
Calling dibs: pocessiveness over baby names.

madelise|1337061128|3195476 said:
maebelle|1337021977|3195013 said:
Most of my favorites got just slightly more popular, but are still in the low 200-300s. Thank goodness :) Eleanor is 150 but Felix is 311.

I'm only slightly surprised Sophia overtook Isabella. Usually the top girl name stays at the top longer than Isabella did

lol, all the Twihards fizzled their love over to Hunger Games. Next year, we'll see Katniss, Peeta, Primrose and Rue on the list, LOL!!! :lol:

And the following year? Well, now everyone's in love with 50 shades of gray.. so let me guess. Christian and Anastasia?

Since these names are less typical, with an exception of Christian, I don't think we'll see it on the Top 10 list like we did with the Twilight characters, but it sure as hell won't surprise me to see them all of a sudden listed under the Top 100.

I love the name Sophia and Sophie. I just can't. Shake. "Princess Sophia". from How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days. Out. of. My. Head. :errrr: :errrr: :errrr:

what??? Twilight names actually made it into the top 10? that's insane haha. and yes agreed with you on Princess Sophia...such a pretty name but I don't think I could imagine a daughter named that without thinking of that movie!
I actually wondered if Katniss would make it into the top 10. I think it's beautiful and unique, but after the book/movie series, I wouldn't choose it. None of my die hard faves are in the top 10. I haven't checked, but I'm guessing some of my classic favorites (Nicholas, Nathan, Claire, etc) still are.
Oh, pandabee, Twihard names have been on the top 10 list for years already. In 2009 AND 2010, Jacob and Isabella were #1 for their genders. In 2008, Jacob was #1 but Isabella was #2.

Okay I just did some digging. Maybe JACOB wasn't an influence from Twilight. The first book only came out in 2006. Jacob has been the top baby boy name since 1999. It was 2nd in 1997-98. 3rd in 96. 4th in 95. It was NOWHERE on the list in 94. I wonder where it even came from? Either way, there are wayyyyyyyyy too many Jacobs if it's been top 1st-3rd name for almost 10 years in the running.

I can imagine the school teachers now. "No Jacob A SIT DOWN, no I wasn't talking to you Jacob B nor Jacob C, Jacob D stop that!"

Jacob will forever be a "no" name for me! Haha.

Isabella, on the other hand, started showing up on the list immediately after the Twilight series got published. It was nowhere on the list prior. #2 in 2007-8. #1 from 2009-10. #2 in 2011.

It freaks me out that media has such a big influence on people. Really? Are we all just drones of what we see and hear? :roll:

Mason's #2 this year, and they think it has to do with the Kardashian Klan. Oh, god. Shoot me now.
Isabella was climbing the list before the books were published. It was 488 in 1992, and 174 in 1995, the year before twilight was published. Add in that variations (Isabelle, Isabel, etc) are not listed together but as separate names and the numbers are actually a little higher than reported.

Both Jacab and Isabella were reasonably popular, and then Twilight just made them that much trendier (Along with Edward, Emmet, Carlisle, Rosalee and many other character names). There might be a little bit of "Which came first?" coming along here, because the author most likely used names that were popular because she was writing in an extremely popular genre.

All of the twilight names go far beyond twilight because they are just classic. Even the name "Cullen" only got a tiny boost from the books (509 in 1995 and 471 in 2011).

Now if Renesmee (worst literary name EVER) is ever on the list I'll eat my words. :)

Of course, "made up" names from books have totally become full fledged names before. The author of Peter Pan created the name Wendy, but no one would say that isn't a legitimate name!
maebelle|1337101573|3195746 said:
Of course, "made up" names from books have totally become full fledged names before. The author of Peter Pan created the name Wendy, but no one would say that isn't a legitimate name!
I love the Peter Pan story! I guess at some point ALL names were 'made up', yes?

