
Carat Size - not sure anymore

As for flouro taking away from the value of the stone... the real value is in the sentimentality! Are you an "upgrade" type of person? If not it really doens't matter the monetary value of the stone. Also- this stone is priced the way it is because of the flouro- If you buy a 5,000 stone- the value is 5,000.... the other stones in this price range are going to be lower in the 4 C's there fore less valuable than a 1.2 carat stone.

Can someone help me out with this.
Im looking at this stone that EB posted, and I want to make sure Im seeing things correctly.
Its a VS2, which means it should be eye clean and hard to see inclusions even with a loupe. (since a loupe is 3x and VS is hard to see with a 10x)

But looking at the stone I see things, is it my imagination?:
At 2 oclock - whats that shiny thing? reflection? or inclusion?
10 and 11 oclock - inclusions?
all around the middle (in between the black arrows) theres black dots in between the black arrows...are those shadows?

Now I know that strong flour makes lower colors seem "whiter"

But ...does strong flour make it "shiny-er" ?

Initially she was impressed with the Celebration diamond (102 facets) from Zales (so was I) it was VERY sparkly.
But last night she said it was "too sparkly, looked fake like a Cubic Z"

Does strong Flour make it like that also?

looking4d|1291692796|2789543 said:

Can someone help me out with this.
Im looking at this stone that EB posted, and I want to make sure Im seeing things correctly.
Its a VS2, which means it should be eye clean and hard to see inclusions even with a loupe. (since a loupe is 3x and VS is hard to see with a 10x)

But looking at the stone I see things, is it my imagination?:
At 2 oclock - whats that shiny thing? reflection? or inclusion?
10 and 11 oclock - inclusions?
all around the middle (in between the black arrows) theres black dots in between the black arrows...are those shadows?

Now I know that strong flour makes lower colors seem "whiter"

But ...does strong flour make it "shiny-er" ?

Initially she was impressed with the Celebration diamond (102 facets) from Zales (so was I) it was VERY sparkly.
But last night she said it was "too sparkly, looked fake like a Cubic Z"

Does strong Flour make it like that also?


Check out the ASET: it looks like there are two actual inclusions, and the rest are shadows. Judging from the placement, I'm guessing the one towards the middle will be lost in sparkle/reflection (there's a technical term for this, I'm sure), and I think the other one should be, too. I'd call and ask a rep - I've talked to Jamie about past projects, and she's been v. courteous and helpful.

As for how fluor looks? One of the things I like best about it, actually, is that it looks NOTHING like CZ. CZ tends to look weirdly ... flat, somehow: like it refracts the wrong colors, almost, pastels instead of primaries. What fluor does, in my experience, is to just look white in normal light, almost like something just past the spectrum the human eye can see translating as whiteness. With some stones, this can translate to an unearthly blue-violet in strong daylight (check out this thread: the first pic is basically what I see; It doesn't happen with every stone, and it's not necessarily a negative: just something to be aware of.
looking4d|1291692796|2789543 said:

Can someone help me out with this.
Im looking at this stone that EB posted, and I want to make sure Im seeing things correctly.
Its a VS2, which means it should be eye clean and hard to see inclusions even with a loupe. (since a loupe is 3x and VS is hard to see with a 10x)
all clarity grading is done w/ a 10x loupe. VS = very slightly included *as seen through a 10x loupe*. The real-world result of this is that VS stones are by vast majority eyeclean (by a reasonable definition - from 8-10" face-up and through crown viewing angles in most lighting environments) - a tiny few will not be, if you have keen vision. Clarity grading tells nothing about eyeclean by direct definition.

But looking at the stone I see things, is it my imagination?:
At 2 oclock - whats that shiny thing? reflection? or inclusion? the stone's facets are both mirrors and windows - sometimes you do see the things around them reflected in even professional photos
10 and 11 oclock - inclusions?
all around the middle (in between the black arrows) theres black dots in between the black arrows...are those shadows? reflections of the lower girdle facets - nothing to worry over

Now I know that strong flour makes lower colors seem "whiter"

But ...does strong flour make it "shiny-er" ? no. just adds another visible (blue) wavelenth when the stone is exposed to UV. In a tinted stone (that is absorbing blue wavelengths) the addition of the visible result of blue fluorescence can 'compensate' somewhat for body colour that is the result of the stone absorbing blue wavelengths - when in the presence of long UV sources like sunlight. Fluoro is not causally correlated with dispersion one way or another.

Initially she was impressed with the Celebration diamond (102 facets) from Zales (so was I) it was VERY sparkly.
But last night she said it was "too sparkly, looked fake like a Cubic Z"
extra-facet modified RBs will twinkle (some call that 'sparkly') and return bright white light in copious quantities, but will lack big bold flashes of colour when compared to a 'tolkowsky-type' 57/58f RB

Does strong Flour make it like that also?
