
Can you trust again after your SO cheated?

I just dont get cheating. I have been with my wife for 11 years and married for 6, we have 2 babies. There are way more reasons to not cheat than to cheat.

not cheat:

1) My daughters would be disghusted when they are older.
2) My wife would be devistated.
3) I would feel like a dirtbag
4) I got a pretty cushy life, I want to keep it
5) I doubt the sex would be better
6) Diseases
7) and many more

to cheat:

1) Something different

To the OP, to answer you, No you cannot trust. The physical act maybe, but the betrayal never.
CUSO|1293121818|2804657 said:
Can someone be so kind to define "cheating". Where is the line drawn? Which one of these are forgivable, and which ones are marriage ending?

A kiss?
Massage w/ happy ending?

I admit, I flirt a lot. The closest I ever got to crossing a line was when I was at a casino and this waitress kept letting me put my tip between the girls!!!! My wife saw it and she just thought it was funny.

put it like this...when asking yourself what's cheating..ask yourself would you like it if your wife were kissing, ect with another? If you wouldn't like it done to you and you know she'd be hurt by your actions, it's cheating (even if it's emotional cheating)
No. I have been cheated on in the past and I was never able to get over it and trust them again. (With good reason- they were @$$holes)
Honestly, I am not sure how I would react. I do think I could get exclusively physical cheating, but probably not an affair. That said, DH and I both think cheating should end our relationship. Not over monogamy or fidelity necessarily, but because of the dishonesty and disrespect it shows to your life partner.
I have been cheated on in the past, I never got over it and eventually left. But I also think you don't know what you don't know.

Life isn't black and white, so much grey. I would like to think that if my husband cheated on me, I'd walk away...I think doing so takes tremendous strength. But if it would totally depend on where we were in our lives. What wouldn't matter to me a lick would be the extending circumstances.

I always think of Elizabeth Edwards when I read topics like this one.
Didn't Jesus say having the thought was the same as doing it?