weeker (induced) and an over 9lb 38 weeker (c-section)...I don't think either of them would have come before 40 weeks had they not been evicted.
Hi All,

Popping in quickly to announce the birth of our Daughter, Althea Rey, on Wednesday the 6th of April at 3:38am.

Because of her heart defect we had been booked in for an induction at 9:30am on the 6th at 40+6 weeks as babies with this issue tend to do better if they are hatched between 40 & 41 weeks.
Desperate to not be induced, my midwife did a stretch & Sweep on Monday morning, and another on Tuesday morning when the first didn't get the ball rolling. Had cramping immediately which intensified as the day went on and turned into contraction in the evening. I laboured at home overnight waiting for contractions to get 90 seconds long and 3 mins apart, as instructed by my midwife, before giving her a call and heading to the hospital. Well, they never did get 90 seconds long, instead I started feeling a bit like I wanted to push at which point I called her and we headed off to hospital ( which is about 25 mins away) with DH freaking out a little that we weren't going to make it there in time and he'd end up with a wife, a baby and a car which looked like a scene from a horror movie.
So, halfway there and guess what, half the motorway is closed for road works and we would have to detour - not whatlabouring women and stressed out husbands need when rushing to hospital!
Anyway, we eventually got there with only a little speeding and red light running, again had to detour as it was after hours and we didn't know where the after hours entrances were, got in there, the midwives had a check and said "oh, you're fully dilated". Yep, no s****!
So got into the delivery room, flung all my clothes off, got up on my knees and went for it. 40mins of pushing and baby Thea finally came out! Yay!

So far Thea is doing really well, she is a strong little monkey so I am optimistic that she with fly through her surgery and recovery next week.

Congrats, 4ever! She's adorable. Prayers and best wishes for a smooth surgery and recovery!
Congrats!! What a great story. I'm glad you made it in time! And only 40 minutes of pushing, that's awesome!
Congratulations 4ever! Wishing her a successful surgery and a speedy recovery. She is beautiful!!
Had my anatomy scan today. Baby boy is definitely a boy. He is measuring 9 days ahead, not surprising given my history. His legs are Mike 2+ weeks ahead. Doctor said to expect another 22" baby. Baby was very active and the scan took well over an hour because he was not cooperative.
Congrats 4ever! She's beautiful! I hope has a speedy recovery after her surgery.

I had planned to post on Monday how excited I was to take my last shot... however, I never made it that far. Saturday afternoon, I went to the bathroom and started gushing blood. We rushed to the hospital, but the on all dr said it was an irritable uterus and decided to monitor me for an hour. I bled some more, so they admitted me overnight to watch the bleeding and baby's heartbeat. I was contracting every 7-10 min and had progressed from 1cm to 2cm. After a couple of hours (and more bleeding), they checked me again, and I was at 4cm. They decided I was in labor (duh) and admitted me as in labor. I had hoped for no epidural, but with all the blood loss, standing up was impossible to get through the contractions. After the epidural, baby's heart rate started dropping during each contraction, so they broke my water. 45 minutes later and 3 pushes later, baby GIRL was here. She had a true knot in her cord, and it was wrapped around her neck, so that's why her heart rate dropped during contractions.

June was healthy despite being born at 36 weeks. She had to go to the nursery for observation for 4 hours, and we had to stay in the hospital for 48 hours to monitor us for infection (never got to go my group b strep test) and my blood loss. We came home Tuesday morning! :)) :))

amc after having two preemies (a 5lber and a 6lber), I can't imagine having as big as babies as you! Hope your pregnancy continues to go well!
blackpolkadot said:
Congrats 4ever! She's beautiful! I hope has a speedy recovery after her surgery. I had planned to post on Monday how excited I was to take my last shot... however, I never made it that far. Saturday afternoon, I went to the bathroom and started gushing blood. We rushed to the hospital, but the on all dr said it was an irritable uterus and decided to monitor me for an hour. I bled some more, so they admitted me overnight to watch the bleeding and baby's heartbeat. I was contracting every 7-10 min and had progressed from 1cm to 2cm. After a couple of hours (and more bleeding), they checked me again, and I was at 4cm. They decided I was in labor (duh) and admitted me as in labor. I had hoped for no epidural, but with all the blood loss, standing up was impossible to get through the contractions. After the epidural, baby's heart rate started dropping during each contraction, so they broke my water. 45 minutes later and 3 pushes later, baby GIRL was here. She had a true knot in her cord, and it was wrapped around her neck, so that's why her heart rate dropped during contractions. June was healthy despite being born at 36 weeks. She had to go to the nursery for observation for 4 hours, and we had to stay in the hospital for 48 hours to monitor us for infection (never got to go my group b strep test) and my blood loss. We came home Tuesday morning! :)) :)) amc after having two preemies (a 5lber and a 6lber), I can't imagine having as big as babies as you! Hope your pregnancy continues to go well!

