
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Date: 9/30/2008 10:18:37 AM
Author: nycbkgirl
Neatfreak- I do wear a mask when im in the salons and im not in there for too long so I don''t think goin once every 2 wks for an hour would really be bad do u do ur nails n toes then?? Do u do them yourself? I can''t b without it...but am worried about it now

I do them myself or I go to a local spa/salon that doesn''t do acrylics and is very well ventilated. I just can''t stand the smell!

I am sure as with anything that in very small doses it''s probably fine. Just not something I can stomach!
Lisa - great news on measuring well and glad to hear your feeling better! No more m/s! to answer your Q - I SURE DID get my Brazilian, and I booked my follow up appt (4 weeks to the day baby!). Nuthin''s going to stop me from that feeling I love so much

12 wks is early to see le gender - it''ll give you something to look forward to
Lindsey that dream is hilarious! Elton John''s

I have been having the most insane dreams as well. Especially having to do with my past. I also notice that I day dream about my past a lot too...about mistakes I''ve made, things I''m not proud of. I try not to let myself get carried away, but sometimes I just can''t help it and I fall into a mini depression.

Oh and thanks for the info Lindsey!! I''ve been really wanting a toasted bagel with cream cheese. Yum.
Hey Mela, sorry to hear you are feeling rotten too.

Last night I actually got to the point where I started wondering whether I even wanted to do this and just feeling miserable generally - then I feel bad for feeling that way and so I feel even worse. I still have constant nausea and I'm just so incredibly tired. I lay down yesterday when I got home at 7.30pm to recover from the feeling sick from the Tube and didn't wake up till 10.30pm, went back to bed and midnight and slept right through till 9.00 this morning (the positive was that I was asleep and not throwing up!) - I am a complete insomniac so this is NOT normal.

I'm laying off looking at anything more advanced than 12 weeks in pg books as I think it's freaking me out. Birth didn't worry me at all in the past. But now I know it will become a reality I'm completely freaked out by the whole thing. Doesn't help coming from a family of brood mares who all do everything naturally and with nothing more than gas and air. My mother thinks I'm a wuss for wanting an epi from beginning to end. Your's truly has no intention of even 'waiting to see'.

DH has been away most of this and last week - never a good thing as he is great at keeping me sane and worry-free. However, he's not escaped the pg - he seems to be coming out in sympathy and knows exactly how bad my m/s is each day by how ill he is feeling. Freaky... Anyone else's DH have morning sickness?

I now have lots of appointments....hurrah.

I'm seeing the midwives for my booking appointment on October 15th and then they will do my OB referral for when I get back from honeymoon.

I'm waiting for the new Maternal Mental Health Team appointment to come through - I'm hoping the letter will be there tonight. It's with a very good psychiatrist who is very well respected in all the literature I have read, so I should be in good hands.

I'm paying for a private ultrasound on the 11th October. DH and I are off to Sri Lanka for our honeymoon for 2 weeks and I just feel I'd like to have the reassurance that there's a heartbeat, that it's in the right place and that there is only one of them before we go. Probably complete over-reaction on my part, but for $150 I'm happy to over-react.

Seeing my GP tomorrow who might have some good ideas on my m/s - although, so far today I have actually eaten food and it's stayed there. Mind you, food consisted of a macaroon biscuit, 2 oranges and a box of dates. My diet currently consists of what doesn't make me feel sick at the thought/sight/smell of.

Also found a woman on FF who is taking Lamictal for bipolar as well. She took it throughout her first pg and b/f her son on it with no problems at all. Her OB and psych. all told her that having an episode would be far more dangerous. I'm going to talk to my GP about upping my meds and see if it makes me feel a bit happier!

Unisom + B6 can help with morning sickness, a lot. Unisom is an over the counter sleep aid sold in the US, you could look up the active ingredient on wikipedia and see if they sell it over where you are. I take half a unisom tablet with 25mg of B6 twice a day, and you can take a full unisom tablet plus 25mg of B6 before bed. The unisom obviously causes sleepiness which I''m not sure you''d be thrilled with, considering your already tired state!

