
Can someone provide a little design advice for my ring?

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IIRC the cutting styles developed OEC -- European Cut -- Transitional Cut. ECs were a flash in the pan compared to OECs.

Let me see if I can find something semi-reputable you go:

European Cut
Obsolete. A diamond brilliant whose proportions were worked out mathematically for light falling perpendicularly on the crown. It was never adopted as a common form of cutting. The angle of the pavilion facets to the girdle is 38° 40’; of the bezel facets, 41° 6’. The table is 56% of the girdle diameter; crown depth, 19%; and pavilion depth, 40%. It is not to be confused with the old European cut.
Date: 12/28/2006 4:18:09 PM
Author: Vix
IIRC the cutting styles developed OEC -- European Cut -- Transitional Cut. ECs were a flash in the pan compared to OECs.

Let me see if I can find something semi-reputable you go:

European Cut
Obsolete. A diamond brilliant whose proportions were worked out mathematically for light falling perpendicularly on the crown. It was never adopted as a common form of cutting. The angle of the pavilion facets to the girdle is 38° 40’; of the bezel facets, 41° 6’. The table is 56% of the girdle diameter; crown depth, 19%; and pavilion depth, 40%. It is not to be confused with the old European cut.
wild! lol
hi dee*jay! i am back looking at your progress. sorry that the jeweler you visited was no help. when i suggested that you have some locals check out the ring i meant friends or associates. i was not thinking of them offering suggestions on how to fix it but to put an eyeball on it to see if they think irl it looks "not right" or if it is fine as is.

the magnification that we see of course does not exist irl. i know that you are the one to be satisfied but if you are like me you will find something wrong with just about anything because you are looking for perfection (me not you).

i got out my loupe and my magnifying glass and reviewed the pictures on page one. i did not read all of the text again but did note that the text, accompanying the square example that was sent for you to view, stated that you thought the diamonds under the stone were more or less a trait of the designer. if this is the case do you think that he will be receptive to making it not visible.

looking closely it seemed to me that to see the diamonds there would need to be that space and it is visible in the pictures that you posted. i really like the look of your ring much better than the picture you found that had no space that was visible. however it was a totally different look. just my observations but you have a lovely ring. i will be following this thread to see what you work out.

best of luck!

Hi Dee Jay,

Sorry you are not completely happy with your ring. Since you paid premium to have a Jack Kelege mounting, you should expect it to be perfect. I have not read through the whole thread, so I don''t know if anyone has pointed this out before. The reason why there is no gap in Kitty Kat''s ring and there is a gap in yours may be the corners of your halo are too small to accomodate a round center stone. The shape has to be closer to an octagon. Lowering the center stone will help, but probably won''t eliminate the gap completely. Some time ago, I had Beaudry make a cushion halo for my round diamond, and there was no gap in my ring. Did you send your diamond to JK or did your local jeweler just order the mounting and set the stone for you? Was it a custom mounting made specifically for your diamond, or was it a stock mounting? In order to get the halo sized perfect for your diamond, I would think JK would need to have your diamond while the ring is being made and they would want to set the stone for you. Hope you will find a satisfactory solution.

Crown - sorry for my misunderstanding about who to have look at my ring. (Sometimes Dee is a little dense, LOL!) I don''t know what Kelege will be willing to do (even though I will of course pay for any modifications) so it will be an interesting conversation. And you''re right -- it IS a lovely ring.

Art N. - Kelege made the mouting specifically for my stone. He had the specs on it, but not the stone itself while he was making it. The setting was done locally, but in retrospect this was all a mistake; I should have had the stone sent to Kelege for setting too.

Don''t beat yourself up about what you should have done. I would have thought the jeweler you were working with would have suggested you send the stone to JK and given you reasons why, and maybe they did, but I know when it seems so clear what you want, it would seem unusual it wouldn''t be right.

In the end, you will probably come up with an even better solution! What did your local person say, the one who set the stone?
Gail - I assumed the stone WOULD go to Kelege to be set, but the jeweler was like, why pay all that $ in shipping and insurance; I''ll just have my local setter do it. Stupid me, I agreed.

The jeweler isn''t saying *much* at this point except that we''ll have to see what Kelege has to say. My worst fear is that Kelege will say, this is the ring you ordered and this is the ring I made (which is not incorrect) and the jeweler will make me keep it. I just don''t know WHAT I would do at that point...
Dee Jay, I am sure he''ll fix the botched prongs and lower the stone. I think it will look wonderful then!
I would have done the same thing. I know I was looking at some of the JB Star rings, and there was a really long wait to have them set the stone etc. I would have thought anyone could have done it.