I just looked at the list on the Social Security Administration website. Their identified Top 100 are here:

I also found this list interesting:
Ooh, this list is cool too. You can actually look at the top 100 names in your state. For instance, in the link is Florida where I live. The top boy name in Florida is NOT Jacob. Interesting if you're likely to stay put. It probably doesn't change significantly, but cool nonetheless I think.
madelise|1337100601|3195720 said:
I can imagine the school teachers now. "No Jacob A SIT DOWN, no I wasn't talking to you Jacob B nor Jacob C, Jacob D stop that!"

The difference between the top names now and the top names, say, 30 years ago, is that now the top names aren't as popular. For example, Jennifer was #1 for a long time, and in one year (I think 1972 but am too lazy to pull up the page) was given to 4% of baby girls. 4 %! The top name this year was closer to you would have to figure that 1/100 have that name, so say one in three classrooms.

Mico said:
audball|1337175260|3196476 wrote:I also found this list interesting:
ooo, i like this list the most

So, I'm 27 weeks pregnant with a boy. We are keeping the name a secret because we really don't care to hear opinions. The name we've picked is unusual, but not weird. I had a feeling it would climb the ranks this year. Sure enough, it is in the top 10 of names that changed in ranking.
My favorite from the ones that went up in rank the most are Declan, Barret, Atticus, and Archer. It's interesting your instincts were correct. Congrats on the boy!
Good thinking on keeping the name secret, that is EXACTLY what I will be doing.
maebelle|1337213760|3196928 said:
My favorite from the ones that went up in rank the most are Declan, Barret, Atticus, and Archer. It's interesting your instincts were correct. Congrats on the boy!
Good thinking on keeping the name secret, that is EXACTLY what I will be doing.
Ditto!! Congrats amc!! :) :)
audball|1337218153|3197006 said:
maebelle|1337213760|3196928 said:
My favorite from the ones that went up in rank the most are Declan, Barret, Atticus, and Archer. It's interesting your instincts were correct. Congrats on the boy!
Good thinking on keeping the name secret, that is EXACTLY what I will be doing.
Ditto!! Congrats amc!! :) :)

Thanks! We are really excited.
Secret is the only way to go. I think we'd be doing it even if the name was something super common. We've told a few close friends and the feedback has been great...mainly, we just don't want my mom to know...because she WILL say something about it. And because we can't tell my parents, we can't tell his either. My mom knows we have a name and still insists on texting me name ideas. Then she gets mad when I say "no thank, we already have a name." So then the next text starts off with "well, don't bite my head off, but what about XXXX?" Ugh.
amc80|1337270949|3197395 said:
Thanks! We are really excited.
Secret is the only way to go. I think we'd be doing it even if the name was something super common. We've told a few close friends and the feedback has been great...mainly, we just don't want my mom to know...because she WILL say something about it. And because we can't tell my parents, we can't tell his either. My mom knows we have a name and still insists on texting me name ideas. Then she gets mad when I say "no thank, we already have a name." So then the next text starts off with "well, don't bite my head off, but what about XXXX?" Ugh.
That's frustrating. I hate when people give unsolicited advice. I can't wait to hear what you chose!!
amc80|1337270949|3197395 said:
Thanks! We are really excited.
Secret is the only way to go. I think we'd be doing it even if the name was something super common. We've told a few close friends and the feedback has been great...mainly, we just don't want my mom to know...because she WILL say something about it. And because we can't tell my parents, we can't tell his either. My mom knows we have a name and still insists on texting me name ideas. Then she gets mad when I say "no thank, we already have a name." So then the next text starts off with "well, don't bite my head off, but what about XXXX?" Ugh.

congrats on your bebeeee! I have a total baby bug right now! Lol. love love love little bebeees and growing bellies!

