
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

LC: She is just beautiful! Congrats!

We got our Harmony results today. Low risk (1:10,000) for Trisomy 13, 18 and 21. And it's a BOY!!! I am so excited. I would have been absolutely fine with another girl (i have some adorable outfits I would have loved to use again), but one of each is so great. Especially since this is my last baby (or better be!). Now on to the struggle to get DH to agree on a name........
April, I haven't been on here in months, but I just saw your news and wanted to congratulate you! Wonderful news! And congrats to all the new moms and soon to be moms as well!
April20|1480453364|4103528 said:
LC: She is just beautiful! Congrats!

We got our Harmony results today. Low risk (1:10,000) for Trisomy 13, 18 and 21. And it's a BOY!!! I am so excited. I would have been absolutely fine with another girl (i have some adorable outfits I would have loved to use again), but one of each is so great. Especially since this is my last baby (or better be!). Now on to the struggle to get DH to agree on a name........

Congrats April!
I had my 16 week appt today and everything looks good. My uterus is already at my belly button, so I'm measuring at least two weeks ahead. Oy! I am noticeably bigger than I was with DD at this point and I showed early with her. I'll upload a pic from my phone. Thank goodness this baby is due in early summer. I cannot imagine going thru another humid summer as big as a house.
LC - Congrats! She is a cutie and I love those pics.

April20 - Yay, 16 weeks already? Glad things are progressing well.

As for me, my little guy showed up... er... 3 weeks ago. I had a couple days of false starts, and I finally had a feeling when I woke up one morning that this was the day! I asked DH to stay home from work, but of course the contractions then faded away. We had breakfast together, took a long walk, and had a low key day together. I ended the day at 11 with a relaxing bath. Water broke as soon as I finished and my husband and I took up Lamaze positions before heading to the hospital around 1am. I arrived already 5cm dilated. When I asked for the epidural, they had trouble getting a blood draw and it took forever! Then the blood sample was clotted and they needed another. By this time I was begging for the epidural and I honestly thought my body was going to push the baby out right then. My husband engaged in some angry yelling at the clueless residents, who finally got an experienced nurse to draw my blood properly and rush the test. I finally got the epidural around 4 and OB came in right away and said I was ready to push. I suspect I was pretty much fully dilated when I finally received the epidural.

For someone who had read about pretty much every other aspect of pregnancy and childbirth, I honestly had no idea how to effectively push. OB told me to push like I was having a bowel movement. There was zero progress over several hours, even with a resting period to let baby come down a bit on his own. I don't know if it was because I couldn't push or because he was honestly too big for my pelvis, but I ended up having the much dreaded c section. The procedure itself wasn't so bad, though I am a wuss and was crying and shaking for the entire hour prior to entering the OR. I'm still recovering, but doing well. In a way, I feel like I had so many different birth experiences at once -- labor at home, unmedicated labor, epidural, attempted vaginal birth, c section.

Here's my little guy looking rather grumpy yesterday:

Oh BB congrats! I love those big wide eyes, I hope you are recovering well and able to enjoy the holidays!
YAY, congrats, Bling!! I'm sorry to hear you're having to recover from a c-section, but I'm so glad he's here and you're both healthy. I don't blame you for being nervous before going in to surgery - I know I'd be a wreck, too. He's a cutie, and so alert!
Congratulations, Bling! He's precious. :love: A dramatic peripartum experience, certainly, but yay for healthy mom & healthy baby!!
I know this thread has been pretty quiet, but I thought I'd check in. I'm plugging along at 21+2. I'm easily as big as I was at 25/26 weeks with Eliza, so this is going to be interesting. The anatomy scan was last week. Baby measured a week ahead and was already estimated at 14 oz. And he's still a boy. He was quite cooperative and it was very obvious! It was still nice to have the genetic testing results confirmed though!