A prescription drug I was taking is zofran, and it is a miracle. I went from throwing up 20+ times a day, to nada. Nothing else worked for me -- ginger, crackers, small meals, nada. So I understand how frustrating it can be, especially when people don''t understand how severe it can be. People recommended all sorts of things to be, I tried expensive special preggo ginger ale, and even those preggo lollipops for morning sickness. All I did was throw up expensive ginger ale and a rainbow of colors from all of those lollipops. I think those remedies work great for an upset tummy or mild nausea/morning sickess, but that is a far cry from when you stand up and have to instantly vomit. That stems not from an upset tummy, but from issues with the inner ear. Unisom works by calming the inner ear, and zofran works by blocking nerve signals that you need to vomit.

Very exciting about your U/S. If I had to wait a long time for a US, I''d do the exact same thing as you! I''m 9 weeks and have already had 3! So I totally understand, and hope that the U/S gives you an even better honeymoon!
A few pictures of derek...


car ride home from hospital

later gator

O snlee....sooooo precious ..he is just the cutest thing...some long fingers lil angel has there :)
I wish u all the best..may he bring u only joy!
snlee!!! He is precious!!
aAAAGH! SNLEE Derek is adorable! Good enough to eat! GAH! (wait a minute...why do you think people associate cute with edible?! weird! I promise I won''t eat your baby.

Pandora, hurray for great care!

Mela & Lindsay, I''ve been having some (ahem) crazy dreams myself lately.
Far from my least fave pregnoid symptom. Heheheheh.

Lisa, so glad you''re little one is thriving! You''re pretty much out of the woods too. Hurray! Happy 2nd trimester.

NYCB, I agree that you have to make your own decisions about your own risk tolerance. Become informed about WHY something is "bad" and decide if it really makes enough difference for you to avoid it entirely. Like caffeine. In moderation, it should be OK, but some people like to play it super safe. Or green tea. It inhibits the absorption of folic acid, but you probably have to drink it all day every day for it to have an effect. One cup won''t hurt ya. It''s totally your decision and don''t let anyone judge ya (I mean, unless you''re smoking crack or something)!!

So, I finally went for my sugar test last week and I failed.
Yeah, like I need ANOTHER issue with this pregnancy. So it''s the three hour test for meeee! Not just that, but they want me to come in AGAIN tomorrow because of the "uterine irritability" aka, non-stop contractions. I feel like I may as well move in to their office at this point. (sigh).

On the upside, I talked to the national expert on the twin Transfusion syndrome. He is the guy who invented the laser surgery that now saves some of the surviving babies from brain damage. He spent practically an hour on the phone with me, which was super nice! Apparently, the fluid differentials do mean there is some transfusion going on between the twins, but he said that their super great identical sizes at 17 weeks means that they are likely going to be A-OK in the end, even if the transfusion gets a little worse. He said it was "great news!" He also told me to keep in touch any time I get concerned if things have changed and I want his opinion.

What a nice man!
He is all about the babies, and not at all about himself, if you know what I mean.
Aww, he''s beautiful.

So much hair - and incredibly long fingers!
Date: 9/30/2008 3:32:41 PM
Author: Independent Gal
aAAAGH! SNLEE Derek is adorable! Good enough to eat! GAH! (wait a minute...why do you think people associate cute with edible?! weird! I promise I won''t eat your baby.

Pandora, hurray for great care!

Mela & Lindsay, I''ve been having some (ahem) crazy dreams myself lately.
Far from my least fave pregnoid symptom. Heheheheh.

Lisa, so glad you''re little one is thriving! You''re pretty much out of the woods too. Hurray! Happy 2nd trimester.

NYCB, I agree that you have to make your own decisions about your own risk tolerance. Become informed about WHY something is ''bad'' and decide if it really makes enough difference for you to avoid it entirely. Like caffeine. In moderation, it should be OK, but some people like to play it super safe. Or green tea. It inhibits the absorption of folic acid, but you probably have to drink it all day every day for it to have an effect. One cup won''t hurt ya. It''s totally your decision and don''t let anyone judge ya (I mean, unless you''re smoking crack or something)!!

So, I finally went for my sugar test last week and I failed.
Yeah, like I need ANOTHER issue with this pregnancy. So it''s the three hour test for meeee! Not just that, but they want me to come in AGAIN tomorrow because of the ''uterine irritability'' aka, non-stop contractions. I feel like I may as well move in to their office at this point. (sigh).

