
Can loneliness and/or sadness cause a broken heart?

Can loneliness/sadness/losing a loved one cause a broken heart (hasten one's demise)

  • 1. YES

    Votes: 37 97.4%
  • 2. NO

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 3. MAYBE..I will explain below

    Votes: 1 2.6%

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Jun 8, 2008
I say yes. My mom's cat JJ died and a month or two later Belle died of a broken heart. :(

She was in good health and not old. But she was bonded to JJ and not close to the other cats in my parents household.

And I have read of others experiences where the spouse dies and a short time later their wife/husband also die.

I believe that sadness and loneliness and/or losing a loved one absolutely can cause one's heart to break...that is hasten one's demise

What do you think?


Loneliness linked to higher risk of heart disease, stroke and susceptibility to infection

Published January 3, 2025 | Originally published on MedicalXpress Breaking News-and-Events[/COLOR]
Interactions with friends and family may keep us healthy because they boost our immune system and reduce our risk of diseases such as heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes, new research suggests.

Researchers from the UK and China drew this conclusion after studying proteins from blood samples taken from over 42,000 adults recruited to the UK Biobank. Their findings are published in the journal Nature Human Behaviour.

Social relationships play an important role in our well-being. Evidence increasingly demonstrates that both social isolation and loneliness are linked to poorer health and an early death. Despite this evidence, however, the underlying mechanisms through which social relationshipsimpact health remain elusive.

One way to explore biological mechanisms is to look at proteins circulating in the blood. Proteins are molecules produced by our genes and are essential for helping our bodies function properly. They can also serve as useful drug targets, allowing researchers to develop new treatments to tackle diseases.

A team led by scientists at the University of Cambridge, UK, and Fudan University, China, examined the proteomes—the suite of proteins—in blood samples donated by over 42,000 adults aged 40–69 years who are taking part in the UK Biobank. This allowed the team to see which proteins were present at higher levels among people who were socially isolated or lonely, and how these proteins were connected to poorer health.

The team calculated social isolation and loneliness scores for individuals. Social isolation is an objective measure based on—for example—whether someone lives alone, how frequently they have contact with others socially, and whether they take part in social activities. Loneliness, on the other hand, is a subjective measure based on whether an individual feels lonely.

When the researchers analyzed the proteomes and adjusted for factors such as age, sex and socioeconomic background, they found 175 proteins associated with social isolation and 26 proteins associated with loneliness (though there was substantial overlap, with approximately 85% of the proteins associated with loneliness being shared with social isolation). Many of these proteins are produced in response to inflammation, viral infection and as part of our immune responses, as well as having been linked to cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and early death.

The team then used a statistical technique known as Mendelian randomization to explore the causal relationship between social isolation and loneliness on the one hand, and proteins on the other. Using this approach, they identified five proteins whose abundance was caused by loneliness.

Dr. Chun Shen, from the Department of Clinical Neurosciences at the University of Cambridge and the Institute of Science and Technology for Brain-Inspired Intelligence, Fudan University, said, "We know that social isolation and loneliness are linked to poorer health, but we've never understood why. Our work has highlighted a number of proteins that appear to play a key role in this relationship, with levels of some proteins in particular increasing as a direct consequence of loneliness."

Professor Jianfeng Feng from the University of Warwick said, "There are more than 100,000 proteins and many of their variants in the human body. AI and high-throughput proteomics can help us pinpoint some key proteins in prevention, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis in many human diseases and revolutionize the traditional view of human health.

"The proteins we've identified give us clues to the biology underpinning poor health among people who are socially isolated or lonely, highlighting why social relationships play such an important part in keeping us healthy."

One of the proteins produced at higher levels as a result of loneliness was ADM. Previous studies have shown that this protein plays a role in responding to stress and in regulating stress hormones and social hormones such as oxytocin—the so-called love hormone—which can reduce stress and improve mood.

The team found a strong association between ADM and the volume of the insula, a brain hub for interoception, our ability to sense what's happening inside our body—the greater the ADM levels, the smaller the volume of this region. Higher ADM levels were also linked to lower volume of the left caudate, a region involved in emotional, reward, and social processes. In addition, higher levels of ADM were linked to an increased risk of early death.

Another of the proteins, ASGR1, is associated with higher cholesterol and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, while other identified proteins play roles in the development of insulin resistance, atherosclerosis ('furring' of the arteries) and cancer progression, for example.

