
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Ginger- Happy due date!!!!!! Hope Gingerboy isn''t as stubborn as O and comes out on his own. If you can''t wait to share, feel free to txt me and I will post for you. Totally understand if you want to wait and do it on your own, but I''m happy to keep PS updated on your status. OH, and I''m a Tiger. We don''t all bite and I would NEVER impose myself on someone''s delivery. I think you should tell your mom ahead of time that it will only be you and DH in the delivery room and she can decide if she wants you to call her when you go into labor (and she can just wait hours and hours in the waiting room but CAN NOT come into delivery) or you can call her when Gingerboy arrives. Good luck!


What NOT to do when you are 6.5 months pregnant:

Go to David's Bridal to try on and order the correct size BM dress you need for the wedding that is a month after your due date. (I was about one size away from

, right there in the store.)

If my friends are still getting married when we have our next one, I will just pick a size and hope that it works. It's much easier to just order a size that is 10 more than you usually wear, than it is to actually put it on and see that you are indeed THAT size. I must being retaining water at the rate of an olympic size pool. lol.
Burk, yay! So excited for you! Kade will be here very soon! Good luck!

LIA, yay for 11 weeks and feeling better! When is your appointment with the high risk perinatologist?

HH, yay for your first u/s! It's so wonderful seeing the heartbeat for the first time!

I had an ob appt today and it ended up being pretty long. Thought I'd be done in 15 mins but ended up seeing the doc for around 40 mins. I was surprised to get an u/s today!
Since I had DS they added an u/s machine in their office. Much more convenient! As I suspected I'm about 5.5 weeks so we didn't see much. She saw a gestational sac and fetal pole, but the fetal pole was not clear to me. So with that u/s we can rule out ectopic! I really think the cramps I've felt are normal. I have another appointment set up for a follow up u/s so we can see the heartbeat and get my DD. I can't wait!

I also asked about PTL and we ended up talking A LOT about it. It wasn't as depressing as I thought it would be. She said that having PTL is a predictive factor of having PTL again so the changes are high. I guess I've just come to terms with whatever happens, happens. Also I trust that I am in good hands. They will refer me to a high risk perinatologist so we can get more information and weigh our options.

She told me that having an early cerclage is an option but that's usually for cervical incompetence. Since I had PTL/contractions that shortened my cervix, that's probably not a good option for me. She told me that studies show that weekly shots of 17-Hydroxyprogesterone starting in the 2nd trimester have helped so that may be an option. She didn't say I definitely have to go on bed rest. Sounds like it really depends on what happened. I would of course have to look out for any contractions and they would keep an eye on my cervix length. They will take a baseline measurement of my cervix in the 2nd trimester. I know we'll have many more discussions about this but it was good to have the initial talk. And thanks to PS, I was already aware of these things she mentioned so it didn't come as a shock.
Date: 2/10/2010 6:06:43 PM
Author: ChinaCat

Ginger- Happy due date!!!!!! Hope Gingerboy isn''t as stubborn as O and comes out on his own. If you can''t wait to share, feel free to txt me and I will post for you. Totally understand if you want to wait and do it on your own, but I''m happy to keep PS updated on your status. OH, and I''m a Tiger. We don''t all bite and I would NEVER impose myself on someone''s delivery. I think you should tell your mom ahead of time that it will only be you and DH in the delivery room and she can decide if she wants you to call her when you go into labor (and she can just wait hours and hours in the waiting room but CAN NOT come into delivery) or you can call her when Gingerboy arrives. Good luck!

awww....thanks! gingerbaby may be talking after O as far as stubborness regarding delivery, so hopefully he''ll take after O in cuteness also!! I may take you up on the update offer if i have enough wits about me to think of it. i can only aspire to mara when it comes to ps-ing
Hey ladies!

Just stopping by to wish everyone well! Burk & GingerB I am crossing my fingers for you ladies! Sorry, I haven''t posted I have been so busy and I want to type out a detailed birth story! I am just trying to adjust to this bebe and my hormones are out of wack!
I am trying to take it easy cuz I feel like I ran over by a truck! But soon enough I will post my birth story along with bebe pics!