On the upside, I talked to the national expert on the twin Transfusion syndrome. He is the guy who invented the laser surgery that now saves some of the surviving babies from brain damage. He spent practically an hour on the phone with me, which was super nice! Apparently, the fluid differentials do mean there is some transfusion going on between the twins, but he said that their super great identical sizes at 17 weeks means that they are likely going to be A-OK in the end, even if the transfusion gets a little worse. He said it was ''great news!'' He also told me to keep in touch any time I get concerned if things have changed and I want his opinion.

What a nice man!
He is all about the babies, and not at all about himself, if you know what I mean.
Smoking crack is bad? Even in moderation?

I''ve also had a couple of
dreams if that''s what you''re referring to. Those don''t occur as much as the nightmares though..unfortunately!

I''m familiar with all this testing quite yet. I''m assuming your sugar level was high?
Hi Courtney! The sugar test is usually done at... 24-26 wks? It's a screening for all pregnant women to check for gestational diabetes. I got sent early because a) twins + b) practically everyone on my mom's side has diabetes (and we're all skinny to boot!). The "1 hour test" involves drinking sugary gross soda and then 1 hour later they draw blood to check how well your insulin is functioning. If you "fail" that, it means your sugar level was too high (so the insulin not working up to snuff potentially) and they do a "3 hour test" involving a truly noxious (or so I hear) concoction of sugary soda and then they test your blood every hour for 3 hours. Lots of people who don't have gestational diabetes fail the 1 hour test, since it's a 'screening', not a diagnostic. So I'm hoping this was a false positive.

So yeah, my sugar level was high. Guess I better lay off the candy.
Aww Snlee such a cutie! I want to eat him too! Indy that is a strange association indeed.

Snlee do you think there is any correlation w/ baby having hair and the heartburn myth?

Indy, sorry about all the uterine stress in your life but how cool you spoke to the specialists specialist special guy! Sounds like fantastic news.

OK I know I''m a dunce and it''s been asked and answered a million times BUT "when does the 2nd trimester begin?"

Is it at the beg. of week 14? That means end of week 13?

And while I''m at it why has this been associated w/ less m/c risk? Is it based on numbers?
Date: 9/30/2008 4:08:17 PM
Author: lisa1.01fvs1

OK I know I''m a dunce and it''s been asked and answered a million times BUT ''when does the 2nd trimester begin?''

Is it at the beg. of week 14? That means end of week 13?

And while I''m at it why has this been associated w/ less m/c risk? Is it based on numbers?

Hiya! OK, 2nd trimester apparently begins at the the end of week 13, i.e, when you are at 14wks exactly. Although I have seen disagreement about this.

As for the m/c risk, YES this is based on numbers. Happy, happy numbers. I''ll get the "exact" ones for you, but if I recall correctly, by that point, if you are growing a singleton, you have a 1% risk of miscarriage and a 1% risk of stillbirth. So you are saaaaafe! Safesafesafe. Yay!
Awww, SNLEE, I wanna hold him!

Such a cutie pie boy!!

Enjoy every moment!!

That''s really great about the expert who was so encouraging about your little guys being A-okay!

Whoo hoo. I bet it brings you some much needed relief!
Lisa, I''ve read 2nd tri begins at 13w3d (1/3 of the way to 40 weeks), and I''m choosing to go off of that. It gets here sooner then.
I''ve also read the 1% chance of miscarriage figure, but I don''t recall the stillbirth one.
And are you sure that you don''t just WANT the baby to be a girl?

Snlee, Derek is so adorable. Thanks for posting the pics!

IG, sorry about the glucose test. Hopefully the 3 hr comes back fine. That''s good to hear about the cubs.

I''m just feeling fat right now, and it''s making me feel down. I had serious muffin top yesterday with wearing my "fat pants" (and it hurt!) and maternity pants are still too big. I went shopping after work to see if I could find a cheap pair of in between pants, but the mirrors and lights in the dressing room were horrible. I felt all cellulity and gross and I just had to leave. I think I''m going to go on a walk now and maybe do some yoga - I hope that using my body will make me feel better about it, you know?

