
Carat size question

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Date: 2/10/2009 8:26:35 PM
Author: musey
Date: 2/10/2009 7:07:14 PM

Author: Daisi2112

I guess 1ct is a popular carat weight for most rings.

Definitely. A lot of people (vendors and consumers alike) tout 1ct. as being the ''magic number'' to shoot for as a minimum. It''s pretty silly, IMO. I think a .4ct in a beautiful setting can be every bit as beautiful (if not more so!) than the bigger rocks out there.
In fact, the most beautiful ring I have EVER seen had a .6ct stone in it!!

Ditto to that! I have seen some gorgeous smaller diamonds that were very well cut in beautiful elegant settings, compared to some really big rocks (they are pretty) in really unflattering settings that take away from the beauty of the diamond.
The most ridiculous thing I''ve heard is 5ct as being the average....
wow, my only response to that is that some people truly have no concept of what a carat looks like or the costs that go into a ring. One of the girls at my work was looking at my ring and was like- what is it? 1.5? I said, no it is... and she goes well then my bf needs to get me at least that size or bigger so it looks bigger . I bit my tongue so I didn''t tell her the price and give her a much needed wakeup call. Some people are just clueless when it comes to diamonds.
Date: 2/11/2009 11:18:26 AM
Author: sba771
wow, my only response to that is that some people truly have no concept of what a carat looks like or the costs that go into a ring. One of the girls at my work was looking at my ring and was like- what is it? 1.5? I said, no it is... and she goes well then my bf needs to get me at least that size or bigger so it looks bigger . I bit my tongue so I didn''t tell her the price and give her a much needed wakeup call. Some people are just clueless when it comes to diamonds.

I agree, I''ve come across people who have told me that their boyfriends need to get them 2+ carats or more.. otherwise they won''t marry them. It''s sad to think there are people out there who have no clue about everything else that goes into diamonds, it''s not all about size.
I wanted to throw in my 2 cents on the average diamond size in NYC. I lived in NYC for several years and there is just no way that the average diamond size in NYC is anywhere near two carats. It''s just common sense. There are many lower and middle class people living in NYC who certainly don''t have anything like that. Now, if you want the average among lawyers and bankers and their wives and other very wealthy, upper class people, that''s probably about right, although there are many with smaller and some with much larger. I will say that having lived and worked in professional offices in three East Coast cities (DC, Philly and NYC), that the women in NYC did tend to have larger diamonds than those in DC or Philly.
I''ll join the ad hoc survey. I''m in Brooklyn and center stone is around 1.7 Just learned this, under the promise that I wouldn''t try to price it out. Geesh, silly boy. Of course I wouldn''t do it. It''s not like I''m going to shop around for a better price at this point!
NovemberBride, my impression of LA is the same.

Even in the wealthiest areas (we spend a lot of time in the Beverly Hills area), for every sizable (1.5ish+) diamond I see, I see 6 or 7 smaller diamonds/thin eternity bands/plain bands. Outside of those areas, I barely see anything close to a carat.
i'm from Chicago and the GF is originally from NY.. she originally had in her head the avg is 2-3ct partly because of what she sees at work too. she had no idea about price and 4 c's. I always thought 1ct was the ideal size (media brainwash? lol) but we ended up meeting halfway with a 1.5. plus we thought any bigger on her small hands would look a bit much. coming from a modest upbringing i am somewhat ashamed of spending that on an item but based on my income it isn't. you only do this once right! hopefully! lol

edit: have to say i never pay attention to women's rings so i dont know what is the norm around her. lately i do find myself looking and seems around 1ct here in chi-town.
Yeah, there''s no way the average is anywhere near 2ct.

Was on the subway this morning and was trying sooo hard looking for something large. Nada. There were two that were impossible to tell due to the elaborate settings but for the most part, I didn''t anything that made me take a double look due to size.

Mine''s a 2.52ct but it''s also my second diamond.
Date: 2/11/2009 1:22:45 PM
Author: elle_chris
Yeah, there''s no way the average is anywhere near 2ct.

Was on the subway this morning and was trying sooo hard looking for something large. Nada. There were two that were impossible to tell due to the elaborate settings but for the most part, I didn''t anything that made me take a double look due to size.

Mine''s a 2.52ct but it''s also my second diamond.

I used to work in nyc and travel through port authority all the time. Coming home sometimes I would check out other people''s rings (not to compare but to admire coz I love sparklie things!)and only once in a while (rarely) I would see something that looked like 2 carats. I think once I saw someone with a three stone ring and it looked like a total of 3-4 carats. Otherwise, most of what I see is 1 carat and less (still beautiful though!).

I think my friend who thinks 2-3 carats is normal is waaay off track! HAHA!
Just sendin'' it back to the top again :)
Date: 2/10/2009 5:30:33 PM
Author: vespergirl

Date: 2/10/2009 5:24:55 PM
Author: sba771
Vesper! My FI went to school in Plainview and grew up there! He went to Plainview/Old Bethpage JFK and graduated in 96.

sorry for the threadjack!
OMG, that''s my alma mater! I graduated in 93, so I was a senior when your fi was a freshman. Small world! I moved to Old Bethpage when I was 6, and lived there until I graduated HS.
Hey Bethpage, small world... my husband had a booth in the old Farmers Market for 15 years till they closed in ''85. Remember the carousel???

As for the island, I was a south shore girl myself, before moving to Florida 22 years ago!
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