There are alot of round stones out there in those square settings. I think it''s done quite often, and who knows if JK would have thought any differently. I guess we''ll have to wait and see what he said.

I think you are being very reasonable about it, which is something I would have a hard time wtih.
omg Dee Jay - I was tossing and turning for over an hour because of your ring!! I woke up in the middle of the night dreaming about it and couldn''t shake it!! lol You see... at first I was very bothered because this line of ants was going down in the corner gap because they lived down there and I was screaming close it!! close it now!! hurry!!!!! and then I looked closer and it was snow white''s dwarves! LOL They were "off to work" down in the mines to mine diamonds - the diamonds that are on the inside of your ring lol of course now the ring had grown *considerably* and was more like a temple or a fancy entrance to the cave... but I was then like noooo you can''t close it, how will they get to work? how will they harvest those little diamonds?? Anyway, just had to thank you for invading my dreams. This is what I get for going to bed early instead of staying up to watch "beerfest" with my husband @@ hahaha ;D
Cehra, I had several dreams about my ring before it actually came!

In one I was holding it in the palm of my hand talking to the jeweler and I said, "Oh, this thing is SO LIGHT -- it must be white gold because platinum should be MUCH heavier!" and just as I looked down the thing just floated right up off my hand.

In another dream all of the little side accent pieces that look kind of "fluor de l'eau"ish were in yellow gold and there were canary melee in certain strategic spots. I was like, "Woah! What is this?" And the jeweler said, "Well, you ordered your ring based off of a black and white photo; how could you be sure the ring wouldn't have any color in it?"

There were many more...

So, if the seven dwarves have any time while they're down there tonight do you think you could ask them to work on curving the halo around my stone? I'll leave the light on in the bathroom so they can see to work, LOL.
DeeJay, I just saw this thread. I''m sorry you''re not perfectly, wonderfully thrilled with every aspect of the ring. You are already going to send the ring to JK to see what he has to say about modification. Hopefully he will come up with something productive. If he doesn''t, I still think Dave''s suggestion of tiny 1/4 or 1/2 pointers in the sides where the prongs are is a GREAT idea and will give the ring even more of a vintage and ornate flair. I love that idea, truthfully. *hugs* I hate ring angst!!!!
Oh FG I know -- isn''t ring angst THE WORST!?!

In addition to sending the ring to Kelege and asking what they suggest I have four ideas that I''d like to share with them. All four of these include having the diamond lowered so that the girdle is very close to the top of the halo.

- In a perfect universe: Curve the inner part of the halo around the diamond. Put one extra diamond below the current diamond beside the trapazoidinal corner shape to take up more space.

- Probably the easiest: Redo the prongs so that they somehow take up all the empty space.

- Other: Extend the trapazoidinal corners with a second diamond (although at a different angle) Put the prongs on either side of the extended trap corners. Rounding out the milgrained outline if necessary to make it look “right.”

- Other: Replace the halo stones with bigger ones (i.e., bigger corner stones [although that my not be necessary] and three rather than four on each side) so that the halo ends up coming in a little underneath the center diamond.

Do you (or please, anyone chime in here) think it would be presumptous of me to send these ideas to Kelege?
Date: 12/29/2006 3:30:34 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
Oh FG I know -- isn''t ring angst THE WORST!?!

In addition to sending the ring to Kelege and asking what they suggest I have four ideas that I''d like to share with them. All four of these include having the diamond lowered so that the girdle is very close to the top of the halo.

- In a perfect universe: Curve the inner part of the halo around the diamond. Put one extra diamond below the current diamond beside the trapazoidinal corner shape to take up more space.

- Probably the easiest: Redo the prongs so that they somehow take up all the empty space.

- Other: Extend the trapazoidinal corners with a second diamond (although at a different angle) Put the prongs on either side of the extended trap corners. Rounding out the milgrained outline if necessary to make it look “right.”

- Other: Replace the halo stones with bigger ones (i.e., bigger corner stones [although that my not be necessary] and three rather than four on each side) so that the halo ends up coming in a little underneath the center diamond.