Indy - sorry about the glucy test. but SO glad to hear you had such a great/comforting experience with the specialist. I know exactly what you mean about 'being in it for the right reasons'. I've had a lot of encounters with brusque and megalomanic doctors. SO glad your's is not that.

Blein - blech on feeling yucky/fat/bloated/ripply. if it's any consolation, your bump is so farking cute that I don't see any of the yucky you feel
. hope you buck up soon

Snlee - Derek is SO cute!!!!!!!!!!! I love when they have hair, it breaks me up everytime. congrats!!!!!!

ETA: Pandora - I read that you're off pinapple...well, as of a couple days ago, I can't eat citrus (tomato, oranges, lemon etc) becuase it feels like it's BURNING the inside of my mouth. strange eh? This citrus aversion, coupled with the fact that eating protein reduces my m/s makes me think I've got me a BOY in there
. I've got 34 more weeks until I find out though.....
lol @ smokin crack....i cant judge some things on my own bc i just dont know...if a doc tells me i cant do this or eat that then u better belive i wont be doin it! so just gotta wait to get a reg OB which is a while from now but checkin internet for now on dos and donts

Indy- eh about the glucose...i may be in the same boat later on..i am insulin resistant (taking metformin as we speak) and lots of diabetes in the family not to mention im not a skinny minny as it im sure i will deal with that eventually and sux i know! but glad to hear they are good sizes and all is well otherwise thats the most impt thing everything else u can handle

courtney- i dont feel dizzy and frankly this lack of symptoms thing (even though i know it may be normal for some) is annoying me lol...i wish i would just feel 1 freakn thing lol very frustrating i must say but nothing we can do but sit tight and wait...worst part of it all!

mela- i hear ya with those symptoms i would def. feel more comforted so love to say feel better but in a way its good! and i need to book my waz asap...i actually went to the other OB w.o. it but i wanted that u/s so bad that i actually went bushy and felt so embarassed (tmi) lol

lindsey- was crackin up at your dream!!! i have them to but not too crazy yet...i was actually holding what i belive to be was my baby girl...i could see her so vividly...lots of dark hair and such a smile...i think the second baby didnt come out yet lol

pandora- wow u have a lot goin on mama....hang in there with those symptoms,,,some of us wish we had some and some are opposite so just think of them as a blessing
i would so pay for that u/s so good for u!

blen- thats ur precious baby in there dont feel fat girl feel beautiful
He''s just adorable!!!! What a precious baby he is!!!!
Date: 9/30/2008 8:01:03 PM
Author: mela lu
Indy - I know exactly what you mean about 'being in it for the right reasons'. I've had a lot of encounters with brusque and megalomanic doctors. SO glad your's is not that.

See, that's the super-awesome thing. this guy is NOT one of my doctors! I've just read his articles in journals and he is the guy who invented the laser surgery that can sometimes save transfusion twins. So i just e-mailed him and he gave me a call. I'm in no way his responsibility and he don't get paid a dime for talking to me. That's what makes him so awesome!!

nycb, if you're savvy with science and basic statistics, you can do what the nerdy PSers sometimes do and look up the studies for yourself. That's what i mean by 'judging for yourself'. you can see the how much and how much effect data, and decide if the risk is worth it. takes some time and effort though!

Where's Jen? ?? ???
Date: 9/29/2008 5:02:39 PM
Author: neatfreak
Glucose test results are in and...

Totally normal. Woo-hoo. I am so happy not to have to drink that nasty orange stuff again. YAY!

Yeah, that glucose test is foul. I actually begged off for the second pregnancy, I hated it so much!

I''ve just been told that I *may* have to have a caesarian this time around, because both my kids have been a little big, and my boy (number two) was in distress at the end...
A caesarian is a totally new concept for me. Anyone got any tips? Do you have any choices regarding how the procedure is done?
Date: 9/30/2008 8:21:52 AM
Author: nycbkgirl
Was wonderin if anyone does glue or gel/powder not sure if I should cut them off and do regular manicure or if its safe to do?

Perhaps when they fall off / grow out you should try just getting a shape and polish for a while? I do know that some of the glues they use with acrylics are actually pretty nasty... some are suspected of being carcinogenic (I think).