Not much going on other than that in pregnancy land. Our house remodel is a different story, but I'll save that for another thread on another day.
Congrats on smooth sailing April!
Glad to see some still post on this thread, I wasn't very active after having #2 but here I'm back with #3. I'm now almost 13 weeks already, and praise the Lord, not nearly as sick as I was the last go. The thought of dry heaving or throwing up every 20 minutes for 8 months really wasn't on my to do list, so thankfully just being normal sick I feel like I won the lotto! My birth with my 2nd was incredible, only 16 min of pushing and I think like 6 hours of labor? Compared to my 1st which was just under 12 hours but that included 3.5 hours of pushing both my hubs and I were surprised when he came out so quickly. I highly enjoyed the water birth experience and plan on doing it again, this time hopefully outside if the weather permit. I know, I'm weird but I love nature and the thought of having the baby outside on a friends property in the birthing pool just calms my spirit. Its super important to feel comfortable in your birthing environment (which is why I've never gone to the hospital, they terrify me!).

Blingbunny-he's adorable! Praying for a speedy recovery for you!
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I know this thread has been pretty quiet, but I thought I'd check in. I'm plugging along at 21+2. I'm easily as big as I was at 25/26 weeks with Eliza, so this is going to be interesting. The anatomy scan was last week. Baby measured a week ahead and was already estimated at 14 oz. And he's still a boy. He was quite cooperative and it was very obvious! It was still nice to have the genetic testing results confirmed though!

Not much going on other than that in pregnancy land. Our house remodel is a different story, but I'll save that for another thread on another day.

I haven't been on PS for a while now and don't think I knew about your pregnancy!! So amazing, congratulations! When are you due? I had my baby in Feb!
I saw your post but I wasn't when he was born! Feb I like that month (I'm a leap day baby myself). Though my push present with any of my kids weren't nearly as lovely as your beautiful yellow diamond halo!

My second son will be 2 just a couple of weeks prior to my due date. I'm due Aug 18th with my 3rd. First was a home birth, then we went with midwives quite far away so we had our second (water birth) at the birthing center. This time I am planning another water birth and again used midwives far away so I have to move there at 38 weeks. Hubs can't come with me the full time so I'll be holding down the fort (or should I say, nice camper travel trailer LOL) with the 2 kids until closer to my due date.

Have you posted pics of him in the FB group? If so I must have missed them! If you get to Toronto let me know, I would love to see your son in person (I will leave my elder ones at home. They love bling but man, they are ALL boy and can be a handful LOL).

Congratulations! How are you enjoying motherhood?
I haven't been on PS for a while now and don't think I knew about your pregnancy!! So amazing, congratulations! When are you due? I had my baby in Feb!

Hi! I haven't been on in forever either. Remind me if you were having a boy or a girl. I want to say boy but I can't remember. I hope you had a smooth delivery and recovery!

I'm due 6/6, so 36+2 today. I. am. HUGE. I am SO glad that baby is due at the beginning of summer rather than at the end like last time. I had so much swelling over the summer when I was pregnant with Eliza and we were never sure how much was the heat/humidity and how much was just me. All I know is that this time I have minimal, if any, swelling and it's glorious. Glorious, I tell you! We are in the middle of a huge house remodel (as in we bought it, gutted it, reconfigured it, added on and now it's 80% put back together) and it's a foot race to see what comes first- completed house or baby. I'm reallllly hoping it will be the house and we can move before he's born, but it's unlikely. Oh well. Some things are out of my control.

Eliza will be two the end of July and she has NO idea what she's about to be in for. Should be some fun times ahead.
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Guess I could add to this thread! I am currently 27+3 with our first baby (having a girl) and super excited but it’s starting to get harder, I lose my temper a bit more at work and I feel terrible about it but can’t seem to help myself :blackeye: hopefully everyone understands and just deals with it :wink2:. I just got diagnosed with gestational diabetes which sucks because I have felt healthy, workout, and I do try to eat a balanced diet. I was mostly worried about preeclampsia since my mother had it while pregnant with me so I’ve watched my weight gain which has been on track at 10-12lbs so far. Hopefully I can get the GD under control with a stricter diet and avoid medication.
Hi, KK! You look fantastic!!

