
Cartier Trinity pair

Date: 6/10/2010 12:53:38 PM
Author: zoozoezoo
Yes, the ring is a bit big! I tried the shaking test, and sure enough it fell off ...I am considering if I should exchange it, the problem is that I have been wearing the ring for about 1 week now (so some slight scratches), and since I have called up the store manager to request the extra boxes, certificates that I lost (I need to have a friend pick them up)... I don''t want to create too much troubles...

I would definitely exchange it! A week isn''t very long, and they can polish out the scratches. You pay a hefty premium for the customer care associated with Cartier, so I wouldn''t worry about creating trouble. I would find the sales associate who sold it to you, tell him/her that you have been wearing around for a week now and it is definitely too big. Especially since the sales associate encouraged you to get that size, he/she should be more than happy to exchange it! Let us know how it goes! Good luck!
It''s called customer service baby!!!!! They''ll want to make it right!!!! Don''t act apologetic at all! TYou bought 2 of these for heaven''s sake and yours is too big. They are hoping for a lifelong customer!
Yeah, thanks to my lovely friend Susan who went to pick up new set of boxes and certificates for me, my set is now complete:


zoe and steve ring 8.jpg
These look very nice as a pair! Good choice!
I love them! What a great idea!
Very pretty.
So nice! Congrats!
Date: 6/10/2010 1:10:04 PM
Author: EHR2009
Date: 6/10/2010 12:53:38 PM

Author: zoozoezoo

Yes, the ring is a bit big! I tried the shaking test, and sure enough it fell off ...I am considering if I should exchange it, the problem is that I have been wearing the ring for about 1 week now (so some slight scratches), and since I have called up the store manager to request the extra boxes, certificates that I lost (I need to have a friend pick them up)... I don''t want to create too much troubles...

Did the salesperson show you there is a right and wrong way to put on a rolling russain wedding ring (the traditional name)?
If it was down incorrectly then it will be 3/4 of a size tighter - and that could be the cause of the problem.
The wrong way has all 3 rings ''crossing over'' at 2 points, instead of 3 points.
Also it is a stores responsability to help you into the correct ring - and if that ring is wrong they should change it over for a new correct sized ring rather than resize them all. You should see to that before you get the rings blessed in marriage.

I would definitely exchange it! A week isn''t very long, and they can polish out the scratches. You pay a hefty premium for the customer care associated with Cartier, so I wouldn''t worry about creating trouble. I would find the sales associate who sold it to you, tell him/her that you have been wearing around for a week now and it is definitely too big. Especially since the sales associate encouraged you to get that size, he/she should be more than happy to exchange it! Let us know how it goes! Good luck!
This truly is the neatest idea ever. They are gorgeous, and I would contact them and tell them that the ring is to big. Your sets are great though. I would have never thought of that. You guys have done great on picking out such a different and one of a kind idea for yourselves.
Hi, not sure if you're still looking at this thread but I need to ask you a question. First off your ring and band are absolutely gorgeous. I have a solitaire and am thinking of doing the same. My question is, I was wondering what the size of your stone is. Mine is 1.10, I want to see if I would ge the same look. Your stone actually looks like it might be a bit larger. Also my prongs are shorter so I was wondering where you got your setting. I love the height of your ering. Thanks so much for any info you could give me.
Double post.
btw - on the 1st page she says it's size 4.25 1.05 cts
I just saw this thread and am so jealous. I got my 2mm ring last year and am so jealous that you could get a 1.5mm ring, they said my 2mm was the smallest I could buy. Boooooooo

Your set looks amazing!
Thanks very much - just saw it. I was able to make it into the diamond district and change the prongs to higher which makes my stone really pop. Very interested in going to Cartier and checking out the trinity rings. They are beautiful.
I love them! :love: And I'd vote for keeping them a little large. Since you have the e-ring to serve as a ring guard, it doesn't matter if they are a little larger. I'm willing to bet if you ask a random sample of 100 women who have been married 30 years if their ring size has gone up or down, the majority will say up! I am sorry to say that most of us weigh a little more at 50 than we did at 25! Plus, it is fun to play with those rings a little, and you can't do that as well when they are tighter!