While a visit once a fortnight might not be a big deal for you, I suppose it could have an unseen effect on a developing baby...? I'm not saying it would affect the fingers and toes, things like that... but I wonder if an exposure to a high level of fumes regularly over the pregnancy *could* increase the risk of it developing a DNA problem / cancer in later life? aah, it all gets pretty philosophical...

Hmm, you mentioned you wear a mask... Is the place well ventilated? Some of those nail places have a really strong smell... perhaps you could go to a one-worker nail salon (say in a beauty salon) where the only fumes you have to contend with are your own, at least the air quality would be better that way...?

I'm not generally a 'scare - campaignist' when it comes to pregnancy safety - I still have a cup of coffee in the morning for example, and I confess I even had sushi once (don't tell anyone).

I also would have PASTEURISED soft cheeses... in Europe, the availability of unpasteurised cheeses is quite high, as pasteurisation is thought to affect the taste - but in Australia, we are quite uptight about food safety, so unpasteurised cheese is not at all readily available. Therefore, I would eat soft cheese here, if it was perfectly fresh and properly stored...

Regarding the fear of what''s to come during pregnancy, I hear it''s totally normal and I can almost completely promise to react and feel the same way. It''s like you want it so desperately, and you''d never give up the baby you''re growing or the experience of growing that baby, but dang.... you really do have to get it out of you at some point. Terrifying.

The only comfort I can think of is that every mother''s gone through it, and most have gone on to have another (or two or five!!).

I so wonder what kind of crazy preggo I''ll be some day. Worrying about the pushing out process.

Hope your M/S is all better soon!!!
Date: 9/30/2008 12:28:36 PM
Author: Pandora II

My mother thinks I''m a wuss for wanting an epi from beginning to end. Your''s truly has no intention of even ''waiting to see''.

Pandora, I think lots of women think at one time or another "what the heck was I thinking" when we''re pregnant and feeling miserable. But, it will pass and you''ll start feeling better and once you start actually feeling the baby move (which is the only part of being pregnant that I liked.) and there is nothing wrong with wanting the epi beg. to end. I had epi''s with all 3 of mine. even had them insert the cath. in my back well before they administered any meds because I wanted to be ready for them as soon as my dr. gave me the okay
I was nervous about the delivery with my first too, but somehow when you are about 36+ weeks preggo, you start no longer caring about the delivery, you just want that baby out. and there isn''t any feeling in the world like the feeling you have when you hold your baby for the first all somehow becomes very worth it
Date: 9/30/2008 9:31:47 PM
Author: mrssalvo

Pandora, I think lots of women think at one time or another ''what the heck was I thinking'' when we''re pregnant and feeling miserable. But, it will pass and you''ll start feeling better and once you start actually feeling the baby move (which is the only part of being pregnant that I liked.) and there is nothing wrong with wanting the epi beg. to end. I had epi''s with all 3 of mine. even had them insert the cath. in my back well before they administered any meds because I wanted to be ready for them as soon as my dr. gave me the okay
I was nervous about the delivery with my first too, but somehow when you are about 36+ weeks preggo, you start no longer caring about the delivery, you just want that baby out. and there isn''t any feeling in the world like the feeling you have when you hold your baby for the first all somehow becomes very worth it

Big fat ditto on this...and you care even less during labor. Trust me, I was imagining all sorts of scenariod that would rival any dark graphic novel...and it was just fine.
Lara- thanks I am also considering takin off wraps and just doin a plain manicure and changing salons as well...its just so hard 2 find a good one..change is tough but I will def. Do some for this place...I sit right next to the door which is usually open and I wear a mask...I even told her 2 stop using a spray she normally does...I hope 2 get an OB soon so I can ask all of my questions ;)
[email protected] still eat it but def. Not the raw kind! Im too scared to touch that one otherwise I don''t limit myself too much..just about the stuff I read about.
Hi ladies!
I have a question about flu shots. I''ve read different informtion concerning whether to wait until the 2nd trimester to get a flu shot. I am a nurse in a pediatric intensive care unit and we get a lot of babies with the flu, so I definitely need one. I do live in Missouri which is one of the states that doesn''t allow thimerosal to be used in the flu shots.
I''m just not sure if it''s safe to get it now or if I should wait until the 2nd trimester. Any thoughts?