For inspiration for wedding bands - have a look at the US Tiffany site and under the jewellery dropdown menu on the top, scroll ''all the way down'' to Wedding bands.
Some very nice examples - which is where the one I posted is from.
Just bear in mind you''re likely to get bigger or smaller with age so perhaps the potential for resizing is a good idea. The other caveat of course is if you can''t resize your ring, it''s an excuse to ask for an upgrade!
It becomes a matter of personal preference at the end of the day. The starlight band is gorgeous but I''m just a fan of the channel set
Then again, I''m biased as I did post picture of the Tiffany 3mm channel set 
Some very nice examples - which is where the one I posted is from.
Just bear in mind you''re likely to get bigger or smaller with age so perhaps the potential for resizing is a good idea. The other caveat of course is if you can''t resize your ring, it''s an excuse to ask for an upgrade!
It becomes a matter of personal preference at the end of the day. The starlight band is gorgeous but I''m just a fan of the channel set