Congratulations, 4ever. Wow, what a dramatic trip to the hospital. Love the name you and your DH picked. Fingers crossed for a safe surgery and recovery for the little one.

And blackpolkadot, wow, your story sounds scary too. Glad you and June are doing well. Love her name too. Best wishes!
Congrats, BPD! I'm so happy she's healthy and you're doing well. I love her name.
I didn't realise how long it had been since I've been here! :shifty: I've missed everything! Congratulations AHL, DandiAndi, 4ever and black polkadot! (you might not be visiting this thread anymore?) Baby Monster you must have popped by now?

Welcome to Urseberry, bobbin, amc80 :)

I haven't been back here in so long I feel like I should introduce myself again. We've been on such a tight budget doing renovations and buying baby stuff plus my rings haven't fit for months and months pricescope just hasn't been on my mind. But I'm 35 weeks now and headed into the home stretch. I'm in a birth group on facebook and everyone seems to be popping early and I feel fairly certain I'm a long way off and will probably go overdue. its been relatively uneventful since the morning sickness wore off. Baby boy has been head down and posterior since the beginning and has never shifted so I'm trying to encourage him to rotate round to head down and anterior. no luck so far...
Yay, congratulations BPD! I'm glad you had such a short hospital stay even though June was early,

Just a quick update for those interested; Thea had her surgery at 5 days old and had a fairly smooth recovery. We were able to go home at 2 weeks old. We are working on getting her weight back up but otherwise she is doing really well. I'm greatful that she won't remember anything of this time, It's certainly a time DH and I will never be able to forget.
Yay, 4ever! I'm so happy to hear that surgery went well and she is home. I know all too well all the emotions involved for mom and dad. Your little one is a little fighter already, and I hope she chubs up quickly and doesn't look back.
My passing the glucose tolerance test calls for an update! I'm 27 weeks today. Just 1 week left in the second trimester. Been having lower back pain recently, and working out is very challenging. Who knew jumping jacks could be so difficult? I'm up 18-19 pounds from pre-pregnancy, and some of my maternity clothes are starting to get a bit tight or short. Also getting frequent but mild heartburn. Thankful that in only 3 months, I'll get to meet our baby girl!

bobbin, are you still there? Hope everything is all right, and hugs if it isn't.

amc80, you're about a month behind me, right? How's it going for you?
urseberry|1462297654|4026611 said:
My passing the glucose tolerance test calls for an update! I'm 27 weeks today. Just 1 week left in the second trimester. Been having lower back pain recently, and working out is very challenging. Who knew jumping jacks could be so difficult? I'm up 18-19 pounds from pre-pregnancy, and some of my maternity clothes are starting to get a bit tight or short. Also getting frequent but mild heartburn. Thankful that in only 3 months, I'll get to meet our baby girl!

bobbin, are you still there? Hope everything is all right, and hugs if it isn't.

amc80, you're about a month behind me, right? How's it going for you?

Congrats on passing! I'm like 90% sure I'm going to fail. My new office only does a 2 hour test, and that's it...if you fail, you fail.

I'm 23 weeks as of yesterday. My energy is mainly gone and I'm hungry all the time. I also have trouble falling asleep at night, despite wanting to fall asleep all day long. Love the irony. I did have a trip to L&D a couple of weeks ago due to contractions. I've realized that I really have to take it easy this pregnancy. My abs are so split from my prior pregnancies, which means there isn't a whole lot supporting my any activity seems to upset it. I have an OB appointment tomorrow, so I will ask my doc if she thinks I'm okay to do something like swimming. I hate not working out. Other than that, just hanging in there. This pregnancy is so different from the others. With #1, everything was new and exciting. With #2, it was a constant comparison to #1. This time, it's like "oh yeah, I'm pregnant" haha. At least it's flying by. We are still undecided on a name. DH is sort of stuck on one and I want something else (although I don't know what the something else is, yet)...I'm thinking I'll win, though.