Professor Barbara Sahakian from the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Cambridge said, "These findings drive home the importance of social contact in keeping us well. More and more people of all ages are reporting feeling lonely. That's why the World Health Organization has described social isolation and loneliness as a global public health concern. We need to find ways to tackle this growing problem and keep people connected to help them stay healthy."

More information: Plasma proteomic signatures of social isolation and loneliness associated with morbidity and mortality, Nature Human Behaviour (2025).


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I said yes too. Takatsubo cardiomyopathy can be brought on by extreme emotions or stress, so while it is temporary and the mortality rate is relatively low, it can be fatal.
I said yes too. Takatsubo cardiomyopathy can be brought on by extreme emotions or stress, so while it is temporary and the mortality rate is relatively low, it can be fatal.

Thank you Dandi

For those unfamiliar with the term:

Takotsubo cardiomyopathy is a temporary heart condition that develops in response to an intense emotional or physical experience. It's also known as stress cardiomyopathy or broken heart syndrome. In this condition, the heart's main pumping chamber changes shape, affecting the heart's ability to pump blood effectively.

Basically it's "broken heart" syndrome :(
Yes, I definitely agree.
I believe so, in both humans and animals. Besides the physiological effect on the body, I believe that mentally it can dampen the will to live in the very old who loose a life partner, especially in those that are already frail.

I had an aunt and uncle who died within the same week. The uncle was in frail condition in a nursing home. The more healthy and functioning aunt returned home after visiting him and had a massive heart attack and died. I think when his children told him of her death, it eliminated his will to live for her and he gave up.
I had a friend who flew to attend her Grandmother's funeral and while she was there her Grandfather also passed.

I have another friend whos Dad just past 4 months after his Mom passed. His Mom was not in good shape but his
Dad was in relatively good shape for an elderly person. This just happened in 2024. His Dad used to go to the nursing
home every day to help take care of his wife. Very sad because we thought since the Mom passed that the Dad could
finally get out and do some traveling with his sons. Unfortunately, not to be.
I have personally experienced how a great loss can essentially push the self destruct button in your body so… the answer is obvious to me. And it isn’t even limited to one singular heart condition. The body can get very creative.
I have personally experienced how a great loss can essentially push the self destruct button in your body so… the answer is obvious to me. And it isn’t even limited to one singular heart condition. The body can get very creative.

Oh my gosh yes. Truth. Both my mom and I developed autoimmune diseases after a great loss. It affects the entire body. The mind body connection is powerful

I’m very sorry for your loss :(
And not just humans or animals, plants too.

My beloved mom, Gwennie, passed some years ago. She had a Portulacaria afra (among other plants). I adopted the wee tree, and being a plant enthusiast, gave it great care. It started to decline and No. Matter. What. I. Did, continued to decline until it died. I checked in with it as I do all my green flock to see what was up.

I'm telling you what it told me, it just didn't want to live anymore.

Of course I almost died of a broken heart myself but remembered my 2 little boys and DH and learned to live with crushing grief.
look at the old people who were married for like 50, 60, 70 years and once one goes, the other one goes soon after, like the late Queen may have had cancer but once Prince Philip passed away she lost her sweet heart

However, there is a difference being alone and lonely.

I am alone, by choice; however, I do not feel lonely.

Got too much going on in life to feel lonely.

DK :))
sometimes late at night i wonder if Gary is thinking about Melanie, but i dont want to upset him so i dont ask
we do talk about her, as well as mums and dads and also all our cats who have passed
broken heart brought on by sadness club here!

Money is sooooooo nice, obviously, and buying treats for oneself DOES make one feel better temporarily. But it’s true: money does not buy happiness. There’s nothing at all that can bring back someone you loved.

Well, I suspect if my DS died, I wouldn't survive it.


You and me both .

I'm in the same camp.

I won't lie. I never wanted (human) children and this was one of the reasons why. Maybe this is pathetic but it was self preservation. I know what I can handle and what I cannot. This was not the ONLY reason however but it was one of the reasons I decided no children for me. I cannot imagine the horrific pain of losing one's child. I unfortunately have friends who have lost their children and their lives are destroyed. :(

So yes it was a selfish decision on my part but at least I know who I am and what I need in life. Aren't most decisions selfish anyway? The decision to have children is a selfish one just as the decision not to is a selfish one.

May all your children remain safe and well and good!!!!!!
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broken heart brought on by sadness club here!

Money is sooooooo nice, obviously, and buying treats for oneself DOES make one feel better temporarily. But it’s true: money does not buy happiness. There’s nothing at all that can bring back someone you loved.

