
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Tacori, you are adorable and glowing!!!!! You look so cute!
Thanks Miranda, Lisa, and Skippy! Your sweet comments mean so much to me!
ok, tacori, I for some reason pictured you as a blond..hehe.. and yet you are an absolutely adorable burnette, so cute with your preggo self...
I am loving all the belly shots and ultrasound pictures - how cute is your little boy Ellaila?

Diver - button is doing great. He''s got a bit of a cold at the moment, but is his usual bubbly self. Here''s him a couple of nights ago checking out his treasure chest on the mural I did for his bedroom in our new house:

Date: 7/24/2007 9:15:53 PM
Author: mrssalvo
ok, tacori, I for some reason pictured you as a blond..hehe.. and yet you are an absolutely adorable burnette, so cute with your preggo self...

That''s funny! I always guess wrong too. I have my wedding pics on here too and a few PSers had the same comment (about thinking I was a blonde)
Jade, what a cool mural and cute picture of Button with his treasure chest!

Cute belly pictures and ultrasound pictures! Tacori, I always pictured you as a blond too. How funny! You are glowing and look great!
Button is so big now! What a cute mural!

Yeah I can''t believe we are 2 months away from his first birthday
Where did the time go????

When ppl used to tell me to savour every moment watching kids grow up because they do it so quickly, I used to dismiss it, but it is SO TRUE. It felt like just yesterday that I gave birth to Button, and yet here he is, almost walking already and calling mummmmm and dadddeeeeee.
Jade, can I hire you to decorate our nursery?! That mural is incredible! And I still think that your Button is quite possibly the cutest little boy I've ever seen in my life

Tacori, look at you -- you are tooo adorable! (Your hair was much longer when you got married, right? I didn't even recognize you at first based on your wedding photos!) And seriously if anyone goes on about how "big" you are, they are delusional. You're the type of pregnant woman that if I saw in person somewhere, I'd say, "Ohhh! Pregnant women are so cute!"

Question: I know dizziness can happen when you're pregnant -- did any of you get it? Diver, I seem to remember you getting it, right? Was it a passing thing, or did it last for a long time (both in terms of literally when it hits and also, did it last for like a few weeks or did you have it throughout the pregnancy)? I've had vertigo off and on for years, and thankfully I don't have it right now but I did get dizzy the past two mornings and b/c of my history with vertigo/dizziness, I'm very anxious about this now!
Thanks snlee!

Ella, good memory! My hair was *much* longer at our wedding. DH really likes me with short hair and convinced me to cut it. I really miss my hair longer (not as long as when we got married but long enough for a pony tail). I miss my tan too!

I think people forget when they see me that I am a shorter girl so my belly NEEDS to stick out more to make room for baby. I look at that photo and think I look tired and pale. Haha.

I do get dizzy from time to time. I just try to lie down and drink some water.
Hi Girls!!! Just doing a quick drive by, I haven''t had a chance to get through all the posts but it seems like everyone is doing great!! As much as I absolutely LOVE being a mom, I totally miss being pregnant so seeing and reading all this stuff makes me want to do it all over again right away!

Tacori, you look awesome! Great belly shots--I had the same kind of round belly as you but no boobs for me!

ellaila, how exciting that you are getting one of each! That would be a dream come true. You''re looking amazing too. I can''t believe you''re having twins! I had a lot of dizziness in the beginning, especially the first trimester. I think it was a blood pressure thing--there were quite a few times when I thought I was going to faint. I would just drink a lot of water and put my head between my knees to get the blood flowing. It does pass, don''t worry!

njc, you look great! You''re still tiny but I love seeing the progression! So exciting!

Diver, girlfriend, you are a riot. First of all, your belly is adorable!!!!! You have the perfect preggo look! Secondly regarding your doctor, I also loved my OB but she wasn''t on call when I went into labor so I got stuck with someone I had never met before and guess what? She was INCREDIBLE!!! My doctor is a little bit older but the doctor that delivered me was probably around our age (mid-30s) so I feel like she kinda knew what I was going through and was more sympathetic. I LOVED her. I know you''re having a c-section though so it''s a little different but don''t worry--I''m sure you''ll be in good hands.