Take care ladies and take it easy!
Mere-you''re expecting, you''re allowed to be the size of an Olympic pool! Enjoy it while you can.

Snlee-I''ve had cramps since getting my BFP. They''ve died down in the last week and a half or so but they were pretty regular between weeks 4 and 6. Totally normal I''ve been told. Interesting about the PTL and your cervix. My doc told me she''s going to want additional ultrasounds every 2 weeks once things really get going because I had the LEEP procedure done five years ago. Apparently it can weaken your cervix and cause it to dilate early. The idea of having it sewn shut gives me the heebie-jeebies, but I suppose the alternative is not so great either.

Good luck Burk and GB!!!
Mer--haha, i really did laugh out loud when i read your post about dress shopping. I am heading to Toronto to help my sister find a wedding dress this saturday (her wedding is about 7 weeks after my DD). She mentioned that i should try on BM dresses b/c, quote: " i will be about the same size then as i am now"
I almost hung up on her
. To her defense, she thinks i just have a little ponch, but *i* know what has happened to my butt and thighs and i am hoping i still don''t look 6 mos pregnant at 2 months PP...but maybe she will be right

Aren''t we lucky to get to stand in a wedding weeks after giving birth !?
Mer- Oh my, that sounds DREADFUL.

Jas12 & Meresal- I was a BM in a wedding 3 months PP. I refused to go "try on" dresses- there''s no way there''s any correlation. Even if you aren''t a much smaller size, you definitely won''t have this huge bump. The lady told me I''d be the same size 3 months PP as I was at 5 months preggo. For some reason this offended me.
Funny thing is I''ve recently gone back and looked at my 5 months preggo pics, and I barely look pregnant (now). I basically just estimated and then ordered one size bigger than my normal size. It fit perfectly- maybe a tiny bit big, but it worked. Luckily it was a simple strapless empire waist long dress, so it hid everything. I had thought that 3 months was plenty of time, but that weekend I was cursing my friend. I think it''s just rude to have a recently new mom be in a wedding. Between pumping and exhaustion, it was just too much. It ended up working out fine, but after a lot of planning and stress on my part.

Kim and others re: "feeling like a good preggo"- This is one of the hardest things about being pregnant and even more so when you become a new mom- the constant worry that you aren''t doing it "right" or aren''t good enough or aren''t feeling the "right" way. It''s such total BS, we ALL feel the same- maybe not all the time or at the exact same times, but we all have serious moments of doubt and selfishness and worry and annoyance. But yet we have this sense of the "Other Mothers"*, the ones that seem to have it all together, and feel the right ways at the right times and have perfect pregnancies and lose the weight immediately and never resent the intrusion of the little ones and have babies that sleep through the night, etc. It''s crap. Even those "perfect" moms had moments where they hated being preggo or hated gaining weight or cried themselves to sleep or in the shower or whatever in those first few weeks and months of having a newborn. It is my mission to openly admit how HARD it is and my own feelings of ambivalence that may not be "PC" but are the truest feelings of a new mom. I am constantly amazed at how when talking to one of the seemingly "perfect moms" that are going on about how motherhood is the best thing they''ve ever done and their little so and so is just the biggest bundle of joy, etc., the minute I tell them how I honestly feel, it''s like the floodgates open and they quickly admit "Oh, ME TOO!" with relief.

Anyways, point being, there isn''t a "good" preggo. I guess there could be a "bad" preggo, you know, if you smoked crack and rode on a motorcycle without a helmut at nine months and chain-smoked, but if you take care of yourself and do everything you reasonably can to provide the best home for your little one for 10 months, then you are a "good" preggo. There is no one way to feel about it. You can love being preggo, you can hate it, or you can be apathetic about it and NONE of that matters because really you''re just an incubator right now. It''s a means to an end. I loved being pregnant, but I had an easy one, but none of that is any indication of how much I love O or how good a mother I can be. It''s just luck and genetics. You can hate being pregnant, but still be a kick a** momma!!!

*I stole this phrase from a book I am reading called Momma Zen. Thought it was a perfect description!
Date: 2/11/2010 12:28:28 PM
Author: ChinaCat
Mer- Oh my, that sounds DREADFUL.