I'm so thrilled to see someone posting in this thread. I've actually been rereading a lot of it (I used to lurk in these threads quite a bit when I was newly married but nowhere near ready to TTC, but this whole section of the forum really died out over the past few years, which is such a bummer). I've seriously learned so much from reading the experiences of all the ladies on here in the past and couldn't be more grateful to them. In fact, I had my L&D class at the hospital earlier this week and learned absolutely nothing I didn't already know :lol:

Since you popped in, I will too. Maybe we can revive it again! I'm 28 weeks and 5 days today with my first -- a boy! So far everything has been going pretty smoothly. I'm sorry to hear you were diagnosed with GD -- I was really paranoid about it for a while, as my baby was measuring a bit big at our anatomy scan (but a follow-up scan a few weeks later showed him to be right on track). I was so relieved to find out I passed my screening. Weight gain was going slow and steady until about 2 weeks ago and now I feel like I'm blowing up a bit :shock: I think I went from 13 lbs gained to 17ish in less than two weeks. Still not terrible overall, but I'm trying to keep a closer eye on what I'm eating in hopes this pace doesn't continue!

I also started having some itching on my stomach (but no bumps as far as I can tell) as well as a weird hive-like rash on the inside of my arms this week. Hoping it's nothing to be concerned about (and also hoping it's not the start of PUPPS!). I have an OB appointment tomorrow morning, so I'll definitely be bringing it up then. Other than that, I'm just starting to feel some more general discomfort -- harder getting/staying comfy any one position, walking for any period of time, etc., but nothing too awful. I had some lower back/hip pain early on but have been seeing a chiropractor regularly, which helped a lot.

Mostly, I just can't believe I'm in the 3rd tri already. Where has the time gone?! I've been terrible about taking regular bump photos, but here's one from 27 around weeks:

That is hilarious, we are due date buddies! I and 28+5 today as well! You look fantastic as well! Hopefully you don’t have any issues with PUPPS, I’ve heard how unbearable that can be but it sounds like you have caught it (whatever it is) early. Do you want to join our Facebook group for moms due in July?

The discomfort definitely has started to increase some, today I had to stretch out because belly felt like it was cramping some. GD isn’t too bad since it makes me diet and walk every day, my husband has been in butt about walking. He at least gets out with me which he needs lol so that is another plus. We are taking our classes/tours next month, looking forward to those! Oh and yes to the chiropractor, I go every week and love it because I also get a 30 minuet massage every time lol

How crazy to find a due date twin like this! I'm jealous of your chiro appointments -- mine just does an adjustment, not much of a massage. That sounds heavenly! I am happy that my chiro is certified in the Webster technique, though (and is a mom of 3 herself, so she definitely knows what's up). Baby boy has been sitting breech at all my u/s so far, and I know he still has plenty of time to move on his own (plus he's been moving so much lately he could have already flipped -- possibly multiple times for all I know) but I'm hopeful that she'll be able to help make sure everything is in a good position as labor gets closer.

Awesome that you're getting plenty of walking in. I keep meaning to (especially since it finally stopped snowing around mid-April and now definitely feels like summer), but we've been so busy outside of work hours. My husband and I have a side business on top of our day jobs and we're trying to knock out as much prep work as we can by mid-June, so our free time is minimal lately. I also have great intentions to walk or go yoga before work in the morning, but sleep has been so precious and it's getting hard to drag myself out of bed any earlier than I have to :sleep: I've actually been sleeping pretty well -- waking up a few times a night to pee and/or roll over, but going back to sleep quickly. However, I feel like I could easily sleep 10+ hours a night if time allowed!
OB appointment this morning was good and generally uneventful. She didn't seem concerned about the rash on my arms and agreed it looks like it could be allergy-related, but I still don't know where that could have come from. Maybe my dogs got into something weird in the yard this week? Our grass was getting pretty long until DH mowed last night, so that's certainly not impossible. Anyway, she told me I can use any OTC steroid cream and take Benadryl and to call in if it gets a lot worse or is driving me crazy.