Stephensbride, congratulations!!! Hope you''re feeling well and enjoying every minute of your pregnancy.

jade, Button is so precious!! He''s gotten so big. What a cutie!!! I LOVE your mural, you''re very talented!!!

So Lily is now 11 weeks old and I''m sadly going back to work on Monday. I''m totally dreading it. The time just FLEW by. She''s going to be in daycare and fortunately it''s in the building where I work so I''ll get to take her to and from work with me and see her during the day whenever I want to. I''ve been transitioning her for the past week by dropping her off for a few hours and taking some much needed time for myself--got a mani/pedi, went to the gym, bikini wax, etc.! I''ve loved spending all my time with her and I"m definitely sad that I have to go back to work but it will be good for her to be around other kids and adults too. They do lots of great activities with them--more than I would ever do or even think of doing! It''s just depressing because she''s still a little baby! Oh but she has grown tons!! She already weighs over 11 lbs. and is 3" longer than she was at birth! It''s so true that they just grow so fast. She''s also developing a personality and I''m happy to say that she''s very sweet and lovey just like her mommy!!! She may look like her father but I think she acts like me! Anyway, just wanted to pop in and say hi! I''ll have more time to read everything when I''m back at work (did I really say that?!) but I''m so happy that everyone is doing well. Enjoy yourselves, it really is a special time!
Curly thanks for checking in! I think you NEED to post a recent photo of Lily! I hope your transition back to work goes well. If I remember correctly you are very petite so I guess us short girls get round bellies.
I still can''t figure out if I am carrying high or low. How can you tell?
I had a little dizziness with both of my pregnancies. almost blacked out when driving on time and it totally freaked me out. we though my iron levels might have been low but the doc. checked on the next visit and they were fine. Same thing happened with baby #2 and my oldest was in the car with me. I pulled over right away, would get start getting really hot and feeling like I was going to pass out again. I went was able to refocus and get home but it was still scary. Anyway, just make sure you''re keeping your tummy full and keep crackers or something with you.
Thanks for the dizziness info. So far, mine has only been while lying in bed the past two mornings and a superquick little burst of it yesterday at work. If it''s preganancy-related, I can deal with it, whereas if it''s the vertigo rearing its ugly (and unpredictabe) head again, I will NOT be happy. That hits me on the left side, and since I''m trying *really hard* to sleep on my left side -- which is hard for me, as I''m a belly sleeper first off and a right-side sleeper second -- getting the spins when I turn left isn''t going to make that any easier!

Curly, that''s great that Lily will be in your office building -- that''s got to be such a relief knowing you can pop in and see your little munchkin throughout the day! There''s a daycare in hubby''s building too, and if we go the daycare route, I like that one just for that reason alone! And yes, I''m with Tacori -- photos, photos, photos please!
I had bad vertigo and dizziness during both pregnancies which was not helped by my 90/60 blood pressure. When it happens, just sit down until it passes.
Ellaila: Wow, I love your u/s pics, they are sooo good! Cute cute cute babies. I totally broke out in a HUGE smile when I saw them.

Njc: you are so little! Hey, take the smaller/squarish belly....if that kid ain''t stretching you out, perhaps you won''t get stretch marks????? You look tiny.

Tacori: You are adorable too! Love the belly...

Dizziness: I got it a lot this pregnancy. Sitting, standing, driving, laying down, etc. My OB said its part due to increased blood volume, part due to baby pressing down on arteries & to just find a comfortable position to feel better in. I have to lay on my right side more than my left...