Kim and others re: ''feeling like a good preggo''- This is one of the hardest things about being pregnant and even more so when you become a new mom- the constant worry that you aren''t doing it ''right'' or aren''t good enough or aren''t feeling the ''right'' way. It''s such total BS, we ALL feel the same- maybe not all the time or at the exact same times, but we all have serious moments of doubt and selfishness and worry and annoyance. But yet we have this sense of the ''Other Mothers''*, the ones that seem to have it all together, and feel the right ways at the right times and have perfect pregnancies and lose the weight immediately and never resent the intrusion of the little ones and have babies that sleep through the night, etc. It''s crap. Even those ''perfect'' moms had moments where they hated being preggo or hated gaining weight or cried themselves to sleep or in the shower or whatever in those first few weeks and months of having a newborn. It is my mission to openly admit how HARD it is and my own feelings of ambivalence that may not be ''PC'' but are the truest feelings of a new mom. I am constantly amazed at how when talking to one of the seemingly ''perfect moms'' that are going on about how motherhood is the best thing they''ve ever done and their little so and so is just the biggest bundle of joy, etc., the minute I tell them how I honestly feel, it''s like the floodgates open and they quickly admit ''Oh, ME TOO!'' with relief.

truer words were never spoken! amen china!!

hello ladies! back to lurkdom....
LIA~Thanks! Post a belly shot! I felt like I started showing way earlier with this pregnancy. Guess our bodies just remember how to be preggo!


meresal~My sister made me go try on BM dresses 2 weeks after I had T. I was NOT happy so I can totally relate!

Snlee~Thanks! Sounds like your appt went awesome! I really hope you escape PTL this time but sounds like you'll be prepared for everything which has to be a relief in and of itself.

Ginger~Thinking of you! Hope you have your little one in your arms soon!!

mtjoya~Thanks for popping in! Hope all is going well with you and your little one. Can't wait to read your birth story.


We go in to the hospital tonight at 8pm. I took T to her "school" this morning since they were having a Valentine's Day party and it allowed me to finish up everything around the house I wanted to! Baby Kade will be here by tomorrow! YAY!!!

I know it's not Friday, but I took my final belly shot today and thought I'd post it. It's a terrible pic, but you get the idea!
Doc thinks I'm carrying a pretty big baby in there....we will see soon!!

ETA:Sorry so HUGE! And the expression on my face...and the super dirty mirror and the fact I took it in my closet! I should be embarrassed!

Jas- I'm glad, and sorry at the same time, that you can relate. 7 weeks, wow! I am actually in a wedding that is 3.5 weeks after my due date, and then anotehr one 2 weeks after that. The problem actually isn't the waist, it is my chest! I imagine that I am about the size now that I would look like with an innertube aroudn my regular chest. I had to order a size that I KNOW will be enormous aroudn my waist, in order for my upper body to fit.

I actually think I could have handled the waist thing... but the chest/upper body being so big, just brought to light how much I have "rounded" out, so to speak. lol. (At least I can laugh now...)

China- Thanks for the support. The girl's whose weddings I am going to be in, are being very understanding. I have agreed to stand at the front and will wear Spanx the entire time
, anything beyond that will be nothing short of an act of God.

Burk- 2 weeks AFTER?? I'm sorry. Pregnant or even recently pregnant women are NOT supposed to go anywhere near reagular sizes, lol! This is why they have maternity clothes, and I love whoever decided that most maternity clothes should be in S/M/L/XL!
BTW, I am so excited for you! Another new addition is about to make their appearance!
Good luck tonight, I hope you have a wonderful labor!

In my news, I fell today. It is raining really hard downtown, and when I walked onto some lynoleum my foot slid right out from under me. I went into the splits but I landed flat on my pelvis (crotch). I am fine when I am standing up, but as soon as I sit down, there is pain. I'm pretty sure the baby is fine, I'm more worried about my pelvis and the muscles down there. I haven't done the splits since middle school, and it was not pleasant.
I have a call into the doctor and they are going to try to work me in, just to check everything out. Better safe than sorry I guess.
meresal, how scary! Hope you and baby are okay!