I went to NYC last summer and went to Cartier. I still regret not buying one of those rings! I wanted a souvenir from the trip but it was hard to decide what it should be! Guess I need to go back soon!

One more opinion...I'd really recommend saving those rings until you marry if they are going to be your wedding rings. There is something so special and symbolic to wear those rings beginning with the wedding ceremony. It'll be a visual reminder in those early days that you are finally really married! I'm just not sure it'll be as special if you've already been wearing them for months.
Thank you again! I am really enjoying my trinity band, it's delicate and lightweight so it does not overshadow my ER. And it's interesting I have all 4 possible gold colors on one finger - White gold with plating, White gold w/o plating (Trinity), Rose and Yellow.

Regarding sizing , I didn't exchange for a larger size. It was mainly due to the fact it was too much trouble - Seattle's Cartier store closed last year and the closest store (San Francisco) was not at all helpful when I called. So I kept it the same. My ER will keep it in place anyway.

I say don't be afraid to size up a little (just a little). I went to Hong Kong for a month where it was really hot, and the ring was just a perfect size when my finger swells. I imagined if it was my normal size it would be very uncomfortable. And again it's true that resizing the Trinity ring is very expensive, it costs 3x more than resizing an average band (as confirmed by Cartier store manager).

Love yours as I love mine!

I LOVE the idea of using a trinity ring as a wedding ring! It goes really well with your solitaire too! Awesome idea. :love:
I hubba hubba love this combo!

My wedding ring is a Cartier trinity and I am thinking of having me engagement ring reset so it looks sleeker and neater like this. Has anybody else got pictures of their Trinity rings worn with engagement rings?
LOOOOOOOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!
I am not usually a big brand kind of gal (ONLY bc I am not rich-lol) but the Cartier trinity bands is somethingthat I have LUSTED over 4-EVER!!!! I want that SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BADLY!
Lucky lucky lucky gal you are!!!!
I LOVE your Trinity ring!! I just got married in February and my DH gave me the same one as a wedding gift :love: It looks gorgeous with your engagement ring!!

I'll have to post pictures when I get home but this even works for gals that have a halo engagement ring. My actual wedding band is the "Danielle" diamond bezel band from Whiteflash along with a rose gold spacer I got on Etsy. However, I recently put the Trinity with my engagement ring just to see how it looked at it "hugged" the curve of the halo perfectly!
turboflgrl|1300468502|2874710 said:
I LOVE your Trinity ring!! I just got married in February and my DH gave me the same one as a wedding gift :love: It looks gorgeous with your engagement ring!!

I'll have to post pictures when I get home but this even works for gals that have a halo engagement ring. My actual wedding band is the "Danielle" diamond bezel band from Whiteflash along with a rose gold spacer I got on Etsy. However, I recently put the Trinity with my engagement ring just to see how it looked at it "hugged" the curve of the halo perfectly!

Ooooh, please post the pics with your halo and the trinity band...i have a halo too. I want to see the combo!!!! :-)
I should be able to post pics when I get home so come back and check tonight - It really surprised me how great it looked!
Sooooooo pretty :love:
So glad this thread came up again in time for St Pats day! I want to see that Trinity with the halo ring! I want to get one of these rings for myself!!!
turboflgrl|1300470966|2874738 said:
I should be able to post pics when I get home so come back and check tonight - It really surprised me how great it looked!
I can't wait to see how it looks. I choose my Trinity ring as I love how they fit against engagement rings, thanks to the natural movement. Its just that I am now thinking of resetting my ring!
Love, love, love, love, love....

Curious... After six years.... still happy with the rings?

My wedding ring was just a plain gold band so for my 20th anniversary I had it made into a rolling ring. I am very happy. I wear it with an eternity band.

Um, did I say love? :)