She also gave me a bit of grief about my weight gain, as I put on nearly 8 lbs in the last 4 weeks. I was aware going in, so no surprise, but it's never fun to have it pointed out. I still think I'm on track for a relatively healthy weight gain overall, but she made a comment about how a slip like that could lead to it getting out of control pretty quickly. To be fair, I was technically a healthy BMI pre-pregnancy, but not by a large margin, and I have a pretty tiny frame so I really could have used to lose 20 lbs. Technically I'm only up 15 lbs or so from my first pregnancy checkup, but I know I was holding 3-4 lbs of bloat at that point, so I'm probably closer to 19 overall. Not thrilling, since I have 11ish weeks to go and really wanted to stay as close to 25 by the end as possible. But I have no plans to take drastic measures -- just keep an eye on things, drink more water, try not to go crazy with the carbs and make an effort to walk more often. Although that's not terribly appealing, given our temperatures in the high 80s every day. What ever happened to spring??
This threads gone pretty quiet
I’m 6w 4d with #2 and already feel dreadfully nauseous like I did for my first pregnancy. I hate this bit so much, hoping is passes soon
Yippee, congratulations @4ever! I do pop in to this thread from time to time (even though my uterus is definitely retired! :mrgreen:) as I spent so much time here during my pregnancies. I hope your nausea passes much quicker this time around! How old is your first?
Yippee, congratulations @4ever! I do pop in to this thread from time to time (even though my uterus is definitely retired! :mrgreen:) as I spent so much time here during my pregnancies. I hope your nausea passes much quicker this time around! How old is your first?
I’m glad of the company! Thank you
My DD has just turned 3
This may be our last baby as I don’t think I’m stupid enough to voluntarily be this sick again :lol:
Oh you poor thing, it must just be the pits. I guess we just have ways of 'forgetting' these things! I was so pumped to have my 2nd, and as soon as she was here, I thought "oh yeah that's right, newborns don't sleep much. Bugger" :D Lucky they're so adorable!
Oh you poor thing, it must just be the pits. I guess we just have ways of 'forgetting' these things! I was so pumped to have my 2nd, and as soon as she was here, I thought "oh yeah that's right, newborns don't sleep much. Bugger" :D Lucky they're so adorable!
Yes, our ability to forget is amazing. I had forgotten just how sick and miserable I was last time. I remember now!
Looks like I’m back in the preggo club


Congrats!!!! Today I am 37 weeks 1 day. About to start maternity leave. I'm scheduled for a c section (6/7/19) due to health issues brought on by pregnancy complications. First baby and I got so many complications.
Congrats!!!! Today I am 37 weeks 1 day. About to start maternity leave. I'm scheduled for a c section (6/7/19) due to health issues brought on by pregnancy complications. First baby and I got so many complications.

You are at the home stretch! I had a few complications and a semi rough delivery with my first, just hang in there
You are at the home stretch! I had a few complications and a semi rough delivery with my first, just hang in there

Thank you. Keeping busy with the nursery prep.
Congratulations @KKJohnson ! What a lucky little bub in your tummy to come into such a beautiful family!

All the best for the rest of your pregnancy @joelly! Both of my kids were caesareans and were wonderful experiences, I hope yours is too! Can't wait to 'meet' your wee bubba.
Congratulations @KKJohnson ! What a lucky little bub in your tummy to come into such a beautiful family!

All the best for the rest of your pregnancy @joelly! Both of my kids were caesareans and were wonderful experiences, I hope yours is too! Can't wait to 'meet' your wee bubba.

Thank you for your kind words @Dandi
Means so much to me.