Burk, you look great! So excited for you!!! Will you have internet connection to keep us posted at the hospital?
mtj - thanks for popping in! can''t wait to hear all about it!!!

burk - if your doc thinks it''s a big baby, then your belly must be ALL baby! yay for meeting Kade by tomorrow! I''ll be thinking of you and sending smooth delivery vibes your way!!

mer - ouch! positive everything is fine, but i''m glad you''re getting check out anyway


no news on the gingerbaby front -- still being watched, no signs of boiling
weather is kinda yucko today, cold and rainy. no incentive for gingerbaby to greet the world
meresal~yup, that''s right, 2 weeks after. YUCK! So, I had HUGE boobs and a flabby, I just gave birth, belly to go with it. Sorry about your fall. I''m glad you''re going in to get checked just in case.

snlee~Thanks! They have internet, just not sure how good it will be. I will try to post if possible, though!

ginger~He thought my first was going to be big, too, and she was only 7lb 11oz so I''m not putting much stock into it but we shall see soon!
I hope gingerbaby decides to make an exit here soon! Will the weather be better tomorrow?
Maternity Clothing Sizes: I think they should be Small, Smaller, Smallest.

Mer, I''m so sorry you fell. I knew logically everything should be fine when that kid at school fell into me, but it was still a bit scary.

China, thanks for the pep talk. More than anything I feel like an outsider because of my perspective. I know I''m going to be a decent mom. Or at least that''s what I keep telling myself.

Burk, you look great. Last picture before Kade arrives, how cool is that! You can be embarrassed about your mirror, I''ll be embarrassed by the 1/2 open pack''n''play in the background of my shot. I can''t figure out how to fold the stupid thing back up, got frustrated and walked away. My mom is sleeping in that room this weekend, I''ll need to deal with it before she gets here, I guess.

So I have my ultrasound and appt. with the GD doctor tomorrow to figure out "how and when this baby is going to be born." I''m feeling better about the appt. since talking to a friend who is a doctor and knows the doctor who is managing my case (I''ve never met him, because he works in partnership with my OB) and he told me he''s not one to jump to inducing quickly, which makes me happy.

Attached is my 35w5d picture, drowning in baggy clothes.

burk good luck tomorrow! keep us posted please. you look great as usual!
good luck burk!!! i can''t wait to see the pics of baby K and hear your story! you look fab in your pic of course, as usual...! and your closet is so clean haha. on the watched pot. but the real Q is are you doing all the necessary things to give g''baby his eviction notice??? pineapple, sex, long walks? hehe.

kim, you look great, i love the pack n play hahaa.

random note but 1.5 weeks after giving birth pregnancy seems so far ago to me. isn''t that funny?? even like 6 days after birth, i was telling someone that it seemed like it was WEEKS ago. i guess the new parent stuff just takes over every aspect of your life and memory. sorry about your fall!! when i was about 7 months i had some weird ''almost fall'' experience where my foot slid out from under me on a too smooth floor and i ended up almost falling but grabbed a table on my way down, i ended up wrenching my knee slightly and it was a knee i''d almost partially blown out years before, super painful. thankfully it was just sore for a few days but i really could have damaged it AGAIN and in the past when i have hurt it, i end up immobile for at least a few days with the leg elevated. that would not have been fun at 7mo preggo!!! definitely be a bit more careful now that you are getting further along. that hormone, relaxin, makes our muscles all a little more pliable to make room for baby but also can mask some serious hurts.

oh and i will def post my collage pic...maybe tomorrow. i took a pic today so 10 days PP. my belly is a little smaller every day. i am really happy that it is going back quite quickly...i didn''t know WHAT to expect because it seems like everyone is so different, but i think the breast feeding really makes a difference. every time people ask me how old the baby is and i say 8 or 9 days or whatever, they exclaim ''wow you look so great''. but belly def is ''fluffy'' feeling, not firm or anything. i have lost 20 lbs, 18 to go to be back to original weight, but i wouldn''t mind taking another 5 off so we''ll see. we went out for our first walk yesterday evening with the baby, it was just about 1/2 mile but felt good to be doing something. i hope to walk daily now that i am feeling better and really get into a groove.

hope all the other preggos are doing well!!
Burk, you look amazing!!! I don''t believe you''re going to have a big baby--he will be just perfect. Good luck tomorrow! Can''t wait to meet Kade!!!
Burk, good luck tomorrow! Oh, and you look great!