100% agree Monnie. 100%. I would give all the riches in the world to have my loved ones back. I would give all material goods just to be with my loved ones again.
sometimes late at night i wonder if Gary is thinking about Melanie, but i dont want to upset him so i dont ask
we do talk about her, as well as mums and dads and also all our cats who have passed

I am so sorry for your and Gary's losses Nicky :(

However, there is a difference being alone and lonely.

I am alone, by choice; however, I do not feel lonely.

Got too much going on in life to feel lonely.

DK :))

Absolutely huge difference. I enjoy being alone but I never enjoy feeling lonely and they are two completely different things
And not just humans or animals, plants too.

My beloved mom, Gwennie, passed some years ago. She had a Portulacaria afra (among other plants). I adopted the wee tree, and being a plant enthusiast, gave it great care. It started to decline and No. Matter. What. I. Did, continued to decline until it died. I checked in with it as I do all my green flock to see what was up.

I'm telling you what it told me, it just didn't want to live anymore.

Of course I almost died of a broken heart myself but remembered my 2 little boys and DH and learned to live with crushing grief.

So sorry for your loss Begonia. Sending gentle hugs. The pain never goes away. I find grief comes in waves. Be kind to yourself and you have a wonderful family who love you and vice versa. That is everything
I believe so, in both humans and animals. Besides the physiological effect on the body, I believe that mentally it can dampen the will to live in the very old who loose a life partner, especially in those that are already frail.

I had an aunt and uncle who died within the same week. The uncle was in frail condition in a nursing home. The more healthy and functioning aunt returned home after visiting him and had a massive heart attack and died. I think when his children told him of her death, it eliminated his will to live for her and he gave up.

I had a friend who flew to attend her Grandmother's funeral and while she was there her Grandfather also passed.

I have another friend whos Dad just past 4 months after his Mom passed. His Mom was not in good shape but his
Dad was in relatively good shape for an elderly person. This just happened in 2024. His Dad used to go to the nursing
home every day to help take care of his wife. Very sad because we thought since the Mom passed that the Dad could
finally get out and do some traveling with his sons. Unfortunately, not to be.

Yes I get this and feel it. When my dh goes (if I am still alive) I have no will to go on living. He is part of me and my better half tbh. There is nothing I would or could look forward to if he is gone. I know some will find that pathetic but we are a team and without him I do not have any desire to continue. Life is hard and challenging and it is not life above all else. One must have a good quality of life too and that is made up of who we love and who loves us
Absolutely huge difference. I enjoy being alone but I never enjoy feeling lonely and they are two completely different things

I would go as far as to say my life is too full to feel and be lonely.

If I have spare time - I would catch up on my sleep and rest!

DK :lol-2:

Well, I suspect if my DS died, I wouldn't survive it.


Loosing a child trumps all other losses in my mind, and I don't know how people go on. I can only surmise that other children and a spouse to carry on for, is the only thing that drives people forward. It is just not the normal order of things. I have watched a close family friend loose a 16 y.o. to cancer, and an Aunt/Uncle loose 2 of their 4 young children in a single accident. In both cases, the survivors continued on, but they were never the same. It damages the psyche irreparably.
Loosing a child trumps all other losses in my mind, and I don't know how people go on. I can only surmise that other children and a spouse to carry on for, is the only thing that drives people forward. It is just not the normal order of things. I have watched a close family friend loose a 16 y.o. to cancer, and an Aunt/Uncle loose 2 of their 4 young children in a single accident. In both cases, the survivors continued on, but they were never the same. It damages the psyche irreparably.

Yes. Unfortunately, yes.
I absolutely think that people can die of a broken heart. Depends on the loss and point in life, but I absolutely think it can happen. I have also seen older people slip into dementia after a devastating loss. I have wondered if it is their way of escaping some of the pain.

The price of love can be steep, but it is very much worth it in my opinion!
look at the old people who were married for like 50, 60, 70 years and once one goes, the other one goes soon after, like the late Queen may have had cancer but once Prince Philip passed away she lost her sweet heart

Hey, I resemble that remark! Married 55 years, got hitched waaay too young , because we wanted to , no shotgun wedding . I do sometimes find myself wondering if there would be any quality of life without husband. Not sure about that. I truly believe , when you hear of very long time married couples dying within days of each other, the spouse that was left behind died of a broken heart. IDk what is being taught to young ,medical school students these days, but broken heart is real.