Curlygirl: oooh...I''m so sorry you have to go back to work so soon! But you''ll enjoy yourself once you are back. I miss working quite often, being home gets---boring---you have to make structure & plan activities & then there''s that paycheck I miss so much. Oh well, grass is always greener eh? All my friends kids are in daycare & the only difference I have noticed is that they are so MUCH BETTER at sharing than my son. (who is home with me) He gets his diaper all up in a bunch if one of his little buddies tries to TOUCH his toys. Oh lord, its pathetic. shoot, he gets into fights with our dog over HER tennis ball. (he runs with it, teases her & then she takes it and he gets mad. I look at him & say "dude...its called fetch....relax!". LOL) She''ll have a great time there and major bonus its right by your work. You''ll love being so close. What kind of work do you do?

As for my OB stuff...well, I''ve met this other doctor....and I''m not so impressed. She just stood there & looked at me and NOT ONE WORD (Here I am, hugely preggo, my OB & I are chatting in the hall--he has me signing tubal papers, she''s waiting to speak to him --obviously she''ll be delivering me, she could have AT LEAST said Hello). I ran into the two OB nurses from my office at lunch today (my burb is too docs office is half a mile from my house, we all bump around the same starbucks/lunch joints) and I said, "so I want the REAL dirt on Dr. So and So, give it to me!" They said she''s good. Horrible personality/bedside manner but really good at delivering babies. At this point I could care less about bedside manner---its all about skill since I''m looking at a scheduled C-section. I''ll have her for 40 minutes and then I''m done with her. My nurse is so cute...she just patted my belly & said, "don''t worry, your doc & I will be taking good care of you up to & all after your delivery, so you''ll be fine". I''ll be fine...but I just trust my doc so much. He totally reminds me of my dad. Very calming person. Very he''d never let anything happen to you. That kind of vibe. He even calms my husband down. I''ve never had a female doc that has been warm. All the ones I''ve encountered have been so cold/bitchy. I know there have to be nice ones out there! LOL.

but thanks for the encouragement. Ah hell, if I''m edgy, I''ll have the anesthesiologist give me a little valium or something. TG I tolerate narcotics etc. well.

Ok..I gotta git cleaning. My friend the photographer is flying in tomorrow night & I need to finish cleaning house & getting fresh sheets on the guest bed.

I should have professional maternity pics to share in a week or two!
Oh Diver, I know it's hard to have a new Doc, when you loved your other one. Skill is key!! Since you're having a planned C section, that's tres importante!! Hopefully the bedside manner of the nurses will get you through it. I had a last minute switch of Doctor's with my second child. Not fun, but again a C section, so it was fine.

Huge welcome to........... TGAL!!!!!
Hope you find this thread to be helpful. You gals are lucky, cause back in the dinasour age, we didn't have internet, forums that offered info and support. Just advice from people that thought they KNEW it all. Trust me, you will find, once your are preggo, everyone is an expert.

Oh and the books we had, weren't much better.... LOL!!
Tacori, you look amazing!

No, vanity does not go well with this condition.

I never used to use a public restroom, EVER. Just made me sick, thinking about the germs and so I would hold it til I got home. (I was like a camel!) Pregnant? I used every bathroom in site, just closed my eyes, said a prayer and hoped my leg muscles could hold me up! I did bring some wipes to clean things and my own seat covers, but hey, desperation makes all things viable.
Date: 7/25/2007 10:38:38 PM
Author: Kaleigh

Huge welcome to........... TGAL!!!!!

Is TGal pregnant too? WOW!! Congrats!
Date: 7/25/2007 10:45:11 PM
Author: JadeLeaves

Date: 7/25/2007 10:38:38 PM
Author: Kaleigh

Huge welcome to........... TGAL!!!!!

Is TGal pregnant too? WOW!! Congrats!

JL, I love Button's mural, sooo cute. I can't believe he is approaching his first bday. He is just adorable!!!!
Date: 7/25/2007 10:43:33 PM
Author: diamondfan
Tacori, you look amazing!