Mere, I''m so sorry about your spill. Not too long ago, I got the heel of my shoe stuck in the pile of the carpet at work on the stairs and fell face first! Gosh, that hurt. I agree, your little guy is fine but you may have some crotch pain for a bit.
Date: 2/11/2010 12:58:22 PM
Author: vizsla

Date: 2/11/2010 12:28:28 PM
Author: ChinaCat

Mer- Oh my, that sounds DREADFUL.

Kim and others re: ''feeling like a good preggo''- This is one of the hardest things about being pregnant and even more so when you become a new mom- the constant worry that you aren''t doing it ''right'' or aren''t good enough or aren''t feeling the ''right'' way. It''s such total BS, we ALL feel the same- maybe not all the time or at the exact same times, but we all have serious moments of doubt and selfishness and worry and annoyance. But yet we have this sense of the ''Other Mothers''*, the ones that seem to have it all together, and feel the right ways at the right times and have perfect pregnancies and lose the weight immediately and never resent the intrusion of the little ones and have babies that sleep through the night, etc. It''s crap. Even those ''perfect'' moms had moments where they hated being preggo or hated gaining weight or cried themselves to sleep or in the shower or whatever in those first few weeks and months of having a newborn. It is my mission to openly admit how HARD it is and my own feelings of ambivalence that may not be ''PC'' but are the truest feelings of a new mom. I am constantly amazed at how when talking to one of the seemingly ''perfect moms'' that are going on about how motherhood is the best thing they''ve ever done and their little so and so is just the biggest bundle of joy, etc., the minute I tell them how I honestly feel, it''s like the floodgates open and they quickly admit ''Oh, ME TOO!'' with relief.

truer words were never spoken! amen china!!

hello ladies! back to lurkdom....
Glad your appt went well. I really hope that you don''t have PTL again. If you do get PTL and get the shots, would you still need to be on bed rest? Good luck. DH and I are excited for you guys.

You are not huge at all. You look great.

Sorry about your fall. I hope that nothing is seriously hurt.

Glad your GD doctor isn''t quick on induction since a lot of doctors seems to be with GD patients.
Your bump is rounding out now that you are almost 36 weeks. So adorable.

Hope gingerbaby decides to come soon.

Can''t wait to see your PP pics. DH''s cousin came over yesterday and asked me how many months I was, and I thought "geez my belly isn''t that big anymore, is it?" hehe. I should take a pic of my "preggo" self. LOL.
mer - ouch
hope that everything is okay after the fall. a couple of weekends ago, we were visiting my brother and his family and took a nice long stroll. it had just snowed (as per usual this winter) and our dogs were romping all around having a great time, that is until one knocked me over. my feet went out from under me and i landed right onto my stomach. fortunately, i was able to break the fall with one of my arms, but it was still a little scary.

and I bet you and all the other just post-preggo wedding goers will be absolute knockouts and have everyone in awe of your bodacious cleavage

burk - speaking of knockouts. hot mama! great luck tomorrow!!

kim - your bump is looking mighty perfect these days!

mara and qt - do post those post-preggo shots. give us hope.
and glad to hear that things are going well with your LOs

as for being pregnant - I kind of love it and I''m pretty in awe of the process. not all the time (thinking back ever so not fondly to that first trimester), but this kid took a while to make, so I''m feeling pretty fortunate on most days. and thanks china, viz and others for talking about how important it is to let yourself off the hook, be realistic, etc. I''m sure that''s a lot more difficult the first time ''round.

in other news, the novelty of blizzards has long worn off
Thanks everyone for the well wishes. I can''t reply so well on my iPod, but I wanted to give you an update.

They did the test on the baby and he passed with 10 out of 10. So that is great. But while doing the test I had about 5 contractions. I was admitted to triage about 20 minutes ago and they have me on the monitors. They are going to check me for dialation in 30 minutes after I have been hooked up to the machines for a bit.

Chris just got here... So we''re hoping that they aren''t anything serious. I''ll let you all know what we find out.