can you tell her you want the name to be a surprise to get mom to back off? like, "thanks mom for all these suggestions, i won't confirm anything though so you'll have to wait!" and include a teasing winky face? :P
madelise|1337294772|3197738 said:
amc80|1337270949|3197395 said:
Thanks! We are really excited.
Secret is the only way to go. I think we'd be doing it even if the name was something super common. We've told a few close friends and the feedback has been great...mainly, we just don't want my mom to know...because she WILL say something about it. And because we can't tell my parents, we can't tell his either. My mom knows we have a name and still insists on texting me name ideas. Then she gets mad when I say "no thank, we already have a name." So then the next text starts off with "well, don't bite my head off, but what about XXXX?" Ugh.

congrats on your bebeeee! I have a total baby bug right now! Lol. love love love little bebeees and growing bellies!

can you tell her you want the name to be a surprise to get mom to back off? like, "thanks mom for all these suggestions, i won't confirm anything though so you'll have to wait!" and include a teasing winky face? :P

Oh, I've said that...many times. Actually from the time I was about 7 weeks pregnant...she asked us about names and we said we had a boy and girl name picked. And EVERY time she's suggested a name since then I've given the same response. I finally told her the letter it starts with. Her logic is a her guesses are interesting. She'll say "oh, I thought it was XXXX, but then realized you wouldn't use that name since it's the same name as XXXXX," when XXXXX is the name of an obscure family friend's husband. Stuff like that. And after having knowing the letter, she'll text me with suggestions that are completely different. Like say I told her it starts with M, she'll say "what about Jackson? I really like that name." Facepalm.
amc80|1337356384|3198445 said:
Oh, I've said that...many times. Actually from the time I was about 7 weeks pregnant...she asked us about names and we said we had a boy and girl name picked. And EVERY time she's suggested a name since then I've given the same response. I finally told her the letter it starts with. Her logic is a her guesses are interesting. She'll say "oh, I thought it was XXXX, but then realized you wouldn't use that name since it's the same name as XXXXX," when XXXXX is the name of an obscure family friend's husband. Stuff like that. And after having knowing the letter, she'll text me with suggestions that are completely different. Like say I told her it starts with M, she'll say "what about Jackson? I really like that name." Facepalm.
Oh, frustrating! I'm sorry you're dealing with her. At least keeping it from her keeps her from criticizing a name you love. Once he's here, she won't care about the name because she's going to have a beautiful grandson!

I *think* I know what your name is. I lurk in FHH and I've seen what his nickname will be, and based on your hint here, I think I cracked the code!! :lol: Hah. No worries, my lips are sealed! (not that I know your mother!)
audball|1337606815|3200163 said:
amc80|1337356384|3198445 said:
Oh, I've said that...many times. Actually from the time I was about 7 weeks pregnant...she asked us about names and we said we had a boy and girl name picked. And EVERY time she's suggested a name since then I've given the same response. I finally told her the letter it starts with. Her logic is a her guesses are interesting. She'll say "oh, I thought it was XXXX, but then realized you wouldn't use that name since it's the same name as XXXXX," when XXXXX is the name of an obscure family friend's husband. Stuff like that. And after having knowing the letter, she'll text me with suggestions that are completely different. Like say I told her it starts with M, she'll say "what about Jackson? I really like that name." Facepalm.
Oh, frustrating! I'm sorry you're dealing with her. At least keeping it from her keeps her from criticizing a name you love. Once he's here, she won't care about the name because she's going to have a beautiful grandson!

I *think* I know what your name is. I lurk in FHH and I've seen what his nickname will be, and based on your hint here, I think I cracked the code!! :lol: Hah. No worries, my lips are sealed! (not that I know your mother!)

Ha, no worried :) I know, I gave too many clues...oh well...everyone will know in a few months anyway!
amc80|1337616271|3200242 said:
Ha, no worried :) I know, I gave too many clues...oh well...everyone will know in a few months anyway!
True! Can't wait to see if I'm right! If I am, I think it's a very nice choice! Cute, grown up, different and uncommon without being super obscure. :) :)
I am totally loving the name Grant. Totally. Andrew likes it too. I've only ever known 2 grants in real life. One I worked with a few years ago (handsome, popular). The other was our waiter 2 nights ago at dinner, lol (also handsome).

