
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Burk, Kade is adorable!

ginger, hope you''re holding your little guy right now! Can''t wait for an update!
burk, K is soo cute. is that the newborn lounger? i am tempted to get one because i keep propping him in the regular boppy and i think it'd be more comfy for him to be on the lounger which has a middle too. but on the other hand i don't want to deal with something i have to buy and then store after he outgrows it!

in a fun note, my friend's son (also named Julian) just outgrew his bumbo so she's letting us borrow it. can't wait to put the kid in it once his neck is stronger. MUST be holding your kiddo by now!! WHEE. hope all is well.

Hello Ladies!

I just thought I would post since I have a few quiet moments left here!


Well, as far as my birth story goes...

I was having a lot of irregular contractions since Thursday 02/04 and they were getting strong as the night progressed. Well, that day I went to my doctor and he told me that I was 3 cm. I was a little freaked out because I knew that she would be here very soon. So at around 10pm that night I started to get the contractions.
They weren''t too bad but they were like needing to poop pains mixed with heavy menstrual cramps. So I tried to go to sleep but really couldn’t because the contractions were uncomfortable. The next morning I woke up my mom and husband and told them to get ready because I was ready to call the doctor and might tell me to check in the hospital.
So, I called the doctor’s office and they wanted me to go in. He checked me out and I was 4cm dilated! He told me to check in labor and delivery. We got checked in, was scared outta my mind and even cried!
I was scared of the IV being placed in so the nurse said that she was going to numb the area and have it placed!
yeah, I am a crybaby! Lol.. Well, the doctor came in and checked me out, ordered pitocin and then got my epi…Everything was progressing great but I started to get very desperate 2 hours before I had her when I had reached 7 cm. I started to feel so much pressure on my butt that it felt like if I really had to go to the bathroom to poop!

I was so frustrated at this point and desperate that I felt like I needed to push and couldn''t! The nurse checked me and I was 10 cm! Ready to push…I had to wait for them to get ready and it felt like they took FOREVER! I remember saying, “Where the F*** is everyone?” “ I need to F***ing push!” Yeah, I am bad but I felt so helpless and was ready to push! The nurse coached my hubby and I and taught us when to push and how. Well, with that my hubby grabbed my left leg and nurse the other and my doctor was in front. I saw my MIL & mom got off to a corner and observe from far away, I could tell that they were scared.

I was pushing and they asked if I wanted to see the head because they could see her hair! I was scared but then said oh well, who cares lemme see, so they placed the mirror in front and could see her head! This gave me the motivation to push even harder. At this point my husband started to cry and that made me push EVEN harder. I was so concentrated and thought that the baby wants to be here so bad that she will be here soon and I wouldn’t be pushing for too long. Well, after pushing for 25 mins or so, my daughter was born! It happened so quickly and it was so surreal when the doctor raised her up I was in shock. I then cried and wanted my baby asap. Those minutes felt like an eternity but when they finally handed her over I told her that I was her mommy and she just stared at me. I will never forget that moment. I am still in awe and can’t believe that I made her, of course along with my hubby.
Overall, everything went great. I was scared but tried to keep a positive attitude and kept in mind that I was doing all of this for my baby. So far, I am trying to adjust to this new and exciting life. At first I got the baby blues but I have so much support from my family I am trying to get better even when these freaking hormones are making me crazy! But overall it’s totally worth it! I see her and can’t believe that she is here! I love her so much!

Sorry, that was a huge pic, but I tried several times to resize and this is what I got! I am going to post more when I get the pro pics that we took at the hospital. Daddy is holding her about to burp her after a feeding!
Burk-Cute pic of bebe Kade! So adorable!
Can''t wait to hear your birth story!
MJ, so glad to hear your birth story was a smooth and quick experience. Your daughter is beautiful, congratulations.

Burk-K is adorable
. He has the newborn squish that makes me heart ache for another

MT-J is beautiful! She has sooo much hair!!
Burk and Mtj, you have the cutest little babies!!!
Burk, Kade is one gorgeous boy!

MT, your daughter is beautiful! Congratulations.

Mara, the weight indicators on the ultrasounds are typically off by 15-20% which means she''s anywhere from the high-four to mid-five pound range at this point and babies typically gain 6-10 more ozs. between now and birth if we get to 40 weeks; the concern isn''t her wieght which is just a formula based on the other measurements taken, it''s the percentiles for her measurements. I''m not worried about her being small, it''s the other stuff. But I''m much less concerned now, especially since my OB is back in town. I don''t mind the pep talks. Staying calm is important; I wasn''t last Friday, I have been since.