Not much else to report. I do my GD test at 26 weeks and a growth scan at 28 weeks. I'm guessing I'll start the NSTs at some point, due to my advanced maternal age :roll: :roll: :roll:
amc80|1462303082|4026658 said:
Congrats on passing! I'm like 90% sure I'm going to fail. My new office only does a 2 hour test, and that's it...if you fail, you fail.

I'm 23 weeks as of yesterday. My energy is mainly gone and I'm hungry all the time. I also have trouble falling asleep at night, despite wanting to fall asleep all day long. Love the irony. I did have a trip to L&D a couple of weeks ago due to contractions. I've realized that I really have to take it easy this pregnancy. My abs are so split from my prior pregnancies, which means there isn't a whole lot supporting my any activity seems to upset it. I have an OB appointment tomorrow, so I will ask my doc if she thinks I'm okay to do something like swimming. I hate not working out. Other than that, just hanging in there. This pregnancy is so different from the others. With #1, everything was new and exciting. With #2, it was a constant comparison to #1. This time, it's like "oh yeah, I'm pregnant" haha. At least it's flying by. We are still undecided on a name. DH is sort of stuck on one and I want something else (although I don't know what the something else is, yet)...I'm thinking I'll win, though.

Not much else to report. I do my GD test at 26 weeks and a growth scan at 28 weeks. I'm guessing I'll start the NSTs at some point, due to my advanced maternal age :roll: :roll: :roll:

Thanks! My office also does the 2 hour test. I felt a little nauseous in the first 15 minutes after drinking the glucola, but mostly okay afterwards. My 2 hour reading was within a few points of the cutoff, though, so I wonder if I should watch my sugar anyway. I assume I'll talk over the results with the doctor at my next appointment. I hope you pass! What were your results during the first two pregnancies?

Sounds like everything is okay after the contractions and trip to L&D. I would have been so scared. Pregnancy is so hard on our bodies, isn't it?

We're also undecided about a name. I've found a few that I like, but then I'm turned off when I find out that they're becoming popular, or were recently chosen by a celebrity. My partner has a list of names that he likes, but no clear favorite. I don't know how we're ever going to decide on one.

I am also of "advanced maternal age" and will join you in the eye rolls. Hey, I at least I got insurance coverage for my cell-free DNA screen and detailed anatomy ultrasound.
urseberry|1462306536|4026701 said:
Thanks! My office also does the 2 hour test. I felt a little nauseous in the first 15 minutes after drinking the glucola, but mostly okay afterwards. My 2 hour reading was within a few points of the cutoff, though, so I wonder if I should watch my sugar anyway. I assume I'll talk over the results with the doctor at my next appointment. I hope you pass! What were your results during the first two pregnancies?

Sounds like everything is okay after the contractions and trip to L&D. I would have been so scared. Pregnancy is so hard on our bodies, isn't it?

We're also undecided about a name. I've found a few that I like, but then I'm turned off when I find out that they're becoming popular, or were recently chosen by a celebrity. My partner has a list of names that he likes, but no clear favorite. I don't know how we're ever going to decide on one.

I am also of "advanced maternal age" and will join you in the eye rolls. Hey, I at least I got insurance coverage for my cell-free DNA screen and detailed anatomy ultrasound.

With B, I passed the one hour with no issues. With T, I failed the one hour by 3 points and then passed the 3 hour (I failed one of the four readings, but you had to fail two to fail the test).

I am just a bad pregnant person. My uterus is extremely temperamental, but at least my cervix is strong as nails. I keep reminding myself that this is my last pregnancy, so I need to try to enjoy it.

The social security 2015 names should be released on Friday. I'm hoping DH will see that his name choice is crazy trendy, and that he will go with my pick. I suggest at least one name a day, and it's always shot down. I was watching Call the Midwife (do you watch it? I love it!) and the husband and wife were discussing names, and the husband basically told the wife that it's her department...her choice. Why can't my husband think like that? haha.

The MFM told me after my anatomy scan that the clinical name for AMA if it's not your first baby is "elderly multigravida." WTF.
Just googled so you don't feel alone- elderly primagravida is AMA with your first kid.
Had my appointment yesterday, it was uneventful. The next couple of months will be busy- GD test, growth scan, Rhogam shot, tDap shot, and a few appointments.
Thanks for looking up that medical term for me, amc80. I haven't seen Call the Midwife, but I've been meaning to check it out. Uneventful doctor's appointments mean everything is going well, right? I have an appointment tomorrow, and I hope it's totally boring. :-)