I think we *may* have finally agreed on a boy name! And best yet, it's not in the top 100!!! We haven't been able to think up anything that would sound good as a middle though. Several of you are on my FB and know Andrew's last name. Any ideas? :Up_to_something:

I really wanted to use Andrew's name as the middle but Grant Andrew ________ doesn't sounds super easy to say to me.
audball|1337869709|3202566 said:
I am totally loving the name Grant. Totally. Andrew likes it too. I've only ever known 2 grants in real life. One I worked with a few years ago (handsome, popular). The other was our waiter 2 nights ago at dinner, lol (also handsome).

I think we *may* have finally agreed on a boy name! And best yet, it's not in the top 100!!! We haven't been able to think up anything that would sound good as a middle though. Several of you are on my FB and know Andrew's last name. Any ideas? :Up_to_something:

I really wanted to use Andrew's name as the middle but Grant Andrew ________ doesn't sounds super easy to say to me.

oh! i like Grant!
Thanks Mico!
I think Grant is a great name! And I'm loving that you're using your BF's name as the middle! :P
StacylikesSparkles|1337880875|3202735 said:
I think Grant is a great name! And I'm loving that you're using your BF's name as the middle! :P
Aww thanks! I'm not sure I love Grant and Andrew together though which is a bummer. Andrew doesn't think it's necessary. He does have his Dad's first name as his middle, but it's not like a tradition at this point. Seems like we could start it as one, or not.
I like the Grant Andrew first/middle combination!
audball|1337881116|3202740 said:
StacylikesSparkles|1337880875|3202735 said:
I think Grant is a great name! And I'm loving that you're using your BF's name as the middle! :P
Aww thanks! I'm not sure I love Grant and Andrew together though which is a bummer. Andrew doesn't think it's necessary. He does have his Dad's first name as his middle, but it's not like a tradition at this point. Seems like we could start it as one, or not.

I vote new tradition! :appl: Maybe Grant Andrew will grow on you!
pandabee|1337882496|3202763 said:
I like the Grant Andrew first/middle combination!

StacylikesSparkles|1337884735|3202795 said:
I vote new tradition! :appl: Maybe Grant Andrew will grow on you!

Aww, thanks guys. I just don't feel it completely. With the scream test...haha. It does flow well when yelling ;)

I feel like Grant Elijah flows more easily than Grant Andrew. Not that I *like* the first one, it just flows better.
audball|1337885689|3202809 said:
pandabee|1337882496|3202763 said:
I like the Grant Andrew first/middle combination!

StacylikesSparkles|1337884735|3202795 said:
I vote new tradition! :appl: Maybe Grant Andrew will grow on you!

Aww, thanks guys. I just don't feel it completely. With the scream test...haha. It does flow well when yelling ;)

I feel like Grant Elijah flows more easily than Grant Andrew. Not that I *like* the first one, it just flows better.

I think either of those work. I think the problem you're having with Andrew is the double short "a" in Grant Andrew. I'd say that most 2+ syllable name that don't have a soft "a" sound pretty good- Grant Michael, Grant Thomas, Grant William, Grant Nicholas, Grant Christopher, etc.
amc80|1337891733|3202893 said:
I think either of those work. I think the problem you're having with Andrew is the double short "a" in Grant Andrew. I'd say that most 2+ syllable name that don't have a soft "a" sound pretty good- Grant Michael, Grant Thomas, Grant William, Grant Nicholas, Grant Christopher, etc.
Good point. I wonder if it's the double A-N too. Too similar sounding? Nicholas is another favorite of ours. I like that together. I also like Grant Everett, but I doubt Andrew will like that one! Grant is a great name, but it IS hard to find something that I feel flows super easily. Good thing we have 7+ years to decide, lol (unless of course we change our minds! :saint: )