My NST was eventful. They monitored the baby, she was doing fantastic, and then did three measurements of amniotic fluid, two of which were much lower than last Friday and below the cutoff. I was sent to L&D the baby was monitored, baby still doing great, and the attending did two more fluid measurements which were less than last Friday, but not below the cutoff, so I was discharged. The doctor was able to contact my OB, who has been on vacation, and I am to call her today and it sounds like shw wants to monitor us again tomorrow, instead of Thursday, if they can get me in. I need to call her office so we can discuss what''s next. Baby''s head is way down in the pelvis and it feels like I dropped yesterday. Not having many contractions, and they''re small. So it appears we''re going to be in a pattern of monitor and decide, monitor and decide.
What gorgeous babies! Congrats Burk and Mtjoya!
Burk, Kade is such a cutie~! I love this pic, he''s all scrunchy.

MT, your LO is beautiful, I''m glad L&D went so well for you!

We are having another baby burst
More babies!
Awww, Burk and MJ your babies are so gorgeous! Congrats to you both!!!
Congrats BURK!!!! Kade is so yummy. Newborn baby boys make my heart melt.

Mtjoya- Jacqueline is beautiful and has so much hair!

ETA: Anxiously waiting to hear from Ginger!!!!!! Gingerbaby must be here by now.
welcome babies kade and jacqueline - both gorgeous!!

congrats (i hope) to ginger!!
MT...congrats..!! J is sooo cute and look at all that crazy hair!!! I was so happy J had a lot of hair but not as much as my sister who was born with a HELMET of dark hair, literally it looked like she had a black space helmet on. Your pic of J reminded me of my sis. So cute. and thanks for posting your birth story, I love that it sounds like you had an ok of time of it and you were so freaked out originally!! Good for you, aren''t you so proud of your body?

GINGER... I so know you are holding your baby by now, it''s been over 24 hours since we last heard from you. I hope everything went exceptionally well.

Kimi... glad that everything was good for the NST appt. hopefully it will keep being a positive monitoring experience so that you guys won''t have to make any decisions on bringing baby early. i''ll be rooting for your body to keep baking the baby! remind me how many weeks you are again?

so J is 2 weeks old now and he definitely is in his ''wakeful'' stage...eeeee. we are in for it now.
his little personality is rearing it''s fussy head and he is eating up a storm. his pedi appt is this thurs and we can''t wait to see how much he has gained. his legs already are looking fatter, they were a tad thin in the beginning, i love chubby baby legs!
Kade is so adorable. I think he looks like daddy. I knew T would be a great big sister. Can''t wait to see more pics. Hope you are recovering well.

Look at the full head of beautiful black hair on Jacqueline. She is so cute. Glad you were able to concentrate on the positives during your birth experience. Yay for your family helping you with your postpartum blues. Support is so important in the early days when our hormones are still out of wack.

J is also going through the 2 weeks wakeful, and it''s tiring, especially throughout the night.

I know it''s hard, but try not to worry too much. At this point, I think it''s great that your OB is being proactive and monitoring you, instead of rushing for you to make a decision.
Thanks everyone for the compliments. We think he''s pretty sweet. Funny, though, because DH and I both admitted to one another as we were leaving the hospital that we were both a little worried when he first came out! Ha ha!
He had big shoes to fill.

mjt~J is so cute! Love her hair!!

Mara~I just put the boppy in the bassinet in that pic. He likes to be propped a bit and sleep on his side so I sleep him in there like that during the day a lot....unfortunately he hates to be put down at night!

Birth story:

