
Can someone provide a little design advice for my ring?

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Date: 1/11/2007 2:17:19 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
I also posted this message over in SMTR in the thread that Chera started yesterdy (titled Dee Jay!), but I wanted to put it here too since so many people were kind enough to offer advice as I was agonizing over what to do with this thing.

Well there is some progress. Jack Kelege just called the jeweler and read him the riot act for the lousy setting job that had been done with my stone and that the progs were all screwed up. Jack seems to feel that redoing the prongs and getting the stone set properly will take care of my problems (plus of course doing the milgraining on the traps and fixing the three melee stones that had become dark) will make me a happy camper. Let''s hope he''s right.

I asked for a time frame on getting it back but the jeweler hadn''t asked Kelege. His comment was that Jack likes to turn things like this around quickly so they don''t linger in his shop. (Translation: I''ll be calling at the end of next week if I haven''t heard from them by then, LOL.)

Also, I asked what I was going to be charged for all this and the jeweler said ''we''d work it all out.'' Not sure what that means in $s but I''ll feel in a better position to negotiate (if necessary) once I have my ring back. The jeweler is a very nice guy, and my girlfriend and I have put a nice dent in our wallets in his shop, so hopefully any charges will be minimal (or at least reasonable).

Sorry for the long winded post but I just wanted to updae everyone since you had been nice enough to bear with me on this. And I''ll get pics up as soon as it comes back.

(I gotta be honest though, I still don''t feel 100% fabulous that all this is gonna fix my empty corner problems...
I really hope I''m wrong!)
dee jay I think you need to call jack asap and find out before it gets sent back to you or the jeweler... if you sit on it you very well might regret it! call!!
Date: 1/11/2007 2:54:43 PM
Author: cpster
He shouldn''t charge you anything since the setting job was not the greatest! I hope when the ring comes back it is to your liking...and that it comes back soon.
if it is just the setting and prongs i agree but if things have to be rebuilt to fill in the corners then I think that''s on dee jay (sorry!)
Oh Dee, I hope this redo will fix your ring problems and that you can finally relax and enjoy this ring!
Date: 1/11/2007 6:05:54 PM
Author: Cehrabehra
Date: 1/11/2007 2:17:19 PM

Author: Dee*Jay

I also posted this message over in SMTR in the thread that Chera started yesterdy (titled Dee Jay!), but I wanted to put it here too since so many people were kind enough to offer advice as I was agonizing over what to do with this thing.

Well there is some progress. Jack Kelege just called the jeweler and read him the riot act for the lousy setting job that had been done with my stone and that the progs were all screwed up. Jack seems to feel that redoing the prongs and getting the stone set properly will take care of my problems (plus of course doing the milgraining on the traps and fixing the three melee stones that had become dark) will make me a happy camper. Let''s hope he''s right.

I asked for a time frame on getting it back but the jeweler hadn''t asked Kelege. His comment was that Jack likes to turn things like this around quickly so they don''t linger in his shop. (Translation: I''ll be calling at the end of next week if I haven''t heard from them by then, LOL.)

Also, I asked what I was going to be charged for all this and the jeweler said ''we''d work it all out.'' Not sure what that means in $s but I''ll feel in a better position to negotiate (if necessary) once I have my ring back. The jeweler is a very nice guy, and my girlfriend and I have put a nice dent in our wallets in his shop, so hopefully any charges will be minimal (or at least reasonable).

Sorry for the long winded post but I just wanted to updae everyone since you had been nice enough to bear with me on this. And I''ll get pics up as soon as it comes back.

(I gotta be honest though, I still don''t feel 100% fabulous that all this is gonna fix my empty corner problems...
I really hope I''m wrong!)
dee jay I think you need to call jack asap and find out before it gets sent back to you or the jeweler... if you sit on it you very well might regret it! call!!

Cehra - Both Jack and the jeweler understand my problem at this point and Jack is certain his reworking the prongs and setting the stone himself will fix it. (What *I* belive and what *Jack* belives might be two different things, but I guess I gotta give him the chance to reset the stone and see what happens.
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