Thank you so much! Sometimes I have to remind myself it is only temporary (the oily skin & hair, wider face, chubby arms...) I KNOW it will all be worth it in the end! I can hardly wait to meet our baby!!!
Woohoo a TBaby for TGal and TGuy!

Jade, Buttons is one of the cutest baby''s ever!!!! Yay, for his upcoming 1st b day
Hello everyone!

I guess I can officially join this thread, even though it's quite early in the pregnancy. It will be nice to get support here, as we aren't telling too many people. Thank you for the welcome!

Jadeleaves, Button IS just the cutest thing. Our baby will be asian/caucasian, and if s/he is half as cute as button, I will be SO thrilled!

Tacori, very cute pregnancy pics! I saw them earlier, but was going to lurk until I got my results...felt kind of silly posting when I wasn't pregnant, but I guess it's always fine to pop and tell people they look great! I like the collage from Ella (can I just call you that, since I can NEVER remember how to spell your username? It's like a weird brainfart every time), and all the rest of the preggo belly pics!

I read this thread in its entirety about 2-3 weeks ago, and it was kind of cool to read it all at once. It was like being to watch a series all on didn't have to wait until the next episode for a lot of the pregnant ladies here. So I loved seeing due dates being announced and arrived at...very cool. Ella, I always said I've love to have a girl and boy twins, but I don't think it's in the cards for us. Plus I'm already so freaked out about having one, I don't think I'd handle the news as well as you did if it were to be two.

I don't have much to add to the thread now, but I will be reading voraciously!

ETA, oops, it was njc's collage! Bellies with no heads can be confusing! LOL...
Yay, TGal! Congratulations!

I'm still lurking, and loving everyone's baby and belly pictures. And though I can't join yet, I had a bit of a scare (a good scare!) today. I've been feeling icky the past week (though the move is probaby to blame) so I took a test this morning and swore I saw a faint, faint blue line in the 'pregnant' circle. FH said he didn't see anything, so I tossed it. When I retrieved it from the trash 10 minutes later (I know
) , there was definitely a blue line in the preg. circle, faint, but there. I quickly hopped on the internet and, alas, all the websites say that results after 10 minutes aren't valid, and that it was probably an evaporation line. I took another later in the day, and I got a big fat negative.

6 more months, 6 more months. In the meantime, I'll sit back and enjoy all of your stories and pictures! Keep 'em coming.
OMG, TGal!! Welcome to the thread -- and major major congrats!!! How exciting! Yeeeahhh!!!! This thread is *hugely* useful -- I hope you get as much out of it as I do! Not just information but such great support here, so much better than in other forums where people don't seem to "know" each other quite as well as we all do here. How far along are you? Do you have an estimated due date yet?

Yes, you can just call me Ella
. I've given up on people using the right number of Ls in the right places anyway, so I don't care if you misspell it. It's just a madeup word (a mishmash of my first and last names) anyway!

Diver, Jake is going to have to learn SOON about sharing, eh?
How old is he again - 2? Will he be attending any type of preschool soon, or will you be SAHM for two little ones together for a while? And you know, it's funny but I've tended to like male doctors better too. My first gyn that I had for like 15+ years was a male, and I just adored him -- (this is going to sound creepy/wrong, but ...) he was almost grandfatherly and just so caring! When he retired, I found a closer dr. who was a woman, and ... eh. And now I've switched back to a guy, and I just love him. I know a lot of people feel more comfortable with a woman gyn, but I don't. And I don't find them any more empathetic to women problems just b/c they're a woman themselves. I know that people say "How can a male doctor know what you're going through as a woman?" but I truly think that women look at it all the same way men do -- clinically.

I hear ya about the public toilets, DF!! When we were shlepping up to NH a few times a week for hubby's dr. appts, I became quite well known at a Mobil Mart along the way
Let's just say I used a LOT of my hand sanitizer those weeks.

Ebree, six months is going to FLY by before you know it!!