I think I posted that my induction was supposed to start at 8pm on Thursday night. Apparently lots of babies were being born in our city (at all the hospitals) and I got a call that they wouldn''t have room/staff at 8 but would call me to discuss my options later on. They called at 10:30 (DH was already in bed) and said they would probably have a room within the next hour/hour and a half and they were going to call me OB to see what he wanted me to do. I said I''d prefer coming the next morning but when they called me back my OB had different plans (I think he must have known we wouldn''t get in for an induction the next day because they had even more babies then). So we checked in at midnight. I was having some contractions when we got there. When they checked me around 1am I was dilated to 3 (I was 2 at my Tuesday appt) so they asked my OB if he wanted to go ahead with cytotek or just start pitocin. He chose cytotek (yay because pitocin contractions are NO fun) so she put that in around 1:30am. I started contracting more frequently and intensely within an hour or so. The nurse checked me around 3am because my contractions were getting close and she thought for sure I had progressed. Nope. My OB came in at 4am and I was still at a 3 but he said I could go ahead and get the epi. It took a while to get dilated to 5 but after I got to 5 I was to 10 and ready to push within an hour and a half. The nurse had me push once around 9:45am and after I pushed she told me to make sure NOT to push again until she got my doctor there. Doc arrived about 10am and I pushed once and there he was. He came out with the cord around his neck and a knot in the cord which was pretty scary. He had some heart decels during my labor so the nurse had wondered about he cord. He was a little blue so the delivery nurse (who by the way came in as I was pushing the baby out because they were so short staffed) took him to give him oxygen. The little stinker was grabbing at her gloves, batting the oxygen mask away. She thought he was hilarious. I worry I''m going to have another feisty one on my hands!
Oh, and I had no tearing! Yay! My recovery has been so much easier than with my first because of that. I haven''t taken the ibuprofin since yesterday.

So far everything is going well. He had to go in to get his billirubin tested again today and it went up from yesterday
even though he gained 2 oz since yesterday (he''s already back at his birth weight!!). We go in again tomorrow. Boo. Tayva is doing so well with her brother. DH goes back to work Thursday so I''ll be on my own with the two of them. I''m sure it''ll be fine but I just worry about T having enough attention when K is on my boob like 24-7!
We''ll get through it though.

Okay, gotta go eat something before both kiddos wake up!
Congrats Burk and MTJ
both babies look like cutie-pies
Burk & mtjoya, what adorable babies!!! Great pics!

Meresal, your 3D ultrasound pic came out great - what a cutie!!!

Mara & Qtiekiki, I can''t believe that you guys just had babies - you''re already so tiny!

Jas & DrK, & any other mamas I forgot to mention, great belly pics!

I tried to post a pic of my 3D ultrasound, and was successful yesterday for a brief period, but then I realized that I forgot to remove my personal info & had the admin take it down. Today I''m having difficulty reposting it, but I''ll try again in my next post ...
Yay, I think it''s working!

Here''s a 3D picture of my baby boy at 31 weeks - sucking his thumb!!!

Date: 2/15/2010 8:58:13 AM
Author: jcrow
ginger - yay!!! seems like you''re next! wishing you a easy delivery and a healthy baby boy! can''t wait to meet him.

meresal - cute pic! we had a ultrasound and they did a 3D as well and they couldn''t get a good pic of the face
she tried several times. she said the baby was right up against my wall.

speaking of ultrasounds, at our doctor''s office, they have the equipment to do the 3D ones as well. at several of my regular ultrasound appointments they also gave us a peek at her with the 3D equipment. so, since we don''t have to pay extra for it and we''ve seen a few peeks, i don''t think we''ll opt for an actual 3D session that we have to pay for. at the last appt., we did buy the dvd [$35] and she recorded the whole session with the regular ultrasound + 3D ultrasound too. we showed my family and his and they enjoyed watching it.
Jcrow - with our first baby, they did the 3D ultrasound at the dr.''s office, and they never got a clear picture of his face. They just had my lay down on my back on the bed, and said, oh well, too bad, even though we paid a lot for the service.

This time my new doctor recommended a commercial place that only does 3D/4D ultrasound. They weren''t the cheapest, but we got GREAT pictures (38!) and a 15 minute DVD. They had me lie down on an actual bed, and the tech was having me move around to get the best pictures of his face - rolling from side to side, moving my legs & stuff. That way he put me in a good position to see the baby''s face. They didn''t do any of that stuff at the dr''s office - I recommend a good commercial place if you''re interested in getting good 3D images.
Thank you so much ladies for the comments! I am so in love with her! I am just tired all the time!
Yeah, I thought that someone threw a wig on her lol...she has so much hair! LOL! She is a cutie!

Burk-Love your birth story! It''s funny that you say that the rooms were full because the whole L&D unit was full along with Maternity! They were scrambling to find me a room! LOL...Glad that you didn''t have any tearing! I tore a bit, 1 degree tear. It''s kewl, but it burned when I peed the first time. Kade is beautiful!
Appt. went well. Doctor did two AFI tests, the first one resulted in low fluid, the second better. Continuing to be monitored every M/Th, have another appt with OB on Monday. She said we''ll likely induce next week, she wants me to get to the 37 week mark. I''m 50% effaced and just under 1 cm dialated, which should make vaginal birth more likely. Baby''s head is "way down" which isn''t suprising because she dropped yesterday.
Date: 2/16/2010 6:15:09 PM
Author: mtjoya
Thank you so much ladies for the comments! I am so in love with her! I am just tired all the time!
Yeah, I thought that someone threw a wig on her lol...she has so much hair! LOL! She is a cutie!