Thanks again.
burk~ GOOD LUCK!! You look so cute! Those big babies are hard to get out, but in my experience, they''re good eaters and sleepers!!

Kimi~ You still look tiny!!

Meresal~ Hope you''re feeling better! I took several spills in the last weeks with JT (he was born in Feb and we had bad weather that year). The dr assured me that there was plenty of protection and not to be worried unless there was bleeding. I''m sure you''re fine but I understand the nerves!!

Hope you''re all doing well!!

My MS has picked back up again. Hopefully it''ll dissipate quickly. The baby is moving around non-stop, sometimes I''m sure DH would be able to feel it from the outside! When the dr was checking the hb, he must''ve pushed to hard because babe took off in the opposite direction. Dr looked nervous because then he couldn''t find the hb until I told him exactly where LO was hiding.
Quick pop in to say GO BURK and you look AMAZING!!!

Mer- Thinking of you and hope everything is a ok with your little man. Keep us posted.

Ginger- Thinking of you!!!!!! Now''s about the time I started going crazy.
Don''t worry, he WILL show up, even if it doesn''t feel like it. How long will your doctor let you go? I went 10 days over, but could have gone another 3-4 days if my fluids weren''t so low.
Date: 2/11/2010 5:51:20 PM
Author: meresal
Thanks everyone for the well wishes. I can''t reply so well on my iPod, but I wanted to give you an update.

They did the test on the baby and he passed with 10 out of 10. So that is great. But while doing the test I had about 5 contractions. I was admitted to triage about 20 minutes ago and they have me on the monitors. They are going to check me for dialation in 30 minutes after I have been hooked up to the machines for a bit.

Chris just got here... So we''re hoping that they aren''t anything serious. I''ll let you all know what we find out.

Thanks again.
Thanks for updating us. Glad the baby is fine. Hope your contractions stop and it''s nothing serious. Sending lots of positive thoughts your way. Keep us posted.
mere hope everything is fine, keep us posted.

lulu i actually was pretty impressed with the overall process of pregnancy even if i was not happy it was happening to ME persay. it is amazing what our bodies are geared up to do. i lived in this body for 35 years and i have never seen it operate the way it did for those 10 months. with or without me, it was gestating (and then delivering!) that child. it''s pretty awe inspiring from a biological perspective.
Date: 2/11/2010 8:29:26 PM
Author: Mara
lulu i actually was pretty impressed with the overall process of pregnancy even if i was not happy it was happening to ME persay. it is amazing what our bodies are geared up to do. i lived in this body for 35 years and i have never seen it operate the way it did for those 10 months. with or without me, it was gestating (and then delivering!) that child. it''s pretty awe inspiring from a biological perspective.

I''m trying REALLY hard not to think about the delivery process lol. I have not been a happy pregnant woman, but everyone keeps telling me I am just glowing, so at least I LOOK happy lol. I have no problems saying, "I feel like crap!" when someone asks though, hehe. Cause I do!

Mere, I''m sure all is well, but keep us updated. I''ll be thinking of you. I bet they are just BH from the stress of the fall and the pain it caused.

Burk, YAY! Gosh you are sure leggy. Good luck!!!
Don''t be scared of the delivery process....I was just looking at pictures of E at the hospital and I wish I was pregnant all over again so I could give birth again! Then again, I had a fairly easy labor and delivery and the recovery was really easy. Momnesia sets in really quick apparently!
just popping in quickly to say:

thinking of burk tonight!

MER: hope everything is ok! i spent WAY too many hours in triage with my first pregnancy and i know it''s no picnic! hang in there and hopefully everything will quiet down with some hydration and rest!

SNLEE: i''m so glad you had such a good appointment! it sounds like your attitude is perfect. it''s so interesting for me to hear what your ob told you, and i think it''s great that she (he?) is taking such a proactive role. what are your thoughts about the progesterone shots?? when are you meeting with MFM? we actually already had our consultation...around week 9. so far things are going well. i am hoping NOT to meet with them again!! i will have a baseline cervix measurement around 15 or 16 weeks, i think. fingers crossed that we both have EASY pregnancies this time!!