Do you (or please, anyone chime in here) think it would be presumptous of me to send these ideas to Kelege?
I think I would say, "I have some ideas but I''d like to hear what you come up with first." and then see if he''s interested in your ideas or if you don''t like his ideas.
I agree with Cehra. I''d see what they come up with first and if none of them make you happy thing ask to see if any of your *ideas/thoughts* might work.
I''m no expert for sure, but I know what you mean about the spaces bothering you. I think the ring is absolutely beautiful as is, but if that bothers you, I think the idea of the 4 semi bezels is a great one. They could be made to fit the exact space needed, while providing you security as well. I also love the idea of lowering the stone, as this may be necessary to use the semi bezel setting. Once again, it''s beautiful as is, but I don''t blame you for wanting to be absolutely happy with your ring.
Just to let everyone know what the staus is, I took the ring back to the jeweler last night to be shipped off to Kelege. I included a magnified photo that better showed the empty corners because in the lights of the jewelry store the diamonds under the halo sparkled up and the corners didn''t look so dark and empty. (Too bad I don''t live in a jewelry store, LOL.)

The jeweler didn''t inspire any confidence in me AT ALL that there is going to be a good outcome to my request. I again explained my problem and what I would like done and he said that he''ll ship the ring off and see what they have to say.

I hope to hear something in the next few days and I''ll let everyone know what the progress is (if any
DeeJay, I really hope you hear something encouraging!
Oh good luck Dee Jay. I''m not sure if I''ve posted on this or not, (kids have been home for holiday break - so I''ve had non stop interuptions) but, Oh how I love your ring!!!!! Hopefully the designer can fix your holes and make you happy!!!!!
Thanks for the update Dee...I hope they make it absolutely perfect for you this time!
Your jeweler is probably afraid of what Kelege will say about their job on the prongs.
But hopefully that can be improved even if the corners can''t be completely eliminated. I think it will look fine if they do that, at least. Do let us know!
I also posted this message over in SMTR in the thread that Chera started yesterdy (titled Dee Jay!), but I wanted to put it here too since so many people were kind enough to offer advice as I was agonizing over what to do with this thing.

Well there is some progress. Jack Kelege just called the jeweler and read him the riot act for the lousy setting job that had been done with my stone and that the progs were all screwed up. Jack seems to feel that redoing the prongs and getting the stone set properly will take care of my problems (plus of course doing the milgraining on the traps and fixing the three melee stones that had become dark) will make me a happy camper. Let''s hope he''s right.

I asked for a time frame on getting it back but the jeweler hadn''t asked Kelege. His comment was that Jack likes to turn things like this around quickly so they don''t linger in his shop. (Translation: I''ll be calling at the end of next week if I haven''t heard from them by then, LOL.)

Also, I asked what I was going to be charged for all this and the jeweler said "we''d work it all out." Not sure what that means in $s but I''ll feel in a better position to negotiate (if necessary) once I have my ring back. The jeweler is a very nice guy, and my girlfriend and I have put a nice dent in our wallets in his shop, so hopefully any charges will be minimal (or at least reasonable).

Sorry for the long winded post but I just wanted to updae everyone since you had been nice enough to bear with me on this. And I''ll get pics up as soon as it comes back.

(I gotta be honest though, I still don''t feel 100% fabulous that all this is gonna fix my empty corner problems...
I really hope I''m wrong!)
He shouldn''t charge you anything since the setting job was not the greatest! I hope when the ring comes back it is to your liking...and that it comes back soon.
this news certainly puts a positive spin on this ring''s story. i am hopeful that the rework will make you dreams come true.
Dee did you decide to lower the stone or not?
Date: 1/11/2007 3:54:32 PM
Author: Pricescope
Dee did you decide to lower the stone or not?

Oh yes! Sorry--I should have mentioned that. The stone will be lowered so that the girdle is just above the top of the halo.

(Do you think that will really solve my corner gap problem [she asks hopefully!]?)
How i see it Dee it might because of smaller space available for the double prongs and them filling that space efficiently.
Haha! I knew Kelege would be upset about the setting job! There should be no charge for setting the stone properly in the setting. With the stone lower and the prongs fixed correctly, you shouldn''t notice as much of a gap in the corners. I really, really think it will be fine if you can let go of the idea that the opening is just not going to be round (which would have had to be requested beforehand).
Dee*Jay, this is great news. I will keep my fingers crossed that it minimizes your corner problem to the nonexistent.

DJ glad you are getting some service on this setting. Ha, I bet Kelege was mad about that setting job!

I bet by lowering it and remaking the prongs you will find it looks 100% better. I am excited for you and hope you get that lovely ring back fast so we can all see how it comes out!
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