Burk-Love your birth story! It''s funny that you say that the rooms were full because the whole L&D unit was full along with Maternity! They were scrambling to find me a room! LOL...Glad that you didn''t have any tearing! I tore a bit, 1 degree tear. It''s kewl, but it burned when I peed the first time. Kade is beautiful!
OH my gosh, Martha! I have missed a TON!!!!!! Congratulations to you both!!!! I''m so completely happy for you!!!!

Burk - congratulations to you and your family! What a great birth story!!!!
vesper-cute pic of the 3d! I was so excited when we did ours! She used to put her hand in front of her face in the tummy and she does it now too, very funny! enjoy!
Date: 2/16/2010 7:35:15 PM
Author: LaurenThePartier

Date: 2/16/2010 6:15:09 PM
Author: mtjoya
Thank you so much ladies for the comments! I am so in love with her! I am just tired all the time!
Yeah, I thought that someone threw a wig on her lol...she has so much hair! LOL! She is a cutie!

Burk-Love your birth story! It''s funny that you say that the rooms were full because the whole L&D unit was full along with Maternity! They were scrambling to find me a room! LOL...Glad that you didn''t have any tearing! I tore a bit, 1 degree tear. It''s kewl, but it burned when I peed the first time. Kade is beautiful!
OH my gosh, Martha! I have missed a TON!!!!!! Congratulations to you both!!!! I''m so completely happy for you!!!!

Burk - congratulations to you and your family! What a great birth story!!!!
Lauren! Thank you so much! We are sooo happy!
It''s great to hear from you! Can''t wait for you to post here soon! We are waiting!
Congratulations Burk and MT!!!!!! The kiddos are soooo cute!!!! Hope you both are doing well!!!!
Vesper, he is adorable!!!

Burk- Your birth story sounds so simple! Just like my "5 minute" dreams! My main question... how in the world did you keep from pushing the baby out for an entire 15 minutes??? I just can''t wrap my head around the nurse telling you to wait. I would yelled back, "It''s been 9 f''ing months, you DO NOT want to leave this room!"

I''m sure you''re going to do great with both kiddos!

Kimberly- Wow, next week! So close! Do the babies usually drop around the 36/37 week mark?

Ginger--- Where you at lady???? I hope you are holding your beautiful little buy by now!!!
Date: 2/16/2010 8:31:22 PM
Author: meresal

Kimberly- Wow, next week! So close! Do the babies usually drop around the 36/37 week mark?
First time babies tend to drop sooner, around 4 weeks before delivery. It literally was like she''s high, now she''s not. My husband said "wow you''re stomach is really low" when he hugged me this afternoon. Next week is close, we won''t be moved yet (scheduled March 2). If it is next week we''re going to have quite an adventure on our hands!
when i had the epi, i couldn''t really feel a whole lot but i was apparently a good pusher from what the nurses were telling me. anyway, i couldn''t tell WHEN i was ready to push...they had to tell me, because of the epi. so all the pushing was them telling me when to push basically. i was fine with that but i know some moms don''t like that someone else has to tell them when to push, they can''t feel it as well. i personally couldnt feel ANYTHING because i was so freaked out from my earlier contractions i kept the epi really high haha. so anyway not sure if burk had the same thing, but if the nurse told me to push i could and did, but i also was fine waiting in between pushes AND when i was 10cm i had to wait an hour for them to get ready because i progressed so fast. due to epi, i had no idea i was at 10 or if my body wanted to push.

kim...hope you keep baking until your doctor is ready for baby to come out. it is crazy you are already 50% effaced and 1cm! that is what i was at 38.5 weeks. and i didn''t really drop til around 38 weeks or so. it felt like it took forever even though he was head down and pretty low. he was just stuffed into my short torso like crazy!

i gotta say too it is so funny to see J''s little feet and look at them and think THOSE WERE UP AGAINST MY RIBS... crazy when they are out.

burk...omg i can''t believe that you pushed once and he was out. i had to push for 2 hours, woman!!! hehee. and you didn''t tear, that is GREAT. i only had a 1st degree, not bad at all and i never really even felt the stitches, the whole area was so ''alive'' that i couldn''t tell what were stitches vs swelling etc. yay for an awesome delivery!