EDD: 1.2.08 (twins!!)
Congrats and welcome, Tgal!
TGAL: Welcome & congratulations!
This is a fun thread...some of the PSers who've had kids before lurk on here too & they're great on advice, etc. When are you due? April 2008?

Ebree: Ummm...if you saw that faint line in the first 3 *could* be pregnant. I liked the First Response early detection tests, and I used them first thing in the morning. (FMU: first morning urine has the highest concentration of hcg if you are preggers---then it wanes during the day---especially if you aren't quite late yet...with all my pregnancies, FR detected them early by about 2 days--faint faint line. Don't do the digitals...they are weird. is my favorite hpt help you gotta love that name.) Well good luck to you, whether its now or in 6'll be a great momma.

Ellaila: He's 2.5 (he'll be 3 on December 21st) All the school district preschools here say you have to be 3 by Sept 1, and pottytrained before attending. So he won't be going to preschool for another year. He'll just have that later birthday, but I've got 4 gradeschool teachers in my family & they say that's so much better, kids are more mature & do better a little older.

So yeah, this year I'll have an almost preschool aged kid & a newborn at home, but that's ok, Sept -08 will get here fast enough. I'm planning on being a SAHM as long as I continue to enjoy it. Its nice to be with them when they are little, but I was a REALLY rowdy teenager (boys, booze, bad grades) and my husband wasn't (my single mom had to work, his mom was married & was a sahm). We are more concerned with no one being home afterschool once they are old enough to get into REAL trouble. This sort of sucks for me, because I had a great career & I do miss it. 13 years in the telecom industry in marketing. I'd like to go back into mar-com some day. For my DH its great, he WANTS a housewife/sahm. For me, I feel like "well why the hell did I pay all that money for a private college education just to stay home?". I have to remind myself that my son reaps the benefit of it now, because I'm actively involved in his development. My dh & I talk about it a lot, and we both think if I can work on contract---during school hours, from home mostly, that would be perfect. I hope I can pull it off. I do freelance writing on the side (not much lately--although I just re-worked a photographer's website yesterday) so I have quite a few jobs in my portfolio since I've been home---just so my resume doesn't look barren during this time.

Wow, that was wordy...gee...who has a degree in English? LOL!!

ok gotta scoot...
Date: 7/26/2007 12:23:24 PM
Author: divergrrl

Ebree: Ummm...if you saw that faint line in the first 3 *could* be pregnant. I liked the First Response early detection tests, and I used them first thing in the morning. (FMU: first morning urine has the highest concentration of hcg if you are preggers---then it wanes during the day---especially if you aren't quite late yet...with all my pregnancies, FR detected them early by about 2 days--faint faint line. Don't do the digitals...they are weird. is my favorite hpt help you gotta love that name.) Well good luck to you, whether its now or in 6'll be a great momma.

Thank you for the well wishes, Diver and Ellalia! Six months is really nothing, but when you've got baby fever, it feels like forever. I know February/March will arrive and I'll be like...wait, now?

Regarding the faint positive: I took another one this morning (First Response- the one I'd seen the faint line on was a Target generic) and got another negative. No faint line or anything. I'm thinking the first line was an evaporation line, which is a bummer, but I know it happens. I'm due for AF any day now, so if she doesn't visit, I'll definitely head to my Dr.'s office.
Congratulations TGal! Yay!

EBree, I totally hear you on waiting 6 months while having baby fever! I can relate. My husband and I have had serious baby fever since we got married (which will be 1 year next month!). We decided to wait a little over a year before TTC. At times it does seem like forever but the year did fly by! We want to wait about 4 more months because we have a trip planned in December and I don't want to be pregnant and sick. I know time will fly by and before I know it it'll be time...and then I'll freak out because a baby is such a hug responsibility! Are we really ready!?
I am NOT ready to give up my sleep! I started taking prenatal vitamins this week so I'm starting to feel like the time is near. I'm super excited and can't wait!